Beispiel #1
def GammaH_constructor(level, H):
    Return the congruence subgroup `\Gamma_H(N)`, which is the subgroup of
    `SL_2(\ZZ)` consisting of matrices of the form `\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\
    c & d \end{pmatrix}` with `N | c` and `a, b \in H`, for `H` a specified
    subgroup of `(\ZZ/N\ZZ)^\times`.


    - level -- an integer
    - H -- either 0, 1, or a list
        * If H is a list, return `\Gamma_H(N)`, where `H`
          is the subgroup of `(\ZZ/N\ZZ)^*` **generated** by the
          elements of the list.
        * If H = 0, returns `\Gamma_0(N)`.
        * If H = 1, returns `\Gamma_1(N)`.


        sage: GammaH(11,0) # indirect doctest
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11)
        sage: GammaH(11,1)
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma1(11)
        sage: GammaH(11,[10])
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(11) with H generated by [10]
        sage: GammaH(11,[10,1])
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(11) with H generated by [10]
        sage: GammaH(14,[10])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ArithmeticError: The generators [10] must be units modulo 14
    from all import Gamma0, Gamma1, SL2Z
    if level == 1:
        return SL2Z
    elif H == 0:
        return Gamma0(level)
    elif H == 1:
        return Gamma1(level)

    H = _normalize_H(H, level)
    if H == []:
        return Gamma1(level)

    Hlist = _list_subgroup(level, H)
    if len(Hlist) == euler_phi(level):
        return Gamma0(level)

    key = (level, tuple(H))
        return _gammaH_cache[key]
    except KeyError:
        _gammaH_cache[key] = GammaH_class(level, H, Hlist)
        return _gammaH_cache[key]
Beispiel #2
    def gamma0_coset_reps(self):
        Return a set of coset representatives for self \\ Gamma0(N), where N is
        the level of self.


            sage: GammaH(108, [1,-1]).gamma0_coset_reps()
            [1 0]  [-43 -45]  [ 31  33]  [-49 -54]  [ 25  28]  [-19 -22]
            [0 1], [108 113], [108 115], [108 119], [108 121], [108 125],
            [-17 -20]  [ 47  57]  [ 13  16]  [ 41  52]  [  7   9]  [-37 -49]
            [108 127], [108 131], [108 133], [108 137], [108 139], [108 143],
            [-35 -47]  [ 29  40]  [ -5  -7]  [ 23  33]  [-11 -16]  [ 53  79]
            [108 145], [108 149], [108 151], [108 155], [108 157], [108 161]
        from all import Gamma0
        N = self.level()
        G = Gamma0(N)
        s = []
        return [
            G(lift_to_sl2z(0, d.lift(), N))
            for d in _GammaH_coset_helper(N, self._list_of_elements_in_H())
Beispiel #3
    def coset_reps(self):
        Return a set of coset representatives for self \\ SL2Z.


            sage: list(Gamma1(3).coset_reps())
            [[1 0]
            [0 1], [-1 -2]
            [ 3  5], [ 0 -1]
            [ 1  0], [-2  1]
            [ 5 -3], [1 0]
            [1 1], [-3 -2]
            [ 8  5], [ 0 -1]
            [ 1  2], [-2 -3]
            [ 5  7]]
            sage: len(list(Gamma1(31).coset_reps())) == 31**2 - 1
        from all import Gamma0, SL2Z
        reps1 = Gamma0(self.level()).coset_reps()
        for r in reps1:
            reps2 = self.gamma0_coset_reps()
            for t in reps2:
                yield SL2Z(t) * r
Beispiel #4
    def nu2(self):
        Return the number of orbits of elliptic points of order 2 for this
        arithmetic subgroup.


            sage: sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_generic.ArithmeticSubgroup().nu2()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            sage: sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_generic.ArithmeticSubgroup.nu2(Gamma0(1105)) == 8

        # Subgroups not containing -1 have no elliptic points of order 2.

        if not self.is_even():
            return 0

        # Cheap trick: if self is a subgroup of something with no elliptic points,
        # then self has no elliptic points either.

        from all import Gamma0, is_CongruenceSubgroup
        if is_CongruenceSubgroup(self):
            if self.is_subgroup(Gamma0(self.level())) and Gamma0(
                    self.level()).nu2() == 0:
                return 0

