Beispiel #1
async def test_concatmap(assert_run, event_loop):
    # Concurrent run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.concatmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x+2, interval=5))
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 3, 5, 5]

    # Sequential run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.concatmap(
            lambda x: stream.range(x, x+2, interval=5),
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [5, 1, 5, 1, 5]

    # Limited run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.concatmap(
            lambda x: stream.range(x, x+2, interval=5),
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 4, 1, 4, 5]

    # Make sure item arrive as soon as possible
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.just(2)
        ys = xs | pipe.concatmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x+4, interval=1))
        zs = ys | pipe.timeout(2)  # Sould NOT raise
        await assert_run(zs, [2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]
Beispiel #2
async def test_flatmap(assert_run, event_loop):
    # Concurrent run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.flatmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x+2, interval=5))
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 3, 1, 1]

    # Sequential run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.flatmap(
            lambda x: stream.range(x, x+2, interval=5),
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [5, 1, 5, 1, 5]

    # Limited run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.flatmap(
            lambda x: stream.range(x, x+2, interval=5),
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 4, 1, 5]
Beispiel #3
async def test_slice(assert_run, event_loop):
    slice =

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(10, 20)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | slice.pipe(2))
        await assert_run(xs, [10, 11])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(10, 20)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | slice.pipe(8, None))
        await assert_run(xs, [18, 19])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(10, 20)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | slice.pipe(-3, -1))
        await assert_run(xs, [17, 18])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(10, 20)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | slice.pipe(-5, -1, 2))
        await assert_run(xs, [15, 17])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        xs = stream.range(10, 20) | slice.pipe(5, 1, -1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        xs = stream.range(10, 20) | slice.pipe(-8, 8)
Beispiel #4
async def test_list(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.list()
        await assert_run(xs, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.list()
        await assert_run(xs, [[]])
Beispiel #5
async def test_skiplast(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(10) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.skiplast(8)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(10) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.skiplast(0)
        await assert_run(xs, list(range(10)))
Beispiel #6
async def test_take(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.count() | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.take(3)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.count() | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.take(0)
        await assert_run(xs, [])
Beispiel #7
async def test_chain(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) + stream.range(5, 10)
        await assert_run(xs, list(range(10)))

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(10, 15) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        xs += stream.range(15, 20) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        await assert_run(xs, list(range(10, 20)))
Beispiel #8
async def test_timeout(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(3) | pipe.timeout(5)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 2])
        assert event_loop.steps == []

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(3) + stream.never()
        ys = xs | pipe.timeout(1)
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2], asyncio.TimeoutError())
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]
Beispiel #9
async def test_merge(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.delay(1)
        ys = stream.range(0, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.merge(xs)
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1, 1]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.delay(1)
        ys = stream.range(0, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.merge(xs)
        await assert_run(ys[:3], [0, 1, 2])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1]
Beispiel #10
async def test_reduce(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.reduce(min)
        await assert_run(xs, [0])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.reduce(max)
        await assert_run(xs, [4])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.reduce(max)
        await assert_run(xs, [], IndexError("Index out of range"))
Beispiel #11
async def test_ziplatest(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 5, 2, interval=2)
        ys = stream.range(1, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.delay(1)
        zs = stream.ziplatest(xs, ys, default='▲')
        await assert_run(zs, [(0, '▲'), (0, 1), (2, 1), (2, 3), (4, 3)])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1, 1]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 5, 2, interval=2)
        ys = stream.range(1, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.delay(1)
        zs = stream.ziplatest(xs, ys, partial=False)
        await assert_run(zs, [(0, 1), (2, 1), (2, 3), (4, 3)])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1, 1]
Beispiel #12
async def test_switchmap(assert_run, event_loop):

