def _move_to(self, target, speed=5.0, yaw=0.0): """Due to bugs in controlling the drone(issue 1677 and 1292), the temporal solution is presented.""" target = (Vector3r(target[0], target[1], target[2]) if type(target) == list else target) self._uav.moveToPositionAsync( target.x_val, target.y_val, target.z_val, speed, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(False, yaw), ).join()
def take_snapshot(self): # first hold our current position so drone doesn't try and keep flying while we take the picture. pos = self.client.getMultirotorState().kinematics_estimated.position self.client.moveToPositionAsync(pos.x_val, pos.y_val, self.z, 0.5, 10, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode(False, self.camera_heading)).join() responses = self.client.simGetImages([airsim.ImageRequest(1, airsim.ImageType.Scene)]) #scene vision image in png format response = responses[0] filename = "photo_" + str(self.snapshot_index) self.snapshot_index += 1 airsim.write_file(os.path.normpath(filename + '.png'), response.image_data_uint8) print("Saved snapshot: {}".format(filename)) self.start_time = time.time() # cause smooth ramp up to happen again after photo is taken.
def move_by_velocity(self, v, duration=1.0): if self.add_actuation_error: v = add_gaussian_noise(self.gaussian_error_mean, self.gaussian_error_std, v) if self.add_v_threshold: v = limit_velocity(v, self.v_thres) norm = np.linalg.norm(v) if norm <= 0.5: msg = self.vehicle_name + ", velocity magnitude smaller than 0.5, yaw control will not affect attitude." #warnings.warn(msg) #print(msg) return self.client.moveByVelocityAsync(v[0], v[1], v[2], duration, drivetrain=self.drivetrain_type, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(False, 0), vehicle_name=self.vehicle_name)
def flightcircle(self): print("enter the thread of flightcircle.") while (True): # 获取无人机当前位置 state = self.client.simGetGroundTruthKinematics() pos = np.array([[state.position.x_val], [state.position.y_val], [state.position.z_val]]) # 计算径向速度的方向向量 dp = pos[0:2] -[0:2] #np.linalg.norm求的是二范数,正数 if np.linalg.norm(dp) - self.radius > 0.5: vel_dir_1 = -dp elif np.linalg.norm(dp) - self.radius < 0.5: vel_dir_1 = dp # 计算切向速度的方向向量 theta = math.atan2(dp[1, 0], dp[0, 0]) if self.clock_wise: theta += math.pi / 2 else: theta -= math.pi / 2 v_dir_2 = np.array([[math.cos(theta)], [math.sin(theta)]]) # 计算最终速度的方向向量 #0.01这个参数需要自己调整以便使得飞行的圆轨迹更加丝滑 v_dir = 0.01 * vel_dir_1 + v_dir_2 # 计算最终速度指令 v_cmd = self.speed * v_dir / np.linalg.norm(v_dir) # 速度控制 drivetrain = airsim.DrivetrainType.ForwardOnly yaw_mode = airsim.YawMode(False, 90) #self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync(1, 0, self.height, 1, drivetrain=drivetrain, yaw_mode=yaw_mode) self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync(v_cmd[0, 0], v_cmd[1, 0], self.height, 1, drivetrain=drivetrain, yaw_mode=yaw_mode).join #self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync(v_cmd[0, 0], v_cmd[1, 0], self.height, 1) # 画图 ''' point_reserve = [airsim.Vector3r(self.startpoint[0, 0], self.startpoint[1, 0], self.startpoint[2, 0])] point = [airsim.Vector3r(pos[0, 0], pos[1, 0], pos[2, 0])] point_end = pos + np.vstack((v_cmd, np.array([[0]]))) point_end = [airsim.Vector3r(point_end[0, 0], point_end[1, 0], point_end[2, 0])] self.client.simPlotArrows(point, point_end, arrow_size=8.0, color_rgba=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]) self.client.simPlotLineList(point_reserve+point, color_rgba=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], is_persistent=True) # 循环 pos_reserve = pos ''' time.sleep(0.02) if (self.running == False): break
def orbit(self, args): # name, speed, x,y if len(args) < 3: print("need at least speed parameter and iterations") return if len(args) != 4: # Name, x,y target_x = float(72.38) # X coordinate of turbine 1 target_y = float(48.92) # Y coordinate of turbine 1 self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.client.moveToPositionAsync( x=float(36.33), y=float(24.32), z=-float(17.33), velocity=2, drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.ForwardOnly, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(False, 0)).join() self.client.hoverAsync().join() airsim.time.sleep(2) else: target_x = float(args[3]) target_y = float(args[4]) speed = float(args[1]) iterations = int(args[2]) for i in range(iterations): current_pos = self.client.getMultirotorState( ).kinematics_estimated.position look_at_point = np.array([target_x, target_y]) current_pos_np = np.array([current_pos.x_val, current_pos.y_val]) angle = self.lookAt(look_at_point, np.array([1, 0])) l = look_at_point - current_pos_np radius = np.linalg.norm(l) print("Radius:", radius) # Have to make sure it is enabled: self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.client.rotateToYawAsync(angle, 20, 0).join() print(self.client.getMultirotorState().kinematics_estimated. orientation) self.nav = OrbitNavigator(self.client, radius=radius, altitude=float(current_pos.z_val), speed=speed, iterations=1, center=l) self.nav.start() print("Orbit ", i, "is done, climb to:", current_pos.x_val, current_pos.y_val, current_pos.z_val - radius) self.client.moveToPositionAsync(current_pos.x_val, current_pos.y_val, current_pos.z_val - radius, speed, 10).join()
def move(self, x, y, z, v): """ move the drone :param x: :param y: :param z: :param v: :return: """ print("in move") print(x, y, z, v) default_yaw_mode = airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False) self.client.moveToPositionAsync(x, y, z, v, yaw_mode=default_yaw_mode).join()
def _move_by_path(client: airsim.MultirotorClient, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: path = [ airsim.Vector3r(*position) for position, _orientation in args.viewpoints ] future = client.moveOnPathAsync( path, args.flight_velocity, drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False, yaw_or_rate=-1.5), # FIXME ) return future
def setCameraHeading(self, camera_heading, drone): """ Set camera orientation """ pos = self.getMultirotorState(drone).kinematics_estimated.position self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync( pos.x_val, pos.y_val, pos.z_val, 1, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode(False, camera_heading), vehicle_name=drone)
def move_and_change_camera_orientation(self, x, y, z, v, orientation: Quaternionr): """ move the drone :param x: :param y: :param z: :param v: :param orientation: :return: """ print(x, y, z, v) default_yaw_mode = airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False) self.client.moveToPositionAsync(x, y, z, v, yaw_mode=default_yaw_mode).join() self.set_camera_orientation(orientation)
def move_to_pos(drone_name, x, y, z, yaw, speed): cur_pos = get_cur_pos(vehicle_name=drone_name) print("try to move: {} -> {}, yaw={}, speed={}".format( cur_pos, (x, y, z), yaw, speed)) rc = client.moveToPositionAsync( x, y, z, speed, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False, yaw_or_rate=yaw), drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, vehicle_name=drone_name).join() cur_pos = get_cur_pos(vehicle_name=drone_name) print(cur_pos)
def start(survey_path, x, y, z, z_min=-30, z_max=-60, velocity=50, quad=31): #path = [airsim.Vector3r(i,i,self.z) for i in range(0,self.size,15)] client = airsim.MultirotorClient() # client.confirmConnection() # client.enableApiControl(True) scale_x = quad * (10 / x) scale_y = quad * (10 / y) path = [ airsim.Vector3r(p[0] * scale_x + scale_x / 2, p[1] * scale_y + scale_y / 2, z_min + p[2] * (z_max - z_min) / z) for p in survey_path ] #print("Started drone_survey...") # client.armDisarm(True) # client.takeoffAsync().join() # landed = client.getMultirotorState().landed_state # if landed == airsim.LandedState.Landed: # print("taking off...") # client.takeoffAsync().join() # landed = client.getMultirotorState().landed_state # if landed == airsim.LandedState.Landed: # print("takeoff failed - check Unreal message log for details") # return # client.hoverAsync().join() # time.sleep(2) # # after hovering we need to re-enabled api control for next leg of the trip #client.enableApiControl(True) # print ('Path(Unreal Coordinates):',path) s = 1 try: # client.simSetCameraOrientation("3", airsim.to_quaternion(0, 0, 0)) for i, p in enumerate(path, start=1): #import pdb;pdb.set_trace(); # [(0,0,0),(2,2,0)] # print(p.x_val,p.y_val,p.z_val) client.moveToPositionAsync( p.x_val, p.y_val, p.z_val, velocity, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False)).join() #client.enableApiControl(True) except: errorType, value, traceback = sys.exc_info() print("moveOnPath threw exception: " + str(value)) pass
