Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self,
                 hashes_file: str = None,
                 uncracked_hashes: str = None,
                 potfile: Path = None):
        Initialization of auxiliary/hashes/hashes_status ama module

        auxiliary_options = {
            Argument(hashes_file, True, "Hashes file to check status"),
            Argument(uncracked_hashes, False, "File to save uncracked hashes"),
            Argument(cracker, False,
                     f"Hash cracker (<{John.MAINNAME}|{Hashcat.MAINNAME}>)"),
            Argument(potfile, False, "Potfile of hash cracker"),

        init_options = {
            'mname': HashesStatus.MNAME,
            'author': HashesStatus.AUTHOR,
            'description': HashesStatus.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription': HashesStatus.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': HashesStatus.REFERENCES,
            'auxiliary_options': auxiliary_options,
            'slurm': slurm

Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, *,
                 hashType:str = None, hashesFile:str = None,
                 wordlists: List[str] = None, slurm=None):
        Initialization of John combination attack

        hashType (str): Jonh's hash type
        hashesFile (str): Hashes file to attack
        slurm (Slurm): Instance of Slurm class
        attackOptions = {
            'hash_type': Argument(hashType, False, "Hashcat hash type"),
            'hashes_file': Argument(hashesFile, True, "Hashes file"),
            'wordlists': Argument(wordlists, True, "Hashes file"),

        if slurm is None:
            slurm = Slurm()

        initOptions = {
            'mname' : JohnCombination.MNAME,
            'author': JohnCombination.AUTHOR,
            'description': JohnCombination.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription':  JohnCombination.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'attackOptions': attackOptions,
            'slurm': slurm

Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self,
                 hashes: str = None,
                 timeout: int = None,
                 greppable: bool = False,
                 pre_attack: Auxiliary = None,
                 post_attack: Auxiliary = None):

        attack_options = {
            Argument(hashes, True, "Hashes to identify (hash or hashes file)"),
            Argument(timeout, False, "Timeout in seconds"),
            Argument(greppable, False, "Show output in JSON form ")

        init_options = {
            'mname': STH.MNAME,
            'author': STH.AUTHOR,
            'description': STH.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription': STH.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': STH.REFERENCES,
            'pre_attack': pre_attack,
            'attack_options': attack_options,
            'post_attack': post_attack,
            'slurm': None

Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self,
        Initialization of John hybrid attack

        hashType (str): Jonh's hash type
        hashesFile (str): Hashes file
        masksFile (str): Masks file
        wordlist (str): Wordlist
        slurm (Slurm): Instance of Slurm class
        attackOptions = {
            Argument(hashType, True, "John hash type"),
            Argument(hashesFile, True, "Hashes file"),
            Argument(masksFile, True, "Masks file"),
            Argument(wordlist, True, "Wordlist file"),
            Argument(inverse, True,
                     "False: wordlits + masks <> True: masks + wordlist")

        if slurm is None:
            slurm = Slurm()

        initOptions = {
            'mname': JohnHybrid.MNAME,
            'author': JohnHybrid.AUTHOR,
            'description': JohnHybrid.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription': JohnHybrid.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'attackOptions': attackOptions,
            'slurm': slurm

Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, *,
                 wordlist:str = None, output: str = None,
                 minlength: int = None, maxlength: int = None,
                 charsets: List[str] = None, simplemasks: List[str] = None,
                 hiderare:int = 0, quiet: bool = True):

        auxiliary_options = {
            'wordlist': Argument(wordlist, True, "Wordlist to analyze"),
            'output': Argument(output, False, "File name to save generated masks and occurrence"),

            # password filters
            'min_length': Argument(minlength, False, "Minimum password length"),
            'max_length': Argument(maxlength, False, "Maximum password length"),
            'charsets': Argument(charsets, False, "Password charset filter (e.g. loweralpha,numeric)"),
            'simple_masks': Argument(simplemasks, False, "Password mask filter (e.g.stringdigit,allspecial)"),

            'hiderare': Argument(hiderare, True, "Hide statistics lower than the supplied percent"),

        init_options = {
            'mname': PackStatsgen.MNAME,
            'author': PackStatsgen.AUTHOR,
            'description': PackStatsgen.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription':  PackStatsgen.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': PackStatsgen.REFERENCES,
            'auxiliary_options': auxiliary_options,
            'slurm': None

Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, wordlist: str = None, quiet: bool = False):
        auxiliary_options = {
            'wordlist': Argument(wordlist, True, "Wordlist to refine"),
            #'quiet': Argument(quiet, True, "Don't print cupp's fancy banner")
        init_options = {
            'mname': CuppRefine.MNAME,
            'author': CuppRefine.AUTHOR,
            'description': CuppRefine.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription': CuppRefine.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': CuppRefine.REFERENCES,
            'auxiliary_options': auxiliary_options,
            'slurm': None

Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, *, quiet=False):
        Initialization of Cupp - Download wordlists

        auxiliary_options = {
            'quiet': Argument(quiet, True, "Don't print cupp's fancy banner")
        init_options = {
            'mname': CuppDownload.MNAME,
            'author': CuppDownload.AUTHOR,
            'description': CuppDownload.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription': CuppDownload.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': CuppDownload.REFERENCES,
            'auxiliary_options': auxiliary_options,
            'slurm': None

Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, *,
                 hash_type: str = None, hashes_file: str = None,
                 masks_file:str = None,
                 masks_attack:str = "", sleep:int = 1,
                 slurm: Slurm = None,
                 pre_attack = None, post_attack = None):
        Initialization of wordlist attack using hashcat

        attack_options = {
            'hash_type': Argument(hash_type, True, "Hashcat hash type"),
            'hashes_file': Argument(hashes_file, True, "Hashes file"),
            'masks_file': Argument(masks_file, True, "Masks file"),
            'masks_attack': Argument(masks_attack, True, "Generated mask attack script"),
            'sleep': Argument(sleep, True, 'Sleep time between each attack (seconds)')

        if slurm is None:
            slurm_options = {
                "account": Argument(None, False, "Cluster account to submit the job"),
                "dependency": Argument(None, False, "Defer the start of this job until the specified dependencies have been satisfied completed"),
                "chdir" : Argument(os.getcwd(), True, "Working directory path"),
                "error": Argument(None, False, "Error file"),
                "job_name" : Argument('attack', False, "Name for the job allocation"),
                "cluster" : Argument(None, False, "Cluster Name"),
                "distribution": Argument('block', True, "Distribution methods for remote processes (<block|cyclic|plane|arbitrary>)"),
                "mail_type": Argument(None, False, "Event types to notify user by email(<BEGIN|END|FAIL|REQUEUE|ALL|TIME_LIMIT_PP>)"),
                "main_user": Argument(None, False, "User email"),
                "mem": Argument(None, False, "Memory per node (<size[units]>)"),
                "mem_per_cpu": Argument(None, False, "Minimum memory required per allocated CPU (<size[units]>)"),
                "cpus_per_task": Argument(1, True, "Number of processors per task"),
                "nodes": Argument(1, True, "Number of nodes(<minnodes[-maxnodes]>)"),
                "gpu": Argument(1, True, "Number of GPUS"),
                "ntasks": Argument(1, True, "Number of tasks"),
                "nice": Argument(None, False, "Run the job with an adjusted scheduling"),
                "output": Argument('slurm-%j.out', True, "Output file name"),
                "open_mode": Argument('truncate', True, "Output open mode (<append|truncate>)"),
                "partition": Argument(None, True, "Partition to submit job"),
                "reservation": Argument(None, False, "Resource reservation name"),
                "time": Argument(None, False, "Limit of time (format: DD-HH:MM:SS)"),
                "test_only": Argument(False, True, "Validate the batch script and return an estimate of when a job would be scheduled to run. No job is actually submitted"),
                "verbose": Argument(False, True, "Increase the verbosity of sbatch's informational messages"),
                "nodelist": Argument(None, False, "Nodelist"),
                "wait": Argument(False, True, "Do not exit until the submitted job terminates"),
                "exclude": Argument(None, False, "Do not exit until the submitted job terminates"),
                'batch_script': Argument('', True, "Name for the generated batch script"),
                'pmix': Argument('pmix_v3', True, "MPI type")

            slurm = Slurm(**slurm_options)

        init_options = {
            'mname' : HashcatMasks.MNAME,
            'author': HashcatMasks.AUTHOR,
            'description': HashcatMasks.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription':  HashcatMasks.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': HashcatMasks.REFERENCES,
            'pre_attack': pre_attack,
            'attack_options': attack_options,
            'post_attack': post_attack,
            'slurm': slurm
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, *,
                 wordlist: str = None, output: str = None,
                 charsets: List[str] = None,
                 min_length: int      = None, max_length: int    = None,
                 min_digit:int        = None, max_digit:int      = None,
                 min_upper:int        = None, max_upper:int      = None,
                 min_lower:int        = None, max_lower:int      = None,
                 min_special:int      = None, max_special:int    = None,
                 min_complexity:int   = None, max_complexity:int = None,
                 min_occurrence:int   = None, max_occurrence:int = None,
                 min_time:int         = None, max_time:int       = None,
                 target_time:int     = None,
                 hiderare: int       = 0,
                 show_masks:bool = False, quiet: bool = False,
                 sorting = "optindex"):