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 30, 10, interval=3)
        ys = xs | pipe.switchmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x+5, interval=1))
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    # Test cleanup procedure
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 5, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.switchmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x+2, interval=2))
        await assert_run(ys[:3], [0, 1, 2])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1]
Beispiel #13
async def test_action(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        lst = []
        xs = stream.range(3) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.action(lst.append)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 2])
        assert lst == [0, 1, 2]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        queue = asyncio.Queue()
        xs = stream.range(3) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.action(queue.put)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 2])
        assert queue.get_nowait() == 0
        assert queue.get_nowait() == 1
        assert queue.get_nowait() == 2
Beispiel #14
async def test_print(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        f = io.StringIO()
        xs = stream.range(3) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.print(file=f)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 2])
        assert f.getvalue() == '0\n1\n2\n'

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        f = io.StringIO()
        xs = (
            | add_resource.pipe(1)
            | pipe.print('{:.1f}', end='|', file=f)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 2])
        assert f.getvalue() == '0.0|1.0|2.0|'
Beispiel #15
async def test_dropwhile(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(1, 10)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.dropwhile(lambda x: x < 7))
        await assert_run(xs, [7, 8, 9])

    async def afunc(x):
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        return x < 7

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(1, 10)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.dropwhile(afunc))
        await assert_run(xs, [7, 8, 9])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 8
Beispiel #16
async def test_streamcontext(event_loop):

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(3) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        async with streamcontext(xs) as streamer:
            it = iter(range(3))
            async for item in streamer:
                assert item == next(it)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        async with as streamer:
            it = iter(range(5))
            async for item in streamer:
                assert item == next(it)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]
Beispiel #17
async def test_filter(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(1, 10)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.filter(lambda x: x in [4, 7, 8]))
        await assert_run(xs, [4, 7, 8])

    async def afunc(x):
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        return x in [3, 6, 9]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(1, 10)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.filter(afunc))
        await assert_run(xs, [3, 6, 9])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]*10
Beispiel #18
async def test_dropwhile(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(1, 10)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.dropwhile(lambda x: x < 7))
        await assert_run(xs, [7, 8, 9])

    async def afunc(x):
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        return x < 7

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(1, 10)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.dropwhile(afunc))
        await assert_run(xs, [7, 8, 9])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]*8
Beispiel #19
async def test_streamcontext(event_loop):

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(3) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        async with streamcontext(xs) as streamer:
            it = iter(range(3))
            async for item in streamer:
                assert item == next(it)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        async with as streamer:
            it = iter(range(5))
            async for item in streamer:
                assert item == next(it)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]
async def test_concatmap(assert_run, event_loop):
    # Concurrent run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.concatmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x + 2, interval=5))
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 3, 5, 5]

    # Sequential run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.concatmap(
            lambda x: stream.range(x, x + 2, interval=5), task_limit=1
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [5, 1, 5, 1, 5]

    # Limited run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.concatmap(
            lambda x: stream.range(x, x + 2, interval=5), task_limit=2
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 4, 1, 4, 5]

    # Make sure item arrive as soon as possible
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.just(2)
        ys = xs | pipe.concatmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x + 4, interval=1))
        zs = ys | pipe.timeout(2)  # Sould NOT raise
        await assert_run(zs, [2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    # An exception might get discarded if the result can be produced before the
    # processing of the exception is required
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.iterate([True, False])
        ys = xs | pipe.concatmap(
            lambda x: stream.range(0, 3, interval=1)
            if x
            else stream.throw(ZeroDivisionError)
        zs = ys | pipe.take(3)
        await assert_run(zs, [0, 1, 2])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1]
Beispiel #21
async def test_chunks(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(3, interval=1) | pipe.chunks(3)
        await assert_run(xs, [[0, 1, 2]])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(4, interval=1) | pipe.chunks(3)
        await assert_run(xs, [[0, 1, 2], [3]])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5, interval=1) | pipe.chunks(3)
        await assert_run(xs, [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4]])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.count(interval=1)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.chunks(3))
        await assert_run(xs[:1], [[0, 1, 2]])
Beispiel #22
async def test_merge(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.delay(1)
        ys = stream.range(0, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.merge(xs)
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1, 1]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.delay(1)
        ys = stream.range(0, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.merge(xs)
        await assert_run(ys[:3], [0, 1, 2])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.just(1) + stream.never()
        ys = xs | pipe.merge(xs) | pipe.timeout(1)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 1], asyncio.TimeoutError())
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]
Beispiel #23
async def test_cycle(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.empty() | pipe.cycle() | pipe.timeout(1)
        await assert_run(xs, [], asyncio.TimeoutError())

