def hairWidthUpdate(scn, obj,res=0.04, widthFactor=1.0): #luckily both normal and vertex index of object remains the same!
  origWidth = vdist(obj.verts[1].co,obj.verts[0].co)/res
  diff= (widthFactor-origWidth)*res/2
  for i in xrange(0,N/2):
      vec=vmul(vnorm(vsub(obj.verts[i*2+1].co,obj.verts[i*2].co)), diff) 
Beispiel #2
def setupRigJoint(words, obj, verts, locations):
    key = words[0]
    typ = words[1]
    if typ == 'joint':
        loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, words[2])
        locations[key] = loc
    elif typ == 'vertex':
        v = int(words[2])
        locations[key] = verts[v].co
    elif typ == 'position':
        x = locations[words[2]]
        y = locations[words[3]]
        z = locations[words[4]]
        locations[key] = [x[0], y[1], z[2]]
    elif typ == 'line':
        k1 = float(words[2])
        k2 = float(words[4])
        locations[key] = vadd(vmul(locations[words[3]], k1),
                              vmul(locations[words[5]], k2))
    elif typ == 'offset':
        x = float(words[3])
        y = float(words[4])
        z = float(words[5])
        locations[key] = vadd(locations[words[2]], [x, y, z])
    elif typ == 'voffset':
        v = int(words[2])
        x = float(words[3])
        y = float(words[4])
        z = float(words[5])
            loc = verts[v].co
            loc = verts[v]
        locations[key] = vadd(loc, [x, y, z])
    elif typ == 'front':
        raw = locations[words[2]]
        head = locations[words[3]]
        tail = locations[words[4]]
        offs = map(float, words[5].strip().lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(','))
        vec = aljabr.vsub(tail, head)
        vec2 = aljabr.vdot(vec, vec)
        vraw = aljabr.vsub(raw, head)
        x = aljabr.vdot(vec, vraw) / vec2
        rvec = aljabr.vmul(vec, x)
        nloc = aljabr.vadd(head, rvec, offs)
        locations[key] = nloc
        raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
Beispiel #3
def updatePrism(mesh, o, e, index, p):
    dir = aljabr.vsub(e, o)  # direction vector from o to e
    if dir == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]:
        dir = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    len = aljabr.vlen(dir)  # distance from o to e
    if len == 0:
        len = 1
    scale = 0.5  # the thickness is 10% of the length
    i = aljabr.vadd(o, aljabr.vmul(dir,
                                   0.25))  # the thickest part is 25% from o
    n = aljabr.vmul(dir, 1.0 / len)  # the normalized direction
    q = aljabr.axisAngleToQuaternion(
        n, pi /
        2.0)  # a quaternion to rotate the point p1 to obtain the other points
    p1 = p  # a random point in the plane defined by 0,0,0 and n
    p1 = aljabr.vmul(aljabr.vnorm(p1),
                     scale)  # the point scaled to the thickness
    p2 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p1)  # the other points
    p3 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p2)
    p4 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p3)

    p1 = aljabr.vadd(i,
                     p1)  # translate by i since we were working in the origin
    p2 = aljabr.vadd(i, p2)
    p3 = aljabr.vadd(i, p3)
    p4 = aljabr.vadd(i, p4)

    # The 6 vertices
    mesh.verts[index].co = o
    mesh.verts[index + 1].co = p1
    mesh.verts[index + 2].co = p2
    mesh.verts[index + 3].co = p3
    mesh.verts[index + 4].co = p4
    mesh.verts[index + 5].co = e
 def __updateHumanMesh(self, joint, src=None, dst=None):
     # copy angles
     bvhName = mhToBvhMapping.get(, '')
     if bvhName:
         bvhJoint = self.__skeleton.getJoint(bvhName)
         joint.rotation = bvhJoint.rotation[:]
         joint.rotation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
     if not src:
         src =
     if not dst:
         dst =
     nsrc =
     for i in joint.bindedVects:
         #dst[i].co = aljabr.mtransform(joint.transform, aljabr.mtransform(joint.inverseTransform, src[i]))
         dst[i].co = aljabr.mtransform(joint.transform, aljabr.vsub(src[i], joint.position))
         dst[i].no = aljabr.mtransform(joint.normalTransform, nsrc[i])
     for child in joint.children:
         self.__updateHumanMesh(child, src, dst)
    def __updatePrism(self, mesh, o, e, index, p):
        dir = aljabr.vsub(e, o) # direction vector from o to e
        len = aljabr.vlen(dir) # distance from o to e
        scale = 0.5 # the thickness is 10% of the length
        i = aljabr.vadd(o, aljabr.vmul(dir, 0.25)) # the thickest part is 25% from o
        n = aljabr.vmul(dir, 1.0 / len) # the normalized direction
        q = aljabr.axisAngleToQuaternion(n, pi / 2.0) # a quaternion to rotate the point p1 to obtain the other points
        p1 = p # a random point in the plane defined by 0,0,0 and n
        p1 = aljabr.vmul(aljabr.vnorm(p1), scale) # the point scaled to the thickness
        p2 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p1) # the other points
        p3 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p2)
        p4 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p3)
        p1 = aljabr.vadd(i, p1) # translate by i since we were working in the origin
        p2 = aljabr.vadd(i, p2)
        p3 = aljabr.vadd(i, p3)
        p4 = aljabr.vadd(i, p4)

