Beispiel #1
async def web_get_cmd_data(app: web.Application):
    """Gets the command data from the bot\n
    This should be added as an `on_startup` signal"""
    cmds = sorted(app["bot"].commands, key=lambda cmd: cmd.cog_name)
    cmds = sorted(cmds, key=lambda i: app["bot"].cog_load_order.index(i.cog))
    cmds = [
        cmd for cmd in cmds
        if cmd.enabled and not cmd.hidden and != "jishaku"
    cmds = [
        cmd for cmd in cmds if "is_owner" not in [
            getattr(chk, "__qualname__", "nope").split(".")[0]
            for chk in cmd.checks
    # TODO: Too hacky, I don't like it >_<

    data = {cog.qualified_name: list() for cog in app["bot"].cog_load_order}
    [data[cmd.cog.qualified_name].append(cmd) for cmd in cmds]
    for cog in data.copy():
        if data[cog] == list():
            del data[cog]
    app.cmddata = data