def test_validator_processing_message_new(self, ServiceObjKAFKAavro): allure.description('Testing validator processing message new') allure.label('validator operations') startTime = '2018-06-20T09:08:28+03:00' endTime = '2018-07-29T09:08:28+03:00' dateFrom = '2018-07-02T09:19:32+03:00' dateTo = '2018-07-02T09:19:32+03:00' log.debug('[test_get_history] dateFrom: ' + str(dateFrom)) device_v_term_id = random.randint(1, 100000) filter = 'null' limit = 1 sort = 'asc' expected = [] for time in range(2): device_activity_info = random.randint(1, 100000) device_time_device = 1530523171000 + 1000 * time device_time_device_utc = datetime.fromtimestamp( int(device_time_device / 1000)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') ServiceObjKAFKAavro.send_valid(termId=device_v_term_id, time_platform=device_time_device, time_device=device_time_device, activity_info=device_activity_info)
def test_send_raw_to_validator(self, KAFKAjson, KAFKAjson2): allure.description('Testing send raw json to validator topic') allure.label('kafka operations') d1 = nistest.KafkaDriver(topic=config.get('kafka_topic_raw'), server=config.get('kafka_server'), schema_registry=config.get('kafka_schema')) offset1 = d1.get_last_offset() rawData = { "producer": "test", "sessionKey": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440002", "termId": 123, "protocolId": 1, "deviceTypeId": 100, "timePlatformFrom1970": 1527601137000, "timeDeviceFrom1970": 1527601137000, "activityInfo": 1 } rawData = json.dumps(rawData, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8') last_offset = d1.get_last_offset() d1.send(msg=rawData, lang='json', schema=None) res = d1.read_from_offset(offset1) result = d1.read_from_offset(offset=last_offset, lang='json', schema=None) log.debug('result: ' + str(result)) assert rawData == result res_delete = d1.delete_topic() assert res_delete == 0
def test_create_kafka(self): allure.description('Testing create topic') allure.label('kafka operations') log.debug('start test_kafka') d1 = nistest.KafkaDriver(topic=config.get('kafka_topic_raw')) res_create = d1.create_topic('testtopic2') assert res_create == None
def test_send_raw_to_validator_new(self, KAFKAjson, KAFKAjson2): allure.description('Testing send raw json to validator topic') allure.label('kafka operations') device_time_device = 1530523171000 device_time_device_utc = datetime.fromtimestamp( int(device_time_device / 1000)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') KAFKAjson.send_raw(termId=100, protocolId=200, deviceTypeId=100, timePlatformFrom1970=device_time_device, timeDeviceFrom1970=device_time_device, activityInfo=300)
def test_clean_install(self, request): """ Scenario: 1. Install current version 2. Check that setup successfull (select version) :return: """ if self.system == 'Linux': dist = " ".join(get_distro()[0:2]) elif self.system == 'Windows': dist = 'Windows' else: raise Exception("OS %s is not supported." % self.system) version = request.config.getoption('--product_version') name = request.config.getoption('--product_name') edition = request.config.getoption('--product_edition') milestone = request.config.getoption('--product_milestone') target = request.config.getoption('--target') product_info = " ".join([dist, name, edition, version]) tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) branch = request.config.getoption('--branch') # Step 1 pginst = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=branch, windows=(self.system == 'Windows')) if pginst.os.is_altlinux() and pginst.os.os_arch == 'aarch64': os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' request.cls.pginst = pginst pginst.setup_repo() print("Running on %s." % target) print("Minor product version is: %s\n" % pginst.get_product_minor_version()) if self.system != 'Windows': pginst.install_base() pginst.initdb_start() else: pginst.install_postgres_win() server_version = pginst.get_server_version() client_version = pginst.get_psql_version() print("Server version:\n%s\nClient version:\n%s" % (server_version, client_version)) print("OK")
def test_extensions_prepare(self, request): """ Scenario: 1. Install current version :return: """ if self.system == 'Linux': dist = " ".join(get_distro()[0:2]) elif self.system == 'Windows': dist = 'Windows' else: raise Exception("OS %s is not supported." % self.system) version = request.config.getoption('--product_version') name = request.config.getoption('--product_name') edition = request.config.getoption('--product_edition') milestone = request.config.getoption('--product_milestone') target = request.config.getoption('--target') product_info = " ".join([dist, name, edition, version]) tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) branch = request.config.getoption('--branch') # Step 1 pginst = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=branch, windows=(self.system == 'Windows')) request.cls.pginst = pginst pginst.setup_repo() print("Running on %s." % target) if pginst.os.is_altlinux() and pginst.os.os_arch == 'aarch64': os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' if self.system != 'Windows': pginst.install_full() pginst.initdb_start() else: pginst.install_postgres_win()