        # The 6 vertices
        mesh.verts[index].co = o
        mesh.verts[index+1].co = p1
        mesh.verts[index+2].co = p2
        mesh.verts[index+3].co = p3
        mesh.verts[index+4].co = p4
        mesh.verts[index+5].co = e
    def saveHairs(self,path):
        Save a file containing the info needed to build the hairstyle,
        strating from the hair guides and using some parameters.
            fileDescriptor = open(path, "w")
            print "Impossible to save %s"%(path)

        fileDescriptor.write("written by makehair 1.0\n")
        fileDescriptor.write("version %s\n"%(self.version))
        fileDescriptor.write("tags ")
        for tag in self.tags:
            fileDescriptor.write("%s "%(tag))

        fileDescriptor.write("tipMagnet %f\n"%(self.tipMagnet))
        fileDescriptor.write("numberOfHairsClump %i\n"%(self.numberOfHairsClump))
        fileDescriptor.write("numberOfHairsMultiStrand %i\n"%(self.numberOfHairsMultiStrand))
        fileDescriptor.write("randomFactClump %f\n"%(self.randomFactClump))
        fileDescriptor.write("randomFactMultiStrand %f\n"%(self.randomFactMultiStrand))
        fileDescriptor.write("randomPercentage %f\n"%(self.randomPercentage))
        fileDescriptor.write("hairDiameterClump %f\n"%(self.hairDiameterClump))
        fileDescriptor.write("hairDiameterMultiStrand %f\n"%(self.hairDiameterMultiStrand))
        fileDescriptor.write("sizeClump %f\n"%(self.sizeClump))
        fileDescriptor.write("sizeMultiStrand %f\n"%(self.sizeMultiStrand))
        fileDescriptor.write("blendDistance %f\n"%(self.blendDistance))

        fileDescriptor.write("tipcolor %f %f %f\n"%(self.tipColor[0],self.tipColor[1],self.tipColor[2]))
        fileDescriptor.write("rootcolor %f %f %f\n"%(self.rootColor[0],self.rootColor[1],self.rootColor[2]))

        for guideGroup in self.guideGroups:
            fileDescriptor.write("guideGroup %s\n"%(
            for guide in guideGroup.guides:
                fileDescriptor.write("guide %s "%(
                #Write points coord
                for cP in guide.controlPoints:
                    fileDescriptor.write("%f %f %f "%(cP[0],cP[1],cP[2]))

        for guideGroup in self.guideGroups:
            print "guidegroup",
            for guide in guideGroup.guides:
                fileDescriptor.write("delta %s "%(
                #Write points nearest body verts
                for cP in guide.controlPoints:
                    distMin = 1000
                    for i in range(len(self.humanVerts)): #later we optimize this using octree
                        v = self.humanVerts[i]
                        dist = aljabr.vdist(cP,v)
                        if dist < distMin:
                            distMin = dist
                            nearVert = v
                            nearVertIndex = i
                    delta = aljabr.vsub(cP,nearVert)
                    fileDescriptor.write("%i %f %f %f "%(nearVertIndex, delta[0],delta[1],delta[2]))
    def projectLighting(self):

        mesh =

        dstImg = mh.Image(width=1024, height=1024, bitsPerPixel=24)

        dstW = dstImg.width
        dstH = dstImg.height

        for v in mesh.verts:

            ld = vnorm(vsub((-10.99, 20.0, 20.0,),
            s = vdot(, ld)
            s = max(0, min(255, int(s*255)))
            v.setColor([s, s, s, 255])

        for g in mesh.faceGroups:

            if"joint") or"helper"):

            for f in g.faces:

                co = [(mesh.uvValues[i][0]*dstW, dstH-(mesh.uvValues[i][1]*dstH)) for i in f.uv]
                c = [v.color for v in f.verts]
                RasterizeTriangle(dstImg, co[0], co[1], co[2], ColorShader(c[:3]))
                RasterizeTriangle(dstImg, co[2], co[3], co[0], ColorShader((c[2], c[3], c[0])))

