def __init__(self): """ Give an access to IPM interface from agroservice """ self.ipm = IPM() self.sources = None self.local_sources = []
def __init__(self, name, forecast, endpoint, df=None): = name self.forecast = forecast self.endpoint = endpoint self.sources = WeatherDataHub().__resources__ self.ipm = IPM() self.df = df
class WeatherDataHub(object): """ Allows to access at IPM weather resources give the list of weather adapter (resources) available on IPM and allows access to weather data source ..doctest:: >>> wsh = WeatherDataHub() >>> wsh.list_resources() >>> wsh.get_resource(name = 'Finnish Meteorological Institute measured data') """ def __init__(self): """ Give an access to IPM interface from agroservice """ self.ipm = IPM() def list_resources(self): """ get list of ressource available in IPM services Parameters: ----------- Returns: --------- dictionnary with name and description of available weatherdatasource on IPM service """ rep = self.ipm.get_weatherdatasource() return {item['name']: item['description'] for item in rep} def get_ressource(self, name): """ Parameters: ----------- name: name of weatherdatasource (available in list ressource) Returns: -------- run weatherdatasource with the name of resource """ rep = self.ipm.get_weatherdatasource() keys = [item['name'] for item in rep] if name in keys: return WeatherDataSource(name) else: raise NotImplementedError()
def __init__(self, name): ''' WeatherDataSource parameters to access at one weather data source of IPM ''' self.ipm = IPM() = name
def __init__(self): """ Give an access to IPM interface from agroservice """ self.ipm = IPM()
class WeatherDataSource(object): ''' Allows to query weather data resource for a given date range and return meteorological data in the form of a Python data structure that keeps tracks of location and units. ..doctest:: >>> ws = WeatherDataSource(name='Finnish Meteorological Institute measured data') >>> ws.station_ids() >>> ws.parameters() >>> ws.endpoint() >>> ws.check_forecast_endpoint() >>>[1002,3002], station_id=101104, timeStart='2020-06-12',timeEnd='2020-07-03',timezone="UTC", altitude=70,longitude=14.3711,latitude=67.2828, ViewDataFrame=True) ''' def __init__(self, name): ''' WeatherDataSource parameters to access at one weather data source of IPM ''' self.ipm = IPM() = name def station_ids(self): ''' Get a dataframe with station id and coordinate Parameters: ----------- Returns: -------- a dataframe containing name, id and coordinate of station available for weather resource''' rep = self.ipm.get_weatherdatasource() values = {item['name']: item['spatial']['geoJSON'] for item in rep} station_ids = dict() coord = dict() for names in values: if 'features' in values[names]: station_ids[names] = [ values[names]['features'][item]['properties'] for item in range(len(values[names]['features'])) ] coord[names] = [ values[names]['features'][item]['geometry'] for item in range(len(values[names]['features'])) ] else: station_ids[names] = 'no stations for this ressources' coord[names] = 'no stations for this ressources' df_station_ids = pandas.DataFrame(station_ids[]) df_coord = pandas.DataFrame(coord[]) df = [df_station_ids, df_coord] data = pandas.concat(df, axis=1) data = data[["name", "id", "coordinates"]] return data def parameters(self): """ Get list of available parameters for ressource Parameters: ----------- Returns: -------- a dictionnary containing common and optional parameters """ rep = self.ipm.get_weatherdatasource() values = {item['name']: item['parameters'] for item in rep} if in values: parameters = values[] return parameters def endpoint(self): """ Get endpoint associate at the name parameter of WeatherDataSource Parameters: ----------- Returns: -------- a endpoint (str) used in get_data function """ endpoints = self.ipm.weatheradapter_service() if in endpoints: endpoint = endpoints[] return endpoint def check_forecast_endpoint(self): """ Check if endpoint is a forecast or not Parameters: ----------- Returns: -------- Boolean value True if endpoint is a forecast endpoint either False """ forcast_endpoints = self.ipm.weatheradapter_service( forecast=True).values() forcast = None if self.endpoint() in forcast_endpoints: forcast = True else: forcast = False return forcast def data(self, parameters=[1002, 