Beispiel #1
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        This is the routine to be called when you want to create
        the input files and related stuff with a plugin.

        :param tempfolder: a aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                           the plugin should put all its files.
        :param inputdict: a dictionary with the input nodes, as they would
                be returned by get_inputdata_dict (without the Code!)

        in_nodes = self._verify_inlinks(inputdict)
        params, structure, code, settings, local_copy_list = in_nodes

        # write cp2k input file
        inp = RaspaInput(params)
        inp_fn = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)
        with open(inp_fn, "w") as f:

        # create code info
        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        cmdline = settings.pop('cmdline', [])
        cmdline += [self._INPUT_FILE_NAME]
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = cmdline
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid

        # create calc info
        calcinfo = CalcInfo()
        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        calcinfo.cmdline_params = codeinfo.cmdline_params
        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
#        calcinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        # file lists
        calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = []
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []
        calcinfo.retrieve_list = [[self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME,'.',0]]
        calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings.pop('additional_retrieve_list', [])

        # check for left over settings
        if settings:
            msg = "The following keys have been found "
            msg += "in the settings input node {}, ".format(
            msg += "but were not understood: " + ",".join(settings.keys())
            raise InputValidationError(msg)

        return calcinfo
Beispiel #2
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        This is the routine to be called when you want to create
        the input files and related stuff with a plugin.
        :param tempfolder: a aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                           the plugin should put all its files.
        :param inputdict: a dictionary with the input nodes, as they would
                be returned by get_inputdata_dict (without the Code!)

        local_copy_list = []
        remote_copy_list = []

        # Process the settings dictionary first
        # Settings can be undefined, and defaults to an empty dictionary
        settings = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('settings'), None)
        if settings is None:
            settings_dict = {}
            if not isinstance(settings, ParameterData):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "settings, if specified, must be of "
                    "type ParameterData")

            # Settings converted to UPPERCASE
            # Presumably to standardize the usage and avoid
            # ambiguities
            settings_dict = _uppercase_dict(settings.get_dict(),

            parameters = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parameters'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No parameters specified for this "
        if not isinstance(parameters, ParameterData):
            raise InputValidationError("parameters is not of type "

            parent_calc_folder = inputdict.pop(
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No parent_calc_folder specified for this "
        if not isinstance(parent_calc_folder, RemoteData):
            raise InputValidationError("parent_calc_folder, if specified,"
                                       "must be of type RemoteData")

        # Important note: This program should NOT be run with MPI.
        # Scripts using this plugin should use:
        # calc.set_withmpi(False)
        # We do it right here, and hope that it will not be overriden
        # self.set_withmpi(False)
            code = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('code'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No code specified for this calculation")

        # Here, there should be no more parameters...
        if inputdict:
            raise InputValidationError("The following input data nodes are "
                                       "unrecognized: {}".format(


        # There should be a warning for duplicated (canonicalized) keys
        # in the original dictionary in the script

        input_params = FDFDict(parameters.get_dict())

        # Look for blocked keywords and
        # add the proper values to the dictionary

        for blocked_key in self._aiida_blocked_keywords:
            canonical_blocked = FDFDict.translate_key(blocked_key)
            for key in input_params:
                if key == canonical_blocked:
                    raise InputValidationError(
                        "You cannot specify explicitly the '{}' flag in the "
                        "input parameters".format(

        input_params.update({'system-label': self._PREFIX})
        input_params.update({'mode': 'constant-height'})
        input_params.update({'extension': 'ldos'})

        # Maybe check that the 'z' coordinate makes sense...

        input_filename = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)

        with open(input_filename, 'w') as infile:
            # Convert height to bohr...
            infile.write("{}\n".format(input_params['z'] / 0.529177))

        # ------------------------------------- END of input file creation

        # The presence of a 'parent_calc_folder' is mandatory, to get the LDOS file
        # as indicated in the self._restart_copy_from attribute.
        # (this is not technically a restart, though)

        # It will be copied to the current calculation's working folder.

        if parent_calc_folder is not None:
                              self._restart_copy_from), self._restart_copy_to))

        calcinfo = CalcInfo()
        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        # Empty command line by default
        # Why use 'pop' ?
        cmdline_params = settings_dict.pop('CMDLINE', [])

        if cmdline_params:
            calcinfo.cmdline_params = list(cmdline_params)
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = remote_copy_list

        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        # Code information object
        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = list(cmdline_params)
        codeinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        # Retrieve by default: the output file and the plot file

        calcinfo.retrieve_list = []

        # Any other files specified in the settings dictionary
        settings_retrieve_list = settings_dict.pop('ADDITIONAL_RETRIEVE_LIST',
        calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings_retrieve_list

        return calcinfo
Beispiel #3
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        This is the routine to be called when you want to create
        the input files and related stuff with a plugin.

        :param tempfolder: a aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                           the plugin should put all its files.
        :param inputdict: a dictionary with the input nodes, as they would
                be returned by get_inputdata_dict (without the Code!)

        in_nodes = self._verify_inlinks(inputdict)
        params, structure, code, settings, local_copy_list, \
            parent_calc_folder = in_nodes

        # write cp2k input file
        inp = Cp2kInput(params)
        inp.add_keyword("GLOBAL/PROJECT", self._PROJECT_NAME)
        if structure is not None:
            struct_fn = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._COORDS_FILE_NAME)
            structure.export(struct_fn, fileformat="xyz")
            for i, a in enumerate('ABC'):
                val = '{:<15} {:<15} {:<15}'.format(*structure.cell[i])
                inp.add_keyword('FORCE_EVAL/SUBSYS/CELL/' + a, val)
            topo = "FORCE_EVAL/SUBSYS/TOPOLOGY"
            inp.add_keyword(topo + "/COORD_FILE_NAME", self._COORDS_FILE_NAME)
            inp.add_keyword(topo + "/COORD_FILE_FORMAT", "XYZ")
        inp_fn = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)
        with open(inp_fn, "w") as f:

        # create code info
        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        cmdline = settings.pop('cmdline', [])
        cmdline += ["-i", self._INPUT_FILE_NAME]
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = cmdline
        codeinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.join_files = True
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid

        # create calc info
        calcinfo = CalcInfo()
        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        calcinfo.cmdline_params = codeinfo.cmdline_params
        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        # file lists
        calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = []
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []
        calcinfo.retrieve_list = [
            self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, self._RESTART_FILE_NAME, ['*dcd', '.', 0]
        calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings.pop('additional_retrieve_list', [])

        # symlinks
        if parent_calc_folder is not None:
            comp_uuid = parent_calc_folder.get_computer().uuid
            remote_path = parent_calc_folder.get_remote_path()
            symlink = (comp_uuid, remote_path, self._PARENT_CALC_FOLDER_NAME)

        # check for left over settings
        if settings:
            msg = "The following keys have been found "
            msg += "in the settings input node {}, ".format(
            msg += "but were not understood: " + ",".join(settings.keys())
            raise InputValidationError(msg)

        return calcinfo
Beispiel #4
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        This is the routine to be called when you want to create
        the input files and related stuff with a plugin.

        :param tempfolder: a aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                           the plugin should put all its files.
        :param inputdict: a dictionary with the input nodes, as they would
                be returned by get_inputs_dict (without the Code!)
        local_copy_list = []
        remote_copy_list = []
        remote_symlink_list = []

            parameters = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parameters'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No parameters specified for this calculation")
        if not isinstance(parameters, ParameterData):
            raise InputValidationError(
                "parameters is not of type ParameterData")

            structure = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('structure'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No structure specified for this calculation")
        if not isinstance(structure, StructureData):
            raise InputValidationError(
                "structure is not of type StructureData")

        if self._use_kpoints:
                kpoints = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('kpoints'))
            except KeyError:
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "No kpoints specified for this calculation")
            if not isinstance(kpoints, KpointsData):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "kpoints is not of type KpointsData")
            kpoints = None

        # Settings can be undefined, and defaults to an empty dictionary
        settings = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('settings'), None)
        if settings is None:
            settings_dict = {}
            if not isinstance(settings, ParameterData):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "settings, if specified, must be of "
                    "type ParameterData")
            # Settings converted to uppercase
            settings_dict = _uppercase_dict(settings.get_dict(),

        pseudos = {}
        # I create here a dictionary that associates each kind name to a pseudo
        for link in inputdict.keys():
            if link.startswith(self._get_linkname_pseudo_prefix()):
                kindstring = link[len(self._get_linkname_pseudo_prefix()):]
                kinds = kindstring.split('_')
                the_pseudo = inputdict.pop(link)
                if not isinstance(the_pseudo, UpfData):
                    raise InputValidationError(
                        "Pseudo for kind(s) {} is not of "
                        "type UpfData".format(",".join(kinds)))
                for kind in kinds:
                    if kind in pseudos:
                        raise InputValidationError(
                            "Pseudo for kind {} passed "
                            "more than one time".format(kind))
                    pseudos[kind] = the_pseudo

        parent_calc_folder = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parent_folder'),
        if parent_calc_folder is not None:
            if not isinstance(parent_calc_folder, RemoteData):
                raise InputValidationError("parent_calc_folder, if specified, "
                                           "must be of type RemoteData")

        vdw_table = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('vdw_table'), None)
        if vdw_table is not None:
            if not isinstance(vdw_table, SinglefileData):
                raise InputValidationError("vdw_table, if specified, "
                                           "must be of type SinglefileData")

            code = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('code'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No code specified for this calculation")

        # Here, there should be no more parameters...
        if inputdict:
            raise InputValidationError("The following input data nodes are "
                                       "unrecognized: {}".format(

        # Check structure, get species, check peudos
        kindnames = [ for k in structure.kinds]
        if set(kindnames) != set(pseudos.keys()):
            err_msg = ("Mismatch between the defined pseudos and the list of "
                       "kinds of the structure. Pseudos: {}; kinds: {}".format(
            raise InputValidationError(err_msg)

        # I create the subfolder that will contain the pseudopotentials
        tempfolder.get_subfolder(self._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER, create=True)
        # I create the subfolder with the output data (sometimes Quantum
        # Espresso codes crash if an empty folder is not already there
        tempfolder.get_subfolder(self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, create=True)

        # If present, add also the Van der Waals table to the pseudo dir
        # Note that the name of the table is not checked but should be the
        # one expected by QE.
        if vdw_table:

        input_filecontent, local_copy_pseudo_list = self._generate_PWCPinputdata(
            parameters, settings_dict, pseudos, structure, kpoints)
        local_copy_list += local_copy_pseudo_list

        input_filename = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)
        with open(input_filename, 'w') as infile:

        # operations for restart
        symlink = settings_dict.pop('PARENT_FOLDER_SYMLINK',
                                    self._default_symlink_usage)  # a boolean
        if symlink:
            if parent_calc_folder is not None:
                # I put the symlink to the old parent ./out folder
            # copy remote output dir, if specified
            if parent_calc_folder is not None:

        # here we may create an aiida.EXIT file
        create_exit_file = settings_dict.pop('ONLY_INITIALIZATION', False)
        if create_exit_file:
            exit_filename = tempfolder.get_abs_path('{}.EXIT'.format(
            with open(exit_filename, 'w') as f:

        # Check if specific inputs for the ENVIRON module where specified
        environ_namelist = settings_dict.pop('ENVIRON', None)
        if environ_namelist is not None:
            if not isinstance(environ_namelist, dict):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "ENVIRON namelist should be specified as a dictionary")
            # We first add the environ flag to the command-line options (if not already present)
                if '-environ' not in settings_dict['CMDLINE']:
            except KeyError:
                settings_dict['CMDLINE'] = ['-environ']
            # To create a mapping from the species to an incremental fortran 1-based index
            # we use the alphabetical order as in the inputdata generation
            mapping_species = {
                sp_name: (idx + 1)
                for idx, sp_name in enumerate(
                    sorted([ for kind in structure.kinds]))
            environ_input_filename = tempfolder.get_abs_path(
            with open(environ_input_filename, 'w') as environ_infile:
                for k, v in sorted(environ_namelist.iteritems()):
                        get_input_data_text(k, v, mapping=mapping_species))

        calcinfo = CalcInfo()

        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        # Empty command line by default
        cmdline_params = settings_dict.pop('CMDLINE', [])
        # we commented calcinfo.stin_name and added it here in cmdline_params
        # in this way the mpirun ... pw.x ... <
        # is replaced by mpirun ... pw.x ... -in
        # in the scheduler, _get_run_line, if cmdline_params is empty, it
        # simply uses < calcinfo.stin_name
        calcinfo.cmdline_params = (list(cmdline_params) +
                                   ["-in", self._INPUT_FILE_NAME])
        # calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        # calcinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME

        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = (list(cmdline_params) +
                                   ["-in", self._INPUT_FILE_NAME])
        # calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = remote_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = remote_symlink_list

        # Retrieve by default the output file and the xml file
        calcinfo.retrieve_list = []
        settings_retrieve_list = settings_dict.pop('ADDITIONAL_RETRIEVE_LIST',

        if settings_dict.pop('ALSO_BANDS', False):
            # To retrieve also the bands data
                os.path.join(self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, self._PREFIX + '.save',
                             'K*[0-9]', 'eigenval*.xml'), '.', 2

        calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings_retrieve_list
        calcinfo.retrieve_list += self._internal_retrieve_list

            Parserclass = self.get_parserclass()
            parser = Parserclass(self)
            parser_opts = parser.get_parser_settings_key()
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            # the key parser_opts isn't inside the dictionary

        if settings_dict:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "The following keys have been found in "
                "the settings input node, but were not understood: {}".format(

        return calcinfo
Beispiel #5
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        This is the routine to be called when you want to create
        the input files and related stuff with a plugin.

        :param tempfolder: a aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                           the plugin should put all its files.
        :param inputdict: a dictionary with the input nodes, as they would
                be returned by get_inputdata_dict (without the Code!)

        local_copy_list = []
        remote_copy_list = []

        # Process the settings dictionary first
        # Settings can be undefined, and defaults to an empty dictionary
        settings = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('settings'), None)
        if settings is None:
            settings_dict = {}
            if not isinstance(settings, ParameterData):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "settings, if specified, must be of "
                    "type ParameterData")

            # Settings converted to UPPERCASE
            # Presumably to standardize the usage and avoid
            # ambiguities
            settings_dict = _uppercase_dict(settings.get_dict(),

            parameters = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parameters'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No parameters specified for this "
        if not isinstance(parameters, ParameterData):
            raise InputValidationError("parameters is not of type "

            structure = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('structure'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No structure specified for this "
        if not isinstance(structure, StructureData):
            raise InputValidationError(
                "structure is not of type StructureData")

        bandskpoints = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('bandskpoints'), None)
        if bandskpoints is None:
            flagbands = False
            flagbands = True
            if not isinstance(bandskpoints, KpointsData):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "kpoints for bands is not of type KpointsData")

        singlefile = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('singlefile'), None)
        if singlefile is not None:
            if not isinstance(singlefile, SinglefileData):
                raise InputValidationError("singlefile, if specified,"
                                           "must be of type SinglefileData")

        parent_calc_folder = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parent_folder'),
        if parent_calc_folder is not None:
            if not isinstance(parent_calc_folder, RemoteData):
                raise InputValidationError("parent_calc_folder, if specified,"
                                           "must be of type RemoteData")

            code = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('code'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No code specified for this calculation")

        # Here, there should be no more parameters...
        if inputdict:
            raise InputValidationError("The following input data nodes are "
                                       "unrecognized: {}".format(


        # There should be a warning for duplicated (canonicalized) keys
        # in the original dictionary in the script

        input_params = FDFDict(parameters.get_dict())

        # Look for blocked keywords and
        # add the proper values to the dictionary

        for blocked_key in self._aiida_blocked_keywords:
            canonical_blocked = FDFDict.translate_key(blocked_key)
            for key in input_params:
                if key == canonical_blocked:
                    raise InputValidationError(
                        "You cannot specify explicitly the '{}' flag in the "
                        "input parameters".format(

        input_params.update({'system-name': self._PREFIX})
        input_params.update({'system-label': self._PREFIX})

        input_params.update({'number-of-species': len(structure.kinds)})
        input_params.update({'number-of-atoms': len(structure.sites)})
        # Regarding the lattice-constant parameter:
        # -- The variable "alat" is not typically kept anywhere, and
        # has already been used to define the vectors.
        # We need to specify that the units of these vectors are Ang...

        input_params.update({'lattice-constant': '1.0 Ang'})

        # Note that this  will break havoc with the band-k-points "pi/a"
        # option. The use of this option should be banned.