        # Otherwise, the number of elliptic points is the number of g in self \
        # SL2Z such that the stabiliser of g * i in self is not trivial. (Note
        # that the points g*i for g in the coset reps are not distinct, but it
        # still works, since the failure of these points to be distinct happens
        # precisely when the preimages are not elliptic.)

        from all import SL2Z
        count = 0
        for g in self.coset_reps():
            if g * SL2Z([0, 1, -1, 0]) * (~g) in self:
                count += 1
        return count
Beispiel #5
    def _new_group_from_level(self, level):
        Return a new group of the same type (Gamma0, Gamma1, or
        GammaH) as self of the given level. In the case that self is of type
        GammaH, we take the largest H inside `(\ZZ/ \text{level}\ZZ)^\times`
        which maps to H, namely its inverse image under the natural reduction


            sage: G = Gamma0(20)
            sage: G._new_group_from_level(4)
            Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(4)
            sage: G._new_group_from_level(40)
            Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(40)

            sage: G = Gamma1(10)
            sage: G._new_group_from_level(6)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: one level must divide the other

            sage: G = GammaH(50,[7]); G
            Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(50) with H generated by [7]
            sage: G._new_group_from_level(25)
            Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(25) with H generated by [7]
            sage: G._new_group_from_level(10)
            Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(10)
            sage: G._new_group_from_level(100)
            Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(100) with H generated by [7, 57]
        from congroup_gamma0 import is_Gamma0
        from congroup_gamma1 import is_Gamma1
        from congroup_gammaH import is_GammaH
        from all import Gamma0, Gamma1, GammaH
        N = self.level()
        if (level % N) and (N % level):
            raise ValueError, "one level must divide the other"
        if is_Gamma0(self):
            return Gamma0(level)
        elif is_Gamma1(self):
            return Gamma1(level)
        elif is_GammaH(self):
            H = self._generators_for_H()
            if level > N:
                d = level // N
                diffs = [N * i for i in range(d)]
                newH = [h + diff for h in H for diff in diffs]
                return GammaH(level, [x for x in newH if gcd(level, x) == 1])
                return GammaH(level, [h % level for h in H])
            raise NotImplementedError
Beispiel #6
    def nu3(self):
        Return the number of orbits of elliptic points of order 3 for this
        arithmetic subgroup.


            sage: sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_generic.ArithmeticSubgroup().nu3()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            sage: sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_generic.ArithmeticSubgroup.nu3(Gamma0(1729)) == 8

        We test that a bug in handling of subgroups not containing -1 is fixed: ::

            sage: sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_generic.ArithmeticSubgroup.nu3(GammaH(7, [2]))

        # Cheap trick: if self is a subgroup of something with no elliptic points,
        # then self has no elliptic points either.

        from all import Gamma0, is_CongruenceSubgroup
        if is_CongruenceSubgroup(self):
            if self.is_subgroup(Gamma0(self.level())) and Gamma0(
                    self.level()).nu3() == 0:
                return 0

        from all import SL2Z
        count = 0
        for g in self.coset_reps():
            if g * SL2Z([0, 1, -1, -1]) * (~g) in self:
                count += 1

        if self.is_even():
            return count
            return count / 2
Beispiel #7
    def dimension_new_cusp_forms(self,
        Dimension of the new subspace (or `p`-new subspace) of cusp forms of
        weight `k` and character `\varepsilon`.


        - ``k`` - an integer (default: 2)

        - ``eps`` - a Dirichlet character

        -  ``p`` - a prime (default: 0); just the `p`-new subspace if given

        - ``algorithm`` - either "CohenOesterle" (the default) or "Quer". This
          specifies the method to use in the case of nontrivial character:
          either the Cohen--Oesterle formula as described in Stein's book, or
          by Moebius inversion using the subgroups GammaH (a method due to
          Jordi Quer).


            sage: G = DirichletGroup(9)
            sage: eps = G.0^3
            sage: eps.conductor()
            sage: [Gamma1(9).dimension_new_cusp_forms(k, eps) for k in [2..10]]
            [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0]
            sage: [Gamma1(9).dimension_cusp_forms(k, eps) for k in [2..10]]
            [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 6, 0]
            sage: [Gamma1(9).dimension_new_cusp_forms(k, eps, 3) for k in [2..10]]
            [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0]