3002], station_id=101104, timeStart='2020-06-12', timeEnd='2020-07-03', timezone="UTC", altitude=70, longitude=14.3711, latitude=67.2828, ViewDataFrame=True): """ Get weather data from weatherdataressource Parameters: ----------- parameters: list of parameters of weatherdata station_id: (int) station id of weather station daterange: a pandas.date_range(start date, end date, freq='H', timezone(tz)) Only for forcast: ---------------- altitude: (double) only for Met Norway Locationforecast WGS84 Decimal degrees latitude: (double) WGS84 Decimal degrees longitude: (double) WGS84 Decimal degrees Returns: -------- return a dataframe (ViewDataFrame=True) or json format (ViewDataFrame=False) """ forcast = self.check_forecast_endpoint() if forcast == False: daterange = pandas.date_range(timeStart, timeEnd, freq='H', tz=timezone) timeStart = daterange[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') timeEnd = daterange[-1].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') if == 'UTC': timeStart += 'Z' timeEnd += 'Z' else: decstr = daterange[0].strftime('%z') decstr = decstr[:-2] + ':' + decstr[-2:] timeStart += decstr timeEnd += decstr interval = pandas.Timedelta(daterange.freq).seconds response = self.ipm.get_weatheradapter(endpoint=self.endpoint(), credentials=None, weatherStationId=station_id, timeStart=timeStart, timeEnd=timeEnd, interval=interval, parameters=parameters) if ViewDataFrame == True: data = { str(var): vals for var, vals in zip( response['weatherParameters'], zip(*response['locationWeatherData'][0]['data'])) } df = pandas.DataFrame(data) df.index = daterange # TODO : get all what is needed for intantiating a WeatherData object (meta, units, ...) and retrun it return df else: return response if forcast == True: response = self.ipm.get_weatheradapter_forecast( endpoint=self.endpoint(), altitude=altitude, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude) daterange = pandas.date_range(response['timeStart'], response['timeEnd'], freq='H', tz='UTC') timeStart = daterange[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') timeEnd = daterange[-1].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') if == 'UTC': timeStart += 'Z' timeEnd += 'Z' else: decstr = daterange[0].strftime('%z') decstr = decstr[:-2] + ':' + decstr[-2:] timeStart += decstr timeEnd += decstr interval = pandas.Timedelta(daterange.freq).seconds if ViewDataFrame == True: data = { str(var): vals for var, vals in zip( response['weatherParameters'], zip(*response['locationWeatherData'][0]['data'])) } df = pandas.DataFrame(data) df.index = daterange # TODO : get all what is needed for intantiating a WeatherData object (meta, units, ...) and retrun it return df else: return response
import numpy as np import xarray as xr import pandas as pd from metpy.units import units import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from agroservices import IPM ipm = IPM() def data(parameters=[1002, 3002], station_id=101104, interval=3600, timeStart='2020-06-12', timeEnd='2020-07-03', timezone="UTC", altitude=70, longitude=14.3711, latitude=67.2828, ViewDataFrame=True): response = ipm.get_weatheradapter(endpoint='/weatheradapter/fmi/', credentials=None, weatherStationId=station_id, timeStart=timeStart, timeEnd=timeEnd, interval=interval, parameters=parameters) times = pd.date_range(start=response['timeStart'].split('T')[0],
class WeatherDataHub: """ Allows to access at IPM weather resources give the list of weather adapter (resources) available on IPM and allows access to weather data source ..doctest:: >>> wsh = WeatherDataHub() >>> wsh.list_resources() >>> wsh.get_resource(name = 'Finnish Meteorological Institute measured data') """ def __init__(self): """ Give an access to IPM interface from agroservice """ self.ipm = IPM() self.sources = None self.local_sources = [] @property def __resources__(self): if self.sources is None: self.sources = self.ipm.get_weatherdatasource() if len(self.local_sources) > 0: self.sources.append(self.local_sources) return {item["name"]: item for item in self.sources} @property def list_resources(self): """ display a dataframe of list of resources with their description Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame name and description of available weatherdatasource on IPM service """ # if local: # return list(self.local_sources) # else: df = pandas.DataFrame(self.