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (
            | add_resource.pipe(1)
            | pipe.cycle()
            | pipe.timeout(1)
        await assert_run(xs, [], asyncio.TimeoutError())

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.just(1) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.cycle()
        await assert_run(xs[:5], [1]*5)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]*5
Beispiel #24
async def test_chunks(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(3, interval=1) | pipe.chunks(3)
        await assert_run(xs, [[0, 1, 2]])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(4, interval=1) | pipe.chunks(3)
        await assert_run(xs, [[0, 1, 2], [3]])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5, interval=1) | pipe.chunks(3)
        await assert_run(xs, [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4]])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.count(interval=1)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.chunks(3))
        await assert_run(xs[:1], [[0, 1, 2]])
Beispiel #25
async def test_cycle(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.empty() | pipe.cycle() | pipe.timeout(1)
        await assert_run(xs, [], asyncio.TimeoutError())

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (
            | add_resource.pipe(1)
            | pipe.cycle()
            | pipe.timeout(1)
        await assert_run(xs, [], asyncio.TimeoutError())

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.just(1) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.cycle()
        await assert_run(xs[:5], [1]*5)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]*5
Beispiel #26
async def test_item(assert_run, event_loop):
    item =

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | item.pipe(2)
        await assert_run(xs, [2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | item.pipe(-2)
        await assert_run(xs, [3])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | item.pipe(10)
        exception = IndexError('Index out of range', )
        await assert_run(xs, [], exception)

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | item.pipe(-10)
        exception = IndexError('Index out of range', )
        await assert_run(xs, [], exception)
Beispiel #27
async def test_item(assert_run, event_loop):
    item =

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | item.pipe(2)
        await assert_run(xs, [2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | item.pipe(-2)
        await assert_run(xs, [3])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | item.pipe(10)
        exception = IndexError('Index out of range',)
        await assert_run(xs, [], exception)

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | item.pipe(-10)
        exception = IndexError('Index out of range',)
        await assert_run(xs, [], exception)
Beispiel #28
async def test_starmap(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5)
        ys = stream.range(5)
        zs = xs | | pipe.starmap(lambda x, y: x + y)
        expected = [x * 2 for x in range(5)]
        await assert_run(zs, expected)

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4)
        ys = stream.range(1, 4)
        zs = xs | | pipe.starmap(asyncio.sleep)
        await assert_run(zs, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4)
        ys = stream.range(1, 4)
        zs = xs | | pipe.starmap(asyncio.sleep, task_limit=1)
        await assert_run(zs, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 2, 3]
Beispiel #29
async def test_starmap(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5)
        ys = stream.range(5)
        zs = xs | | pipe.starmap(lambda x, y: x+y)
        expected = [x*2 for x in range(5)]
        await assert_run(zs, expected)

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4)
        ys = stream.range(1, 4)
        zs = xs | | pipe.starmap(asyncio.sleep)
        await assert_run(zs, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4)
        ys = stream.range(1, 4)
        zs = xs | | pipe.starmap(asyncio.sleep, task_limit=1)
        await assert_run(zs, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 2, 3]
Beispiel #30
async def test_getitem(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.getitem(2)
        await assert_run(xs, [2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        await assert_run(xs[2], [2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        s = slice(1, 3)
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.getitem(s)
        await assert_run(xs, [1, 2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        await assert_run(xs[1:3], [1, 2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        s = slice(1, 5, 2)
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.getitem(s)
        await assert_run(xs, [1, 3])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        await assert_run(xs[1:5:2], [1, 3])

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        xs = stream.range(5)[None]
Beispiel #31
async def test_getitem(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.getitem(2)
        await assert_run(xs, [2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        await assert_run(xs[2], [2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        s = slice(1, 3)
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.getitem(s)
        await assert_run(xs, [1, 2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        await assert_run(xs[1:3], [1, 2])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        s = slice(1, 5, 2)
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.getitem(s)
        await assert_run(xs, [1, 3])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1)
        await assert_run(xs[1:5:2], [1, 3])

