Beispiel #1
def detrend(data, how='linear', rule=None, notation=None, suffix=None, units=None, inplace=True, ignore=[], **kwargs):
    Returns the detrended fluctuations of a given dataset

    data: pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series
        dataset to be detrended
    how: string
        how of average to apply. Currently {'movingmean', 'movingmedian', 'block', 'linear', 'poly'}.
    rule: pandas offset string
        the blocks for which the trends should be calculated in the block and linear type
    window: pandas date offset string or int
        if moving mean/median is chosen, this tells us the window size to pass to pandas. If int,
        this is the number of points used in the window. If string we will to guess the number of
        points from the index.
        Small windows (equivalent to 1min approx) work better when using rollingmedian.
    block_func: str, function
        how to resample in block type. Default is mean but it can be any numpy function
        that returns a float. E.g, median.
    degree: int
        degree of polynomial fit (only if how=='linear' or how=='polynomial')

    pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series
        fluctuations of the input data
    from scipy import signal
    from . import algs
    import pandas as pd

    how=algs.stripDown(how.lower(), args='-_')
    if ignore:
        df = df.drop(ignore, axis=1)
    defs = algs.get_notation(notation)

    # We can only use scipy's detrend function safely if index in not datetime
    if isinstance(df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
        df = df - trend(df, how=how, rule=rule, **kwargs)
        # If possible, try to use scipy's optimized functions
        if how=='linear' and rule==None:
                df = df.apply(signal.detrend, axis=0, type=how)
                df = df - trend(df, how=how, rule=rule, **kwargs)

        elif (any(w==how for w in ['block', 'blockaverage', 'blockmean'])) and (rule==None):
                df = df.apply(signal.detrend, axis=0, type='constant')
                df=df-trend(df, how=how, rule=rule, **kwargs)

        # If not, use our trending function
            df = df - trend(df, how=how, rule=rule, **kwargs)

    # We rename the columns names to indicate that they are fluctuations
    if units:
        newunits = { defs.fluctuations % el : units[el] if el in units.keys() else None for el in df.columns }
    # Rename the columns
    if suffix != '':
        df = df.rename(columns = lambda x: defs.fluctuations % x)

    # If units are not be changed in place, we copy them
    if units:
        if not inplace:
            units = units.copy()

    if inplace:
        return df
        return df, units
Beispiel #2
def trend(data, how='linear', rule=None, window=1200, block_func='mean', center=True, **kwargs):
    Wrapper to return the trend given data. Can be achieved using a moving avg, block avg or polynomial fitting

    data: pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series
        the data whose trend wee seek.
    how: string
        how of average to apply. Currently {'movingmean', 'movingmedian', 'block', 'linear'}.
    rule: string
        pandas offset string to define the block in the block average. Default is "10min".
    window: pandas date offset string or int
        if moving mean/median is chosen, this tells us the window size to pass to pandas. If int,
        this is the number of points used in the window. If string we will to guess the number of
        points from the index.
        Small windows (equivalent to 1min approx) work better when using rollingmedian.
    block_func: str, function
        how to resample in block type. Default is mean but it can be any numpy function
        that returns a float. E.g, median.
    degree: int
        degree of polynomial fit (only if how=='linear' or how=='polynomial')

    pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series
        trends of data input
    import pandas as pd
    import algs
    import numpy as np

    how=algs.stripDown(how.lower(), args='-_')

    if ('moving' in how) or ('rolling' in how):
        if isinstance(window, str):
            window = int(len(data)/len(data.resample(window)))
        elif isinstance(window, int):
            raise TypeError('Window of moving function should be either an int or a pandas datetime offset string.')
        # Performs moving average on the data with window
        if ('mean' in how) or ('average' in how):
            return pd.rolling_mean(data, window=window, center=center, **kwargs)

        # Performs moving median on the data with window
        elif 'median' in how:
            return pd.rolling_median(data, window=window, center=center, **kwargs)

        # In case how not found.
            raise KeyError('Method of trending not found. Check how keyword options with help(trend).')

    elif any(w==how for w in ['block', 'blockaverage', 'blockmean']):
        # performs block average on the data with the window being the rule. Assumes that frequency is constant
        if rule==None:
            if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
                return data.apply(lambda x: [np.mean(x)]*len(x), axis=0)
            elif isinstance(data, pd.Series):
                return data.apply(lambda x: np.mean(x))
            aux = data.resample(rule, how=block_func, **kwargs)
            aux.loc[ data.index[-1] ] = np.nan
            return aux.resample(freq, fill_method='pad')

    elif any(w in how for w in ['linear', 'polynomial', 'poly']):
        # performs a polynomial fit on the data in blocks of "rule"
        return data.polyfit(rule=rule, **kwargs)

        # if no how can be identified
        raise KeyError('Method of trending not found. Check how keyword options with help(trend).')