def test_full_install(self, request): """ Scenario: 1. Install current version 2. Check that setup successfull :return: """ dist = "" if self.system == 'Linux': dist = " ".join(get_distro()[0:2]) elif self.system == 'Windows': dist = 'Windows' else: raise Exception("OS %s is not supported." % self.system) version = request.config.getoption('--product_version') name = request.config.getoption('--product_name') edition = request.config.getoption('--product_edition') milestone = request.config.getoption('--product_milestone') request.cls.pgid = '%s-%s' % (edition, version) target = request.config.getoption('--target') product_info = " ".join([dist, name, edition, version]) tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) branch = request.config.getoption('--branch') # Step 1 pginst = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=branch, windows=(self.system == 'Windows')) # This is a workaround for the problem described in PGPRO-3596 if pginst.os.is_altlinux() and pginst.os.os_arch == 'aarch64': os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' request.cls.pginst = pginst pginst.setup_repo() print("Running on %s." % target) all_available_packages = pginst.all_packages_in_repo print("All available packages in repo %s:\n" % pginst.reponame, "\n".join(all_available_packages)) if self.system != 'Windows': pginst.install_full() pginst.install_package(" ".join(all_available_packages)) check_package_contents(pginst, all_available_packages) check_executables(pginst, all_available_packages) pginst.initdb_start() else: pginst.install_perl_win() pginst.install_postgres_win() server_version = pginst.get_server_version() client_version = pginst.get_psql_version() print("Server version:\n%s\nClient version:\n%s" % (server_version, client_version)) if name == 'postgrespro' and not (edition in ['1c', 'sql']): ppversion = pginst.exec_psql_select("SELECT pgpro_version()") # PGPRO-3760 assert ppversion.startswith('PostgresPro ') # assert ppversion.startswith('PostgresPro ' + version) ppedition = pginst.exec_psql_select("SELECT pgpro_edition()") if edition == 'ent': assert ppedition == 'enterprise' elif edition == 'ent-cert': assert ppedition == 'enterprise' else: assert ppedition == 'standard' print('pgpro_source_id:', pginst.exec_psql_select("SELECT pgpro_build()")) if version not in ["9.6", "10", "13"]: pginst.env = {} for var in os.environ: pginst.env[var] = str(os.environ[var]) pginst.env["LANG"] = 'C' # PGPRO-4100 TODO: Use pgpro_controldata cdout = pginst.exec_server_bin('pg_controldata', '"%s"' % pginst.get_datadir()).split('\n') if name == 'postgrespro' and not (edition in ['1c', 'sql']): assert cdout[0].startswith('pg_control edition:') cdedition = cdout[0].replace('pg_control edition:', '').strip() if edition == 'ent': assert cdedition == 'Postgres Pro Enterprise' elif edition == 'std': assert cdedition == 'Postgres Pro Standard' print("OK")
def test_kafka_send_avro(self, KAFKAjson, KAFKAjson2): allure.description('Testing send raw json to validator topic') allure.label('kafka operations') d2 = nistest.KafkaDriver(topic=config.get('kafka_topic_valid'), server=config.get('kafka_server'), schema_registry=config.get('kafka_schema')) res_delete = d2.delete_topic() offset2 = d2.get_last_offset() schemaSF = '''{ "type":"record", "name":"Farming", "namespace":"", "fields":[ { "name": "term_id", "type": "long" }, { "name": "time_platform", "type": { "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis" } }, { "name": "time_device", "type": { "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis" } }, { "name": "activity_info", "type": "int" } ] }''' rawData2 = { "term_id": 100, "time_platform": 1527685363266, "time_device": 1527685363266, "activity_info": 300 } expected = json.dumps(rawData2, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str) last_offset = d2.get_last_offset() d2.send(msg=rawData2, lang='avro', schema=schemaSF) res = d2.read_from_offset(offset2, 'avro', schemaSF) result = d2.read_from_offset(offset=offset2, lang='avro', schema=schemaSF) log.debug('result: ' + str(result)) assert expected == result res_delete = d2.delete_topic() assert res_delete == 0