        #dstImg.resize(128, 128);''), 'data', 'skins', 'lighting.png'))''), 'data', 'skins', 'lighting.png'))

        mesh.setColor([255, 255, 255, 255])
Beispiel #8
def setupRigJoint (words, obj, verts, locations):
    key = words[0]
    typ = words[1]
    if typ == 'joint':
        loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, words[2])
        locations[key] = loc
    elif typ == 'vertex':
        v = int(words[2])
        locations[key] = verts[v].co
    elif typ == 'position':
        x = locations[words[2]]
        y = locations[words[3]]
        z = locations[words[4]]
        locations[key] = [x[0],y[1],z[2]]
    elif typ == 'line':
        k1 = float(words[2])
        k2 = float(words[4])
        locations[key] = vadd(vmul(locations[words[3]], k1), vmul(locations[words[5]], k2))
    elif typ == 'offset':
        x = float(words[3])
        y = float(words[4])
        z = float(words[5])
        locations[key] = vadd(locations[words[2]], [x,y,z])
    elif typ == 'voffset':
        v = int(words[2])
        x = float(words[3])
        y = float(words[4])
        z = float(words[5])
            loc = verts[v].co
            loc = verts[v]         
        locations[key] = vadd(loc, [x,y,z])
    elif typ == 'front':
        raw = locations[words[2]]
        head = locations[words[3]]
        tail = locations[words[4]]
        offs = map(float, words[5].strip().lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(','))
        vec = aljabr.vsub(tail, head)
        vec2 = aljabr.vdot(vec, vec)
        vraw = aljabr.vsub(raw, head)
        x = aljabr.vdot(vec, vraw) / vec2
        rvec = aljabr.vmul(vec, x)
        nloc = aljabr.vadd(head, rvec, offs)
        locations[key] = nloc
        raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
Beispiel #9
def moveOriginToFloor(config):
    if config.feetonground:
        the.Origin = the.Locations['floor']
        for key in the.Locations.keys():
            the.Locations[key] = aljabr.vsub(the.Locations[key], the.Origin)
        the.Origin = [0,0,0]
Beispiel #10
def moveOriginToFloor(config):
    if config.feetonground:
        the.Origin = the.Locations['floor']
        for key in the.Locations.keys():
            the.Locations[key] = aljabr.vsub(the.Locations[key], the.Origin)
        the.Origin = [0, 0, 0]
Beispiel #11
def writeBone(fp, bone, orig, extra, pad, stuff):
    (name, children) = bone
    head = stuff.boneInfo.heads[name]
    vec = aljabr.vsub(head, orig)
    printNode(fp, name, vec, extra, pad)
    for child in children:
        writeBone(fp, child, head, '', pad + '  ', stuff)
    fp.write('\n%s      </node>' % pad)
Beispiel #12
def writeBone(fp, bone, orig, extra, pad, stuff):
    (name, children) = bone
    head = stuff.boneInfo.heads[name]
    vec = aljabr.vsub(head, orig)
    printNode(fp, name, vec, extra, pad)
    for child in children:
        writeBone(fp, child, head, '', pad+'  ', stuff)    
    fp.write('\n%s      </node>' % pad)
Beispiel #13
 def placeShadowCamera(self, ribfile):
     direction = aljabr.vsub(self.lookAt, self.position)
     #print "VIEW",self.lookAt, self.position
     #print "DIRECTION: ", direction
     if self.roll:
         self.shadowRotate(ribfile,-self.roll, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
     self.pointToAim(ribfile, direction);
     self.shadowTranslate(ribfile, -self.position[0], -self.position[1], -self.position[2])
    def __calcJointOffsets(self, mesh, joint, parent=None):
        This function calculates the position and offset for a joint and calls itself for 
        each 'child' joint in the hierarchical joint structure. 
          *Object3D*.  The object whose information is to be used for the calculation.
          *Joint Object*.  The joint object to be processed by this function call.
          *Joint Object*.  The parent joint object or 'None' if not specified.

        # Calculate joint positions
        g = mesh.getFaceGroup(
        verts = []
        for f in g.faces:
            for v in f.verts:
        joint.position = centroid(verts)
        joint.transform[3], joint.transform[7], joint.transform[11] = joint.position

        # Calculate offset
        if parent:
            joint.offset = vsub(joint.position, parent.position)
            joint.offset = joint.position[:]

        # Calculate direction
        direction = vnorm(joint.offset)
        axis = vnorm(vcross([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], direction))
        angle = acos(vdot([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], direction))
        joint.direction = axisAngleToQuaternion(axis, angle)
        # Calculate rotation
        if parent:
            v1 = vmul(vnorm(parent.offset), -1.0)
            v2 = vnorm(joint.offset)
            axis = vnorm(vcross(v1, v2))
            angle = acos(vdot(v1, v2))
            joint.rotation = axisAngleToQuaternion(axis, angle)   

        # Update counters and set index
        joint.index = self.joints
        self.joints += 1
        if not joint.children:
            self.endEffectors += 1