        auxiliary_options = {
            'wordlist': Argument(wordlist, True, "Wordlist to analyze"),
            'output': Argument(output, True, "File name to save generated masks and occurrence"),
            'charsets': Argument(charsets, False, "Password charset filter (e.g. loweralpha,numeric)"),
            'min_length': Argument(min_length, False, "Minimum password length"),
            'max_length': Argument(max_length, False, "Maximum password length"),
            'min_special': Argument(min_special, False, "Minimum number of special characters"),
            'min_upper': Argument(min_upper, False, "Minimum number of uppercase characters"),
            'min_lower': Argument(min_lower, False, "Minimum number of lowercase characters"),
            'min_digit': Argument(min_digit, False, "Minimum number of digit"),
            'max_special': Argument(max_special, False, "Maximum number of special characters"),
            'max_upper': Argument(max_upper, False, "Maximum number of uppercase characters"),
            'max_digit': Argument(max_digit, False, "Maximum number of digit"),
            'max_lower': Argument(max_lower, False, "Maximum number of lowercase characters"),
            'min_complexity': Argument(min_complexity, False, "Minimum complexity"),
            'max_complexity': Argument(max_complexity, False, "Maximum complexity"),
            'min_occurrence': Argument(min_occurrence, False, "Minimum occurrence"),
            'max_occurrence': Argument(max_occurrence, False, "Maximum occurrence"),
            'min_time': Argument(min_time, False, "Minimum mask runtime (seconds)"),
            'max_time': Argument(max_time, False, "Maximum mask runtime (seconds)"),
            'target_time': Argument(target_time, False, "Target time of all masks (seconds)"),
            'sorting': Argument(sorting, True, "Mask sorting (<optindex|occurrence|complexity>)"),
            'hiderare': Argument(hiderare, True, "Hide statistics lower than the supplied percent"),
            'show_masks': Argument(show_masks, True, "Show matching mask"),

        init_options = {
            'mname': PackWholegen.MNAME,
            'author': PackWholegen.AUTHOR,
            'description': PackWholegen.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription':  PackWholegen.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': PackWholegen.REFERENCES,
            'auxiliary_options': auxiliary_options,
            'slurm': None

Beispiel #10
    def run(self, quiet: bool = False, attack_output: Any = None):
        Execution of auxiliary/hashes/hashes_status ama module
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        global_hashes_status = {'cracked': [], 'uncracked': []}

            cracker_name = self.options['cracker'].value
            if cracker_name is not None:
                if cracker_name not in [John.MAINNAME, Hashcat.MAINNAME]:
                    raise Exception("Selected invalid cracker: {cracker_name}")
                elif cracker_name == John.MAINNAME:
                    crackers = [John]
                else:  #cracker_name == Hashcat.MAINNAME
                    crackers = [Hashcat]
                crackers = get_availables_hashes_crackers()

            hashes_file = self.options['hashes_file'].value
            potfile = self.options['potfile'].value

            for cracker in crackers:
                hashes_status = cracker.hashes_file_status(
                    hashes_file, potfile)

                for cracked_hash in hashes_status['cracked']:
                    if cracked_hash not in global_hashes_status['cracked']:

                for uncracked_hash in hashes_status['uncracked']:
                    if uncracked_hash not in global_hashes_status['uncracked']:

            if uncracked_hashes := self.options.get(
                    'uncracked_hashes', Argument.get_empty()).value:
                with open(uncracked_hashes, 'w') as uncracked_hashes_file:
                    #hashes_status['uncracked'] struct is [[UNCRACKED_HASH], [OTHER_UNCRACKED_HASH], ...]
                    for [uhash] in global_hashes_status['uncracked']:

                    f"Uncracked hashes have written to {uncracked_hashes} file"

            # print status of hashes in hashesFile
            if not quiet:
                status_hashes_table = (f"""
        Cracked Hashes:

{tabulate(global_hashes_status["cracked"],headers = ["Hash", "Type", "Password", "Cracker"])}

        Uncracked Hashes:

{tabulate(global_hashes_status["uncracked"],headers = ["Hash"])}


            return hashes_status
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(

        attack_options = {
            Argument(users, True, "User or users file to login"),
            #'users_passwd_file': Argument(users_passwd_file),
            Argument(passwords, True, "Password or Passwords file"),
            Argument(port, False, "Service port"),
            Argument(ip4, True, "Use Ip4 otherwise use IP6"),
            Argument(output, False, "Output file"),
            Argument(output_format, True,
                     "Output format file <text|json|jsonv1>"),
            Argument(verbose, True, "Show login+pass for each attempt"),
            Argument(stopInSuccess, True,
                     "Exit when a login/pass pair is found (global)"),
            Argument(stopInSuccessPerTarget, True,
                     "Exit when a login/pass pair is found (per target)"),
                targets, True,
                "Server (DNS, IP or or servers (one target per line, ':' to specify port) to attack"
            Argument(service, True, "Service to crack")

