def __init__(self, items, keysColumn=None, buttonsColumn=None): if keysColumn is None: keysColumn = [] if buttonsColumn is None: buttonsColumn = [] Widget.__init__(self) for (hotkey, title, action) in items: if isinstance(title, (str, unicode)): button = Button(title, action=action) else: button = ValueButton(ref=title, action=action, width=200) button.anchor = self.anchor label = Label(hotkey, width=75, margin=button.margin) label.anchor = "wh" label.height = button.height keysColumn.append(label) buttonsColumn.append(button) self.buttons = list(buttonsColumn) buttonsColumn = Column(buttonsColumn) buttonsColumn.anchor = self.anchor keysColumn = Column(keysColumn) commandRow = Row((keysColumn, buttonsColumn)) self.add(commandRow) self.shrink_wrap()
def CheckBoxLabel(title, *args, **kw): tooltipText = kw.pop('tooltipText', None) cb = CheckBox(*args, **kw) lab = Label(title, fg_color=cb.fg_color) lab.mouse_down = cb.mouse_down if tooltipText: cb.tooltipText = tooltipText lab.tooltipText = tooltipText class CBRow(Row): margin = 0 @property def value(self): return self.checkbox.value @value.setter def value(self, val): self.checkbox.value = val row = CBRow((lab, cb)) row.checkbox = cb return row
def createChunks(self): panel = GeneratorPanel() col = [panel] label = Label( "Create chunks using the settings above? This cannot be undone.") col.append(Row([Label("")])) col.append(label) col = Column(col) if Dialog(client=col, responses=["OK", "Cancel"]).present() == "Cancel": return chunks = self.selectedChunks() createChunks = panel.generate(self.editor.level, chunks) try: with setWindowCaption("CREATING - "): showProgress("Creating {0} chunks...".format(len(chunks)), createChunks, cancel=True) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() alert(_("Failed to start the chunk generator. {0!r}").format(e)) finally: self.editor.renderer.invalidateChunkMarkers() self.editor.renderer.loadNearbyChunks()
def build_attributes(items): rows = [] attributes = items[0] names = [a['Name'].value for a in attributes] indexes = [] + names names.sort() for name in names: item = attributes[indexes.index(name)] rows.append( Row([Label(name.split('.')[-1], align='l')] + NBTExplorerToolPanel.build_field(item['Base']), margin=0)) mods = item.get('Modifiers', []) for mod in mods: keys = mod.keys() keys.remove('Name') rows.append( Row([Label("-> Name", align='l')] + NBTExplorerToolPanel.build_field(mod['Name']), margin=0)) keys.sort() for key in keys: rows.append(Row([Label(' %s'%key, align='l', doNotTranslate=True, tooltipText=mod[key].__class__.__name__)] \ + NBTExplorerToolPanel.build_field(mod[key]), margin=0)) return rows
def build_pos(items): rows = [] pos = items[0] rows.append(Row([Label("X", align='l'), FloatField(ref=AttrRef(pos[0], 'value'))])) rows.append(Row([Label("Y", align='l'), FloatField(ref=AttrRef(pos[1], 'value'))])) rows.append(Row([Label("Z", align='l'), FloatField(ref=AttrRef(pos[2], 'value'))])) return rows
def __init__(self, tool): ToolOptions.__init__(self, name='Panel.BrushToolOptions') alphaField = FloatField(ref=ItemRef(tool.settings, 'brushAlpha'), min=0.0, max=1.0, width=60) alphaField.increment = 0.1 alphaRow = Row((Label("Alpha: "), alphaField)) autoChooseCheckBox = CheckBoxLabel( "Choose Block Immediately", ref=ItemRef(tool.settings, "chooseBlockImmediately"), tooltipText= "When the brush tool is chosen, prompt for a block type.") updateOffsetCheckBox = CheckBoxLabel( "Reset Distance When Brush Size Changes", ref=ItemRef(tool.settings, "updateBrushOffset"), tooltipText= "Whenever the brush size changes, reset the distance to the brush blocks." ) col = Column((Label("Brush Options"), alphaRow, autoChooseCheckBox, updateOffsetCheckBox, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap() return
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool self.autoPlaceCheckBox = CheckBox( ref=AttrRef(tool, "placeImmediately")) self.autoPlaceLabel = Label("Place Immediately") self.autoPlaceLabel.mouse_down = self.autoPlaceCheckBox.mouse_down tooltipText = "When the clone tool is chosen, place the clone at the selection right away." self.autoPlaceLabel.tooltipText = self.autoPlaceCheckBox.tooltipText = tooltipText spaceLabel = Label("") cloneNudgeLabel = Label("Clone Fast Nudge Settings") cloneNudgeCheckBox = CheckBoxLabel( "Move by the width of selection ", ref=config.fastNudgeSettings.cloneWidth, tooltipText="Moves clone by his width") cloneNudgeNumber = IntInputRow( "Width of clone movement: ", ref=config.fastNudgeSettings.cloneWidthNumber, width=100, min=2, max=50) row = Row((self.autoPlaceCheckBox, self.autoPlaceLabel)) col = Column((Label("Clone Options"), row, spaceLabel, cloneNudgeLabel, cloneNudgeCheckBox, cloneNudgeNumber, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool replacing = tool.replacing self.blockButton = BlockButton(tool.editor.level.materials) self.blockButton.blockInfo = tool.blockInfo self.blockButton.action = self.pickFillBlock self.fillWithLabel = Label("Fill with:", width=self.blockButton.width, align="c") self.fillButton = Button("Fill", action=tool.confirm, width=self.blockButton.width) self.fillButton.