def test_multimaster_install(self, request): """ Scenario: 1. Install current version 2. Check that setup successfull (select version) :return: """ if self.system == 'Linux': dist = " ".join(get_distro()[0:2]) elif self.system == 'Windows': dist = 'Windows' else: raise Exception("OS %s is not supported." % self.system) version = request.config.getoption('--product_version') name = request.config.getoption('--product_name') edition = request.config.getoption('--product_edition') milestone = request.config.getoption('--product_milestone') target = request.config.getoption('--target') product_info = " ".join([dist, name, edition, version]) tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) branch = request.config.getoption('--branch') if version.startswith('9.') or version == '10' \ or version == '13' \ or not edition.startswith('ent'): print('Version %s %s is not supported' % (edition, version)) return elif version == '11' and dist == 'Windows': print('Windows is not supported under version %s' % version) return # Step 1 pginst = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=branch, windows=(self.system == 'Windows')) request.cls.pginst = pginst if pginst.os.is_altlinux() and pginst.os.os_arch == 'aarch64': os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' pginst.setup_repo() print("Running on %s." % target) if self.system != 'Windows': pginst.install_full_topless() else: pginst.install_postgres_win() pginst.stop_service() mm = Multimaster(size=2, pginst=pginst, rootdir=os.path.abspath( os.path.join(pginst.get_datadir(), os.pardir))) mm.start() for i, cl_state in mm.get_cluster_state_all().items(): if int(cl_state[0]) != i: raise Exception('Wrong ID on node %i! %i != %i' % (i, i, cl_state[0])) if cl_state[1].lower() != 'online': print(cl_state) raise Exception('Node %i is not online!' % i) print(mm.get_nodes_state_all()) for i, ns_all in mm.get_nodes_state_all().items(): for node_state in ns_all: if node_state[1].rstrip() != 't': raise Exception('Node %s is not enabled! (on node %i)' % (node_state[0], i)) pgbench = {} for i, node in mm.nodes.items(): pgbench[i] = mm.pgbench(i, type='simple-update', duration=60, max_tries=100) pgbench[1].init() for i in range(1, mm.size + 1): if not mm.nodes[i].referee: print('Running pgbench on node%i' % i) pgbench[i].start() mm.wait_for_txid(600) print('Cluster state:') print(mm.get_cluster_state_all()) print(mm.get_nodes_state_all()) print('Current TXID (after pgbench): %s' % mm.psql('SELECT txid_current()', '-Aqt')) print('Isolating node 2...') mm.isolate(2) if mm.has_referee: mm.wait_for_referee(1, 60) pgbench[1].wait() pgbench[1].start() mm.wait_for_txid(2700) print('Cluster state:') print(mm.get_cluster_state_all(allow_fail=True)) print(mm.get_nodes_state_all(allow_fail=True)) print('De-isolating node 2...') mm.deisolate(2) print('Current TXID (after isolation): %s' % mm.psql('SELECT txid_current()', '-Aqt')) if not mm.check(2): print('Try to recover node 2') mm.wait(2, 600) print('Cluster state:') print(mm.get_cluster_state_all(allow_fail=True)) print(mm.get_nodes_state_all(allow_fail=True)) mm.wait_for_txid(3500) for i in range(1, mm.size): if not mm.nodes[i].referee: print('Pgbench %i terminated rc=%i' % (i, pgbench[i].stop())) mm.sure_pgbench_is_dead(i) pgbench_tables = ('pgbench_branches', 'pgbench_tellers', 'pgbench_accounts', 'pgbench_history') print('Current TXID (after pgbench termination): %s' % mm.psql('SELECT txid_current()', '-Aqt')) for table in pgbench_tables: result1 = mm.pg_dump(1, [table]) for i in range(2, mm.size + 1): if not mm.nodes[i].referee: result = mm.pg_dump(i, [table]) diff_dbs(result1, result, '%s_1_%i.diff' % (table, i))
def test_dev_usage(self, request): """ Scenario: 1. Install only -dev package 2. Try to build PGXS extension :return: """ dist = "" if self.system == 'Linux': dist = " ".join(get_distro()[0:2]) elif self.system == 'Windows': dist = 'Windows' else: raise Exception("OS %s is not supported." % self.system) version = request.config.getoption('--product_version') name = request.config.getoption('--product_name') edition = request.config.getoption('--product_edition') milestone = request.config.getoption('--product_milestone') target = request.config.getoption('--target') product_info = " ".join([dist, name, edition, version]) tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) branch = request.config.getoption('--branch') # Step 1 pginst = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=branch, windows=(self.system == 'Windows')) pginst.setup_repo() print("Running on %s." % target) if pginst.os.is_altlinux() and pginst.os.os_arch == 'aarch64': os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' if self.system != 'Windows': pginst.install_server_dev() pg_bin_path = pginst.get_default_bin_path() curpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) test_script = r""" set -e if which apt-get; then apt-get install -y gcc || true apt-get install -y make grep -E '(Debian GNU/Linux 9|Debian GNU/Linux 10|'\ '"Ubuntu [0-9]+\.[0-9]+|"OSNova Linux|'\ '"Astra Linux \(Smolensk 1.6\)"|"Astra Linux \(Orel\)")'\ /etc/os-release >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && \ apt install -y libdpkg-perl elif which zypper; then zypper install -y gcc make elif which yum; then yum install -y gcc make redhat-rpm-config fi tar fax ../extras/pg_wait_sampling.tar.gz -C /tmp && \ cd /tmp/pg_wait_sampling*/ export PATH=%s:$PATH make USE_PGXS=1 make USE_PGXS=1 install chmod 777 . """ % (pg_bin_path) subprocess.check_call(test_script, cwd=curpath, shell=True) pginst.install_full() pginst.initdb_start() pginst.exec_psql('ALTER SYSTEM SET shared_preload_libraries = ' 'pg_wait_sampling') pginst.restart_service() test_script = r""" cd /tmp/pg_wait_sampling*/ sudo -u postgres sh -c "export PATH=%s:$PATH; make USE_PGXS=1 installcheck" """ % (pg_bin_path) subprocess.check_call(test_script, shell=True) else: pginst.install_postgres_win() pginst.install_perl_win() print("OK")