        # Calculate child offsets
        for child in joint.children:
            self.__calcJointOffsets(mesh, child, joint)
Beispiel #15
 def placeShadowCamera(self, ribfile):
     direction = aljabr.vsub(self.lookAt, self.position)
     #print "VIEW",self.lookAt, self.position
     #print "DIRECTION: ", direction
     if self.roll:
         self.shadowRotate(ribfile, -self.roll, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
     self.pointToAim(ribfile, direction)
     self.shadowTranslate(ribfile, -self.position[0], -self.position[1],
Beispiel #16
def appendRigBones(boneList, obj, prefix, layer, body, config):        
        for data in boneList:
            (bone0, head, tail, roll, parent0, options) = data
            if bone0 in body:
            bone = prefix + bone0
            if parent0 == "-":
                parent = None
            elif parent0 in body:
                parent = parent0
                parent = prefix + parent0
            flags = F_DEF|F_CON
            for (key, value) in options.items():
                if key == "-nc":
                    flags &= ~F_CON
                elif key == "-nd":
                    flags &= ~F_DEF
                elif key == "-res":
                    flags |= F_RES
                elif key == "-circ":
                    name = "Circ"+value[0]
                    config.customShapes[name] = (key, int(value[0]))
                    addPoseInfo(bone, ("CS", name), config)
                    flags |= F_WIR
                elif key == "-box":
                    name = "Box" + value[0]
                    config.customShapes[name] = (key, int(value[0]))
                    addPoseInfo(bone, ("CS", name), config)
                    flags |= F_WIR
                elif key == "-ik":
                        pt = options["-pt"]
                    except KeyError:
                        pt = None
                    log.debug("%s %s", value, pt)
                    addPoseInfo(bone, ("IK", value), config)
                elif key == "-ik":
            config.armatureBones.append((bone, roll, parent, flags, layer, NoBB))
            the.RigHead[bone] = aljabr.vsub(head, the.Origin)
            the.RigTail[bone] = aljabr.vsub(tail, the.Origin)
Beispiel #17
def appendRigBones(boneList, obj, prefix, layer, body, config):
    for data in boneList:
        (bone0, head, tail, roll, parent0, options) = data
        if bone0 in body:
        bone = prefix + bone0
        if parent0 == "-":
            parent = None
        elif parent0 in body:
            parent = parent0
            parent = prefix + parent0
        flags = F_DEF | F_CON
        for (key, value) in options.items():
            if key == "-nc":
                flags &= ~F_CON
            elif key == "-nd":
                flags &= ~F_DEF
            elif key == "-res":
                flags |= F_RES
            elif key == "-circ":
                name = "Circ" + value[0]
                config.customShapes[name] = (key, int(value[0]))
                addPoseInfo(bone, ("CS", name), config)
                flags |= F_WIR
            elif key == "-box":
                name = "Box" + value[0]
                config.customShapes[name] = (key, int(value[0]))
                addPoseInfo(bone, ("CS", name), config)
                flags |= F_WIR
            elif key == "-ik":
                    pt = options["-pt"]
                except KeyError:
                    pt = None
                log.debug("%s %s", value, pt)
                addPoseInfo(bone, ("IK", value), config)
            elif key == "-ik":
        config.armatureBones.append((bone, roll, parent, flags, layer, NoBB))
        the.RigHead[bone] = aljabr.vsub(head, the.Origin)
        the.RigTail[bone] = aljabr.vsub(tail, the.Origin)
Beispiel #18
    def __calcJointOffsets(self, mesh, joint, parent=None):
        This function calculates the position and offset for a joint and calls itself for 
        each 'child' joint in the hierarchical joint structure. 
          *Object3D*.  The object whose information is to be used for the calculation.
          *Joint Object*.  The joint object to be processed by this function call.
          *Joint Object*.  The parent joint object or 'None' if not specified.
        # Calculate joint positions
        g = mesh.getFaceGroup(
        verts = []
        for f in g.faces:
            for v in f.verts:
        joint.position = centroid(verts)
        joint.transform[3], joint.transform[7], joint.transform[
            11] = joint.position

        # Calculate offset
        if parent:
            joint.offset = vsub(joint.position, parent.position)
            joint.offset = joint.position[:]
        # Calculate direction
        direction = vnorm(joint.offset)
        axis = vnorm(vcross([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], direction))
        angle = acos(vdot([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], direction))
        joint.direction = axisAngleToQuaternion(axis, angle)
        # Calculate rotation
        if parent:
            v1 = vmul(vnorm(parent.offset), -1.0)
            v2 = vnorm(joint.offset)
            axis = vnorm(vcross(v1, v2))
            angle = acos(vdot(v1, v2))
            joint.rotation = axisAngleToQuaternion(axis, angle)   
        # Update counters and set index
        joint.index = self.joints
        self.joints += 1
        if not joint.children:
            self.endEffectors += 1

