Beispiel #1
def deploy(source, destination, systemName=None, machineName=None):
    #TODO: Mugur: add comments and explain what is going one here.
    # THis should not be placed here a separate plugin needs to be created.
    assert isinstance(source, str), 'Invalid source path %s' % source
    assert isinstance(destination, str), 'Invalid destination path %s' % destination
    assert not systemName or isinstance(systemName, str), 'Invalid system name %s' % systemName
    assert not machineName or isinstance(machineName, str), 'Invalid machine name %s' % machineName

    systemName = systemName if systemName else system()
    machineName = machineName if machineName else machine()

    systems = {SYSTEM_ALL:True} if systemName == SYSTEM_ALL else {systemName:True, SYSTEM_ALL:False}
    machines = {MACHINE_ALL:True} if machineName == MACHINE_ALL else {machineName:True, MACHINE_ALL:False}

    for systemName, systemRequired in systems.items():
        for machineName, machineRequired in machines.items():
            srcDir = join(source, systemName, machineName)
            if not isdir(srcDir):
                try: getZipFilePath(srcDir)
                except IOError:
                    if systemRequired and machineRequired:
                        raise IOError('Cannot locate required dependency \'%s\' for system %s with architecture %s'
                                      % (srcDir, systemName, machineName))
                    else: continue
            synchronizeURIToDir(srcDir, destination)
 def publishFromDir(self, path, dirPath):
     @see ICDM.publishFromDir
     assert isinstance(path, str) and len(path) > 0, 'Invalid content path %s' % path
     assert isinstance(dirPath, str), 'Invalid directory path value %s' % dirPath
     path, fullPath = self._validatePath(path)
     if not isdir(dirPath):
         # not a directory, see if it's a entry in a zip file
         zipFilePath, inDirPath = getZipFilePath(dirPath,
         zipFile = ZipFile(zipFilePath)
         if not inDirPath.endswith(ZIPSEP):
             inDirPath = inDirPath + ZIPSEP
         fileInfo = zipFile.getinfo(inDirPath)
         if not fileInfo.filename.endswith(ZIPSEP):
             raise IOError('Trying to publish a file from a ZIP directory path: %s' % fileInfo.filename)
         self._copyZipDir(zipFilePath, inDirPath, fullPath)
         assert log.debug('Success publishing ZIP dir %s (%s) to path %s', inDirPath, zipFilePath, path) or True
     dirPath = normpath(dirPath)
     assert os.access(dirPath, os.R_OK), 'Unable to read the directory path %s' % dirPath
     for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(dirPath):
         relPath = relpath(root, dirPath)
         for file in files:
             publishPath = join(path, relPath.lstrip(os.sep), file)
             filePath = join(root, file)
             self.publishFromFile(publishPath, filePath)
         assert log.debug('Success publishing directory %s to path %s', dirPath, path) or True
 def publishFromFile(self, path, filePath):
     @see ICDM.publishFromFile
     assert isinstance(path, str) and len(path) > 0, 'Invalid content path %s' % path
     if not isinstance(filePath, str) and hasattr(filePath, 'read'):
         return self._publishFromFileObj(path, filePath)
     assert isinstance(filePath, str), 'Invalid file path value %s' % filePath
     path, dstFilePath = self._validatePath(path)
     dstDir = dirname(dstFilePath)
     if not isdir(dstDir):
     if not isfile(filePath):
         # not a file, see if it's a entry in a zip file
         zipFilePath, inFilePath = getZipFilePath(filePath,
         zipFile = ZipFile(zipFilePath)
         fileInfo = zipFile.getinfo(inFilePath)
         if fileInfo.filename.endswith(ZIPSEP):
             raise IOError('Trying to publish a file from a ZIP directory path: %s' % fileInfo.filename)
         if not self._isSyncFile(zipFilePath, dstFilePath):
             copyfileobj(, open(dstFilePath, 'w+b'))
             assert log.debug('Success publishing ZIP file %s (%s) to path %s', inFilePath, zipFilePath, path) or True
     assert os.access(filePath, os.R_OK), 'Unable to read the file path %s' % filePath
     if not self._isSyncFile(filePath, dstFilePath):
         copyfile(filePath, dstFilePath)
         assert log.debug('Success publishing file %s to path %s', filePath, path) or True
 def publishFromFile(self, path, filePath):
     @see ICDM.publishFromFile
     assert isinstance(path, str) and len(path) > 0, 'Invalid content path %s' % path
     if not isinstance(filePath, str) and hasattr(filePath, 'read'):
         return self._publishFromFileObj(path, filePath)
     assert isinstance(filePath, str), 'Invalid file path value %s' % filePath
     path, dstFilePath = self._validatePath(path)
     dstDir = dirname(dstFilePath)
     if not isdir(dstDir):
     if not isfile(filePath):
         # not a file, see if it's a entry in a zip file
         zipFilePath, inFilePath = getZipFilePath(filePath,
         zipFile = ZipFile(zipFilePath)
         fileInfo = zipFile.getinfo(inFilePath)
         if fileInfo.filename.endswith(ZIPSEP):
             raise IOError('Trying to publish a file from a ZIP directory path: %s' % fileInfo.filename)
         if not self._isSyncFile(zipFilePath, dstFilePath):
             copyfileobj(, open(dstFilePath, 'w+b'))
             assert log.debug('Success publishing ZIP file %s (%s) to path %s', inFilePath, zipFilePath, path) or True
     assert os.access(filePath, os.R_OK), 'Unable to read the file path %s' % filePath
     if not self._isSyncFile(filePath, dstFilePath):
         copyfile(filePath, dstFilePath)
         assert log.debug('Success publishing file %s to path %s', filePath, path) or True
Beispiel #5
 def publishFromDir(self, path, dirPath):
     @see ICDM.publishFromDir
     assert isinstance(
         path, str) and len(path) > 0, 'Invalid content path %s' % path
     assert isinstance(dirPath,
                       str), 'Invalid directory path value %s' % dirPath
     path, fullPath = self._validatePath(path)
     if not isdir(dirPath):
         # not a directory, see if it's a entry in a zip file
         zipFilePath, inDirPath = getZipFilePath(
         if not inDirPath.endswith(ZIPSEP): inDirPath = inDirPath + ZIPSEP
         self._copyZipDir(zipFilePath, inDirPath, fullPath)
         assert log.debug('Success publishing ZIP dir %s (%s) to path %s',
                          inDirPath, zipFilePath, path) or True
     dirPath = normpath(dirPath)
     assert os.access(
         dirPath, os.R_OK), 'Unable to read the directory path %s' % dirPath
     for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(dirPath):
         relPath = relpath(root, dirPath)
         for file in files:
             publishPath = join(normOSPath(path), relPath.lstrip(os.sep),
             filePath = join(root, file)
             self.publishFromFile(publishPath, filePath)
         assert log.debug('Success publishing directory %s to path %s',
                          dirPath, path) or True
Beispiel #6
def synchronizeURIToDir(path, dirPath):
    Publishes the entire contents from the URI path to the provided directory path.

