Beispiel #1
    def _transform_grid(cls, grid_cart, R_b_to_dbcs, ibulkv_dbcs_par, frame):
        """Transforms the grid from the frame of interest to the
        instrument frame. Returns the grid expressed in the spherical system.

            the transformed grid, in spherical coordinates, (3, N, N, N)
            cartesian interpolation grid, (3, N, N, N)
            rotation matrix from B to DBCS, (3, 3)
            ion bulk velocity at particles' time, (3,)
        frame: str
            frame of interest.
        # This copy of grid_cart will be rotated, every scan differently.
        grid_c = grid_cart.copy()
        # For now grid_c is in the frame of interest, EB, GSE, or any.
        if frame == 'instrument':
        elif frame == 'B':
            grid_c =, grid_c.reshape(3, -1)).reshape(
                grid_cart.shape)  ## Rotation.
            grid_c += ibulkv_dbcs_par[:, None, None, None]  ## Translation.
            raise ValueError('{}: unknown frame.'.format(frame))
        # We now go for the spherical system, the natural instrument
        #     coordinate system. Here, the -1 is reversing velocity vector to
        #     viewing direction, in which the instrument tables are expressed.
        grid_s = vdfu.cart2spher(-1 * grid_c)
        return grid_s
Beispiel #2
def test_cart2spher():
    """Unit test on vdfu.cart2spher method."""
    reso = 5
    grid_cart_dummy = np.ones((3, reso, reso, reso))
    grid_spher = vdfu.cart2spher(grid_cart_dummy)
    assert grid_spher.shape == (3, reso, reso, reso)
    assert np.allclose(grid_cart_dummy, vdfu.spher2cart(grid_spher))
Beispiel #3
def test_init_grid():
    """Unit test on vdfu.init_grid method."""
    reso = 5
    grid_cart, grid_spher, grid_cyl, \
    dvvv = vdfu.init_grid(v_max=1., resolution=reso,
    assert grid_cart.shape == (3, reso, reso, reso)
    assert grid_spher.shape == (3, reso, reso, reso)
    assert grid_cyl.shape == (3, reso, reso, reso)
    assert dvvv.shape == (reso, reso, reso)
    # Testing that the grid values are strictly increasing.
    assert np.all(grid_spher[0][1:] > grid_spher[0][:-1])
    assert np.all(grid_spher[1][:, 1:] > grid_spher[1][:, :-1])
    assert np.all(grid_spher[2][:, :, 1:] > grid_spher[2][:, :, :-1])
    # Testing that grid_cart and grid_spher are one and the same grid.
    assert np.allclose(grid_spher, vdfu.cart2spher(grid_cart))
    assert np.allclose(grid_cyl, vdfu.cart2cyl(grid_cart))
Beispiel #4
def test_transform_grid():
    """Unit test on AidaAccessorVDF.transform_grid method."""
    reso = 5
    grid_cart = np.zeros((3, reso, reso, reso))
    grid_cart[0] = 1.
    frame = 'instrument'
    R_b_to_dbcs = np.eye(3)
    ibulkv_dbcs_par = np.zeros(3)
    grid_s = AidaAccessorVDF._transform_grid(grid_cart, R_b_to_dbcs,
                                             ibulkv_dbcs_par, frame)
    assert grid_s.shape == (3, reso, reso, reso)
    assert np.allclose(grid_s, vdfu.cart2spher(-1 * grid_cart))

    frame = 'B'
    grid_s = AidaAccessorVDF._transform_grid(grid_cart, R_b_to_dbcs,
                                             ibulkv_dbcs_par, frame)
    assert np.allclose(grid_s[0], 1.)
    assert np.allclose(grid_s[1], np.pi / 2.)
    assert np.allclose(grid_s[2], np.pi)