        # Calculate child offsets
        for child in joint.children:
            self.__calcJointOffsets(mesh, child, joint)
Beispiel #19
def addPrism(mesh, o=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], e=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], name='prism'):
    fg = mesh.createFaceGroup(name)

    dir = aljabr.vsub(e, o)  # direction vector from o to e
    if dir == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]:
        dir = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    len = aljabr.vlen(dir)  # distance from o to e
    if len == 0:
        len = 1
    scale = 0.5  # the thickness is 10% of the length
    i = aljabr.vadd(o, aljabr.vmul(dir,
                                   0.25))  # the thickest part is 25% from o
    n = aljabr.vmul(dir, 1.0 / len)  # the normalized direction
    q = aljabr.axisAngleToQuaternion(
        n, pi /
        2.0)  # a quaternion to rotate the point p1 to obtain the other points
    p = p1 = aljabr.randomPointFromNormal(
        n)  # a random point in the plane defined by 0,0,0 and n
    p1 = aljabr.vmul(aljabr.vnorm(p1),
                     scale)  # the point scaled to the thickness
    p2 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p1)  # the other points
    p3 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p2)
    p4 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p3)

    p1 = aljabr.vadd(i,
                     p1)  # translate by i since we were working in the origin
    p2 = aljabr.vadd(i, p2)
    p3 = aljabr.vadd(i, p3)
    p4 = aljabr.vadd(i, p4)

    # The 6 vertices
    v = []
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(o))  # 0             0
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p1))  # 1            /|\
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p2))  # 2           /.2.\
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p3))  # 3          1` | `3
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p4))  # 4          \`.4.`/
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(e))  # 5           \ | /
    #              \|/
    #               5

    # The 8 faces
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[1], v[4], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[4], v[3], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[3], v[2], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[2], v[1], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[4], v[1], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[1], v[2], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[2], v[3], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[3], v[4], v[5]))

    return p
def addPrism(mesh, o=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], e=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], name='prism'):
    fg = mesh.createFaceGroup(name)

    dir = aljabr.vsub(e, o) # direction vector from o to e
    if dir == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]:
        dir = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    len = aljabr.vlen(dir) # distance from o to e
    if len == 0:
        len = 1
    scale = 0.5 # the thickness is 10% of the length
    i = aljabr.vadd(o, aljabr.vmul(dir, 0.25)) # the thickest part is 25% from o
    n = aljabr.vmul(dir, 1.0 / len) # the normalized direction
    q = aljabr.axisAngleToQuaternion(n, pi / 2.0) # a quaternion to rotate the point p1 to obtain the other points
    p = p1 = aljabr.randomPointFromNormal(n) # a random point in the plane defined by 0,0,0 and n
    p1 = aljabr.vmul(aljabr.vnorm(p1), scale) # the point scaled to the thickness
    p2 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p1) # the other points
    p3 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p2)
    p4 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p3)
    p1 = aljabr.vadd(i, p1) # translate by i since we were working in the origin
    p2 = aljabr.vadd(i, p2)
    p3 = aljabr.vadd(i, p3)
    p4 = aljabr.vadd(i, p4)

    # The 6 vertices
    v = []
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(o))      # 0             0
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p1))     # 1            /|\
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p2))     # 2           /.2.\
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p3))     # 3          1` | `3
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p4))     # 4          \`.4.`/ 
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(e))      # 5           \ | /
                                        #              \|/
                                        #               5
    # The 8 faces
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[1], v[4], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[4], v[3], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[3], v[2], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[2], v[1], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[4], v[1], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[1], v[2], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[2], v[3], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[3], v[4], v[5]))
    return p
 def chooseTraslSamples(self):
     direction = aljabr.vnorm(self.angle)
     similarity = {}
     if self.angle != [0.0,0.0,0.0]:
         for sample in self.examplesTrasl:
             direction2 = aljabr.vnorm(sample)
             sampleDistance1 = aljabr.vdist(direction,direction2)
             sampleDistance2 = math.fabs(aljabr.vlen(aljabr.vsub(self.angle,sample)))
             similarity[sampleDistance1+sampleDistance2] = sample
         d = similarity.keys()
         nearestSample1 = similarity[d[0]]
         nearestSample2 = similarity[d[1]]
         nearestSample3 = similarity[d[2]]
         factor1,factor2,factor3 = self.equalize(d[0],d[1],d[2])
         return (nearestSample1,nearestSample2,nearestSample3,factor1,factor2,factor3)
         return ([0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],0,0,0)
    def updateBackground(self):

        if self.backgroundImage.hasTexture():

            reference =
            diff = vsub(reference, self.reference)
            self.leftTop = vadd(self.leftTop, diff)
            self.rightBottom = vadd(self.rightBottom, diff)

            leftTop =*self.leftTop)
            rightBottom =*self.rightBottom)

            self.backgroundImage.setPosition([leftTop[0], leftTop[1], 8])
            self.backgroundWidth = rightBottom[0]-leftTop[0]
            self.backgroundHeight = rightBottom[1]-leftTop[1]
            self.backgroundImage.mesh.resize(self.backgroundWidth, self.backgroundHeight)

            self.reference = reference
Beispiel #23
def saveJointDeltas(path):


      *path*.  The file system path to the file to be written.
      *string*.  The group name of the faces to export.