def test_validator_processing_message(self): allure.description('Testing validator processing message') allure.label('validator operations') d1 = nistest.KafkaDriver(topic=config.get('kafka_topic_raw'), server=config.get('kafka_server'), schema_registry=config.get('kafka_schema')) d2 = nistest.KafkaDriver(topic=config.get('kafka_topic_valid'), server=config.get('kafka_server'), schema_registry=config.get('kafka_schema')) res1_delete = d2.delete_topic() #assert res1_delete == 0 res2_delete = d1.delete_topic() #assert res2_delete == 0 offset1 = d1.get_last_offset() offset2 = d2.get_last_offset() rawData = { "producer": "test", "sessionKey": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440002", "termId": 123, "protocolId": 1, "deviceTypeId": 100, "timePlatformFrom1970": 1527601137000, "timeDeviceFrom1970": 1527601137001, "activityInfo": 1 } schemaSF = '''{ "type":"record", "name":"Farming", "namespace":"", "fields":[ { "name": "term_id", "type": "long" }, { "name": "time_platform", "type": { "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis" } }, { "name": "time_device", "type": { "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis" } }, { "name": "activity_info", "type": "int" } ] }''' rawData = json.dumps(rawData, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8') d1.send(msg=rawData, lang='json', schema=None) rawData2 = { "term_id": 123, "time_platform": 1527601137000, "time_device": 1527601137001, "activity_info": 1 } rawDataJson2 = json.dumps(rawData2, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str) log.debug('offset1: ' + str(offset1)) log.debug('offset2: ' + str(offset2)) res1 = d1.read_from_offset(offset1) res2 = d2.read_from_offset(offset2, 'avro', schemaSF) #res2 = json.dumps(res2, sort_keys=True) log.debug('result1 json: ' + str(res1)) log.debug('result2 avro: ' + str(res2)) assert rawData == res1 assert rawDataJson2 == res2
def test_upgrade_minor(self, request): """ Scenario: 1. Install current version 2. Check that setup successfull (select version) :return: """ global windows_os distro = get_distro() if distro[2] == 'x86_64' or self.system == 'Windows': distro = distro[:-1] dist = " ".join(distro) if self.system == 'Linux': windows_os = False elif self.system == 'Windows': windows_os = True else: raise Exception("OS %s is not supported." % self.system) version = request.config.getoption('--product_version') name = request.config.getoption('--product_name') edition = request.config.getoption('--product_edition') milestone = request.config.getoption('--product_milestone') target = request.config.getoption('--target') product_info = " ".join([dist, name, edition, version]) tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) branch = request.config.getoption('--branch') if edition not in ['std', 'ent', '1c']: print("Minor upgrade only for 1c, std and ent") return if name != 'postgrespro': print("Minor upgrade test is only for postgrespro.") return small_key = "-".join([name, edition, version]) specified_version = False if dist in ARCHIVE_VERSIONS \ and small_key in ARCHIVE_VERSIONS[dist]: specified_version = ARCHIVE_VERSIONS[dist][small_key] if specified_version is None: return "%s %s %s does not support archived versions on %s." % \ (name, edition, version, dist) print("specified version is %s" % specified_version) print("Running on %s." % target) pgnew = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=branch, windows=windows_os) if pgnew.os.is_altlinux() and pgnew.os.os_arch == 'aarch64': os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' pgnew.setup_repo() if not windows_os: pgnew.install_full() subprocess.check_call('cp -a "%s" "%s"' % (pgnew.get_pg_prefix(), client_dir), shell=True) pgnew.remove_full(False, True) pgnew.remove_data(True) # PGPRO-3310 if pgnew.os_name in DEBIAN_BASED: remove_alternatives() else: pgnew.install_postgres_win() pgnew.stop_service() subprocess.check_call('xcopy /S /E /O /X /I /Q "%s" "%s"' % (pgnew.get_pg_prefix(), client_dir), shell=True) pgnew.remove_full(True) pgconfig = subprocess.check_output( '"%s"' % os.path.join(client_dir, 'bin', 'pg_config'), shell=True).decode(ConsoleEncoding) vere ='PGPRO\_VERSION\s=\s([0-9.]+)', pgconfig) if (vere): current_ver = else: vere ='VERSION\s=\s\w+\s([0-9.]