        # Note that the implicit coordinate convention of the Structure
        # class corresponds to the "Ang" convention in Siesta.
        # The "atomic-coordinates-format" keyword is blocked to ScaledCartesian,
        # which is given in terms of the lattice constant (1.0 Ang).
        input_params.update({'atomic-coordinates-format': 'ScaledCartesian'})

        # ============== Preparation of input data ===============

        # ------------ CELL_PARAMETERS -----------
        cell_parameters_card = "%block lattice-vectors\n"
        for vector in structure.cell:
            cell_parameters_card += ("{0:18.10f} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f}"
        cell_parameters_card += "%endblock lattice-vectors\n"

        # ------------- ATOMIC_SPECIES ------------
        # Only the species index and the mass are necessary

        # Dictionary to get the mass of a given element
        datmn = dict([(v['symbol'], v['mass'])
                      for k, v in elements.iteritems()])

        spind = {}
        spcount = 0
        for kind in structure.kinds:

            spcount += 1
            spind[] = spcount

        # ------------ ATOMIC_POSITIONS -----------
        atomic_positions_card_list = [
            "%block atomiccoordinatesandatomicspecies\n"
        countatm = 0
        for site in structure.sites:
            countatm += 1
                "{0:18.10f} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} {3:4} {4:10} \n".format(
                    site.position[0], site.position[1], site.position[2],
                    spind[site.kind_name], datmn[kind.symbol]))
        atomic_positions_card = "".join(atomic_positions_card_list)
        del atomic_positions_card_list  # Free memory
        atomic_positions_card += "%endblock atomiccoordinatesandatomicspecies\n"

        # --------------- K-POINTS-FOR-BANDS ----------------!
        #This part is computed only if flagbands=True
        #Two possibility are supported in Siesta: BandLines ad BandPoints
        #At the moment the user can't choose directly one of the two options
        #BandsLine is set automatically if bandskpoints has labels,
        #BandsPoints if bandskpoints has no labels
        #BandLinesScale =pi/a is not supported at the moment because currently
        #a=1 always. BandLinesScale ReciprocalLatticeVectors is always set
        if flagbands:
            bandskpoints_card_list = [
                "BandLinesScale ReciprocalLatticeVectors\n"
            if bandskpoints.labels == None:
                bandskpoints_card_list.append("%block BandPoints\n")
                for s in bandskpoints.get_kpoints():
                        "{0:8.3f} {1:8.3f} {2:8.3f} \n".format(
                            s[0], s[1], s[2]))
                fbkpoints_card = "".join(bandskpoints_card_list)
                fbkpoints_card += "%endblock BandPoints\n"
                bandskpoints_card_list.append("%block BandLines\n")
                savs = []
                listforbands = bandskpoints.get_kpoints()
                for s, m in bandskpoints.labels:
                rawindex = 0
                for s, m in bandskpoints.labels:
                    rawindex = rawindex + 1
                    nkpnt, x, y, z, = listforbands[s]
                    if rawindex == 1:
                            "{0:2} {1:8.3f} {2:8.3f} {3:8.3f} {4:1}\n".format(
                                1, x, y, z, m))
                            "{0:.0f} {1:8.3f} {2:8.3f} {3:8.3f} {4:1}\n".
                            format(nkpnt, x, y, z, m))
                fbkpoints_card = "".join(bandskpoints_card_list)
                fbkpoints_card += "%endblock BandLines\n"
            del bandskpoints_card_list

        # -------------ADDITIONAL FILES -----------
        # I create the subfolder that will contain additional Siesta files
        tempfolder.get_subfolder(self._SFILES_SUBFOLDER, create=True)
        # I create the subfolder with the output data
        tempfolder.get_subfolder(self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, create=True)

        if singlefile is not None:
            lfile = singlefile.get_file_abs_path().split("path/", 1)[1]

        # ================ Namelists and cards ===================

        input_filename = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)

        with open(input_filename, 'w') as infile:
            # here print keys and values tp file

            for k, v in sorted(input_params.iteritems()):
                infile.write(get_input_data_text(k, v))
                # ,mapping=mapping_species))

            # Write previously generated cards now
            infile.write("#\n# -- Structural Info follows\n#\n")
            if flagbands:
                infile.write("#\n# -- Bandlines/Bandpoints Info follows\n#\n")

        # ------------------------------------- END of fdf file creation

        # The presence of a 'parent_calc_folder' input node signals
        # that we want to get something from there, as indicated in the
        # self._restart_copy_from attribute.
        # In Siesta's case, for now, it is just the density-matrix file
        # It will be copied to the current calculation's working folder.

        if parent_calc_folder is not None:
                              self._restart_copy_from), self._restart_copy_to))

        calcinfo = CalcInfo()

        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        # Empty command line by default
        # Why use 'pop' ?
        cmdline_params = settings_dict.pop('CMDLINE', [])

        # Comment this paragraph better, if applicable to Siesta
        #we commented calcinfo.stin_name and added it here in cmdline_params
        #in this way the mpirun ... pw.x ... <
        #is replaced by mpirun ... pw.x ... -in
        # in the scheduler, _get_run_line, if cmdline_params is empty, it
        # simply uses < calcinfo.stin_name

        if cmdline_params:
            calcinfo.cmdline_params = list(cmdline_params)
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = remote_copy_list

        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.fc_name = self._FC_FILE_NAME

        # Code information object
        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = list(cmdline_params)
        codeinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.fc_name = self._FC_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        # Retrieve by default: the output file, the xml file, and the
        # messages file.
        # If flagbands=True we also add the bands file to the retrieve list!
        # This is extremely important because the parser parses the bands
        # only if aiida.bands is in the retrieve list!!

        calcinfo.retrieve_list = []
        if flagbands:

        # Any other files specified in the settings dictionary
        settings_retrieve_list = settings_dict.pop('ADDITIONAL_RETRIEVE_LIST',
        calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings_retrieve_list

        return calcinfo
Beispiel #6
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        This is the routine to be called when you want to create
        the input files and related stuff with a plugin.