    activeObjs = Blender.Object.GetSelected()
    obj = activeObjs[0].getData(mesh=True)
    vertsGroupsNames = obj.getVertGroupNames()

        fileDescriptor = open(path, "w")
        print "Unable to open %s", (path)
        return None

    for name in vertsGroupsNames:

        if name.split('-')[0] == "joint":
            diamondIndices = obj.getVertsFromGroup(name)
            n = closerVert(diamondIndices)
            v = [obj.verts[n].co[0], obj.verts[n].co[1], obj.verts[n].co[2]]
            for i in diamondIndices:
                diamondVert = [
                    obj.verts[i].co[0], obj.verts[i].co[1], obj.verts[i].co[2]
                delta = aljabr.vsub(diamondVert, v)
                #index od base vert, index of joint vert, coord 0, coord1 and coord2 of the delta vector
                fileDescriptor.write("%d %d %f %f %f\n" %
                                     (n, i, delta[0], delta[1], delta[2]))
            print name, name.split('-')[0]


    return 1
Beispiel #24
def setShapeScale(words):
    key = words[1]
    scales = None
        scales = rig_panel_25.FaceShapeKeyScale[key]
        scales = rig_body_25.BodyShapeKeyScale[key]
    if not scales:
        raise NameError("No scale for %s" % key)
    (p1, p2, length0) = scales
    x1 = the.Locations[p1]
    x2 = the.Locations[p2]
    dist = aljabr.vsub(x1, x2)
    length = aljabr.vlen(dist)
    scale = length/length0
    #print("Scale %s %f %f" % (key, length, scale))
    return scale
Beispiel #25
def setShapeScale(words):
    key = words[1]
    scales = None
        scales = rig_panel_25.FaceShapeKeyScale[key]
        scales = rig_body_25.BodyShapeKeyScale[key]
    if not scales:
        raise NameError("No scale for %s" % key)
    (p1, p2, length0) = scales
    x1 = the.Locations[p1]
    x2 = the.Locations[p2]
    dist = aljabr.vsub(x1, x2)
    length = aljabr.vlen(dist)
    scale = length / length0
    #print("Scale %s %f %f" % (key, length, scale))
    return scale
def saveJointDeltas(path):


      *path*.  The file system path to the file to be written.
      *string*.  The group name of the faces to export.

    activeObjs = Blender.Object.GetSelected()
    obj = activeObjs[0].getData(mesh=True)
    vertsGroupsNames = obj.getVertGroupNames()

        fileDescriptor = open(path, "w")
        print "Unable to open %s",(path)
        return  None