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Enter" rollkey = config.keys.replaceShortcut.get() self.replaceLabel = replaceLabel = Label("Replace", width=self.blockButton.width) replaceLabel.mouse_down = lambda a: self.tool.toggleReplacing() replaceLabel.fg_color = (177, 177, 255, 255) # replaceLabelRow = Row( (Label(rollkey), replaceLabel) ) replaceLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: {0}".format(rollkey) replaceLabel.align = "c" col = (self.fillWithLabel, self.blockButton, # swapRow, replaceLabel, # self.replaceBlockButton, self.fillButton) if replacing: self.fillWithLabel = Label("Find:", width=self.blockButton.width, align="c") self.replaceBlockButton = BlockButton(tool.editor.level.materials) self.replaceBlockButton.blockInfo = tool.replaceBlockInfo self.replaceBlockButton.action = self.pickReplaceBlock self.replaceLabel.text = "Replace with:" self.swapButton = Button("Swap", action=self.swapBlockTypes, width=self.blockButton.width) self.swapButton.fg_color = (255, 255, 255, 255) self.swapButton.highlight_color = (60, 255, 60, 255) swapkey = config.keys.swap.get() self.swapButton.tooltipText = "Shortcut: {0}".format(swapkey) self.fillButton = Button("Replace", action=tool.confirm, width=self.blockButton.width) self.fillButton.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Enter" col = (self.fillWithLabel, self.blockButton, replaceLabel, self.replaceBlockButton, self.swapButton, self.fillButton) col = Column(col) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, items, keysColumn=None, buttonsColumn=None, item_spacing=None): warn(self) if keysColumn is None: keysColumn = [] if buttonsColumn is None: buttonsColumn = [] labels = [] Widget.__init__(self) for t in items: if len(t) == 3: (hotkey, title, action) = t tooltipText = None else: (hotkey, title, action, tooltipText) = t if isinstance(title, (str, unicode)): button = Button(title, action=action) else: button = ValueButton(ref=title, action=action, width=200) button.anchor = self.anchor label = Label(hotkey, width=100, margin=button.margin) label.anchor = "wh" label.height = button.height labels.append(label) if tooltipText: button.tooltipText = tooltipText keysColumn.append(label) buttonsColumn.append(button) self.buttons = list(buttonsColumn) #.# if item_spacing == None: buttonsColumn = Column(buttonsColumn) else: buttonsColumn = Column(buttonsColumn, spacing=item_spacing) #.# buttonsColumn.anchor = self.anchor #.# if item_spacing == None: keysColumn = Column(keysColumn) else: keysColumn = Column(keysColumn, spacing=item_spacing) commandRow = Row((keysColumn, buttonsColumn)) self.labels = labels self.add(commandRow) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, editor, nbtObject=None, fileName=None, savePolicy=0, dataKeyName='Data', close_text="Close", load_text="Open", **kwargs): """...""" Panel.__init__(self) self.editor = editor self.nbtObject = nbtObject self.fileName = fileName self.savePolicy = savePolicy self.displayed_item = None self.dataKeyName = dataKeyName self.copy_data = kwargs.get('copy_data', True) self.init_data() btns = [] if load_text: btns.append(Button(load_text, action=self.editor.nbtTool.loadFile)) btns += [ Button({True: "Save", False: "OK"}[fileName != None], action=kwargs.get('ok_action', self.save_NBT), tooltipText="Save your change in the NBT data."), Button("Reset", action=kwargs.get('reset_action', self.reset), tooltipText="Reset ALL your changes in the NBT data."), ] if close_text: btns.append(Button(close_text, action=kwargs.get('close_action', self.close))) btnRow = Row(btns, margin=1, spacing=4) btnRow.shrink_wrap() self.btnRow = btnRow if kwargs.get('no_header', False): self.max_height = max_height = kwargs.get('height', editor.mainViewport.height - editor.toolbar.height - editor.subwidgets[0].height) - ( self.margin * 2) - btnRow.height - 2 else: title = _("NBT Explorer") if fileName: title += " - %s" % os.path.split(fileName)[-1] header = Label(title, doNotTranslate=True) self.max_height = max_height = kwargs.get('height', editor.mainViewport.height - editor.toolbar.height - editor.subwidgets[0].height) - header.height - ( self.margin * 2) - btnRow.height - 2 self.setCompounds() self.tree = NBTTree(height=max_height - btnRow.height - 2, inner_width=250,, compound_types=self.compounds, copyBuffer=editor.nbtCopyBuffer, draw_zebra=False, _parent=self, styles=bullet_styles) self.tree.update_side_panel = self.update_side_panel self.side_panel_width = 350 row = [self.tree, Column([Label("", width=self.side_panel_width), ], margin=0)] self.displayRow = Row(row, height=max_height, margin=0, spacing=0) if kwargs.get('no_header', False): self.add(Column([self.displayRow, btnRow], margin=0)) else: self.add(Column([header, self.displayRow, btnRow], margin=0)) self.shrink_wrap() self.side_panel = None # &# Prototype for Blocks/item names mclangres.buildResources(lang=getLang())
def __init__(self): GLBackground.__init__(self) nudgeLabel = Label("Nudge", margin=8) self.add(nudgeLabel) self.shrink_wrap() # tooltipBacking = Panel() # tooltipBacking.bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0.6) keys = [config.config.get("Keys", k).upper() for k in ("Forward", "Back", "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down")] nudgeLabel.tooltipText = "Click and hold. While holding, use the movement keys ({0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}) to nudge. Hold SHIFT to nudge faster.".format(*keys)