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        xs = stream.range(5)[None]
Beispiel #32
async def test_aitercontext(event_loop):
    async def agen():
        for x in range(5):
            await asyncio.sleep(1)
            yield x

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        async with aitercontext(agen()) as safe_gen:
            it = iter(range(5))
            async for item in safe_gen:
                assert item == next(it)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 5

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
            await anext(safe_gen)

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
            async with safe_gen:

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
            await safe_gen.athrow(ValueError())

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        async with aitercontext(agen()) as safe_gen:
            assert await safe_gen.__anext__() == 0
            with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
                await safe_gen.athrow(ZeroDivisionError())
            async for item in safe_gen:
                assert False  # No more items

    safe_gen = aitercontext(agen())
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        await anext(safe_gen)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Beispiel #33
async def test_aggregate(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate()
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 3, 6, 10])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(2, 4)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.accumulate(func=operator.mul, initializer=2))
        await assert_run(xs, [2, 4, 12])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate()
        await assert_run(xs, [])

    async def sleepmax(x, y):
        return await asyncio.sleep(1, result=max(x, y))

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(3) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate(sleepmax)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 2])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 3
Beispiel #34
async def test_aggregate(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate()
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 3, 6, 10])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(2, 4)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.accumulate(func=operator.mul, initializer=2))
        await assert_run(xs, [2, 4, 12])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate()
        await assert_run(xs, [])

    async def sleepmax(x, y):
        return await asyncio.sleep(1, result=max(x, y))

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(3) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate(sleepmax)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 2])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]*3
Beispiel #35
async def test_flatmap(assert_run, event_loop):
    # Concurrent run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.flatmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x + 2, interval=5))
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 3, 1, 1]

    # Sequential run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.flatmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x + 2, interval=5),
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [5, 1, 5, 1, 5]

    # Limited run
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 6, 2, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.flatmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x + 2, interval=5),
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 4, 1, 5]
Beispiel #36
async def test_map(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | x: x**2)
        expected = [x**2 for x in range(5)]
        await assert_run(xs, expected)

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5)
        ys = xs | x, y: x + y, xs)
        expected = [x * 2 for x in range(5)]
        await assert_run(ys, expected)

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4) |
        expected = [None] * 3
        await assert_run(xs, expected)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 2, 3]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4)
        ys = xs |, xs)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 2, 3]
async def test_merge(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.delay(1)
        ys = stream.range(0, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.merge(xs)
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1, 1]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.delay(1)
        ys = stream.range(0, 5, 2, interval=2) | pipe.merge(xs)
        await assert_run(ys[:3], [0, 1, 2])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1]

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.just(1) + stream.never()
        ys = xs | pipe.merge(xs) | pipe.timeout(1)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 1], asyncio.TimeoutError())
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]

    # Reproduce issue #65
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.iterate([1, 2])
        ys = stream.iterate([3, 4])
        zs = stream.merge(xs, ys) | pipe.take(3)
        await assert_run(zs, [1, 2, 3])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.iterate([1, 2, 3])
        ys = stream.throw(ZeroDivisionError)
        zs = stream.merge(xs, ys) | pipe.delay(1) | pipe.take(3)
        await assert_run(zs, [1, 2, 3])

    # Silencing of a CancelledError

    async def agen1():
        if False:
            await asyncio.sleep(2)
        except asyncio.CancelledError:

    async def agen2():
        yield 1

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.merge(agen1(), agen2()) | pipe.delay(1) | pipe.take(1)
        await assert_run(xs, [1])
async def test_map(assert_run, event_loop):

    # Synchronous/simple
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | x: x**2)
        expected = [x**2 for x in range(5)]
        await assert_run(xs, expected)

    # Synchronous/multiple
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5)
        ys = xs | x, y: x + y, xs)
        expected = [x * 2 for x in range(5)]
        await assert_run(ys, expected)