+)', pgconfig) current_ver = print("Current version is %s" % current_ver) test_versions = get_test_versions(edition, version, specified_version, current_ver) if test_versions is None: print("No archive versions found.") return print(test_versions) dump_file_name = download_dump(name, edition, version + '-old', tempdir) for oldversion in test_versions: print("Installing", oldversion) key = "-".join([name, edition, oldversion]) pgold = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=oldversion, milestone='archive', branch=None, windows=windows_os) if pgold.os.is_altlinux() and pgold.os.os_arch == 'aarch64': os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' pgold.setup_repo() if not windows_os: # PGPRO-3889 if (pgold.os_name.startswith('CentOS') or pgold.os_name.startswith('Red Hat') or pgold.os_name.startswith('Oracle Linux')) and \ pgold.os_version.startswith('8'): for pkg in pgold.all_packages_in_repo[:]: if ('jit' in pkg): pgold.all_packages_in_repo.remove(pkg) if (pgold.os_name.startswith('SLES') and pgold.os_version.startswith('15')): for pkg in pgold.all_packages_in_repo[:]: if 'zstd' in pkg: pgold.all_packages_in_repo.remove(pkg) # PGPRO-2954 for pkg in pgold.all_packages_in_repo[:]: if 'bouncer' in pkg or 'badger' in pkg: pgold.all_packages_in_repo.remove(pkg) if pgnew.os_name == 'ROSA Enterprise Linux Server' \ and pgnew.os_version.startswith('7.3') \ and edition == 'std' \ and version == '9.6' \ and compare_versions(oldversion, '') == 0: for pkg in pgold.all_packages_in_repo[:]: if 'probackup' in pkg: pgold.all_packages_in_repo.remove(pkg) pgold.install_full() pgold.initdb_start() else: pgold.install_postgres_win() pgold.load_shared_libraries() with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'load-%s.log' % oldversion), 'wb') as out: pgold.exec_psql_file( dump_file_name, '-q%s' % ('' if pgold.os_arch == 'x86' else ' -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1'), stdout=out) expected_file_name = os.path.join(tempdir, "%s-expected.sql" % key) dumpall(pgold, expected_file_name) pgold.delete_repo() pgnew = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=None, windows=windows_os) if pgnew.os.is_altlinux() and pgnew.os.os_arch == 'aarch64': os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' pgnew.setup_repo() pgold.stop_service() if not windows_os: pgnew.update_all_packages() pgnew.start_service() else: pgnew.install_postgres_win() result_file_name = os.path.join(tempdir, "%s-result.sql" % key) dumpall(pgnew, result_file_name) diff_dbs(expected_file_name, result_file_name, os.path.join(tempdir, "%s.sql.diff" % key)) pgnew.stop_service() repo_diff = list( set(pgold.all_packages_in_repo) - set(pgnew.all_packages_in_repo)) print("repo diff is %s" % repo_diff) for package in repo_diff: try: pgold.remove_package(package) except Exception: pass pgnew.remove_full(True) # PGPRO-3310 if pgnew.os_name in DEBIAN_BASED: remove_alternatives() if pgold.os_name in DEBIAN_BASED and version == '9.6': try: subprocess.check_call("apt-get purge -y 'postgres*'", shell=True) except Exception: pass # PGPRO-2563 if pgold.os_name == 'Ubuntu' and version == '9.6' and \ edition == 'ent': time.sleep(20)
def test_dump_restore(self, request): """ Scenario: 3. if route install upgradeble version 7. Check that upgrade successfull (select from table) :return: """ product_info = request.cls.product_info tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) key = request.cls.key dist = request.cls.dist print("Test dump-restore %s" % product_info) if dist in FIRST_RELEASE and key in FIRST_RELEASE[dist] and \ FIRST_RELEASE[dist][key] is None: print("Platform not supported") return if key not in DUMP_RESTORE_ROUTES: print('No routes for dump-restore') return dump_restore_route = DUMP_RESTORE_ROUTES[key] pg = if pg.os_name in DEBIAN_BASED and pg.version == '9.6': print("Two products 9.6 cannot be " "installed simultaneously on debian-based") return for route in dump_restore_route['from']: initdb_params = route['initdb-params'] if \ 'initdb-params' in route else '' init_cluster(pg, True, initdb_params, True, False) stop(pg) old_name = route['name'] old_edition = route['edition'] old_version = route['version'] old_key = "-".join([old_name, old_edition, old_version]) if dist in FIRST_RELEASE and old_key in FIRST_RELEASE[dist]: if FIRST_RELEASE[dist][old_key] is None: print("Distributive is not supported") continue if compare_versions(FIRST_RELEASE[dist][old_key], get_last_version(old_edition, old_version)) > 0: print("Wait for %s" % FIRST_RELEASE[dist][old_key]) continue print("=====Check dump-restore from %s" % old_key) file_name = os.path.join(tempdir, "%s.sql" % old_key) if (os.path.isfile(file_name)): start(pg) with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'load-dr-%s.log' % old_key), 'wb') as out: pg.exec_psql_file(file_name, '-q', stdout=out) dump_and_diff_dbs(old_key, pg, 'dump-restore') stop(pg) else: pgold = install_server(product=old_name, edition=old_edition, version=old_version, milestone=None, branch=None, windows=(self.system == 'Windows'), old=True) if self.system != 'Windows': init_cluster(pgold, True, initdb_params, None, True) generate_db( pgold, pg, on_error_stop=False if pgold.os_arch == 'x86' else True) dumpall(pgold, file_name) stop(pgold) start(pg) with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'load-dr-%s.log' % old_key), 'wb') as out: pg.exec_psql_file(file_name, '-q', stdout=out) dump_and_diff_dbs(old_key, pg, 'dump-restore') stop(pg) pgold.remove_full(True, do_not_remove=[ r"^libc.*", r".*icu.*", r".*zstd.*", r"^llvm.*" ]) # PGPRO-2459 if pgold.os_name in DEBIAN_BASED and \ old_name == "postgrespro" and old_version == "9.6": subprocess.check_call( "apt-get purge -y " "postgrespro-common " "postgrespro-client-common", shell=True)