def __init__(self): GLBackground.__init__(self) nudgeLabel = Label("Nudge", margin=8) self.add(nudgeLabel) self.shrink_wrap() # tooltipBacking = Panel() # tooltipBacking.bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0.6) keys = [config.config.get("Keys", k).upper() for k in ("Forward", "Back", "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down")] nudgeLabel.tooltipText = "Click and hold. While holding, use the movement keys ({0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}) to nudge. Hold SHIFT to nudge faster.".format( *keys)
def __init__(self, inventory, data, *args, **kwargs): Dialog.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.inventory = inventory slot, id, count, damage = data self.former_id_text = id self.slot = slot = TextFieldWrapped(text=str(id), doNotTranslate=True, width=300) = self.text_entered = self.cancel = self.ok self.count = IntField(text="%s" % count, min=0, max=64) self.damage = IntField(text="%s" % damage, min=0, max=os.sys.maxint) header = Label(_("Inventory Slot #%s") % slot, doNotTranslate=True) row = Row([ Label("id"),, Label("Count"), self.count, Label("Damage"), self.damage, ]) self.matching_items = [ mclangres.translate(k) for k in map_items.keys() ] self.matching_items.sort() self.selected_item_index = None if id in self.matching_items: self.selected_item_index = self.matching_items.index(id) self.tableview = tableview = TableView( columns=[TableColumn("", 415, 'l')]) tableview.num_rows = lambda: len(self.matching_items) tableview.row_data = lambda x: (self.matching_items[x], ) tableview.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == self.selected_item_index tableview.click_row = self.select_tablerow buttons = Row([ Button("Save", action=self.dismiss), Button("Cancel", action=self.cancel) ]) col = Column([header, row, tableview, buttons], spacing=2) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap() try: self.tableview.rows.scroll_to_item(self.selected_item_index) except Exception, e: print e pass
def update_side_panel(self, item): if item == self.displayed_item: return self.displayed_item = item if self.side_panel: self.side_panel.set_parent(None) items = [a for a in item[1]] rows = [] if config.nbtTreeSettings.showAllTags.get(): meth = None else: meth = getattr(self, 'build_%s' % item[3].lower(), None) col = True if meth and len(items) == 1: rows = meth(items) else: height = 0 for itm in items: t = itm.__class__.__name__ rows.append(Row([Label("Data Type:"), Label(t)], margin=1)) fields = self.build_field(itm) for field in fields: if type(field) == TextFieldWrapped: field.set_size_for_text(self.side_panel_width) row = Row([ field, ], margin=1) rows.append(row) height += row.height if height > self.displayRow.height: col = False if rows: if col: col = Column(rows, align='l', spacing=0, height=self.displayRow.height) else: col = ScrollPanel(rows=rows, align='l', spacing=0, height=self.displayRow.height, draw_zebra=False, inner_width=self.side_panel_width - scroll_button_size) col.set_parent(self.displayRow) = col.left = self.displayRow.subwidgets[0].right col.bottom = self.displayRow.subwidgets[0].bottom col.shrink_wrap() self.side_panel = col
def build_rotation(items): rows = [] rotation = items[0] rows.append( Row([ Label("Y", align='l'), FloatField(ref=AttrRef(rotation[0], 'value')) ])) rows.append( Row([ Label("X", align='l'), FloatField(ref=AttrRef(rotation[1], 'value')) ])) return rows
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self, name='Panel.BrushPanel') self.tool = tool """ presets, modeRow and styleRow are always created, no matter what brush is selected. styleRow can be disabled by putting disableStyleButton = True in the brush file. """ presets = self.createPresetRow() self.brushModeButtonLabel = Label("Mode:") self.brushModeButton = ChoiceButton( sorted([mode for mode in tool.brushModes]), width=150, choose=self.brushModeChanged, doNotTranslate=True, ) modeRow = Row([self.brushModeButtonLabel, self.brushModeButton]) self.brushStyleButtonLabel = Label("Style:") self.brushStyleButton = ValueButton(ref=ItemRef( self.tool.options, "Style"), action=self.tool.swapBrushStyles, width=150) styleRow = Row([self.brushStyleButtonLabel, self.brushStyleButton]) self.brushModeButton.selectedChoice = self.tool.selectedBrushMode optionsColumn = [] optionsColumn.extend([presets, modeRow]) if not getattr(tool.brushMode, 'disableStyleButton', False): optionsColumn.append(styleRow) """ We're going over all options in the selected brush module, and making a field for all of them. """ for r in tool.brushMode.inputs: row = [] for key, value in r.items(): field = self.createField(key, value) row.append(field) row = Row(row) optionsColumn.append(row) if getattr(tool.brushMode, 'addPasteButton', False): importButton = Button("Import", action=tool.importPaste) importRow = Row([importButton]) optionsColumn.append(importRow) optionsColumn = Column(optionsColumn, spacing=0) self.add(optionsColumn) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, editor): GLBackground.__init__(self) nudgeLabel = Label("Nudge", margin=8) self.editor = editor self.add(nudgeLabel) self.shrink_wrap() self.root = self.get_root() # tooltipBacking = Panel() # tooltipBacking.bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0.6) keys = [_(config.keys[config.convert(k)].get()) for k in ("forward", "back", "left", "right", "up", "down")] nudgeLabel.tooltipText = _("Click and hold. While holding, use the movement keys ({0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}) to nudge. Left mouse to nudge a block, Right mouse to nudge a greater distance.").format( *keys)