        :param tempfolder: a aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                           the plugin should put all its files.
        :param inputdict: a dictionary with the input nodes, as they would
                be returned by get_inputdata_dict (without the Code!)

        in_nodes = self._verify_inlinks(inputdict)
        params, structure, code, settings, restart_folder, local_copy_list = in_nodes

        # handle restart
        if restart_folder is not None:
            self._create_restart(restart_folder, params, tempfolder)

        for i, component in enumerate(params['Component']):
            if 'BlockPockets' in component:
                if component['BlockPockets'] is True:
                    if 'BlockPocketsPk' in component:
                        self._create_block(params, tempfolder, i)
                        raise InputValidationError(
                            "You did not specify"
                            " the parent pk number for block calculation."
                            " Please define BlockPocketsPk in the input"
                            " Component {} section".format(i))

        # write raspa input file
        if 'FrameworkName' in params['GeneralSettings']:
            raise InputValidationError(
                'You should not provide "FrameworkName"'
                ' as an input parameter. It will be generated automatically'
                ' by AiiDA')
            params['GeneralSettings']['FrameworkName'] = 'framework'
        inp = RaspaInput(params)
        inp_fn = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)
        with open(inp_fn, "w") as f:

        # create structure file
        if structure is not None:
            dest = tempfolder.get_abs_path(structure.filename)

        # create code info
        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        cmdline = settings.pop('cmdline', [])
        cmdline += [self._INPUT_FILE_NAME]
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = cmdline
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid

        # create calc info
        calcinfo = CalcInfo()
        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        calcinfo.cmdline_params = codeinfo.cmdline_params
        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        #        calcinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        # file lists
        calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = []
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []
        calcinfo.retrieve_list = [[self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, '.', 0],
                                  [self._RESTART_FILE_NAME, '.', 0]]
        calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings.pop('additional_retrieve_list', [])

        # check for left over settings
        if settings:
            msg = "The following keys have been found "
            msg += "in the settings input node {}, ".format(
            msg += "but were not understood: " + ",".join(settings.keys())
            raise InputValidationError(msg)

        return calcinfo
Beispiel #7
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        This is the routine to be called when you want to create
        the input files and related stuff with a plugin.
        :param tempfolder: a aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                           the plugin should put all its files.
        :param inputdict: a dictionary with the input nodes, as they would
                be returned by get_inputdata_dict (without the Code!)
        ### ------------------------------------------------------
        ###  Input check
            code = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('code'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No code specified for this calculation")
            parameters = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parameters'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No parameters specified for this calculation")
        if not isinstance(parameters, ParameterData):
            raise InputValidationError("parameters is not of type ParameterData")
            parent_calc_folder = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parent_calc_folder'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No parent_calc_folder specified for this calculation")
        if not isinstance(parent_calc_folder, RemoteData):
            raise InputValidationError("parent_calc_folder is not of type RemoteData")
            settings = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('settings'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No settings specified for this calculation")
        if not isinstance(settings, ParameterData):
            raise InputValidationError("settings is not of type ParameterData")
        settings_dict = settings.get_dict()
        # Here, there should be no more parameters...
        if inputdict:
            raise InputValidationError("The following input data nodes are "
                "unrecognized: {}".format(inputdict.keys()))
        ###  End of input check
        ### ------------------------------------------------------
        # create code info
        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid
        cmdline = []
        for key in parameters.dict:
            cmdline += [key]
            if parameters.dict[key] != '':
                if isinstance(parameters.dict[key], list):
                    cmdline += parameters.dict[key]
                    cmdline += [parameters.dict[key]]
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = cmdline

        # create calc info
        calcinfo = CalcInfo()
        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        calcinfo.cmdline_params = codeinfo.cmdline_params
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        # file lists
        calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = []
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = []
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []

        calcinfo.retrieve_list = settings_dict.pop('additional_retrieve_list', [])

        # symlinks
        if parent_calc_folder is not None:
            comp_uuid = parent_calc_folder.get_computer().uuid
            remote_path = parent_calc_folder.get_remote_path()
            symlink = (comp_uuid, remote_path, self._PARENT_CALC_FOLDER_NAME)

        return calcinfo

Beispiel #8
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        This is the routine to be called when you want to create
        the input files and related stuff with a plugin.

        :param tempfolder: a aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                           the plugin should put all its files.
        :param inputdict: a dictionary with the input nodes, as they would
                be returned by get_inputdata_dict (without the Code!)

        local_copy_list = []
        remote_copy_list = []

        # Process the settings dictionary first
        # Settings can be undefined, and defaults to an empty dictionary
        settings = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('settings'), None)
        if settings is None:
            settings_dict = {}
            if not isinstance(settings, ParameterData):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "settings, if specified, must be of "
                    "type ParameterData")

            # Settings converted to UPPERCASE
            # Presumably to standardize the usage and avoid
            # ambiguities
            settings_dict = _uppercase_dict(settings.get_dict(),

            parameters = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parameters'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No parameters specified for this "
        if not isinstance(parameters, ParameterData):
            raise InputValidationError("parameters is not of type "

        # Basis can be undefined, and defaults to an empty dictionary,
        # Siesta will use default parameters
        basis = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('basis'), None)
        if basis is None:
            input_basis = {}
            if not isinstance(basis, ParameterData):
                raise InputValidationError("basis not of type ParameterData")

#            input_basis=FDFDict(basis.get_dict())
            input_basis = basis.get_dict()

            structure = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('structure'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No structure specified for this "
        if not isinstance(structure, StructureData):
            raise InputValidationError(
                "structure is not of type StructureData")

        # k-points
        # It is now possible to elide the kpoints node.
        # Note also that a *different* set of k-points is needed if a band
        # calculation is carried out. This should be specified somehow in
        # the 'settings' dictionary (see QE example...)