def step(self, action_id): self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.client.armDisarm(True) self.steps += 1 action = self.id2action(action_id) if self.stepped_simulation: self.client.simPause(False) if self.drone: # transform velocity according to the drone's orientation.... there is probably a way to do this more elegantly yaw = airsim.to_eularian_angles( self.client.simGetVehiclePose().orientation)[2] v_x = (action[DroneActIdx.VX.value] * np.cos(yaw) - action[DroneActIdx.VY.value] * np.sin(yaw)) v_y = (action[DroneActIdx.VX.value] * np.sin(yaw) + action[DroneActIdx.VY.value] * np.cos(yaw)) self.client.moveByVelocityAsync( v_x, v_y, action[DroneActIdx.VZ.value], self.step_duration, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode( is_rate=True, yaw_or_rate=action[DroneActIdx.Yaw.value])).join() # self.client.moveByAngleThrottleAsync(action[DroneActIdx.Pitch.value], action[DroneActIdx.Roll.value], # action[DroneActIdx.Throttle.value], action[DroneActIdx.Yaw.value], # self.step_duration).join() else: self.client.moveByVelocity(action[CarActIdx.VX.value], action[CarActIdx.VY.value], action[CarActIdx.VZ.value], self.step_duration).join() if self.stepped_simulation: self.client.simContinueForTime(self.step_duration) state = self._get_state() step_reward = self._reward_function(state) terminal = self._terminal_state(state) self.acc_reward += step_reward return state, step_reward, terminal
def moveAngulo(self, angulo, z=10): self.client.moveOnPathAsync( [airsim.Vector3r(0, -253, z), airsim.Vector3r(125, -253, z), airsim.Vector3r(125, 0, z), airsim.Vector3r(0, 0, z), airsim.Vector3r(0, 0, -20)], 12, 120, airsim.DrivetrainType.ForwardOnly, airsim.YawMode(False, 0), 20, 1).join() self.client.moveToPositionAsync(0, 0, z, 1).join()
def moveByVelocity(self, pos_msg): self.client.enableApiControl(True, self.client.armDisarm(True, if pos_msg.linear.z != 0: print(pos_msg) return self.client.moveByVelocityAsync( pos_msg.linear.x, pos_msg.linear.y, pos_msg.linear.z, .25, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(False, 0),
def _take_action(self, action): #TO_DO ZOOM """camera_info = self.client.simGetCameraInfo("bottom_center") print("CameraInfo %s: %s" % ("bottom_center", pprint.pformat(camera_info))) drone_info = self.client.simGetGroundTruthKinematics() print("DroneInfo %s: %s" % ("drone", pprint.pformat(drone_info)))""" if action == 0: pass elif action == 1: # Drone forward self.velocity = airsim.Vector3r(self.speed, 0, 0) elif action == 2: # Drone backwards self.velocity = airsim.Vector3r(-self.speed, 0, 0) elif action == 3: # Drone left self.velocity = airsim.Vector3r(0, -self.speed, 0) elif action == 4: # Drone right self.velocity = airsim.Vector3r(0, self.speed, 0) elif action == 5: # Drone up self.velocity = airsim.Vector3r(0, 0, -self.speed / 2) elif action == 6: # Drone down self.velocity = airsim.Vector3r(0, 0, self.speed / 2) self.client.moveByVelocityAsync( self.velocity.x_val, self.velocity.y_val, self.velocity.z_val, self.duration, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode()).join() self.velocity = airsim.Vector3r(0, 0, 0) self.client.moveByVelocityAsync( self.velocity.x_val, self.velocity.y_val, self.velocity.z_val, self.duration, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode()).join()
def move_drone(drone_name, dx, dy, dz, yaw=0): print_pos(drone_name) # move the drong cur_state = client.simGetGroundTruthKinematics(vehicle_name=drone_name) cur_pos = cur_state.position next_pos = airsim.Vector3r(cur_pos.x_val + dx, cur_pos.y_val + dy, cur_pos.z_val + dz)"try to move: {} -> {}".format(cur_pos, next_pos)) rc = client.moveToPositionAsync( next_pos.x_val, next_pos.y_val, next_pos.z_val, 1, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False, yaw_or_rate=yaw), drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, vehicle_name=drone_name).join() print_pos(drone_name)