    @param path: string
        The path to a resource: a file system path, a ZIP path
    @param dirPath: string
        The directory path to synchronize with.
    assert isinstance(path, str) and path, 'Invalid content path %s' % path
    assert isinstance(dirPath, str), 'Invalid directory path value %s' % dirPath

    if not isdir(path):
        # not a directory, see if it's a entry in a zip file
        zipFilePath, inDirPath = getZipFilePath(path)
        zipFile = ZipFile(zipFilePath)
        if not inDirPath.endswith(ZIPSEP): inDirPath = inDirPath + ZIPSEP

        tmpDir = TemporaryDirectory()

        lenPath, zipTime = len(inDirPath), datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(zipFilePath).st_mtime)
        for zipInfo in zipFile.filelist:
            assert isinstance(zipInfo, ZipInfo), 'Invalid zip info %s' % zipInfo
            if zipInfo.filename.startswith(inDirPath):
                if zipInfo.filename[0] == '/': dest = zipInfo.filename[1:]
                else: dest = zipInfo.filename

                dest = normpath(join(dirPath, dest[lenPath:]))

                if exists(dest) and zipTime <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(dest).st_mtime): continue
                destDir = dirname(dest)
                if not exists(destDir): makedirs(destDir)

                move(join(, normOSPath(zipInfo.filename)), dest)
                if zipInfo.filename.endswith('.exe'): os.chmod(dest, stat(dest).st_mode | S_IEXEC)

    path = normpath(path)
    assert os.access(path, os.R_OK), 'Unable to read the directory path %s' % path
    lenPath = len(path) + 1
    for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for file in files:
            src, dest = join(root, file), join(dirPath, root[lenPath:], file)

            if exists(dest) and \
            datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(src).st_mtime) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(dest).st_mtime): continue

            destDir = dirname(dest)
            if not exists(destDir): makedirs(destDir)
            copy(src, dest)
            if file.endswith('.exe'): os.chmod(dest, stat(dest).st_mode | S_IEXEC)
Beispiel #7
def timestampURI(path):
    Returns the last modified time stamp for the given path.

    @param path: string
        The path to a resource: a file system path, a ZIP path
    @return: datetime
        The last modified time stamp.
    path = normOSPath(path)
    if isfile(path):
        return datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(path).st_mtime)
    zipFilePath, _inZipPath = getZipFilePath(path)
    return datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(zipFilePath).st_mtime)
Beispiel #8
def timestampURI(path):
    Returns the last modified time stamp for the given path.