        kpoints = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('kpoints'), None)
        if kpoints is None:
            # Do nothing. Assume it is a gamma-point calculation
            if not isinstance(kpoints, KpointsData):
                raise InputValidationError("kpoints, if specified, must be of "
                                           "type KpointsData")

        bandskpoints = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('bandskpoints'), None)
        if bandskpoints is None:
            flagbands = False
            flagbands = True
            if not isinstance(bandskpoints, KpointsData):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "kpoints for bands is not of type KpointsData")

        pseudos = {}
        # I create here a dictionary that associates each kind name to a pseudo
        for link in inputdict.keys():
            if link.startswith(self._get_linkname_pseudo_prefix()):
                kindstring = link[len(self._get_linkname_pseudo_prefix()):]
                kinds = kindstring.split('_')
                the_pseudo = inputdict.pop(link)
                if not isinstance(the_pseudo, PsfData):
                    raise InputValidationError("Pseudo for kind(s) {} is not "
                                               " of type PsfData".format(
                # Note that we can associate the same pseudo object to different
                # atom kinds
                for kind in kinds:
                    pseudos[kind] = the_pseudo

        parent_calc_folder = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parent_folder'),
        if parent_calc_folder is not None:
            if not isinstance(parent_calc_folder, RemoteData):
                raise InputValidationError("parent_calc_folder, if specified,"
                                           "must be of type RemoteData")

            code = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('code'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No code specified for this calculation")

        # Here, there should be no more parameters...
        if inputdict:
            raise InputValidationError("The following input data nodes are "
                                       "unrecognized: {}".format(

        # Check structure, get species, check peudos
        kindnames = [ for k in structure.kinds]
        if set(kindnames) != set(pseudos.keys()):
            err_msg = ("Mismatch between the defined pseudos and the list of "
                       "kinds of the structure. Pseudos: {}; kinds: {}".format(
            raise InputValidationError(err_msg)


        # There should be a warning for duplicated (canonicalized) keys
        # in the original dictionary in the script

        input_params = FDFDict(parameters.get_dict())

        # Look for blocked keywords and
        # add the proper values to the dictionary

        for blocked_key in self._aiida_blocked_keywords:
            canonical_blocked = FDFDict.translate_key(blocked_key)
            for key in input_params:
                if key == canonical_blocked:
                    raise InputValidationError(
                        "You cannot specify explicitly the '{}' flag in the "
                        "input parameters".format(

        input_params.update({'system-name': self._PREFIX})
        input_params.update({'system-label': self._PREFIX})
        input_params.update({'use-tree-timer': 'T'})
        input_params.update({'xml-write': 'T'})

        input_params.update({'number-of-species': len(structure.kinds)})
        input_params.update({'number-of-atoms': len(structure.sites)})
        # Regarding the lattice-constant parameter:
        # -- The variable "alat" is not typically kept anywhere, and
        # has already been used to define the vectors.
        # We need to specify that the units of these vectors are Ang...

        input_params.update({'lattice-constant': '1.0 Ang'})

        # Note that this  will break havoc with the band-k-points "pi/a"
        # option. The use of this option should be banned.

        # Note that the implicit coordinate convention of the Structure
        # class corresponds to the "Ang" convention in Siesta.
        # That is why the "atomic-coordinates-format" keyword is blocked
        # and reset.
        input_params.update({'atomic-coordinates-format': 'Ang'})

        # ============== Preparation of input data ===============

        # ------------ CELL_PARAMETERS -----------
        cell_parameters_card = "%block lattice-vectors\n"
        for vector in structure.cell:
            cell_parameters_card += ("{0:18.10f} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f}"
        cell_parameters_card += "%endblock lattice-vectors\n"

        # ------------- ATOMIC_SPECIES ------------
        # I create the subfolder that will contain the pseudopotentials
        tempfolder.get_subfolder(self._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER, create=True)
        # I create the subfolder with the output data
        tempfolder.get_subfolder(self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, create=True)

        atomic_species_card_list = []

        # Dictionary to get the atomic number of a given element
        datmn = dict([(v['symbol'], k) for k, v in elements.iteritems()])

        spind = {}
        spcount = 0
        for kind in structure.kinds:

            ps = pseudos[]

            # I add this pseudo file to the list of files to copy,
            # with the appropiate name
                                        + ".psf")))
            spcount += 1
            spind[] = spcount
            atomic_species_card_list.append("{0:5} {1:5} {2:5}\n".format(
                spind[], datmn[kind.symbol],

        atomic_species_card_list = (["%block chemicalspecieslabel\n"] +
        atomic_species_card = "".join(atomic_species_card_list)
        atomic_species_card += "%endblock chemicalspecieslabel\n"
        # Free memory
        del atomic_species_card_list

        # ------------ ATOMIC_POSITIONS -----------
        atomic_positions_card_list = [
            "%block atomiccoordinatesandatomicspecies\n"
        countatm = 0
        for site in structure.sites:
            countatm += 1
                "{0:18.10f} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} {3:4} {4:6} {5:6}\n".format(
                    site.position[0], site.position[1], site.position[2],
                    spind[site.kind_name], site.kind_name.rjust(6), countatm))
        atomic_positions_card = "".join(atomic_positions_card_list)
        del atomic_positions_card_list  # Free memory
        atomic_positions_card += "%endblock atomiccoordinatesandatomicspecies\n"

        # --------------- K-POINTS ----------------
        if kpoints is not None:
            # Get a mesh for sampling
            # NOTE that there is not yet support for the 'kgrid-cutoff'
            # option in Siesta.
                mesh, offset = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh()
                has_mesh = True
            except AttributeError:
                raise InputValidationError("K-point sampling for scf "
                                           "must be given in mesh form")

            kpoints_card_list = ["%block kgrid_monkhorst_pack\n"]
            # This will fail if has_mesh is False (for the case of a list),
            # since in that case 'offset' is undefined.
            kpoints_card_list.append("{0:6} {1:6} {2:6} {3:18.10f}\n".format(
                mesh[0], 0, 0, offset[0]))
            kpoints_card_list.append("{0:6} {1:6} {2:6} {3:18.10f}\n".format(
                0, mesh[1], 0, offset[1]))
            kpoints_card_list.append("{0:6} {1:6} {2:6} {3:18.10f}\n".format(
                0, 0, mesh[2], offset[2]))

            kpoints_card = "".join(kpoints_card_list)
            kpoints_card += "%endblock kgrid_monkhorst_pack\n"
            del kpoints_card_list

