def verifyPlugin(pluginName, requiredBy):
	Verify that a particular plug-in is loaded and attempt to load it if it
	cannot be found.
	@param pluginName Name of the plugin without extension
	@param requiredBy __file__ member of the caller
	try: ampy.indexOf(pluginName, __allPlugins__)
			cmds.pluginInfo(''%pluginName, e=True, autoload=True)
			sys.stderr.write('Error: Could not locate the %s plug-in. It is required for the %s module.\nPlease ensure that is located somewhere in your plug-in path.\n' 
				%(pluginName, os.path.basename(requiredBy), pluginName))
def verifyPlugin(pluginName, requiredBy):
	Verify that a particular plug-in is loaded and attempt to load it if it
	cannot be found.
	@param pluginName Name of the plugin without extension
	@param requiredBy __file__ member of the caller
        ampy.indexOf(pluginName, __allPlugins__)
            cmds.loadPlugin('' % pluginName)
            cmds.pluginInfo('' % pluginName, e=True, autoload=True)
                'Error: Could not locate the %s plug-in. It is required for the %s module.\nPlease ensure that is located somewhere in your plug-in path.\n'
                % (pluginName, os.path.basename(requiredBy), pluginName))
Beispiel #3
def verifyNode(nodeName):
	"""Verify the existence of a DG node, primarily for validating user input."""
	allObjects =
	if ampy.indexOf(nodeName, allObjects) == None:
		# if nodeName is a DAG node then we need to test further possibilities
		# if nodeName exists but is not unique, then a full path must be provided
		msg = None
		for node in allObjects:
			if node.find('|%s'%nodeName) > -1:
				raiseExceptionWithMessage('%s is not a unique object name. Please specify the complete DAG path.'%nodeName, 1)
		# see if nodeName is a full path for a unique object, in which case it won't look the same as that returned by
		for node in allObjects:
			if nodeName[nodeName.rfind(node):nodeName.rfind(node)+len(node)] == node: return True
		raiseExceptionWithMessage('%s is not a valid object name. Please ensure that you have entered it correctly.'%nodeName, 1)