Beispiel #1
def Customer(first_name, last_name, initial, phone):
    applicant = Applicant()
    applicant.first_name = first_name
    applicant.last_name = last_name
    applicant.initial = initial = phone

    def update_applicant(self, which, app_blob):

        **** THIS ONE WORKS:
        if no new social AND the name is the same as current one:
            use the current one because I'm not changing the social and the name stayed the same.
        else if there is a match:
            use it instead of the current one.  It already exists.
        else If the current one has a person_id and is locked:
            make a new one, because I can't reuse the current one (it is locked with a social).
        else (there isn't one, and the current one has no person_id):
            use the current one, because it isn't locked and can be altered.


        new_social = app_blob.get('social') or None  # blank is None.
        new_social_type = app_blob.get('social_type', 'US')

        current = getattr(self.agreement, which)
        name_same = False
        cap = lambda n: (n or '').upper()

        # Determine if the name is the same.
        if current:
            current_name = (cap(current.first_name), cap(current.last_name))
            current_name = ('', '')

        new_name = (cap(app_blob.get('first_name')),

        name_same = current_name == new_name

        # If the social is provided, look up an exact match.
        exact_match = None
        if new_social:
            new_person_id = Applicant.generate_person_id(
                app_blob.get('first_name'), app_blob.get('last_name'),
            if new_person_id:
                exact_match = gooN(Applicant, person_id=new_person_id)

        new_applicant = None
        if exact_match:
            print "Reusing exact match."
            # Reuse the found exact match.
            # It might even BE the current one if nothing changed.
            new_applicant = exact_match
        elif current and not new_social and name_same:
            print "Reusing because name is same."
            # Reuse the current one because I didn't provide a new_social and the name is the same.
            new_applicant = current
        elif current and current.person_id:
            print "Making new because current has a person_id"
            # Make a new one, because the current isn't an exact match or even a soft match because no social was given
            new_applicant = Applicant(agreement=self.agreement)
        elif not current:
            print "Making new because no current."
            # Make a new one, because there isn't an exact match or a current to use.
            new_applicant = Applicant(agreement=self.agreement)
            print "Using current because."
            # Reuse the current one, because it exists and isn't locked.
            new_applicant = current

        new_applicant.update_from_blob(app_blob, updater=self)
        print "After update with %r, applicant %r has person_id %r" % (
            app_blob, new_applicant, new_applicant.person_id)
        #if not
        print "Setting agreement's %s to %r" % (which, new_applicant)
        setattr(self.agreement, which, new_applicant)
        if not current or !=
    def update_applicant(self, which, app_blob):

        **** THIS ONE WORKS:
        if no new social AND the name is the same as current one:
            use the current one because I'm not changing the social and the name stayed the same.
        else if there is a match:
            use it instead of the current one.  It already exists.
        else If the current one has a person_id and is locked:
            make a new one, because I can't reuse the current one (it is locked with a social).
        else (there isn't one, and the current one has no person_id):
            use the current one, because it isn't locked and can be altered.


        new_social = app_blob.get('social') or None # blank is None.
        new_social_type = app_blob.get('social_type', 'US')

        current = getattr(self.agreement, which)
        name_same = False
        cap = lambda n: (n or '').upper()

        # Determine if the name is the same.
        if current:
            current_name = (cap(current.first_name), cap(current.last_name))
            current_name = ('', '')

        new_name = (cap(app_blob.get('first_name')), cap(app_blob.get('last_name')))

        name_same = current_name == new_name

        # If the social is provided, look up an exact match.
        exact_match = None
        if new_social:
            new_person_id = Applicant.generate_person_id(app_blob.get('first_name'), app_blob.get('last_name'), new_social)
            if new_person_id:
                exact_match = gooN(Applicant, person_id=new_person_id)

        new_applicant = None
        if exact_match:
            print "Reusing exact match."
            # Reuse the found exact match.
            # It might even BE the current one if nothing changed.
            new_applicant = exact_match
        elif current and not new_social and name_same:
            print "Reusing because name is same."
            # Reuse the current one because I didn't provide a new_social and the name is the same.
            new_applicant = current
        elif current and current.person_id:
            print "Making new because current has a person_id"
            # Make a new one, because the current isn't an exact match or even a soft match because no social was given
            new_applicant = Applicant(agreement=self.agreement)
        elif not current:
            print "Making new because no current."
            # Make a new one, because there isn't an exact match or a current to use.
            new_applicant = Applicant(agreement=self.agreement)
            print "Using current because."
            # Reuse the current one, because it exists and isn't locked.
            new_applicant = current

        new_applicant.update_from_blob(app_blob, updater=self)
        print "After update with %r, applicant %r has person_id %r" % (app_blob, new_applicant, new_applicant.person_id)
        #if not
        print "Setting agreement's %s to %r" % (which, new_applicant)
        setattr(self.agreement, which, new_applicant)
        if not current or !=