        Double check using modular symbols (independent calculation)::

            sage: [ModularSymbols(eps,k,sign=1).cuspidal_subspace().new_subspace().dimension()  for k in [2..10]]
            [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0]
            sage: [ModularSymbols(eps,k,sign=1).cuspidal_subspace().new_subspace(3).dimension()  for k in [2..10]]
            [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0]

        Another example at level 33::

            sage: G = DirichletGroup(33)
            sage: eps = G.1
            sage: eps.conductor()
            sage: [Gamma1(33).dimension_new_cusp_forms(k, G.1) for k in [2..4]]
            [0, 4, 0]
            sage: [Gamma1(33).dimension_new_cusp_forms(k, G.1, algorithm="Quer") for k in [2..4]]
            [0, 4, 0]
            sage: [Gamma1(33).dimension_new_cusp_forms(k, G.1^2) for k in [2..4]]
            [2, 0, 6]
            sage: [Gamma1(33).dimension_new_cusp_forms(k, G.1^2, p=3) for k in [2..4]]
            [2, 0, 6]


        if eps == None:
            return GammaH_class.dimension_new_cusp_forms(self, k, p)

        N = self.level()
        eps = DirichletGroup(N)(eps)

        from all import Gamma0

        if eps.is_trivial():
            return Gamma0(N).dimension_new_cusp_forms(k, p)

        from congroup_gammaH import mumu

        if p == 0 or N % p != 0 or eps.conductor().valuation(p) == N.valuation(
            D = [eps.conductor() * d for d in divisors(N // eps.conductor())]
            return sum([
                    k, eps.restrict(M), algorithm) * mumu(N // M) for M in D
        eps_p = eps.restrict(N // p)
        old = Gamma1_constructor(N // p).dimension_cusp_forms(
            k, eps_p, algorithm)
        return self.dimension_cusp_forms(k, eps, algorithm) - 2 * old
Beispiel #8
    def dimension_eis(self, k=2, eps=None, algorithm="CohenOesterle"):
        Return the dimension of the space of Eisenstein series forms for self,
        or the dimension of the subspace corresponding to the given character
        if one is supplied.


        - ``k`` - an integer (default: 2), the weight.

        - ``eps`` - either None or a Dirichlet character modulo N, where N is
          the level of this group. If this is None, then the dimension of the
          whole space is returned; otherwise, the dimension of the subspace of
          Eisenstein series of character eps.

        - ``algorithm`` -- either "CohenOesterle" (the default) or "Quer". This
          specifies the method to use in the case of nontrivial character:
          either the Cohen--Oesterle formula as described in Stein's book, or
          by Moebius inversion using the subgroups GammaH (a method due to
          Jordi Quer).


        - William Stein - Cohen--Oesterle algorithm

        - Jordi Quer - algorithm based on GammaH subgroups

        - David Loeffler (2009) - code refactoring


        The following two computations use different algorithms: ::

            sage: [Gamma1(36).dimension_eis(1,eps) for eps in DirichletGroup(36)]
            [0, 4, 3, 0, 0, 2, 6, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0]
            sage: [Gamma1(36).dimension_eis(1,eps,algorithm="Quer") for eps in DirichletGroup(36)]
            [0, 4, 3, 0, 0, 2, 6, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0]

        So do these: ::

            sage: [Gamma1(48).dimension_eis(3,eps) for eps in DirichletGroup(48)]
            [0, 12, 0, 4, 0, 8, 0, 4, 12, 0, 4, 0, 8, 0, 4, 0]
            sage: [Gamma1(48).dimension_eis(3,eps,algorithm="Quer") for eps in DirichletGroup(48)]
            [0, 12, 0, 4, 0, 8, 0, 4, 12, 0, 4, 0, 8, 0, 4, 0]
        from all import Gamma0

        # first deal with special cases

        if eps is None:
            return GammaH_class.dimension_eis(self, k)

        N = self.level()
        eps = DirichletGroup(N)(eps)

        if eps.is_trivial():
            return Gamma0(N).dimension_eis(k)