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool importNudgeLabel = Label("Import Fast Nudge Settings:") importNudgeCheckBox = CheckBoxLabel("Move by the width of schematic ", ref=config.fastNudgeSettings.importWidth, tooltipText="Moves selection by his width") importNudgeNumber = IntInputRow("Width of import movement: ", ref=config.fastNudgeSettings.importWidthNumber, width=100, min=2, max=50) col = Column((Label("Import Options"), importNudgeLabel, importNudgeCheckBox, importNudgeNumber, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, editor): GLBackground.__init__(self) nudgeLabel = Label("Nudge", margin=8) self.editor = editor self.count = 0 self.add(nudgeLabel) self.shrink_wrap() # tooltipBacking = Panel() # tooltipBacking.bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0.6) keys = [config.config.get("Keys", k) for k in ("Forward", "Back", "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down")] nudgeLabel.tooltipText = _("Click and hold. While holding, use the movement keys ({0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}) to nudge. Left mouse to nudge a block, Right mouse to nudge a greater distance.").format( *keys)
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool self.autoPlaceCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(tool, "placeImmediately")) self.autoPlaceLabel = Label("Place Immediately") self.autoPlaceLabel.mouse_down = self.autoPlaceCheckBox.mouse_down tooltipText = "When the clone tool is chosen, place the clone at the selection right away." self.autoPlaceLabel.tooltipText = self.autoPlaceCheckBox.tooltipText = tooltipText row = Row((self.autoPlaceCheckBox, self.autoPlaceLabel)) col = Column((Label("Clone Options"), row, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool self.spawnProtectionCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(tool, "spawnProtection")) self.spawnProtectionLabel = Label("Spawn Position Safety") self.spawnProtectionLabel.mouse_down = self.spawnProtectionCheckBox.mouse_down tooltipText = "Minecraft will randomly move your spawn point if you try to respawn in a column where there are no blocks at Y=63 and Y=64. Only uncheck this box if Minecraft is changed." self.spawnProtectionLabel.tooltipText = self.spawnProtectionCheckBox.tooltipText = tooltipText row = Row((self.spawnProtectionCheckBox, self.spawnProtectionLabel)) col = Column((Label("Spawn Point Options"), row, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def build_field(itm): fields = [] if type(itm) in field_types.keys(): f, bounds = field_types[type(itm)] if bounds: fields = [f(ref=AttrRef(itm, 'value'), min=bounds[0], max=bounds[1]),] else: fields = [f(ref=AttrRef(itm, 'value')),] elif type(itm) in array_types.keys(): idx = 0 for _itm in itm.value.tolist(): f, bounds = array_types[type(itm)] fields.append(f(ref=ItemRef(itm.value, idx))) idx += 1 elif type(itm) in (TAG_Compound, TAG_List): for _itm in itm.value: fields.append(Label("%s"%( or "%s #%03d"%( or _("Item"), itm.value.index(_itm))), align='l', doNotTranslate=True)) fields += NBTExplorerToolPanel.build_field(_itm) elif type(itm) not in (str, unicode): if type(getattr(itm, 'value', itm)) not in (str, unicode, int, float): fld = Label kw = {'align': 'l'} else: fld = TextFieldWrapped kw = {} fields = [fld("%s"%getattr(itm, 'value', itm), doNotTranslate=True, **kw),] else: fields = [TextFieldWrapped("%s"%itm, doNotTranslata=True),] return fields
def updateFilters(self): totalFilters = 0 updatedFilters = 0 filtersDir = directories.getFiltersDir() try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(filtersDir, "updates")) except OSError: pass for module in self.filterModules.values(): totalFilters += 1 if hasattr(module, "UPDATE_URL") and hasattr(module, "VERSION"): if isinstance(module.UPDATE_URL, (str, unicode)) and isinstance( module.VERSION, (str, unicode)): versionJSON = json.loads( urllib2.urlopen(module.UPDATE_URL).read()) if module.VERSION != versionJSON["Version"]: urllib.urlretrieve( versionJSON["Download-URL"], os.path.join(filtersDir, "updates", versionJSON["Name"])) updatedFilters += 1 for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(filtersDir, "updates")): shutil.copy(os.path.join(filtersDir, "updates", f), filtersDir) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(filtersDir, "updates")) finishedUpdatingWidget = Widget() lbl = Label("Updated %s filter(s) out of %s" % (updatedFilters, totalFilters)) closeBTN = Button("Close this message", action=finishedUpdatingWidget.dismiss) col = Column((lbl, closeBTN)) finishedUpdatingWidget.bg_color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.6) finishedUpdatingWidget.add(col) finishedUpdatingWidget.shrink_wrap() finishedUpdatingWidget.present()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.macro_steps = [] self.current_step = 0 self._filter_json = None self.keys_panel = None self.filterOptionsPanel = None self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton([], choose=self.filterChanged, doNotTranslate=True) self.binding_button = Button( "", action=self.bind_key, tooltipText="Click to bind this filter to a key") self.filterLabel = Label("Filter:", fg_color=(177, 177, 255, 255)) self.filterLabel.mouse_down = lambda x: mcplatform.platform_open( directories.getFiltersDir()) self.filterLabel.tooltipText = "Click to open filters folder" self.macro_button = Button("Record Macro", action=self.start_record_macro) self.filterSelectRow = Row((self.filterLabel, self.filterSelect, self.macro_button, self.binding_button)) self.confirmButton = Button("Filter", action=self.confirm) self._recording = False self._save_macro = False self.tool = tool self.selectedName = self.filter_json.get("Last Filter Opened", "")