        # --------------- K-POINTS-FOR-BANDS ----------------!
        #This part is computed only if flagbands=True
        #Two possibility are supported in Siesta: BandLines ad BandPoints
        #At the moment the user can't choose directly one of the two options
        #BandsLine is set automatically if bandskpoints has labels,
        #BandsPoints if bandskpoints has no labels
        #BandLinesScale =pi/a is not supported at the moment because currently
        #a=1 always. BandLinesScale ReciprocalLatticeVectors is always set
        if flagbands:
            bandskpoints_card_list = [
                "BandLinesScale ReciprocalLatticeVectors\n"
            if bandskpoints.labels == None:
                bandskpoints_card_list.append("%block BandPoints\n")
                for s in bandskpoints.get_kpoints():
                        "{0:8.3f} {1:8.3f} {2:8.3f} \n".format(
                            s[0], s[1], s[2]))
                fbkpoints_card = "".join(bandskpoints_card_list)
                fbkpoints_card += "%endblock BandPoints\n"
                bandskpoints_card_list.append("%block BandLines\n")
                savs = []
                listforbands = bandskpoints.get_kpoints()
                for s, m in bandskpoints.labels:
                rawindex = 0
                for s, m in bandskpoints.labels:
                    rawindex = rawindex + 1
                    x, y, z = listforbands[s]
                    if rawindex == 1:
                            "{0:3} {1:8.3f} {2:8.3f} {3:8.3f} {4:1} \n".format(
                                1, x, y, z, m))
                            "{0:3} {1:8.3f} {2:8.3f} {3:8.3f} {4:1} \n".format(
                                s - savs[rawindex - 2], x, y, z, m))
                fbkpoints_card = "".join(bandskpoints_card_list)
                fbkpoints_card += "%endblock BandLines\n"
            del bandskpoints_card_list

        # ================ Namelists and cards ===================

        input_filename = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)

        with open(input_filename, 'w') as infile:
            # here print keys and values tp file

            for k, v in sorted(input_params.iteritems()):
                infile.write(get_input_data_text(k, v))
                # ,mapping=mapping_species))

            # Basis set info is processed just like the general
            # parameters section. Some discipline is needed to
            # put any basis-related parameters (including blocks)
            # in the basis dictionary in the input script.
            if basis is not None:
                infile.write("#\n# -- Basis Set Info follows\n#\n")
                for k, v in input_basis.iteritems():
                    infile.write(get_input_data_text(k, v))

            # Write previously generated cards now
            infile.write("#\n# -- Structural Info follows\n#\n")
            if kpoints is not None:
                infile.write("#\n# -- K-points Info follows\n#\n")
            if flagbands:
                infile.write("#\n# -- Bandlines/Bandpoints Info follows\n#\n")

            # Write max wall-clock time
            infile.write("#\n# -- Max wall-clock time block\n#\n")
            infile.write("max.walltime {}".format(

        # ------------------------------------- END of fdf file creation

        # operations for restart

        # The presence of a 'parent_calc_folder' input node signals
        # that we want to get something from there, as indicated in the
        # self._restart_copy_from attribute.
        # In Siesta's case, for now, it is just the density-matrix file
        # It will be copied to the current calculation's working folder.

        if parent_calc_folder is not None:
                              self._restart_copy_from), self._restart_copy_to))

        calcinfo = CalcInfo()

        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        # Empty command line by default
        # Why use 'pop' ?
        cmdline_params = settings_dict.pop('CMDLINE', [])

        # Comment this paragraph better, if applicable to Siesta
        #we commented calcinfo.stin_name and added it here in cmdline_params
        #in this way the mpirun ... pw.x ... <
        #is replaced by mpirun ... pw.x ... -in
        # in the scheduler, _get_run_line, if cmdline_params is empty, it
        # simply uses < calcinfo.stin_name

        if cmdline_params:
            calcinfo.cmdline_params = list(cmdline_params)
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = remote_copy_list

        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.xml_name = self._XML_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.json_name = self._JSON_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.messages_name = self._MESSAGES_FILE_NAME

        # Code information object
        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = list(cmdline_params)
        codeinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.xml_name = self._XML_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.json_name = self._JSON_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.messages_name = self._MESSAGES_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        # Retrieve by default: the output file, the xml file, and the
        # messages file.
        # If flagbands=True we also add the bands file to the retrieve list!
        # This is extremely important because the parser parses the bands
        # only if aiida.bands is in the retrieve list!!

        calcinfo.retrieve_list = []
        if flagbands:

        # Any other files specified in the settings dictionary
        settings_retrieve_list = settings_dict.pop('ADDITIONAL_RETRIEVE_LIST',
        calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings_retrieve_list

        return calcinfo
Beispiel #9
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        This is the routine to be called when you want to create
        the input files and related stuff with a plugin.

        :param tempfolder: a aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                           the plugin should put all its files.
        :param inputdict: a dictionary with the input nodes, as they would
                be returned by get_inputdata_dict (without the Code!)

        in_nodes = self._verify_inlinks(inputdict)
        params, structure, code, settings, block_pockets, restart_folder, local_copy_list = in_nodes

        # handle restart
        if restart_folder is not None:
            self._create_restart(restart_folder, params, tempfolder)

        # handle block pockets
        for i, block_pocket in enumerate(block_pockets):
            if block_pocket:
                    'BlockPocketsFileName'] = 'component_{}'.format(i)
                params['Component'][i]['BlockPockets'] = 'yes'

        # write raspa input file
        if 'FrameworkName' in params['GeneralSettings']:
            raise InputValidationError(
                'You should not provide "FrameworkName"'
                ' as an input parameter. It will be generated automatically'
                ' by AiiDA')
        elif structure is not None:
            params['GeneralSettings']['Framework'] = '0'
            params['GeneralSettings']['FrameworkName'] = 'framework'
        inp = RaspaInput(params)
        inp_fn = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)
        with open(inp_fn, "w") as f:

