def __init__(self, client, webport, tempdir, nodeurl_path=None, staticdir=None, clock=None, now_fn=time.time): service.MultiService.__init__(self) # the 'data' argument to all render() methods default to the Client # the 'clock' argument to root.Root is, if set, a # twisted.internet.task.Clock that is provided by the unit tests # so that they can test features that involve the passage of # time in a deterministic manner. self.root = root.Root(client, clock, now_fn) self.buildServer(webport, tempdir, nodeurl_path, staticdir) # If set, clock is a twisted.internet.task.Clock that the tests # use to test ophandle expiration. self._operations = OphandleTable(clock) self._operations.setServiceParent(self) self.root.putChild("operations", self._operations) self.root.putChild(b"storage-plugins", StoragePlugins(client))
def __init__(self, client, webport, nodeurl_path=None, staticdir=None, clock=None, now_fn=time.time): service.MultiService.__init__(self) # the 'data' argument to all render() methods default to the Client # the 'clock' argument to root.Root is, if set, a # twisted.internet.task.Clock that is provided by the unit tests # so that they can test features that involve the passage of # time in a deterministic manner. self.root = root.Root(client, clock, now_fn) self.buildServer(webport, nodeurl_path, staticdir) if self.root.child_operations:, IOpHandleTable) self.root.child_operations.setServiceParent(self)