def addNumField(page, optionName, oName, val, min_value=None, max_value=None, increment=0.1): if isinstance(val, float): field_type = FloatField if isinstance(increment, int): increment = float(increment) else: field_type = IntField if increment == 0.1: increment = 1 if isinstance(increment, float): increment = int(round(increment)) if min_value == max_value: min_value = None max_value = None field = field_type(value=val, width=200, min=min_value, max=max_value) field._increment = increment page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(field, 'value') row = Row([Label(oName, doNotTranslate=True), field]) return row
def openSavePresetDialog(self): """ Opens up a dialgo to input the name of the to save Preset. """ panel = Dialog() label = Label("Preset Name:") nameField = TextFieldWrapped(width=200) def okPressed(): panel.dismiss() name = nameField.value if name in ['Load Preset', 'Remove Presets', '__temp__']: alert( "That preset name is reserved. Try pick another preset name." ) return for p in ['<', '>', ':', '\"', '/', '\\', '|', '?', '*', '.']: if p in name: alert('Invalid character in file name') return self.tool.saveBrushPreset(name) self.tool.showPanel() okButton = Button("OK", action=okPressed) cancelButton = Button("Cancel", action=panel.dismiss) namerow = Row([label, nameField]) buttonRow = Row([okButton, cancelButton]) panel.add(Column([namerow, buttonRow])) panel.shrink_wrap() panel.present()
def reload(self): for i in list(self.subwidgets): self.remove(i) tool = self.tool if len(tool.filterModules) is 0: self.add(Label("No filter modules found!")) self.shrink_wrap() return if self.selectedFilterName is None or self.selectedFilterName not in tool.filterNames: self.selectedFilterName = tool.filterNames[0] self.filterOptionsPanel = None while self.filterOptionsPanel is None: module = self.tool.filterModules[self.selectedFilterName] try: self.filterOptionsPanel = FilterModuleOptions(self.tool, module) except Exception, e: alert(_("Error creating filter inputs for {0}: {1}").format(module, e)) traceback.print_exc() self.tool.filterModules.pop(self.selectedFilterName) self.selectedFilterName = tool.filterNames[0] if len(tool.filterNames) == 0: raise ValueError("No filters loaded!")
def updateFilters(self): totalFilters = 0 updatedFilters = 0 try: os.mkdir(mcplatform.filtersDir + "/updates") except OSError: pass for module in self.filterModules.values(): totalFilters = totalFilters + 1 if hasattr(module, "UPDATE_URL") and hasattr(module, "VERSION"): if isinstance(module.UPDATE_URL, (str, unicode)) and isinstance(module.VERSION, (str, unicode)): versionJSON = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(module.UPDATE_URL).read()) if module.VERSION != versionJSON["Version"]: urllib.urlretrieve(versionJSON["Download-URL"], mcplatform.filtersDir + "/updates/" + versionJSON["Name"]) updatedFilters = updatedFilters + 1 for f in os.listdir(mcplatform.filtersDir + "/updates"): shutil.copy(mcplatform.filtersDir + "/updates/" + f, mcplatform.filtersDir) shutil.rmtree(mcplatform.filtersDir + "/updates/") self.finishedUpdatingWidget = Widget() lbl = Label("Updated " + str(updatedFilters) + " filter(s) out of " + str(totalFilters)) closeBTN = Button("Close this message", action=self.closeFinishedUpdatingWidget) col = Column((lbl, closeBTN)) self.finishedUpdatingWidget.bg_color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.6) self.finishedUpdatingWidget.add(col) self.finishedUpdatingWidget.shrink_wrap() self.finishedUpdatingWidget.present()
def __init__(self, tool, *a, **kw): Panel.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.tool = tool self.anchor = "whl" chunkToolLabel = Label("Selected Chunks:") self.chunksLabel = ValueDisplay(ref=AttrRef(self, 'chunkSizeText'), width=115) self.chunksLabel.align = "c" self.chunksLabel.tooltipText = "..." extractButton = Button("Extract") extractButton.tooltipText = "Extract these chunks to individual chunk files" extractButton.action = tool.extractChunks extractButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255) deselectButton = Button("Deselect", tooltipText=None, action=tool.editor.deselect, ) createButton = Button("Create") createButton.tooltipText = "Create new chunks within the selection." createButton.action = tool.createChunks createButton.highlight_color = (0, 255, 0) destroyButton = Button("Delete") destroyButton.tooltipText = "Delete the selected chunks from disk. Minecraft will recreate them the next time you are near." destroyButton.action = tool.destroyChunks pruneButton = Button("Prune") pruneButton.tooltipText = "Prune the world, leaving only the selected chunks. Any chunks outside of the selection will be removed, and empty region files will be deleted from disk" pruneButton.action = tool.pruneChunks relightButton = Button("Relight") relightButton.tooltipText = "Recalculate light values across the selected chunks" relightButton.action = tool.relightChunks relightButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255) repopButton = Button("Repop") repopButton.tooltipText = "Mark the selected chunks for repopulation. The next time you play Minecraft, the chunks will have trees, ores, and other features regenerated." repopButton.action = tool.repopChunks repopButton.highlight_color = (255, 200, 155) dontRepopButton = Button("Don't Repop") dontRepopButton.tooltipText = "Unmark the selected chunks. They will not repopulate the next time you play the game." dontRepopButton.action = tool.dontRepopChunks dontRepopButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255) col = Column(( chunkToolLabel, self.chunksLabel, deselectButton, createButton, destroyButton, pruneButton, relightButton, extractButton, repopButton, dontRepopButton)) # col.right = self.width - 10; self.width = col.width self.height = col.height #self.width = 120 self.add(col)
def createField(self, key, value): """ Creates a field matching the input type. :param key, key to store the value in, also the name of the label if type is float or int. :param value, default value for the field. """ doNotTranslate = bool(hasattr(self.tool.brushMode, "trn")) check_value = value mi = 0 ma = 100 if key in ('W', 'H', 'L'): reference = AttrRef(self.tool, key) else: reference = ItemRef(self.tool.options, key) if isinstance(check_value, tuple): check_value = value[0] mi = value[1] ma = value[2] if isinstance(check_value, Block): if key not in self.tool.recentBlocks: self.tool.recentBlocks[key] = [] wcb = getattr(self.tool.brushMode, 'wildcardBlocks', []) aw = False if key in wcb: aw = True field = BlockButton(self.tool.editor.level.materials, ref=reference, recentBlocks=self.tool.recentBlocks[key], allowWildcards=aw) elif isinstance(check_value, types.MethodType): field = Button(key, action=value) else: if doNotTranslate: key = self.tool.brushMode.trn._(key) value = self.tool.brushMode.trn._(value) if isinstance(check_value, int): field = IntInputRow(key, ref=reference, width=50, min=mi, max=ma, doNotTranslate=doNotTranslate) elif isinstance(check_value, float): field = FloatInputRow(key, ref=reference, width=50, min=mi, max=ma, doNotTranslate=doNotTranslate) elif isinstance(check_value, bool): field = CheckBoxLabel(key, ref=reference, doNotTranslate=doNotTranslate) elif isinstance(check_value, str): field = Label(value, doNotTranslate=doNotTranslate) else: print(type(check_value)) field = None return field
def __init__(self, editor): GLBackground.__init__(self) nudgeLabel = Label("Nudge", margin=8) self.editor = editor self.add(nudgeLabel) self.shrink_wrap() self.root = self.get_root() # tooltipBacking = Panel() # tooltipBacking.bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0.6) keys = [_(config.keys[config.convert(k)].get()) for k in ("forward", "back", "left", "right", "up", "down", "fast nudge")] if keys[6] == "None": keys[6] = "Right mouse" nudgeLabel.tooltipText = _("Click and hold. While holding, use the movement keys ({0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}) to nudge. Left mouse to nudge a block.\n{6} to nudge a greater distance.").format( *keys)
def __init__(self, inventory, data): Panel.__init__(self) self.inventory = inventory slot, id, count, damage = data self.slot = slot = TextFieldWrapped(text=id, doNotTranslate=True, width=300) self.count = IntField(text="%s"%count, min=-64, max=64) self.damage = IntField(text="%s"%damage, min=-32768, max=32767) header = Label(_("Inventory Slot #%s")%slot, doNotTranslate=True) row = Row([Label("id"),, Label("Count"), self.count, Label("Damage"), self.damage, ]) buttons = Row([Button("Save", action=self.dismiss), Button("Cancel", action=self.cancel)]) col = Column([header, row, buttons], spacing=2) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
class FilterToolPanel(Panel): def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.savedOptions = {} self.tool = tool self.selectedFilterName = None if len(self.tool.filterModules): self.reload() def reload(self): for i in list(self.subwidgets): self.remove(i) tool = self.tool if len(tool.filterModules) is 0: self.add(Label("No filter modules found!")) self.shrink_wrap() return if self.selectedFilterName is None or self.selectedFilterName not in tool.filterNames: self.selectedFilterName = tool.filterNames[0] self.filterOptionsPanel = None while self.filterOptionsPanel is None: module = self.tool.filterModules[self.selectedFilterName] try: self.filterOptionsPanel = FilterModuleOptions(self.tool, module) except Exception, e: alert(_("Error creating filter inputs for {0}: {1}").format(module, e)) traceback.print_exc() self.tool.filterModules.pop(self.selectedFilterName) self.selectedFilterName = tool.filterNames[0] if len(tool.filterNames) == 0: raise ValueError("No filters loaded!") self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton(tool.filterNames, choose=self.filterChanged) self.filterSelect.selectedChoice = self.selectedFilterName self.confirmButton = Button("Filter", action=self.tool.confirm) filterLabel = Label("Filter:", fg_color=(177, 177, 255, 255)) filterLabel.mouse_down = lambda x: mcplatform.platform_open(mcplatform.filtersDir) filterLabel.tooltipText = "Click to open filters folder" filterSelectRow = Row((filterLabel, self.filterSelect)) self.add(Column((filterSelectRow, self.filterOptionsPanel, self.confirmButton))) self.shrink_wrap() if self.parent: self.centery = self.parent.centery if self.selectedFilterName in self.savedOptions: self.filterOptionsPanel.options = self.savedOptions[self.selectedFilterName]