__resources__).T.reset_index() df.rename({"index": "name"}, inplace=True) return df[["name", "description", "parameters"]] @property def parameters(self): ipm_parameter = self.ipm.get_parameter() return pandas.DataFrame.from_records(ipm_parameter) def __forecast__(self): return { key: bool(value["temporal"]["forecast"]) for key, value in self.__resources__.items() } def __endpoint__(self): return { key: value["endpoint"] for key, value in self.__resources__.items() } def get_ressource(self, name: str): """ Get ressource from WeatherDataSource Parameters ---------- name : str name of weatherdatasource (available in list ressource) Returns ------- WeatherDataSource weatherdatasource with the name of resource Raises ------ NotImplementedError the resource is unknown or the name of the resource is misspelled """ if name in self.local_sources: return WeatherDataSource(name=name, forecast=None, endpoint=None, df=self.local_sources["endpoint"]) else: keys = [item for item in self.__resources__] if name in keys: return WeatherDataSource(name, forecast=self.__forecast__()[name], endpoint=self.__endpoint__()[name]) else: raise NotImplementedError( "the resource is unknown or the name of the resource is misspelled" ) def add_local_ressource( self, name, data, longitude=3.87, latitude=43.61, altitude=0, timezone="Europe/Paris", interval=3600, convert_name={ 'temperature_air': 1002, "relative_humidity": 3001, "rain": 2001, "wind_speed": 4005, "global_radiation": 5001 }): data = data.rename(columns=convert_name) data.attrs = { "longitude": longitude, "latitude": latitude, "altitude": altitude, "timezone": timezone, "interval": interval } d = { "id": "personal data", "name": name, "description": "personal data", "public_URL": None, "endpoint": data, "authentication_type": None, "needs_data_control": False, "access_type": 'location', "priority": 0, "temporal": { "forecast": None, "historic": { "start": data.index.tolist()[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "end": data.index.tolist()[-1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "interval": [interval] } }, "parameters": { 'common': data.columns.tolist(), 'optional': None }, "spatial": None, "organization": None } self.local_sources = d return data def __data_reader__( self, path=r'C:\Users\mlabadie\Documents\GitHub\weatherdata\example\Boigneville_2012_2013_h.csv', sep=';', column_name=[ 'date', 'h', 'temperature_air', 'relative_humidity', 'rain', 'wind_speed', 'global_radiation' ], skiprows=2, dec=","): r""" Reader for my data boignonville Parameters ---------- path : regexp, optional file path, by default r'C:\Users\mlabadie\Documents\GitHub\weatherdata\example\Boigneville_2012_2013_h.csv' sep : str, optional type of separator in my data, by default ';' column_name : list, optional column_name of data, by default ['date', 'h', 'temperature_air', 'relative_humidity', 'rain', 'wind_speed', 'global_radiation'] skiprows : int, optional line of data begin, by default 2 dec : str, optional type of decimal used in my file, by default "," """ data = pandas.read_csv(path, names=column_name, sep=';', skiprows=skiprows, decimal=dec, encoding='latin-1') data.index = pandas.to_datetime(data['date'].map(str) + ' ' + data['h'], dayfirst=True) data['date'] = data.index # convert Rg J/cm2 -> J.m-2.s-1 data['global_radiation'] *= (10000. / 3600) # convert Global radiation to PPFD -> µmol.m-2.s-1 #data["Par"]=data["global_radiation"]*0.48*4.6 # convert wind km/h -> m.s-1 data['wind_speed'] *= (1000. / 3600) data = data.drop(columns=["date", "h"]) return data
class WeatherDataSource: def __init__(self, name, forecast, endpoint, df=None): = name self.forecast = forecast self.endpoint = endpoint self.sources = WeatherDataHub().__resources__ self.ipm = IPM() self.df = df # WeatherDataHub.__init__(self) @property def __source__(self): # if self.sources is None: # self.sources=self.__resources__ source = self.sources[] return source @property def parameter(self): df = WeatherDataHub().parameters list_parameters = self.__source__["parameters"]["common"] if self.__source__["parameters"]["optional"]: list_parameters.append(list_parameters) return df[df["id"].isin(list_parameters)] @property def stations(self): if "features" in json.loads(self.__source__["spatial"]["geoJSON"]): features = json.loads( self.