def test_upgrade(self, request): """ Scenario: 1. Install testible version 2. if route install upgradeable version 3. Create DB with covering dump 4. Upgrade by pg_upgrade 5. Check that upgrade successfull (calculate diff between dump) :return: """ distro = get_distro() if distro[2] == 'x86_64' or self.system == 'Windows': distro = distro[:-1] dist = " ".join(distro) request.cls.dist = dist version = request.config.getoption('--product_version') name = request.config.getoption('--product_name') edition = request.config.getoption('--product_edition') milestone = request.config.getoption('--product_milestone') target = request.config.getoption('--target') product_info = " ".join([dist, name, edition, version]) request.cls.product_info = product_info key = "-".join([name, edition, version]) request.cls.key = key print("Running on %s." % target) if dist in FIRST_RELEASE and key in FIRST_RELEASE[dist] and \ FIRST_RELEASE[dist][key] is None: print("Platform not supported") return if key not in UPGRADE_ROUTES: print('No routes for upgrade') return upgrade_route = UPGRADE_ROUTES[key] tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) # Install the tested version branch = request.config.getoption('--branch') pg = install_server(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=branch, windows=(self.system == 'Windows')) = pg stop(pg) if pg.os_name in DEBIAN_BASED and pg.version == '9.6': print("Two products 9.6 cannot be " "installed simultaneously on debian-based OS") return if self.system == 'Windows': backup_datadir_win(pg) for route in upgrade_route['from']: initdb_params = route['initdb-params'] if \ 'initdb-params' in route else '' init_cluster(pg, True, initdb_params, True, False) stop(pg) old_name = route['name'] old_edition = route['edition'] old_version = route['version'] old_key = "-".join([old_name, old_edition, old_version]) if dist in FIRST_RELEASE and old_key in FIRST_RELEASE[dist]: if FIRST_RELEASE[dist][old_key] is None: print("Distributive is not supported") continue if compare_versions(FIRST_RELEASE[dist][old_key], get_last_version(old_edition, old_version)) > 0: print("Wait for %s" % FIRST_RELEASE[dist][old_key]) continue print("=====Check upgrade from %s" % old_key) pgold = install_server(product=old_name, edition=old_edition, version=old_version, milestone=None, branch=None, windows=(self.system == 'Windows'), old=True) if self.system != 'Windows': init_cluster(pgold, True, initdb_params, None, True) generate_db( pgold, pg, on_error_stop=False if pgold.os_arch == 'x86' else True) dumpall(pgold, os.path.join(tempdir, "%s.sql" % old_key)) stop(pgold) upgrade(pg, pgold) start(pg) after_upgrade(pg, pgold) dump_and_diff_dbs(old_key, pg, 'upgrade') stop(pg) pgold.remove_full(do_not_remove=[ r"^libc.*", r".*icu.*", r".*zstd.*", r"^llvm.*" ]) # PGPRO-2459 if pgold.os_name in DEBIAN_BASED and \ old_name == "postgrespro" and old_version == "9.6" and \ old_edition != '1c': subprocess.check_call( "apt-get purge -y postgrespro-common " "postgrespro-client-common", shell=True)
def test_hotstandby_compat(self, request): """ Scenario: 1. Install current version 2. Check that setup successfull (select version) :return: """ global windows_os if self.system == 'Linux': dist = " ".join(get_distro()[0:2]) elif self.system == 'Windows': dist = 'Windows' windows_os = True else: raise Exception("OS %s is not supported." % self.system) version = request.config.getoption('--product_version') name = request.config.getoption('--product_name') edition = request.config.getoption('--product_edition') milestone = request.config.getoption('--product_milestone') target = request.config.getoption('--target') product_info = " ".join([dist, name, edition, version]) tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) branch = request.config.getoption('--branch') if name != 'postgrespro': print("Hot Standby compatibility test is only for postgrespro.") return if edition == "ent": archive_url = PGPRO_ARCHIVE_ENTERPRISE elif edition == "std": archive_url = PGPRO_ARCHIVE_STANDARD else: raise Exception("Unsupported postgrespro edition (%s)." % edition) print("Running on %s." % target) # Choose two versions -- newest and oldest supported soup = get_soup(archive_url) arcversions = [] startswith = 'pgproee-' if edition == 'ent' else \ ('pgpro-' if edition == 'std' else 'pg1c-') for link in soup.findAll('a'): href = link.get('href') if href.startswith(startswith) and href.endswith('/'): vere ='\w+-([0-9.]