def reload(self): for i in list(self.subwidgets): self.remove(i) tool = self.tool if len(tool.filterModules) is 0: self.add(Label("No filter modules found!")) self.shrink_wrap() return if self.selectedFilterName is None or self.selectedFilterName not in tool.filterNames: self.selectedFilterName = tool.filterNames[0] self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton(tool.filterNames, choose=self.filterChanged) self.filterSelect.selectedChoice = self.selectedFilterName filterLabel = Label("Filter:", fg_color=(177, 177, 255, 255)) filterLabel.mouse_down = lambda x: mcplatform.platform_open(directories.getFiltersDir()) filterLabel.tooltipText = "Click to open filters folder" self.filterSelectRow = filterSelectRow = Row((filterLabel, self.filterSelect)) self.confirmButton = Button("Filter", action=self.tool.confirm) self.filterOptionsPanel = None while self.filterOptionsPanel is None: module = self.tool.filterModules[self.selectedFilterName] try: self.filterOptionsPanel = FilterModuleOptions(self.tool, module, _parent=self) except Exception, e: alert(_("Error creating filter inputs for {0}: {1}").format(module, e)) traceback.print_exc() self.tool.filterModules.pop(self.selectedFilterName) self.selectedFilterName = tool.filterNames[0] if len(tool.filterNames) == 0: raise ValueError("No filters loaded!")
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self, name='Panel.PlayerPositionPanel') self.tool = tool self.player_UUID = {"UUID": [], "Name": []} self.level = tool.editor.level self.playercache = PlayerCache() # Add this instance to PlayerCache 'targets'. PlayerCache generated processes will call # this instance 'update_player' method when they have finished their execution. self.playercache.add_target(self.update_player) if hasattr(self.level, 'players'): players = self.level.players or ["[No players]"] if not self.level.oldPlayerFolderFormat: for player in players: if player != "Player" and player != "[No players]": if len(player) > 4 and player[4] == "-": os.rename(os.path.join(self.level.worldFolder.getFolderPath("playerdata"), player+".dat"), os.path.join(self.level.worldFolder.getFolderPath("playerdata"), player.replace("-", "", 1)+".dat")) player = player.replace("-", "", 1) # print 5 data = self.playercache.getPlayerInfo(player, use_old_data=True) #self.player_UUID[data[0]] = data[1] self.player_UUID["UUID"].append(data[0]) self.player_UUID["Name"].append(data[1]) #self.player_UUID[player] = data if "Player" in players: #self.player_UUID["Player (Single Player)"] = "Player" self.player_UUID["UUID"].append("Player") self.player_UUID["Name"].append("Player (Single Player)") if "[No players]" not in players: self.player_names = sorted(self.player_UUID.values(), key=lambda x: False if x == "Player (Single Player)" else x) else: self.player_UUID["UUID"].append("[No players]") self.player_UUID["Name"].append("[No players]") else: players = ["Player (Single Player)"] self.players = players if 'Player' in self.player_UUID['UUID'] and 'Player (Single Player)' in self.player_UUID['Name']: self.player_UUID['UUID'].insert(0, self.player_UUID['UUID'].pop(self.player_UUID['UUID'].index('Player'))) self.player_UUID['Name'].insert(0, self.player_UUID['Name'].pop(self.player_UUID['Name'].index('Player (Single Player)'))) self.pages = TabPanel() tab_height = self.pages.tab_height max_height = tab_height + self.tool.editor.mainViewport.height - self.tool.editor.toolbar.height - self.tool.editor.subwidgets[0].height - self.pages.margin * 2 #-# Uncomment the following line to have a maximum height for this panel. # max_height = min(max_height, 500) self.editNBTDataButton = Button("Edit NBT", action=self.editNBTData, tooltipText="Open the NBT Explorer to edit player's attributes and inventory") addButton = Button("Add", action=self.tool.addPlayer) removeButton = Button("Remove", action=self.tool.removePlayer) gotoButton = Button("Goto", action=self.tool.gotoPlayer) gotoCameraButton = Button("Goto View", action=self.tool.gotoPlayerCamera) moveButton = Button("Move", action=self.tool.movePlayer) moveToCameraButton = Button("Align to Camera", action=self.tool.movePlayerToCamera) reloadSkin = Button("Reload Skins", action=self.tool.reloadSkins, tooltipText="This pulls skins from the online server, so this may take a while") btns = [self.editNBTDataButton] if not isinstance(self.level, pymclevel.leveldbpocket.PocketLeveldbWorld): btns.extend([addButton, removeButton]) btns.extend([gotoButton, gotoCameraButton, moveButton, moveToCameraButton, reloadSkin]) btns = Column(btns, margin=0, spacing=2) h = max_height - btns.height - self.pages.margin * 2 - 2 - self.font.get_linesize() * 2 col = Label('') def