def move(self, z, x, y, duration=0.2, desired_velocity=1): """ Basic move command which just moves the drone forward """ vx, vy, _ = self.transformToEarthFrame([desired_velocity * x, desired_velocity * y, 0], [self.client.simGetVehiclePose().orientation.w_val,\ self.client.simGetVehiclePose().orientation.x_val,\ self.client.simGetVehiclePose().orientation.y_val,self.client.simGetVehiclePose().orientation.z_val]) self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync( vx=vx, vy=vy, z=z, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(True, 0), drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, duration=duration).join() self.client.hoverAsync().join()
def center(self, in_frame, z, dir=1, duration=0.2): """ Specify protocols for getting package centered in camera view. With a Field of view of 90 deg. As it is now: drone does a 360 sweep and if no package is found, moves to a lower level and checks again. dir is the direction you will turn in fine tuning (1 = clockwise, -1 = counter clockwise) """ # If the package isn't in frame, rotate and try to get it in frame if not in_frame: # Rotate and capture self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync( 0, 0, z, duration, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode(True, 90)).join() self.mem += 1 # Lower the drone based on how many runs it's done if self.mem % 16 == 0: self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync( 0, 0, z + 1, duration, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode(False, 0)).join() # Move down by 5 units self.mem = 0 # If the package is in frame, do small turns until it's centered else: if dir == 0: self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync( 0, 0, z, duration, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode(True, 0)).join() else: #TODO: If the distace of the max is less towards one side, move in that direction self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync( 0, 0, z, duration, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode(True, dir * 20)).join()
def _move_by_positions(client: airsim.MultirotorClient, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: for position, orientation in args.viewpoints: _pitch, _roll, yaw = airsim.to_eularian_angles( airsim.Quaternionr(*orientation)) client.moveToPositionAsync( *position, args.flight_velocity, drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False, yaw_or_rate=yaw), ).join() client.hoverAsync().join() time.sleep(2)
def move_drone(drone_name, dx, dy, dz, yaw, speed): cur_pos = get_cur_pos(vehicle_name=drone_name) next_pos = airsim.Vector3r(cur_pos.x_val + dx, cur_pos.y_val + dy, cur_pos.z_val + dz) print("try to move: {} -> {}, yaw={}, speed={}".format( cur_pos, next_pos, yaw, speed)) rc = client.moveToPositionAsync( next_pos.x_val, next_pos.y_val, next_pos.z_val, speed, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False, yaw_or_rate=yaw), drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, vehicle_name=drone_name).join() cur_pos = get_cur_pos(vehicle_name=drone_name) print(cur_pos)
def moveToPosition(self, pos_msg): # self.client.enableApiControl(True, # self.client.armDisarm(True, x, y, z = pos_msg.pose.position.x, pos_msg.pose.position.y, pos_msg.pose.position.z print("Move to Position") # print(x, y, z) speed = 7 # vel.x + vel.y + vel.z^2 blah return self.client.moveToPositionAsync( x, y, z, speed, timeout_sec=10, drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.ForwardOnly, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False, yaw_or_rate=0),
def moveToPosition(self, pos_msg): # self.client.enableApiControl(True, # self.client.armDisarm(True, x, y, z = pos_msg.pose.position.x, pos_msg.pose.position.y, pos_msg.pose.position.z # print(x, y, z) speed = 2 # vel.x + vel.y + vel.z^2 blah return self.client.moveToPositionAsync( x, y, z, speed, timeout_sec=10, drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False, yaw_or_rate=pos_msg.pose.orientation.w),
def move_to_position(self, args: list): print("Move received") if len(args) != 5: print("Move needs 5 args") return self.client.enableApiControl(True) print("Move args:", float(args[1]), float(args[2]), float(args[3]), float(args[4])) self.client.moveToPositionAsync( x=float(args[1]), y=float(args[2]), z=float(args[3]), velocity=float(args[4]), drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.ForwardOnly, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(False, 0)).join() self.client.hoverAsync().join() print("Moved!")