        # create structure file
        if structure is not None:
            # rewrite cif file using ase to get correct labels column in format e.g. O1 O2 ...
            # otherwise RASPA parses cif file often incorrectly
            # atoms = structure.get_ase()
            # write(tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._COORDS_FILE_NAME), atoms)

        # create code info
        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        cmdline = settings.pop('cmdline', [])
        cmdline += [self._INPUT_FILE_NAME]
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = cmdline
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid

        # create calc info
        calcinfo = CalcInfo()
        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        calcinfo.cmdline_params = codeinfo.cmdline_params
        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        #        calcinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        # file lists
        calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = []
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []
        calcinfo.retrieve_list = [[self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, '.', 0],
                                  [self._RESTART_FILE_NAME, '.', 0]]
        calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings.pop('additional_retrieve_list', [])

        # check for left over settings
        if settings:
            msg = "The following keys have been found "
            msg += "in the settings input node {}, ".format(
            msg += "but were not understood: " + ",".join(list(
            raise InputValidationError(msg)

        return calcinfo
Beispiel #10
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        This is the routine to be called when you want to create
        the input files and related stuff with a plugin.

        :param tempfolder: a aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                           the plugin should put all its files.
        :param inputdict: a dictionary with the input nodes, as they would
                be returned by get_inputdata_dict (without the Code!)

        local_copy_list = []
        remote_copy_list = []

        # Process the settings dictionary first
        # Settings can be undefined, and defaults to an empty dictionary
        settings = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('settings'), None)
        if settings is None:
            settings_dict = {}
            if not isinstance(settings, ParameterData):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "settings, if specified, must be of "
                    "type ParameterData")

            # Settings converted to UPPERCASE to standardize the usage and
            # avoid ambiguities
            settings_dict = _uppercase_dict(settings.get_dict(),

        # Parameters
            parameters = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parameters'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No parameters specified for this "
        if not isinstance(parameters, ParameterData):
            raise InputValidationError("parameters is not of type "

        # Singlefile
        singlefile = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('singlefile'), None)
        if singlefile is not None:
            if not isinstance(singlefile, SinglefileData):
                raise InputValidationError("singlefile, if specified,"
                                           "must be of type SinglefileData")

        # Parent calculation folder
        parent_calc_folder = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parent_folder'),
        if parent_calc_folder is not None:
            if not isinstance(parent_calc_folder, RemoteData):
                raise InputValidationError("parent_calc_folder, if specified,"
                                           "must be of type RemoteData")

        # Code
            code = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('code'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No code specified for this calculation")

        # Here, there should be no more input data
        if inputdict:
            raise InputValidationError("The following input data nodes are "
                                       "unrecognized: {}".format(


        input_params = parameters.get_dict()

        # = Preparation of input data ============================

        input_filename = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)

        with open(input_filename, 'w') as infile:
            # Here print keys and values to file

            for k, v in sorted(input_params.iteritems()):
                infile.write(get_input_data_text(k, v))

        # = Additional files =====================================

        # Create the subfolder that will contain Gollum files
        tempfolder.get_subfolder(self._GFILES_SUBFOLDER, create=True)
        # Create the subfolder with the output data
        tempfolder.get_subfolder(self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, create=True)

        if singlefile is not None:
            lfile = singlefile.get_file_abs_path().split("path/", 1)[1]

        settings_local_copy_list = settings_dict.pop(
        if settings_local_copy_list is not None:
            for k in settings_local_copy_list:
                lfile = k.split("/")
                lf = './' + lfile[len(lfile) - 1]
                local_copy_list.append((unicode(k), unicode(lf)))

        # = Parent calculation folder ============================

        # The presence of a 'parent_calc_folder' input node signals
        # that we want to get something from there, as indicated in the
        # self._restart_copy_from attribute. In Gollum, partial.mat
        # It will be copied to the current calculation's working folder

        if parent_calc_folder is not None:
                              self._restart_copy_from), self._restart_copy_to))

        # = Calculation information and parameters ===============

        calcinfo = CalcInfo()

        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid

        cmdline_params = settings_dict.pop('CMDLINE', [])

        if cmdline_params:
            calcinfo.cmdline_params = list(cmdline_params)
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = remote_copy_list

        calcinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.messages_name = self._MESSAGES_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.oc_name = self._OC_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.ou_name = self._OU_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.od_name = self._OD_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.tt_name = self._TT_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.tu_name = self._TU_FILE_NAME
        calcinfo.td_name = self._TD_FILE_NAME

        # = Code information object ==============================

        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        #codeinfo.cmdline_params = list(cmdline_params)
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = [cmdline_params]
        #codeinfo.stdin_name = self._INPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.messages_name = self._MESSAGES_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.oc_name = self._OC_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.ou_name = self._OU_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.od_name = self._OD_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.tt_name = self._TT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.tu_name = self._TU_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.td_name = self._TD_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        # = Retrieve files =======================================

        # Retrieve by default: the output file
        calcinfo.retrieve_list = []

        # Any other files specified in the settings dictionary
        settings_retrieve_list = settings_dict.pop('ADDITIONAL_RETRIEVE_LIST',
        calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings_retrieve_list

        # = Copy additional remote files =========================

        # Additional remote copy list for files like the EM or leads
        settings_remote_copy_list = settings_dict.pop(
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list += settings_remote_copy_list

        if settings_remote_copy_list and parent_calc_folder is None:
            raise ValueError("The definition of a parent calculation folder "
                             "is also needed when there is a remote copy list")
        for src_relative, dest_relative in settings_remote_copy_list:
                parent_calc_folder.get_computer().uuid, src_relative,

        return calcinfo