close(): self.pages.show_page(col) self.nbttree = NBTExplorerToolPanel(self.tool.editor, nbtObject={}, height=max_height, \ close_text="Go Back", no_header=True, close_action=close, load_text=None) self.nbttree.shrink_wrap() self.nbtpage = Column([self.nbttree]) self.nbtpage.shrink_wrap() self.pages.add_page("NBT Data", self.nbtpage) self.pages.set_rect(map(lambda x:x+self.margin, self.nbttree._rect)) tableview = TableView(nrows=(h - (self.font.get_linesize() * 2.5)) / self.font.get_linesize(), header_height=self.font.get_linesize(), columns=[TableColumn("Player Name(s):", (self.nbttree.width - (self.margin * 3)) / 3), TableColumn("Player UUID(s):", (self.nbttree.width - (self.margin * 3)))], ) tableview.index = 0 tableview.num_rows = lambda: len(self.player_UUID["UUID"]) tableview.row_data = lambda i: (self.player_UUID["Name"][i],self.player_UUID["UUID"][i]) tableview.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == tableview.index tableview.zebra_color = (0, 0, 0, 48) def selectTableRow(i, evt): tableview.index = i tableview.click_row = selectTableRow def mouse_down(e): if e.button == 1 and e.num_clicks > 1: self.editNBTData() TableRowView.mouse_down(tableview.rows, e) tableview.rows.mouse_down = mouse_down tableview.rows.tooltipText = "Double-click or use the button below to edit the NBT Data." self.table = tableview col.set_parent(None) self.col = col = Column([tableview, btns], spacing=2) self.pages.add_page("Players", col, 0) self.pages.shrink_wrap() self.pages.show_page(col) self.add(self.pages) self.shrink_wrap() self.max_height = max_height
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool self.player_UUID = {} self.level = tool.editor.level if hasattr(self.level, 'players'): players = self.level.players or ["[No players]"] if not self.level.oldPlayerFolderFormat: for player in players: if player != "Player" and player != "[No players]": if len(player) > 4 and player[4] == "-": os.rename(os.path.join(self.level.worldFolder.getFolderPath("playerdata"), player+".dat"), os.path.join(self.level.worldFolder.getFolderPath("playerdata"), player.replace("-", "", 1)+".dat")) player = player.replace("-", "", 1) data = version_utils.playercache.getPlayerInfo(player) if isinstance(data, tuple): self.player_UUID[data[1]] = data[0] else: self.player_UUID[player] = data if "Player" in players: self.player_UUID["Player (Single Player)"] = "Player" if "[No players]" not in players: players = sorted(self.player_UUID.keys(), key=lambda x: False if x == "Player (Single Player)" else x) else: players = ["Player (Single Player)"] self.players = players self.pages = TabPanel() tab_height = self.pages.tab_height max_height = tab_height + self.tool.editor.mainViewport.height - self.tool.editor.toolbar.height - self.tool.editor.subwidgets[0].height - self.pages.margin * 2 #-# Uncomment the following line to have a maximum height for this panel. # max_height = min(max_height, 500) self.editNBTDataButton = Button("Edit NBT", action=self.editNBTData, tooltipText="Open the NBT Explorer to edit player's attributes and inventory") addButton = Button("Add", action=self.tool.addPlayer) removeButton = Button("Remove", action=self.tool.removePlayer) gotoButton = Button("Goto", action=self.tool.gotoPlayer) gotoCameraButton = Button("Goto View", action=self.tool.gotoPlayerCamera) moveButton = Button("Move", action=self.tool.movePlayer) moveToCameraButton = Button("Align to Camera", action=self.tool.movePlayerToCamera) reloadSkin = Button("Reload Skins", action=self.tool.reloadSkins, tooltipText="This pulls skins from the online server, so this may take a while") btns = Column([self.editNBTDataButton, addButton, removeButton, gotoButton, gotoCameraButton, moveButton, moveToCameraButton, reloadSkin], margin=0, spacing=2) h = max_height - btns.height - self.pages.margin * 2 - 2 - self.font.get_linesize() * 2 col = Label('') def close(): self.pages.show_page(col) self.nbttree = NBTExplorerToolPanel(self.tool.editor, nbtObject={}, height=max_height, \ close_text="Go Back", no_header=True, close_action=close, load_text=None) self.nbttree.shrink_wrap() self.nbtpage = Column([self.nbttree,]) self.nbtpage.shrink_wrap() self.pages.add_page("NBT Data", self.nbtpage) self.pages.set_rect(map(lambda x:x+self.margin, self.nbttree._rect)) tableview = TableView(nrows=(h - (self.font.get_linesize() * 2.5)) / self.font.get_linesize(), header_height=self.font.get_linesize(), columns=[TableColumn("Player Name(s):", self.nbttree.width - (self.margin * 3)),], ) tableview.index = 0 tableview.num_rows = lambda: len(players) tableview.row_data = lambda i: (players[i],) tableview.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == tableview.index tableview.zebra_color = (0, 0, 0, 48) def selectTableRow(i, evt): tableview.index = i tableview.click_row = selectTableRow def mouse_down(e): if e.button == 1 and e.num_clicks > 1: self.editNBTData() TableRowView.mouse_down(tableview.rows, e) tableview.rows.mouse_down = mouse_down tableview.rows.tooltipText = "Double-click or use the button below to edit the NBT Data." self.table = tableview col.set_parent(None) self.col = col = Column([tableview, btns], spacing=2) self.pages.add_page("Players", col, 0) self.pages.shrink_wrap() self.pages.show_page(col) self.add(self.pages) self.shrink_wrap() self.max_height = max_height