+)/', href) if vere: if arcvers = if version == '9.6': # Due to CATALOG_VERSION_NO change # we don't support lower 9.6 versions if compare_versions(arcvers, '') < 0: arcvers = None # PGPRO-3227, PGPRO-3834 if windows_os and version == '10': if compare_versions(arcvers, '10.11.1'): arcvers = None if windows_os and version == '11': if compare_versions(arcvers, '11.6.1') < 0: arcvers = None if arcvers: arcversions.append(arcvers) arcversions.sort(key=extend_ver) if not arcversions: print("No previous minor versions found. Test skipped.") return # Choose first and last versions testversions = [arcversions[0], arcversions[-1]] if testversions[0] == testversions[1]: testversions = [testversions[0]] # Workaround for unsupported libpq options fix_extra_libpq_options = False if edition == 'ent' and version == '10': if compare_versions(arcversions[0], '10.4.1') < 0: fix_extra_libpq_options = True pre12version = version in ['9.6', '10', '11'] if windows_os: waldir = r'C:\tmp\pgwal' srcdir = r'C:\tmp' else: waldir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'pgwal') srcdir = '/var/src' pgsrcdir = None for oldversion in testversions: print("Installing", oldversion) pgold = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=oldversion, milestone='archive', branch=None, windows=windows_os) pgold.setup_repo() if not windows_os: pgold.install_base() pgold.initdb_start() else: pgold.install_postgres_win() setup_pgpass('replicator', 'replicator') server_version = pgold.get_server_version() client_version = pgold.get_psql_version() print("Old server version:\n%s\nOld client version:\n%s" % (server_version, client_version)) pgold.exec_psql('ALTER SYSTEM SET port=15432') oldpgprefix = pgold.get_pg_prefix() olddatadir = pgold.get_datadir() if oldpgprefix == '/usr': raise Exception("/usr as postgres prefix is not supported.") if pgold.get_configdir() != pgold.get_datadir(): raise Exception("Separate config dir is not supported.") pgold.stop_service() time.sleep(5) if not windows_os: subprocess.check_call('cp -a "%s" "%s.old"' % (oldpgprefix, oldpgprefix), shell=True) subprocess.check_call('cp -a "%s" "%s.old"' % (olddatadir, olddatadir), shell=True) oldpgprefix += ".old" olddatadir += ".old" else: print('xcopy /S /E /O /X /I /Q "%s" "%s.old"' % (oldpgprefix, oldpgprefix)) subprocess.check_call('xcopy /S /E /O /X /I /Q "%s" "%s.old"' % (oldpgprefix, oldpgprefix), shell=True) oldpgprefix += ".old" olddatadir = os.path.join(oldpgprefix, 'data') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(olddatadir, 'postgresql.conf.old')): os.remove(os.path.join(olddatadir, 'postgresql.conf.old')) pgold.remove_full(remove_data=True) pgold.pg_prefix = oldpgprefix pgold.datadir = olddatadir pgold.configdir = olddatadir pgold.port = 15432 if not windows_os: pgold.pg_preexec = 'sudo -u postgres ' \ 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} ' old_env = os.environ.copy() old_env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.path.join(oldpgprefix, 'lib') pgold.env = old_env else: subprocess.check_call( 'sc create postgres-old binpath= ' '"\\"%s\\" runservice -N postgres-old -D \\"%s\\" -w"' ' start= demand obj= "NT Authority\\NetworkService" ' % (os.path.join(oldpgprefix, 'bin', 'pg_ctl'), olddatadir), shell=True) pgold.service_name = 'postgres-old' pgnew = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=branch, windows=windows_os) pgnew.setup_repo() if not windows_os: pgnew.install_base() pgnew.initdb_start() else: pgnew.install_postgres_win() if not pgsrcdir: pgsrcdir = prepare_pg_regress(pgnew, srcdir) pgnew.stop_service() pgnew.remove_data() # Test replication from old to new setup_sender(pgold, waldir, pgnew.get_datadir()) start_receiver(pgnew, waldir, pre12version) run_hs_test(pgold, pgnew, pgsrcdir) do_server_action(pgnew, "stop") do_server_action(pgold, "stop") # Test replication from new to old pgnew.init_cluster(force_remove=True) pgold.remove_data() setup_sender(pgnew, waldir, pgold.get_datadir()) if fix_extra_libpq_options: workaround_for_extra_libpq_options(pgold) start_receiver(pgold, waldir, pre12version) run_hs_test(pgnew, pgold, pgsrcdir) do_server_action(pgnew, "stop") do_server_action(pgold, "stop") pgnew.remove_full(remove_data=True) shutil.rmtree(olddatadir) shutil.rmtree(oldpgprefix) if windows_os: subprocess.check_call('sc delete postgres-old', shell=True) print("OK")
def test_make_check(self, request): """ Scenario: 1. Install current version 2. Check that setup successfull We need to perform the test on Windows in two stages: First we setup the server and prepare environment, then we exclude current user from the Administrators group. Second we execute `make installcheck` without admin rights. :return: """ dist = "" if self.system == 'Linux': dist = " ".join(get_distro()[0:2]) elif self.system == 'Windows': dist = 'Windows' else: raise Exception("OS %s is not supported." % self.system) version = request.config.getoption('--product_version') name = request.config.getoption('--product_name') edition = request.config.getoption('--product_edition') milestone = request.config.getoption('--product_milestone') target = request.config.getoption('--target') product_info = " ".join([dist, name, edition, version]) pgid = '%s-%s' % (edition, version) tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) branch = request.config.getoption('--branch') # Step 1 pginst = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=branch, windows=(self.system == 'Windows')) request.cls.pginst = pginst pginst.make_check_passed = False curpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if pginst.os.is_altlinux() and pginst.os.os_arch == 'aarch64': os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' if self.system == 'Windows': if os.path.exists(pginst.get_default_bin_path()): # Refresh environment to get correct PYTHONHOME refresh_env_win() # The instance is already installed and # installcheck environment is presumably prepared, # so just run make_installcheck (once more) subprocess.check_call( '"%s" "%s" "%s"' % (os.path.join(curpath, 'make_installcheck.cmd'), get_pg_prefix(pginst), pginst.service_name), shell=True) pginst.make_check_passed = True return pginst.setup_repo() print("Running on %s." % target) tarball = pginst.download_source() tar =, 'r:bz2') tar.extractall() tar.close() for comp in [ 'orafce', 'plv8', 'pgpro-stats', 'pgpro-pwr', 'pgpro-controldata', 'pg-filedump', 'pg-portal-modify', 'pg-repack' ]: pkgname = '%s-%s-%s' % (comp, edition, version) if pkgname not in pginst.get_packages_in_repo(): pkgname = comp if pkgname not in pginst.get_packages_in_repo(): continue pginst.download_source(comp.replace('-', '_'), pginst.get_package_version(pkgname), 'tar.gz') if self.system != 'Windows': pginst.install_full() pginst.initdb_start() else: pginst.install_perl_win() pginst.install_postgres_win(port=55432) try: pginst.exec_psql('CREATE EXTENSION plpython3u') except Exception: subprocess.check_call('SETX PYTHONHOME C:\\Python27 -m', shell=True) if version != "9.6" or self.system == 'Windows' or \ (edition == '1c' and pginst.os_name not in DEBIAN_BASED): buildinfo = os.path.join(pginst.get_pg_prefix(), 'doc', 'buildinfo.txt') else: buildinfo = subprocess.check_output( 'ls /usr/share/doc/postgres*pro*/buildinfo.txt', shell=True).decode(ConsoleEncoding).strip() with open(buildinfo, 'r') as bi: bitxt = assert ('^Documentation translation', bitxt, re.MULTILINE)) assert ('^Source', bitxt, re.MULTILINE)) assert ('^SPEC', bitxt, re.MULTILINE)) print("The binary package buildinfo:\n%s\n" % bitxt) pginst.install_default_config() pginst.exec_psql("ALTER SYSTEM SET max_worker_processes = 16") pginst.exec_psql("ALTER SYSTEM SET lc_messages = 'C'") # Prepare pg_hba.conf for src/interfaces/ecpg/test/connect/test5 with open(os.path.join(pginst.get_configdir(), 'pg_hba.conf'), 'r+') as conf: hba = re.sub(r'^(local\s+all\s+all\s+peer)$', "local all regress_ecpg_user1 md5\n" "local all regress_ecpg_user2 md5\n" "local all regress_hacker trust\n" "local all regress_superuser trust\n" "local all nosuper trust\n" r'\1',, flags=re.MULTILINE) conf.write(hba) pginst.load_shared_libraries(restart_service=False) pginst.restart_service() if self.system != 'Windows': subprocess.check_call( '"%s" "%s" "%s"' % (os.path.join(curpath, ''), get_pg_prefix(pginst), pginst.service_name), shell=True) pginst.make_check_passed = True else: # First run is performed to setup the environment subprocess.check_call( '"%s" "%s" "%s"' % (os.path.join(curpath, 'make_installcheck.cmd'), get_pg_prefix(pginst), pginst.service_name), shell=True) request.session.customexitstatus = 222
def test_install(self, request): """ Install pg_probackup utility and configure postgresql for running pg_probackup. Scenario: 1. Install postgrespro version 2. Check version function 3. Check help function """ if self.system == 'Linux': dist = " ".join(get_distro()[0:2]) elif self.system == 'Windows': dist = 'Windows' else: raise Exception("OS %s is not supported." % self.system) version = request.config.getoption('--product_version') name = request.config.getoption('--product_name') edition = request.config.getoption('--product_edition') milestone = request.config.getoption('--product_milestone') target = request.config.getoption('--target') product_info = " ".join([dist, name, edition, version]) tag_mark = allure.label(LabelType.TAG, product_info) request.node.add_marker(tag_mark) branch = request.config.getoption('--branch') request.cls.skip = False if name != 'postgrespro' or edition == '1c' or version == '13': # TODO: Enable this test for v13 print("PgProBackup test is only for postgrespro std and ent.") request.cls.skip = True return # Step 1 self.pginst = PgInstall(product=name, edition=edition, version=version, milestone=milestone, branch=branch, windows=(self.system == 'Windows')) self.pginst.setup_repo() if self.pginst.os.is_altlinux()and self.pginst.os.os_arch == 'aarch64': os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8' if self.system != 'Windows': self.pginst.install_full() self.pginst.initdb_start() else: self.pginst.install_postgres_win() self.fix_permissions(tempdir) self.bindir = self.pginst.get_bin_path() + os.sep print('Bindir is %s' % self.bindir) self.pginst.load_shared_libraries(restart_service=True) request.cls.pginst = self.pginst # Step 2 assert self.execute_pg_probackup("--help") ver = self.execute_pg_probackup("--version") print('Version is %s' % ver) vere ='[^(]+\s([0-9.]+)\s.*', ver) self.version = assert self.version request.cls.version = self.version