    for name in vertsGroupsNames:
        if name.split('-')[0] == "joint":
            diamondIndices = obj.getVertsFromGroup(name)
            n = closerVert(diamondIndices)
            v = [obj.verts[n].co[0],obj.verts[n].co[1],obj.verts[n].co[2]]
            for i in diamondIndices:
                diamondVert = [obj.verts[i].co[0],obj.verts[i].co[1],obj.verts[i].co[2]]
                delta = aljabr.vsub(diamondVert,v)
                #index od base vert, index of joint vert, coord 0, coord1 and coord2 of the delta vector
                fileDescriptor.write("%d %d %f %f %f\n" % (n, i, delta[0],delta[1],delta[2]))
            print name, name.split('-')[0] 
    return 1
Beispiel #27
def newSetupJoints (obj, joints):
    the.Locations = {}
    for (key, typ, data) in joints:
        if typ == 'j':
            loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, data)
            the.Locations[key] = loc
            the.Locations[data] = loc
        elif typ == 'v':
            v = int(data)
            the.Locations[key] = obj.verts[v].co
        elif typ == 'x':
            the.Locations[key] = [float(data[0]), float(data[2]), -float(data[1])]
        elif typ == 'vo':
            v = int(data[0])
            loc = obj.verts[v].co
            the.Locations[key] = [loc[0]+float(data[1]), loc[1]+float(data[3]), loc[2]-float(data[2])]
        elif typ == 'vl':
            ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) = data
            loc1 = obj.verts[int(v1)].co
            loc2 = obj.verts[int(v2)].co
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(vmul(loc1, k1), vmul(loc2, k2))
        elif typ == 'f':
            (raw, head, tail, offs) = data
            rloc = the.Locations[raw]
            hloc = the.Locations[head]
            tloc = the.Locations[tail]
            #print(raw, rloc)
            vec = aljabr.vsub(tloc, hloc)
            vec2 = aljabr.vdot(vec, vec)
            vraw = aljabr.vsub(rloc, hloc)
            x = aljabr.vdot(vec, vraw) / vec2
            rvec = aljabr.vmul(vec, x)
            nloc = aljabr.vadd(hloc, rvec, offs)
            #print(key, nloc)
            the.Locations[key] = nloc
        elif typ == 'b':
            the.Locations[key] = the.Locations[data]
        elif typ == 'p':
            x = the.Locations[data[0]]
            y = the.Locations[data[1]]
            z = the.Locations[data[2]]
            the.Locations[key] = [x[0],y[1],z[2]]
        elif typ == 'vz':
            v = int(data[0])
            z = obj.verts[v].co[2]
            loc = the.Locations[data[1]]
            the.Locations[key] = [loc[0],loc[1],z]
        elif typ == 'X':
            r = the.Locations[data[0]]
            (x,y,z) = data[1]
            r1 = [float(x), float(y), float(z)]
            the.Locations[key] = aljabr.vcross(r, r1)
        elif typ == 'l':
            ((k1, joint1), (k2, joint2)) = data
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(vmul(the.Locations[joint1], k1), vmul(the.Locations[joint2], k2))
        elif typ == 'o':
            (joint, offsSym) = data
            if type(offsSym) == str:
                offs = the.Locations[offsSym]
                offs = offsSym
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(the.Locations[joint], offs)
            raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
 def onShow(self, event):
     gui3d.TaskView.onShow(self, event)
     human =
     if not self.mesh:
         self.mesh = module3d.Object3D('texture_tool')
         self.mesh.uvValues = []
         self.mesh.indexBuffer = []
         # create group
         fg = self.mesh.createFaceGroup('texture_tool')
         self.mesh.area = 0.0
         for f in human.mesh.faces:
             verts = [self.mesh.createVertex( for v in f.verts]
             uv = [human.mesh.uvValues[i] for i in f.uv]
             face = fg.createFace(verts, uv)
             face.area = vlen(vcross(vsub(verts[2].co, verts[0].co), vsub(verts[3].co, verts[1].co))) / 2.0
             face.uvArea = vlen(vcross(vsub(uv[2] + [0.0], uv[0] + [0.0]), vsub(uv[3] + [0.0], uv[1] + [0.0]))) / 2.0
             self.mesh.area += face.area
         for f in self.mesh.faces:
             index = min(510, max(0, int(f.uvArea*510.0/(f.area/self.mesh.area))))
             if index > 255:
                 f.setColor([255 - (index - 255), 255 - (index - 255), 255, 255])
                 f.setColor([255, index, index, 255])
         self.mesh.texture = human.mesh.texture
         self.object = self.addObject(gui3d.Object([0, 0, 0], self.mesh, True))
         self.mesh.area = 0.0
         for f in self.mesh.faces:
             for i, v in enumerate(f.verts):
        = human.mesh.faces[f.idx].verts[i].co[:]
             verts = f.verts
             f.area = vlen(vcross(vsub(verts[2].co, verts[0].co), vsub(verts[3].co, verts[1].co))) / 2.0
             self.mesh.area += f.area
         for f in self.mesh.faces:
             index = min(510, max(0, int(f.uvArea*510.0/(f.area/self.mesh.area))))
             if index > 255:
                 f.setColor([255 - (index - 255), 255 - (index - 255), 255, 255])
                 f.setColor([255, index, index, 255])
         if self.textured.selected:
Beispiel #29
def saveTranslationTarget(obj, targetPath, groupToSave=None, epsilon=0.001):
    This function analyses an object to determine the differences between the current 
    set of vertices and the vertices contained in the *originalVerts* list, writing the
    differences out to disk as a morphing target file.


        *3d object*. The object from which the current set of vertices is to be determined.

        *list of list*. The positions of vertices in the base reference mesh. This is a list of 
        3 coordinates of the form: [[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],[x3,y3,z3],...[xn,yn,zn]]

        *string*. The file system path to the output file into which the morphing targets
        will be written.

        *faceGroup*. It's possible to save only the changes made to a specific part of the 
        mesh object by indicating the face group to save.

        *float*. The distance that a vertex has to have been moved for it to be 
        considered 'moved'
        by this function. The difference between the original vertex position and
        the current vertex position is compared to this value. If that difference is greater
        than the value of epsilon, the vertex is considered to have been modified and will be 
        saved in the output file as a morph target.   


    modifiedFacesIndices = {}
    modifiedVertsIndices = []
    originalVerts = files3d.loadVertsCoo(obj.path)

    if not groupToSave:
        vertsToSave = xrange(len(obj.verts))
        pass  # TODO verts from group

    objVerts = obj.verts

    nVertsExported = 0
    if objVerts:
        for index in vertsToSave:
            originalVertex = originalVerts[index]
            targetVertex = objVerts[index]
            sharedFaces = obj.verts[index].sharedFaces

            delta = aljabr.vsub(, originalVertex)
            dist = aljabr.vdist(originalVertex,

            if dist > epsilon:
                nVertsExported += 1
                dataToExport = [index, delta[0], delta[1], delta[2]]

                # for f in sharedFaces:
                #    modifiedFacesIndices[f.idx] = f.idx

        fileDescriptor = open(targetPath, 'w')
        print 'Unable to open %s'%(targetPath)
        return None