__source__["spatial"]["geoJSON"])['features'] #recupère les infos stations dans une properties stations = [feature["properties"] for feature in features] #recuperation et transformation des coordonnées coord_tmp = [ feature['geometry']['coordinates'] for feature in features ] station_coords = [{ "latitude": float(coord[0]), "longitude": float(coord[1]) } for coord in coord_tmp] # ajoute les coordonnées dans stations for el in range(len(stations)): stations[el].update(station_coords[el]) # affichage des stations comme dataframe df = pandas.DataFrame(stations) return df else: print( "No stations informations for this ressources \n the ressources asked in certainly a forcast \n please used longitude, latitude and altitude parameters to get data " ) def data(self, parameters=[1002, 3002], stationId=[101104], timeStart='2020-06-12', timeEnd='2020-07-03', timeZone="UTC", altitude=[70.0], longitude=[14.3711], latitude=[67.2828], credentials=None, interval=3600, display='ds', varname='id', usecache=False, savecache=False): responses = [] if self.forecast == False: times = pandas.date_range(timeStart, timeEnd, freq=str(interval) + 's', tz=timeZone) # time transformation for query format timeStart = times[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') timeEnd = times[-1].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') if == 'UTC': timeStart += 'Z' timeEnd += 'Z' else: decstr = times[0].strftime('%z') decstr = decstr[:-2] + ':' + decstr[-2:] timeStart += decstr timeEnd += decstr interval = pandas.Timedelta(times.freq).seconds for station in stationId:'start connecting to station %s' % station) path = os.path.join( pathCache(), str(station) + '_' + str(parameters) + "_" + timeStart.split("T")[0] + "_" + timeEnd.split("T")[0] + '.json') if usecache and os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as f: data = json.load(f) else: data = self.ipm.get_weatheradapter( endpoint=self.endpoint, weatherStationId=station, timeStart=timeStart, timeEnd=timeEnd, interval=interval, parameters=parameters, credentials=credentials) if type(data) is dict: responses.append(data) elif type(data) is int: logging.warning('HTTPError: %s for %s' % (data, station)) if savecache and type(data) is dict: with open(path, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) elif self.endpoint in [ "", '' ]: stationId = None times = pandas.date_range(timeStart, timeEnd, freq=str(interval) + 'S', tz=timeZone) # time transformation for query format timeStart = times[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') timeEnd = times[-1].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') if == 'UTC': timeStart += 'Z' timeEnd += 'Z' else: decstr = times[0].strftime('%z') decstr = decstr[:-2] + ':' + decstr[-2:] timeStart += decstr timeEnd += decstr for el in range(len(latitude)): path = os.path.join( pathCache(), str(timeStart) + '_' + str(timeEnd) + '_' + str(parameters) + str(altitude[el]) + '_' + str(latitude[el]) + "_" + str(longitude[el]) + '.json') if usecache and os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as f: data = json.load(f) else: data = self.ipm.get_weatheradapter_forecast( endpoint=self.endpoint, altitude=altitude[el], latitude=latitude[el], longitude=longitude[el], timeStart=timeStart, timeEnd=timeEnd, interval=interval, parameters=parameters) if type(data) is dict: responses.append(data) elif type(data) is int: logging.warning( "HTTPError:%s for %s" % (data, [altitude[el], latitude[el], longitude[el]])) if savecache and type(data) is dict: with open(path, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) else: stationId = None timeStart == None timeEnd == None interval = None for el in range(len(latitude)): path = os.path.join( pathCache(), str(altitude[el]) + '_' + str(latitude[el]) + "_" + str(longitude[el]) + '.json') if usecache and os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as f: data = json.load(f) else: data = self.ipm.get_weatheradapter_forecast( endpoint=self.endpoint, altitude=altitude[el], latitude=latitude[el], longitude=longitude[el]) if type(data) is dict: responses.append(data) elif type(data) is int: logging.warning( "HTTPError:%s for %s" % (data, [altitude[el], latitude[el], longitude[el]])) if savecache and type(data) is dict: with open(path, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) if display == "ds": return self.