        # Note case of k = 0 and trivial character already dealt with separately, so k <= 0 here is valid:
        if (k <= 0) or ((k % 2) == 1 and eps.is_even()) or ((k % 2) == 0
                                                            and eps.is_odd()):
            return ZZ(0)

        if algorithm == "Quer":
            n = eps.order()
            dim = ZZ(0)
            for d in n.divisors():
                G = GammaH_constructor(N, (eps**d).kernel())
                dim = dim + moebius(d) * G.dimension_eis(k)
            return dim // phi(n)

        elif algorithm == "CohenOesterle":
            from sage.modular.dims import CohenOesterle
            K = eps.base_ring()
            j = 2 - k
            # We use the Cohen-Oesterle formula in a subtle way to
            # compute dim M_k(N,eps) (see Ch. 6 of William Stein's book on
            # computing with modular forms).
            alpha = -ZZ(
                K(Gamma0(N).index() *
                  (j - 1) / ZZ(12)) + CohenOesterle(eps, j))
            if k == 1:
                return alpha
                return alpha - self.dimension_cusp_forms(k, eps)

        else:  #algorithm not in ["CohenOesterle", "Quer"]:
            raise ValueError, "Unrecognised algorithm in dimension_eis"
Beispiel #9
    def dimension_cusp_forms(self, k=2, eps=None, algorithm="CohenOesterle"):
        Return the dimension of the space of cusp forms for self, or the
        dimension of the subspace corresponding to the given character if one
        is supplied.


        - ``k`` - an integer (default: 2), the weight.

        - ``eps`` - either None or a Dirichlet character modulo N, where N is
          the level of this group. If this is None, then the dimension of the
          whole space is returned; otherwise, the dimension of the subspace of
          forms of character eps.

        - ``algorithm`` -- either "CohenOesterle" (the default) or "Quer". This
          specifies the method to use in the case of nontrivial character:
          either the Cohen--Oesterle formula as described in Stein's book, or
          by Moebius inversion using the subgroups GammaH (a method due to
          Jordi Quer).


        We compute the same dimension in two different ways ::

            sage: K = CyclotomicField(3)
            sage: eps = DirichletGroup(7*43,K).0^2
            sage: G = Gamma1(7*43)

        Via Cohen--Oesterle: ::

            sage: Gamma1(7*43).dimension_cusp_forms(2, eps)

        Via Quer's method: ::

            sage: Gamma1(7*43).dimension_cusp_forms(2, eps, algorithm="Quer")

        Some more examples: ::

            sage: G.<eps> = DirichletGroup(9)
            sage: [Gamma1(9).dimension_cusp_forms(k, eps) for k in [1..10]]
            [0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 7, 0]
            sage: [Gamma1(9).dimension_cusp_forms(k, eps^2) for k in [1..10]]
            [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 6, 0, 8]

        from all import Gamma0

        # first deal with special cases

        if eps is None:
            return GammaH_class.dimension_cusp_forms(self, k)

        N = self.level()
        if eps.base_ring().characteristic() != 0:
            raise ValueError

        eps = DirichletGroup(N, eps.base_ring())(eps)

        if eps.is_trivial():
            return Gamma0(N).dimension_cusp_forms(k)

        if (k <= 0) or ((k % 2) == 1 and eps.is_even()) or ((k % 2) == 0
                                                            and eps.is_odd()):
            return ZZ(0)

        if k == 1:
                n = self.dimension_cusp_forms(1)
                if n == 0:
                    return ZZ(0)
                else:  # never happens at present
                    raise NotImplementedError, "Computations of dimensions of spaces of weight 1 cusp forms not implemented at present"
            except NotImplementedError:

        # now the main part

        if algorithm == "Quer":
            n = eps.order()
            dim = ZZ(0)
            for d in n.divisors():
                G = GammaH_constructor(N, (eps**d).kernel())
                dim = dim + moebius(d) * G.dimension_cusp_forms(k)
            return dim // phi(n)

        elif algorithm == "CohenOesterle":
            K = eps.base_ring()
            from sage.modular.dims import CohenOesterle
            from all import Gamma0
            return ZZ(
                K(Gamma0(N).index() * (k - 1) / ZZ(12)) +
                CohenOesterle(eps, k))

        else:  #algorithm not in ["CohenOesterle", "Quer"]:
            raise ValueError, "Unrecognised algorithm in dimension_cusp_forms"