    @param path: string
        The path to a resource: a file system path, a ZIP path
    @return: datetime
        The last modified time stamp.
    path = normOSPath(path)
    if isfile(path):
        return datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(path).st_mtime)
    zipFilePath, _inZipPath = getZipFilePath(path)
    return datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(zipFilePath).st_mtime)
Beispiel #9
def deploy(source, destination, systemName=None, machineName=None):
    Deploys the tool found at the source directory to the destination directory.

    @param source: src
        The directory from which to deploy the tool
    @param destination: src
        The path where to deploy the tool
    @param systemName: src
        The name of the system for which to deploy (e.g. Darwin, Windows, Ubuntu)
    @param machineName: src
        The machine name (e.g.: x86, x86_64)
    @return: tuple
        Tuple containing the system information (name, release, version) and True
        if the tool was deployed, False if it wasn't
    # TODO: This should not be placed here a separate plugin needs to be created.
    assert isinstance(source, str), 'Invalid source path %s' % source
    assert isinstance(destination,
                      str), 'Invalid destination path %s' % destination
    assert not systemName or isinstance(
        systemName, str), 'Invalid system name %s' % systemName
    assert not machineName or isinstance(
        machineName, str), 'Invalid machine name %s' % machineName

    if not systemName: systemName, rel, ver = systemInfo()
    machineName = machineName if machineName else machine()

    systems = (SYSTEM_ALL) if systemName == SYSTEM_ALL else (systemName,
    machines = (MACHINE_ALL) if machineName == MACHINE_ALL else (machineName,

    deployed = False
    for systemName in systems:
        for machineName in machines:
            srcDir = join(source, systemName, machineName)
            if not isdir(srcDir):
                    zipPath, inPath = getZipFilePath(srcDir)
                    validateInZipPath(ZipFile(zipPath), inPath + ZIPSEP)
                except (IOError, KeyError):
            synchronizeURIToDir(srcDir, destination)
            deployed = True

    return (systemName, rel, ver, deployed)
Beispiel #10
def openURI(path):
    Returns a read file object for the given path.
    @param path: string
        The path to a resource: a file system path, a ZIP path
    @return: byte file
        A file like object that delivers bytes.
    path = normOSPath(path)
    if isfile(path):
        return open(path, "rb")
    zipFilePath, inZipPath = getZipFilePath(path)
    zipFile = ZipFile(zipFilePath)
    if inZipPath in zipFile.NameToInfo and not inZipPath.endswith(ZIPSEP) and inZipPath != "":
    raise IOError("Invalid file path %s" % path)
    def _publishFromFile(self, path, filePath):
        assert isinstance(path, str) and len(path) > 0, 'Invalid content path %s' % path
        assert isinstance(filePath, str), 'Invalid file path value %s' % filePath
        dstDir = dirname(self._getItemPath(path))
        if not isdir(dstDir):
        if isfile(filePath) or isdir(filePath):
            filePath = normpath(filePath)
            assert os.access(filePath, os.R_OK), 'Unable to read file path %s' % filePath
            self._createLinkToFileOrDir(path, filePath)

        # not a file, see if it's a entry in a zip file
        zipFilePath, inFilePath = getZipFilePath(filePath,
        assert isfile(zipFilePath) and os.access(zipFilePath, os.R_OK), \
            'Unable to read file path %s' % filePath
        zipFile = ZipFile(zipFilePath)
        validateInZipPath(zipFile, inFilePath)
        self._createLinkToZipFile(path, zipFilePath, inFilePath)
Beispiel #12
def openURI(path, byteMode=True):
    Returns a read file object for the given path.

    @param path: string
        The path to a resource: a file system path, a ZIP path
    @return: byte file
        A file like object that delivers bytes.
    path = normOSPath(path)
    mode = 'rb' if byteMode else 'rt'
    if isfile(path): return open(path, mode)
    zipFilePath, inZipPath = getZipFilePath(path)
    zipFile = ZipFile(zipFilePath)
    if inZipPath in zipFile.NameToInfo and not inZipPath.endswith(ZIPSEP) and inZipPath != '':
        f =
        if byteMode: return f
        else: return StringIO(
    raise IOError('Invalid file path %s' % path)
Beispiel #13
    def _publishFromFile(self, path, filePath):
        assert isinstance(path, str) and len(path) > 0, 'Invalid content path %s' % path
        assert isinstance(filePath, str), 'Invalid file path value %s' % filePath
        dstDir = dirname(self._getItemPath(path))
        if not isdir(dstDir):
        if isfile(filePath) or isdir(filePath):
            filePath = normpath(filePath)
            assert os.access(filePath, os.R_OK), 'Unable to read file path %s' % filePath
            self._createLinkToFileOrDir(path, filePath)

        # not a file, see if it's a entry in a zip file
        zipFilePath, inFilePath = getZipFilePath(filePath,
        assert isfile(zipFilePath) and os.access(zipFilePath, os.R_OK), \
            'Unable to read file path %s' % filePath
        zipFile = ZipFile(zipFilePath)
        validateInZipPath(zipFile, inFilePath)
        self._createLinkToZipFile(path, zipFilePath, inFilePath)
Beispiel #14
def openURI(path, byteMode=True):
    Returns a read file object for the given path.