__convert_xarray_dataset__(responses, stationId, varname, display) else: return responses def __convert_xarray_dataset__(self, responses, stationId, varname, display): if display != "ds": return responses else: times = pandas.date_range(start=responses[0]["timeStart"], end=responses[0]["timeEnd"], freq=str(responses[0]["interval"]) + "S", name="time") #times.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') datas = [ np.array( response['locationWeatherData'][0]['data']).astype("float") for response in responses ] dats = [[ data[:, i].reshape(data.shape[0], 1) for i in range(data.shape[1]) ] for data in datas] # construction of dict for dataset variable data_vars = [{ str(response['weatherParameters'][i]): (['time', 'location'], dat[i]) for i in range(len(response['weatherParameters'])) } for response in responses for dat in dats] # construction dictionnaire coordonnée if stationId: coords = [ { 'time': times.values, 'location': ([stationId[el]]), 'lat': ("location", [ float(responses[el]['locationWeatherData'][0] ['latitude']) ]), 'lon': ("location", [ float(responses[el]['locationWeatherData'][0] ['longitude']) ]), #'alt':[float(responses[el]['locationWeatherData'][0]['altitude'])] } for el in range(len(responses)) ] else: coords = [ { 'time': times.values, 'location': ([ str([ responses[el]['locationWeatherData'][0] ['latitude'], responses[el] ['locationWeatherData'][0]['longitude'] ]) ]), 'lat': ('location', [responses[el]['locationWeatherData'][0]['latitude'] ]), 'lon': ('location', [ responses[el]['locationWeatherData'][0] ['longitude'] ]), #'alt':[float(responses[el]['locationWeatherData'][0]['altitude'])] } for el in range(len(responses)) ] # list de ds list_ds = [ xr.Dataset(data_vars[el], coords=coords[el]) for el in range(len(responses)) ] #merge ds ds = xr.merge(list_ds) #add coordinates attributes if stationId: ds.coords['time'].attrs["name"] = "time" ds.coords['location'].attrs['name'] = 'WeatherStationId' ds.coords['lat'].attrs['name'] = 'latitude' ds.coords['lat'].attrs['unit'] = 'degrees_north' ds.coords['lon'].attrs['name'] = 'longitude' ds.coords['lon'].attrs['unit'] = 'degrees_east' else: #ds.coords['location'].attrs['name']='[latitude,longitude]' ds.coords['lat'].attrs['name'] = 'latitude' ds.coords['lat'].attrs['unit'] = 'degrees_north' ds.coords['lon'].attrs['name'] = 'longitude' ds.coords['lon'].attrs['unit'] = 'degrees_east' # add data variable attributes param = self.ipm.get_parameter() p = { str(item['id']): item for item in param if item['id'] in responses[0]['weatherParameters'] } for el in list(ds.data_vars): try: ds.data_vars[el].attrs = p[str(el)] except KeyError as e: logging.exception( "The weatherParameter not implemented; key error: %s". format(e)) # Attribute of dataset if stationId: ds.attrs['weatherRessource'] = #ds.attrs['weatherStationId']=stationId ds.attrs['timeStart'] = str(ds.coords['time'].values[0]) ds.attrs['timeEnd'] = str(ds.coords['time'].values[-1]) ds.attrs['parameters'] = list(ds.data_vars) else: ds.attrs['weatherRessource'] = ds.attrs['timeStart'] = str(ds.coords['time'].values[0]) ds.attrs['timeEnd'] = str(ds.coords['time'].values[-1]) ds.attrs['parameters'] = list(ds.data_vars) if varname == "name": ds = ds.rename_vars( name_dict={ str(ds[el].attrs['id']): ds[el].attrs['name'] for el in list(ds.keys()) }) return ds def __dataset_to_ipm__(self, ds: xr.Dataset): """Parser from dataset to weather ouput IPM format Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset weatherdata in xarray dataset format Returns ------- dict IPM weather data from IPM weatherdata format """ timeStart = pandas.to_datetime(ds.time.values[0]) timesecondDate = pandas.to_datetime(ds.time.values[1]) timeEnd = pandas.to_datetime(ds.time.values[-1]) interval = timesecondDate - timeStart interval = interval.seconds timeStart = timeStart.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") + "Z" timeEnd = timeEnd.