def trajectory_callback(spline_marker_array_msg): last_traj_num = len(spline_marker_array_msg.markers) following_path = [] global velocity for pose in spline_marker_array_msg.markers[last_traj_num - 1].points: print("[NED] Adding point (%f, %f, %f)" % (pose.x, -pose.y, -pose.z)) following_path.append(airsim.Vector3r(pose.x, -pose.y, -pose.z)) client.moveOnPathAsync(following_path, velocity, 3e+38, airsim.DrivetrainType.ForwardOnly, airsim.YawMode(False, 0), -1, 1).join() client.enableApiControl(False)
def _move_drone(cls, client, drone_name, dx, dy, dz, cur_yaw, speed, screenshot_helper=None, mininet_helper=None): # move the drong cur_state = client.getMultirotorState(vehicle_name=drone_name) cur_pos = cur_state.kinematics_estimated.position next_pos = airsim.Vector3r(cur_pos.x_val + dx, cur_pos.y_val + dy, cur_pos.z_val + dz)"try to move: {} -> {}, yaw={}, speed={}".format( cur_pos, next_pos, cur_yaw, speed)) rc = client.moveToPositionAsync( next_pos.x_val, next_pos.y_val, next_pos.z_val, speed, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(is_rate=False, yaw_or_rate=cur_yaw), drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, vehicle_name=drone_name).join() # pose = client.simGetObjectPose(drone_name) # cur_pos = pose.position # next_pos = airsim.Vector3r( # cur_pos.x_val + dx, cur_pos.y_val + dy, cur_pos.z_val + dz) # pose.position = next_pos # rc = client.simSetObjectPose(drone_name, pose, True)"rc: {}".format(rc)) if mininet_helper is not None: mininet_helper.move_drone(cur_pos, next_pos) # is collision? collision_info = client.simGetCollisionInfo(vehicle_name=drone_name) if collision_info.has_collided: log.error('collided! collision_info={}'.format(collision_info)) client.enableApiControl(False, drone_name) return False if screenshot_helper is not None: image_file_list = screenshot_helper.do_screenshot(is_display=False) if mininet_helper is not None: mininet_helper.send_image(image_file_list[0]) return True
def run(self): # --> Reset Drone to starting position self.client.reset() # --> Enable API control and take off self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.client.armDisarm(True) self.client.moveToPositionAsync(0, 0, -2, 3).join() # --> Set path result = self.client.moveOnPathAsync([ airsim.Vector3r(0, -40, 2), airsim.Vector3r(-10, -72, 0), airsim.Vector3r(-25, -65, 4), airsim.Vector3r(-40, -65, 0), airsim.Vector3r(-62, -55, 0), airsim.Vector3r(-65, 30, 0), airsim.Vector3r(-50, 45, 4), airsim.Vector3r(-35, 55, 5), airsim.Vector3r(-10, 40, 5), airsim.Vector3r(-0, 25, 4), airsim.Vector3r(0, 0, -2), airsim.Vector3r(0, 0, -2), airsim.Vector3r(0, 0, -2), ], 16, 150, airsim.DrivetrainType.ForwardOnly, airsim.YawMode(False, 0), 20, 1).join() # self.client.moveToPositionAsync(0, -20, -2, 10).join() # time.sleep(2) # # self.client.moveToPositionAsync(0, -20, 4, 10).join() # time.sleep(2) # self.client.moveToPositionAsync(0, -28.5, -2, 1).join() # time.sleep(2) # self.client.moveToPositionAsync(0, -28.5, -6, 1) # self.client.moveToPositionAsync(0, -28, -2, 1).join() # time.sleep(2) # self.client.moveToPositionAsync(0, -28, -2, 1).join() # self.client.moveToPositionAsync(-2, -26.5, -2, 2).join() # print("1") # self.client.moveToPositionAsync(-40, -60, -2, 16, drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.ForwardOnly).join() print("2")
def __move_on_box(client: airsim.MultirotorClient, z: float, side: float, velocity: float) -> None: # NOTE airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom allows controlling the drone yaw independently # from the direction it is flying, this way we make it always point to the inside of the box duration = side / velocity vx_vy_yaw = [(velocity, 0, 90), (0, velocity, 180), (-velocity, 0, 270), (0, -velocity, 0)] print(f"[ff] Moving on box...", end=" ", flush=True) for vx, vy, yaw in vx_vy_yaw: client.simPrintLogMessage( f"moving by velocity vx={vx}, vy={vy}, yaw={yaw}") client.moveByVelocityZAsync(vx, vy, z, duration, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode(False, yaw)).join() time.sleep(4) client.hoverAsync().join() client.landAsync().join() print(f"done.")