    # for fidx in modifiedFacesIndices.values():
        # fileDescriptor.write("%i " % (fidx))
    # fileDescriptor.write("\n")

    for data in modifiedVertsIndices:
        fileDescriptor.write('%d %f %f %f\n' % (data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]))

    if nVertsExported == 0:
        print 'Warning%t|Zero verts exported in file ' + targetPath
Beispiel #30
def newSetupJoints(obj, joints):
    the.Locations = {}
    for (key, typ, data) in joints:
        if typ == 'j':
            loc = mh2proxy.calcJointPos(obj, data)
            the.Locations[key] = loc
            the.Locations[data] = loc
        elif typ == 'v':
            v = int(data)
            the.Locations[key] = obj.verts[v].co
        elif typ == 'x':
            the.Locations[key] = [
                float(data[2]), -float(data[1])
        elif typ == 'vo':
            v = int(data[0])
            loc = obj.verts[v].co
            the.Locations[key] = [
                loc[0] + float(data[1]), loc[1] + float(data[3]),
                loc[2] - float(data[2])
        elif typ == 'vl':
            ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) = data
            loc1 = obj.verts[int(v1)].co
            loc2 = obj.verts[int(v2)].co
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(vmul(loc1, k1), vmul(loc2, k2))
        elif typ == 'f':
            (raw, head, tail, offs) = data
            rloc = the.Locations[raw]
            hloc = the.Locations[head]
            tloc = the.Locations[tail]
            #print(raw, rloc)
            vec = aljabr.vsub(tloc, hloc)
            vec2 = aljabr.vdot(vec, vec)
            vraw = aljabr.vsub(rloc, hloc)
            x = aljabr.vdot(vec, vraw) / vec2
            rvec = aljabr.vmul(vec, x)
            nloc = aljabr.vadd(hloc, rvec, offs)
            #print(key, nloc)
            the.Locations[key] = nloc
        elif typ == 'b':
            the.Locations[key] = the.Locations[data]
        elif typ == 'p':
            x = the.Locations[data[0]]
            y = the.Locations[data[1]]
            z = the.Locations[data[2]]
            the.Locations[key] = [x[0], y[1], z[2]]
        elif typ == 'vz':
            v = int(data[0])
            z = obj.verts[v].co[2]
            loc = the.Locations[data[1]]
            the.Locations[key] = [loc[0], loc[1], z]
        elif typ == 'X':
            r = the.Locations[data[0]]
            (x, y, z) = data[1]
            r1 = [float(x), float(y), float(z)]
            the.Locations[key] = aljabr.vcross(r, r1)
        elif typ == 'l':
            ((k1, joint1), (k2, joint2)) = data
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(vmul(the.Locations[joint1], k1),
                                      vmul(the.Locations[joint2], k2))
        elif typ == 'o':
            (joint, offsSym) = data
            if type(offsSym) == str:
                offs = the.Locations[offsSym]
                offs = offsSym
            the.Locations[key] = vadd(the.Locations[joint], offs)
            raise NameError("Unknown %s" % typ)
    def projectBackground(self):

        if not hasattr(self, "leftTop"):
  "Warning", "You need to load a background before you can project it.", "OK")

        mesh =

        # for all quads, project vertex to screen
        # if one vertex falls in bg rect, project screen quad into uv quad
        # warp image region into texture
        leftTop =*self.leftTop)
        rightBottom =*self.rightBottom)

        r = [leftTop[0], leftTop[1], rightBottom[0], rightBottom[1]]

        srcImg = mh.Image(self.backgroundImage.getTexture())
        dstImg = mh.Image(

        srcW = srcImg.width
        srcH = srcImg.height
        dstW = dstImg.width
        dstH = dstImg.height

        eye =
        focus =
        transform = mesh.object3d.transform
        eye = mtransform(transform, eye)
        focus = mtransform(transform, focus)
        camera = vnorm(vsub(eye, focus))

        for g in mesh.faceGroups:

            if"joint") or"helper"):

            for f in g.faces:
                # From hdusel in regard of issue 183: As agreed with marc I'll change the
                # call from packed to discrete because packed structs
                # are not available on Python 2.6.1 which is mandatory for MakeHuman to run
                # on OS X 10.5.x
                # src = [*, obj=mesh.object3d) for v in f.verts]
                src = [[0],[1],[2], obj=mesh.object3d) for v in f.verts]

                if any([pointInRect(p, r) for p in src]):

                    for i, v in enumerate(f.verts):
                        src[i][2] = max(0.0, vdot(, camera))

                    if any([v[2] >= 0.0 for v in src]):

                        for i, v in enumerate(f.verts):
                            src[i][2] = max(0.0, vdot(, camera))

                        co = [(mesh.uvValues[i][0]*dstW, dstH-(mesh.uvValues[i][1]*dstH)) for i in f.uv]
                        uva = [((v[0]-leftTop[0])/(rightBottom[0] - leftTop[0]), (v[1]-leftTop[1])/(rightBottom[1] - leftTop[1]), v[2]) for v in src]
                        RasterizeTriangle(dstImg, co[0], co[1], co[2], UvAlphaShader(dstImg, srcImg, (uva[:3])))
                        RasterizeTriangle(dstImg, co[2], co[3], co[0], UvAlphaShader(dstImg, srcImg, ((uva[2], uva[3], uva[0]))))''), 'data', 'skins', 'projection.tga'))''), 'data', 'skins', 'projection.tga'))