    @param path: string
        The path to a resource: a file system path, a ZIP path
    @return: byte file
        A file like object that delivers bytes.
    path = normOSPath(path)
    mode = 'rb' if byteMode else 'rt'
    if isfile(path): return open(path, mode)
    zipFilePath, inZipPath = getZipFilePath(path)
    zipFile = ZipFile(zipFilePath)
    if inZipPath in zipFile.NameToInfo and not inZipPath.endswith(
            ZIPSEP) and inZipPath != '':
        f =
        if byteMode: return f
        else: return StringIO(
    raise IOError('Invalid file path %s' % path)
Beispiel #15
def deploy(source, destination, systemName=None, machineName=None):
    Deploys the tool found at the source directory to the destination directory.

    @param source: src
        The directory from which to deploy the tool
    @param destination: src
        The path where to deploy the tool
    @param systemName: src
        The name of the system for which to deploy (e.g. Darwin, Windows, Ubuntu)
    @param machineName: src
        The machine name (e.g.: x86, x86_64)
    @return: tuple
        Tuple containing the system information (name, release, version) and True
        if the tool was deployed, False if it wasn't
    # TODO: This should not be placed here a separate plugin needs to be created.
    assert isinstance(source, str), 'Invalid source path %s' % source
    assert isinstance(destination, str), 'Invalid destination path %s' % destination
    assert not systemName or isinstance(systemName, str), 'Invalid system name %s' % systemName
    assert not machineName or isinstance(machineName, str), 'Invalid machine name %s' % machineName

    if not systemName: systemName, rel, ver = systemInfo()
    machineName = machineName if machineName else machine()

    systems = (SYSTEM_ALL) if systemName == SYSTEM_ALL else (systemName, SYSTEM_ALL)
    machines = (MACHINE_ALL) if machineName == MACHINE_ALL else (machineName, MACHINE_ALL)

    deployed = False
    for systemName in systems:
        for machineName in machines:
            srcDir = join(source, systemName, machineName)
            if not isdir(srcDir):
                    zipPath, inPath = getZipFilePath(srcDir)
                    validateInZipPath(ZipFile(zipPath), inPath + ZIPSEP)
                except (IOError, KeyError): continue
            synchronizeURIToDir(srcDir, destination)
            deployed = True

    return (systemName, rel, ver, deployed)
Beispiel #16
def synchronizeURIToDir(path, dirPath):
    Publishes the entire contents from the URI path to the provided directory path.

    @param path: string
        The path to a resource: a file system path, a ZIP path
    @param dirPath: string
        The directory path to synchronize with.
    assert isinstance(path, str) and path, 'Invalid content path %s' % path
    assert isinstance(dirPath,
                      str), 'Invalid directory path value %s' % dirPath

    if not isdir(path):
        # not a directory, see if it's a entry in a zip file
        zipFilePath, inDirPath = getZipFilePath(path)
        zipFile = ZipFile(zipFilePath)
        if not inDirPath.endswith(ZIPSEP): inDirPath = inDirPath + ZIPSEP

        tmpDir = TemporaryDirectory()

        lenPath, zipTime = len(inDirPath), datetime.fromtimestamp(
        for zipInfo in zipFile.filelist:
            assert isinstance(zipInfo,
                              ZipInfo), 'Invalid zip info %s' % zipInfo
            if zipInfo.filename.startswith(inDirPath):
                if zipInfo.filename[0] == '/': dest = zipInfo.filename[1:]
                else: dest = zipInfo.filename

                dest = normpath(join(dirPath, dest[lenPath:]))

                if exists(dest) and zipTime <= datetime.fromtimestamp(
                destDir = dirname(dest)
                if not exists(destDir): makedirs(destDir)

                move(join(, normOSPath(zipInfo.filename)), dest)
                if zipInfo.filename.endswith('.exe'):
                    os.chmod(dest, stat(dest).st_mode | S_IEXEC)

    path = normpath(path)
    assert os.access(path,
                     os.R_OK), 'Unable to read the directory path %s' % path
    lenPath = len(path) + 1
    for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for file in files:
            src, dest = join(root, file), join(dirPath, root[lenPath:], file)

            if exists(dest) and \
            datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(src).st_mtime) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(dest).st_mtime):

            destDir = dirname(dest)
            if not exists(destDir): makedirs(destDir)
            copy(src, dest)
            if file.endswith('.exe'):
                os.chmod(dest, stat(dest).st_mode | S_IEXEC)