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") + "Z" # parser ipm format d = { "timeStart": timeStart, "timeEnd": timeEnd, "interval": interval, 'weatherParameters': [int(el) for el in list(ds.data_vars)], "locationWeatherData": [{ "longitude": float(ds.lon.values), "latitude": float(, "altitude": 0, "amalgamation": list(np.repeat(0, len(ds.data_vars))), "data": ds.to_dataframe().drop( columns=['lat', 'lon']).to_numpy().tolist(), "qc": list(np.repeat(0, len(ds.data_vars))), "width": len(ds.data_vars), "length": len(ds.time) }] } return [d] def to_ipm(self, display="json"): """Convert weather dataframe into IPM weather output schema Parameters ---------- longitude : float, optional longitudinal coordinate in degree of the weather dataframe, by default 3.87 latitude : float, optional latitude coordinate in degree of the weather dataframe , by default 43.61 altitude : float, optional altitude coordinate in degree of the weather dataframe, by default 0.0 timezone : str, optional time zone of dataframe eg. Europe/Paris if weatherdata is in france, by default "Europe/Paris" interval : int, optional interval time between index in second eg 3600 if weather data is in hour , by default 3600 convert_name : dict, optional dict of conversion between weather dataframe and ipm parameters, by default {'temperature_air':1002, "relative_humidity":3001, "rain":2001, "wind_speed":4005, "global_radiation":5001} display : str, optional choose the type of data according json schema ipm or ds in xarray.dataset , by default "json" Returns ------- json or xarray.dataset return data in weatherdata according to ipm input (json) or in xarray.dataset (ds) """ data = self.endpoint time = pandas.date_range( start=data.index.tolist()[0], end=data.index.tolist()[-1], tz=data.attrs["timezone"], freq=str(data.attrs["interval"]) + "s").tz_convert("UTC").strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + "Z" weather_ipm_schema = {} weather_ipm_schema["timeStart"] = time.tolist()[0] weather_ipm_schema["timeEnd"] = time.tolist()[-1] weather_ipm_schema["interval"] = data.attrs["interval"] weather_ipm_schema['weatherParameters'] = data.columns.to_list() weather_ipm_schema["locationWeatherData"] = [{ "longitude": data.attrs["longitude"], "latitude": data.attrs["latitude"], "altitude": data.attrs["altitude"], "amalgamation": np.repeat(0, data.shape[1]).tolist(), "data": np.array(data).tolist(), "qc": np.repeat(0, data.shape[1]).tolist(), "width": data.shape[1], "length": data.shape[0] }] if display == "ds": return self.__convert_xarray_dataset__([weather_ipm_schema], stationId=None, varname="id", display="ds") else: responses = weather_ipm_schema return [responses] def station_plot(self, ds=None, varname=None, time=None, resample=None): """_summary_ Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset xarray.dataset from weather ressources varname : str, optional variable name to plot, if None plot station localisation by default None time : int, optional index of time, by default None resample : str, optional frequency that data can be resampling. resampling calculate is mean function according ds.time eg d for days, by default None """ ext_lat_min = int( - 1) ext_lat_max = int( + 1) ext_lon_min = int(ds.lon.values.min() - 1) ext_lon_max = int(ds.lon.values.max() + 1) if resample: ds = ds.resample(time=resample).mean() else: ds = ds df = ds.to_dataframe() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.add_feature(cfea.LAKES, zorder=3) ax.add_feature(cfea.OCEAN, zorder=1) ax.add_feature(cfea.COASTLINE, zorder=2) ax.add_feature(cfea.LAND, zorder=1) ax.add_feature(cfea.BORDERS, zorder=4) ax.set_extent([ext_lon_min, ext_lon_max, ext_lat_min, ext_lat_max]) gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, zorder=5) gl.right_labels = False gl.top_labels = False if (varname and time) is None: ax.scatter(x=df["lon"].values, y=df["lat"].values, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), color='k', s=10) else: ds.isel(time=time).plot.scatter(x='lon', y='lat', hue=varname, ax=ax, cmap='inferno', vmin=int(ds[varname].min()), vmax=int(ds[varname].max()), transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), marker='s', s=50, add_guide=True, zorder=6) #ax.text(x=df["lon"].values,y=df["lat"].values,s=df.index.get_level_values("location"),color="k") # ax.text(x=float(ds.isel(time=0).lon.values)-0.5,y=float(ds.isel(time=0).lat.values),s=float(ds['1002'].isel(time=0).values),color="red") # ax.text(x=float(ds.isel(time=0).lon.values)-0.5,y=float(ds.isel(time=0).lat.values)-0.2,s=float(ds['3002'].isel(time=0).values),color="blue") def plot(self, ds=None, varname=None, location=None, resample=None, date=None): if resample: data = ds[varname].resample(time=resample).mean() else: data = ds[varname] if location is not None: data_loc = data.sel(location=location) data_loc.plot.line(x="time") else: data.plot.line(x="time")