Beispiel #1
def process_componentElement(report, element):
    Process component jrxml element.
    :param report: dictionary holding report information
    :param element: jrxml component element
    # :param row_data: a row from data source
    component_element = element.get('child')
    if component_element is not None:
        report_element = process_reportElement(report, component_element[0].get('reportElement'))  # get reportElement
        for tag in component_element[1:]:
            for key, value in tag.items():
                if componentElement_dict.get(key) is not None:
                    componentElement_dict[key](report, key, value, report_element)
Beispiel #2
def process_image(report, element):
    Process jrxml 'image' element.
    :param report: dictionary holding report information
    :param element: jrxml image element to process
    image_element = element.get('child')
    if image_element is not None:
        report_element = process_reportElement(
            report, image_element[0].get('reportElement'))  # get reportElement
        # get scaleImage attribute on image element
        add_attr2attributes(element, report_element)
        for tag in image_element[1:]:
            for key, value in tag.items():
                if image_dict[key] is not None:
                    image_dict[key](report, value, report_element)
Beispiel #3
def process_static_text(report, element):
    Process jrxml staticText element.
    :param report: dictionary holding report information
    :param element:
    :param row_data: a row from data source
    static_text_element = element.get('child')
    if static_text_element is not None:
        report_element = process_reportElement(report, static_text_element[0].get('reportElement'))  # get reportElement
        for tag in static_text_element[1:]:
            for key, value in tag.items():
                if static_text_dict[key] is not None:
                    if key == 'textElement':
                        report_element = process_textElement(report, value, report_element)
                        static_text_dict[key](report=report, element=value, attributes=report_element)
Beispiel #4
def process_rectangle(report, element):
    Process jrxml "rectangle" element.
    :param report:
    :param element:
    # global report_info

    rectangle_element = element.get('child')
    if rectangle_element is not None:
        attributes = process_reportElement(
            rectangle_element[0].get('reportElement'))  # get reportElement
        # get radius attribute on rectangle element
        add_attr2attributes(element, attributes)

        # set attributes from following graphicElement
        attributes = process_graphicElement(report, rectangle_element,

        # set line attributes
        line_style = attributes.get('lineStyle')
        line_width = float(attributes.get('lineWidth', '1.0'))
        fore_color = attributes.get('forecolor')

        mode = attributes.get('mode')
        background_color = attributes.get('backcolor')
        if mode == 'Opaque':
            fill = 1
            fill = 0

        # draw rectangle
        if line_style == 'Double':  # double line consists of wide solid line with thin white line in between
            draw_rectangle(report, attributes, line_style_dict['Solid'],
                           line_width * 1.5, fore_color, background_color,
            draw_rectangle(report, attributes, line_style_dict['Solid'],
                           line_width * 0.3, '#FFFFFF', background_color, fill)
            draw_rectangle(report, attributes, line_style, line_width,
                           fore_color, background_color, fill)
Beispiel #5
def process_textField(report, element):
    Process textField jrxml element.
    :param report: dictionary holding report information
    :param element:
    # :param row_data: a row from data source
    text_field = element.get('child')
    if text_field is not None:
        attributes = process_reportElement(report, text_field[0].get('reportElement'))  # get reportElement

        # set attributes to reportElement (e.g. pattern, isBlankWhenNull)
        add_attr2attributes(element, attributes)

        for tag in text_field[1:]:
            for key, value in tag.items():
                if textField_dict[key] is not None:
                    if key == 'textElement':
                        attributes = process_textElement(report, value, attributes)
                    else:   # reportElement, box
                        textField_dict[key](report, value, attributes)
Beispiel #6
def process_ellipse(report, element):
    Process jrxml 'ellipse' element
    :param report:.
    :param element:
    # global report_info

    ellipse_element = element.get('child')
    if ellipse_element is not None:
        report_element = process_reportElement(
            ellipse_element[0].get('reportElement'))  # get reportElement

        # set attributes from following graphicElement
        report_element = process_graphicElement(report, ellipse_element,

        # set line attributes
        line_style = report_element.get('lineStyle')
        line_width = float(report_element.get('lineWidth', '1.0'))
        fore_color = report_element.get('forecolor')

        mode = report_element.get('mode')
        background_color = report_element.get('backcolor')
        if mode == 'Opaque':
            fill = 1
            fill = 0

        # draw ellipse
        if line_style == 'Double':  # double line consists of wide solid line with thin white line in between
            draw_ellipse(report, report_element, line_style_dict['Solid'],
                         line_width * 1.0, fore_color, background_color, fill)
            draw_ellipse(report, report_element, line_style_dict['Solid'],
                         line_width * 0.5, '#FFFFFF', background_color, fill)
            draw_ellipse(report, report_element, line_style, line_width,
                         fore_color, background_color, fill)
Beispiel #7
def process_line(report, element):
    Process jrxml line element.
    :param report: dictionary holding report information
    :param element: jrxml line element
    line_element = element.get('child')
    if line_element is not None:
        report_element = process_reportElement(
            report, line_element[0].get('reportElement'))  # get reportElement
        # get attributes on line element (e.g. "direction") to determine which direction to draw a line
        add_attr2attributes(element, report_element)

        # set attributes from following graphicElement
        # reportElement = process_graphicElement(report, line_element, report_element)
        process_graphicElement(report, line_element, report_element)

        # set line attributes
        line_style = report_element.get('lineStyle')
        line_width = float(report_element.get('lineWidth', '1.0'))
        line_color = report_element.get('lineColor')

        draw_diagonal_line(report, report_element, line_style, line_width,