    # Asynchronous/simple/concurrent
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4) |
        expected = [None] * 3
        await assert_run(xs, expected)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    # Asynchronous/simple/sequential
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4) |, task_limit=1)
        expected = [None] * 3
        await assert_run(xs, expected)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 2, 3]

    # Asynchronous/multiple/concurrent
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4)
        ys = xs |, xs)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    # Asynchronous/multiple/sequential
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4)
        ys = xs |, xs, task_limit=1)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 2, 3]

    # As completed
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.iterate([2, 4, 1, 3, 5])
        ys = xs |, xs, ordered=False)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    # Invalid argument
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        await (stream.range(1, 4) |, task_limit=0))

    # Break
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.count(1)
        ys = xs |, xs, task_limit=10)
        await assert_run(ys[:3], [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    # Stuck
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.count(1)
        ys = xs |, xs, task_limit=1) | pipe.timeout(5)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3, 4], asyncio.TimeoutError())

    # Force await
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.iterate([1, 2, 3])
        ys = xs | x: asyncio.sleep(x, x)))
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    # Map await_
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.iterate(map(lambda x: asyncio.sleep(x, x), [1, 2, 3]))
        ys = xs |
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]
Beispiel #39
async def test_flatmap(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0, 3, interval=1)
        ys = xs | pipe.flatmap(lambda x: stream.range(x, x + 6, 3, interval=3))
        await assert_run(ys, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Beispiel #40
async def test_exitstack(event_loop):
    async def acontext(arg):
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
            yield arg
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
            for i in range(5):
                value = await stack.enter_context(acontext(i))
                assert value == i
        assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 10

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
            for i in range(5):
                value = await stack.enter_context(acontext(i))
                assert value == i
            await stack.aclose()
            assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 10

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
            for i in range(5):
                value = await stack.enter_context(acontext(i))
                assert value == i
            new_stack = stack.pop_all()
        assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 5
        async with new_stack:
        assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 10

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:

            async def cleanup():
                await asyncio.sleep(1)

            for i in range(5):
                value = await stack.enter_context(acontext(i))
                assert value == i
        assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 11

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
            for i in range(5):
                context = acontext(i)
                assert await context.__aenter__() == i
        assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 10

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
                for i in range(5):
                    value = await stack.enter_context(acontext(i))
                    assert value == i
                raise KeyError('test')
        assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 10
Beispiel #41
async def test_map(assert_run, event_loop):

    # Synchronous/simple
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | x: x**2)
        expected = [x**2 for x in range(5)]
        await assert_run(xs, expected)

    # Synchronous/multiple
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5)
        ys = xs | x, y: x+y, xs)
        expected = [x*2 for x in range(5)]
        await assert_run(ys, expected)

    # Asynchronous/simple/concurrent
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4) |
        expected = [None] * 3
        await assert_run(xs, expected)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    # Asynchronous/simple/sequential
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4) |, task_limit=1)
        expected = [None] * 3
        await assert_run(xs, expected)
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 2, 3]

    # Asynchronous/multiple/concurrent
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4)
        ys = xs |, xs)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    # Asynchronous/multiple/sequential
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(1, 4)
        ys = xs |, xs, task_limit=1)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 2, 3]

    # As completed
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.iterate([2, 4, 1, 3, 5])
        ys = xs |, xs, ordered=False)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    # Invalid argument
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        await (stream.range(1, 4) |, task_limit=0))

    # Break
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.count(1)
        ys = xs |, xs, task_limit=10)
        await assert_run(ys[:3], [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    # Stuck
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.count(1)
        ys = xs |, xs, task_limit=1) | pipe.timeout(5)
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3, 4], asyncio.TimeoutError())

    # Force await
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.iterate([1, 2, 3])
        ys = xs | x: asyncio.sleep(x, x)))
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]

    # Map await_
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.iterate(map(lambda x: asyncio.sleep(x, x), [1, 2, 3]))
        ys = xs |
        await assert_run(ys, [1, 2, 3])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1, 1, 1]