def enter_keyboard_control(self): print("You entered the keyboard mode. Press 't' to return.") kc = KeyController() z = self.client.getMultirotorState( ).kinematics_estimated.position.z_val self.client.enableApiControl(True) while kc.listener.running: self.client.cancelLastTask() self.client.enableApiControl(True) keys = kc.get_key_pressed() if 'h' in keys: self.client.hoverAsync() else: quad_vel = self.client.getMultirotorState( ).kinematics_estimated.linear_velocity self.vx = self.handle_key_pressed(keys_to_check=['w', 's'], pressed_keys=keys, current_vel=quad_vel.x_val) self.vy = self.handle_key_pressed(keys_to_check=['d', 'a'], pressed_keys=keys, current_vel=quad_vel.y_val) z = self.handle_height(keys_to_check=['z', 'x'], pressed_keys=keys, current_height=z) self.yaw = self.handle_rotation(keys_to_check=['e', 'q'], pressed_keys=keys) print( "current vel: \n vx:{0}, nvx:{1}\n vy:{2}, nvy:{3}\n vz:{4}, nvz:{5}\n" .format(quad_vel.x_val, self.vx, quad_vel.y_val, self.vy, quad_vel.z_val, self.vz)) current_pos = self.client.getMultirotorState( ).kinematics_estimated.position print("current pos: \n x:{0}, y:{1}\n z:{2}\n".format( current_pos.x_val, current_pos.y_val, current_pos.z_val)) self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync( self.vx, self.vy, z, 0.1, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode(True, self.yaw)).join() # self.client.moveByVelocityAsync(self.vx, self.vy, self.vz, 0.1, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, # airsim.YawMode(True, self.yaw)).join() # airsim.time.sleep(0.2) print("'t' has been pressed and the console control is back") self.client.hoverAsync().join()
def enter_keyboard_control(self): print("You entered the keyboard mode. Press 't' to return.") kc = KeyController() self.client.enableApiControl(True) while kc.thread.isAlive(): self.client.cancelLastTask() self.client.enableApiControl(True) keys = kc.get_key_pressed() quad_vel = self.client.getMultirotorState().kinematics_estimated.linear_velocity self.vx = self.handle_key_pressed(keys_to_check=['w', 's'], pressed_keys=keys, current_vel=quad_vel.x_val) self.vy = self.handle_key_pressed(keys_to_check=['d', 'a'], pressed_keys=keys, current_vel=quad_vel.y_val) self.vz = self.handle_key_pressed(keys_to_check=['e', 'q'], pressed_keys=keys, current_vel=quad_vel.z_val) print("current: \n vx:{0}, nvx:{1}\n vy:{2}, nvy:{3}\n vz:{4}, nvz:{5}\n".format(quad_vel.x_val, self.vx, quad_vel.y_val, self.vy, quad_vel.z_val, self.vz)) self.client.moveByVelocityAsync(self.vx, self.vy, self.vz, 0.1, airsim.DrivetrainType.ForwardOnly, airsim.YawMode(False, 0)).join() # airsim.time.sleep(0.2) print("'t' has been pressed and the console control is back") self.client.hoverAsync().join()
def flyToPosition(self, x: float, y: float, z: float, v: float): """ Fly the drone to position Args: x : float - x coordinate y : float - y coordinate z : float - z coordinate v : float - the velocity which the drone fly to position Returns: none """ self.future = self.client.moveToPositionAsync( x, y, z, v, drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.ForwardOnly, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(False, 0.0))