Beispiel #1
async def test_compress_invalid_args():
    """Check that compress raises TypeError when args aren't iterable."""
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

        await aitertools.anext(aitertools.compress(None, range(10)))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

        await aitertools.anext(aitertools.compress(range(10), None))
Beispiel #2
async def test_compress_too_many_args():
    """Check that compress raises TypeError when too many args."""
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

        await aitertools.anext(aitertools.compress([], [], []))
Beispiel #3
async def test_compress_all_true_selectors():
    """Check that compress returns all values when selectors are True."""
    assert (await aitertools.alist(
        aitertools.compress('ABCDEF', range(1, 10))
    )) == list('ABCDEF')
Beispiel #4
async def test_compress_all_false_selectors():
    """Check that compress is empty when all selectors are False."""
    assert (await aitertools.alist(
        aitertools.compress('ABCDEF', aitertools.repeat(0))
    )) == []
Beispiel #5
async def test_compress_removes_when_selector_false():
    """Check that compress only emits values with True selectors."""
    assert (await aitertools.alist(
        aitertools.compress('ABCDEF', [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1])
    )) == list('ACEF')