        if slurm is None:
            slurm_options = {
                Argument(None, False, "Cluster account to submit the job"),
                    None, False,
                    "Defer the start of this job until the specified dependencies have been satisfied completed"
                Argument(os.getcwd(), True, "Working directory path"),
                Argument(None, False, "Error file"),
                Argument('attack', False, "Name for the job allocation"),
                Argument(None, False, "Cluster Name"),
                    'block', True,
                    "Distribution methods for remote processes (<block|cyclic|plane|arbitrary>)"
                    None, False,
                    "Event types to notify user by email(<BEGIN|END|FAIL|REQUEUE|ALL|TIME_LIMIT_PP>)"
                Argument(None, False, "User email"),
                Argument(None, False, "Memory per node (<size[units]>)"),
                    None, False,
                    "Minimum memory required per allocated CPU (<size[units]>)"
                Argument(1, True, "Number of processors per task"),
                Argument(1, True, "Number of nodes(<minnodes[-maxnodes]>)"),
                Argument(1, True, "Number of tasks"),
                Argument(None, False,
                         "Run the job with an adjusted scheduling"),
                Argument('slurm-%j.out', True, "Output file name"),
                Argument('truncate', True,
                         "Output open mode (<append|truncate>)"),
                Argument(None, True, "Partition to submit job"),
                Argument(None, False, "Resource reservation name"),
                Argument(None, False, "Limit of time (format: DD-HH:MM:SS)"),
                    False, True,
                    "Validate the batch script and return an estimate of when a job would be scheduled to run. No job is actually submitted"
                    False, True,
                    "Increase the verbosity of sbatch's informational messages"
                Argument(None, False, "Nodelist"),
                Argument(False, True,
                         "Do not exit until the submitted job terminates"),
                Argument(None, False,
                         "Do not exit until the submitted job terminates"),
                Argument('', True,
                         "Name for the generated batch script"),
                Argument('pmix_v3', True, "MPI type")

            slurm = Slurm(**slurm_options)

        init_options = {
            'mname': HydraWordlist.MNAME,
            'author': HydraWordlist.AUTHOR,
            'description': HydraWordlist.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription': HydraWordlist.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': HydraWordlist.REFERENCES,
            'attack_options': attack_options,
            'slurm': slurm

Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, *,
                 statsgen_output: str = None, output: str = None,
                 min_length: int = None, max_length: int = None,
                 target_time: int = None, min_time:int = None, max_time:int = None,
                 min_complexity: int = None, max_complexity: int = None,
                 min_occurrence: int = None, max_occurrence: int = None,
                 sorting:str = "optindex",
                 check_masks: List[str] = None, check_masks_file: str = None,
                 show_masks: bool = False, quiet: bool = True):

        auxiliary_options = {
            'stats': Argument(statsgen_output, True, "Statsgen output file"),
            'output': Argument(output, True, "File name to save generated masks"),

            # password filters
            'min_length': Argument(min_length, False, "Minimum password length"),
            'max_length': Argument(max_length, False, "Maximum password length"),
            'min_time': Argument(min_time, False, "Minimum mask runtime (seconds)"),
            'max_time': Argument(max_time, False, "Maximum mask runtime (seconds)"),
            'target_time': Argument(target_time, False, "Target time of all masks (seconds)"),
            'min_complexity': Argument(min_complexity, False, "Minimum complexity"),
            'max_complexity': Argument(max_complexity, False, "Maximum complexity"),
            'min_occurrence': Argument(min_occurrence, False, "Minimum occurrence"),
            'max_occurrence': Argument(max_occurrence, False, "Maximum occurrence"),
            'sorting': Argument(sorting, True, "Mask sorting (<optindex|occurrence|complexity>)"),
            'check_masks': Argument(check_masks, False, "Check mask coverage(e.g. ?u?l?d,?l?d?d)"),
            'check_masks_file': Argument(check_masks_file, False, "Check mask coverage in a file"),

            'show_masks': Argument(show_masks, True, "Show matching mask"),

        init_options = {
            'mname': PackMaskgen.MNAME,
            'author': PackMaskgen.AUTHOR,
            'description': PackMaskgen.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription':  PackMaskgen.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': PackMaskgen.REFERENCES,
            'auxiliary_options': auxiliary_options,
            'slurm': None

Beispiel #13
    def __init__(self,
                 output: str = None,
                 min_length: int = None,
                 max_length: int = None,
                 min_digit: int = None,
                 max_digit: int = None,
                 min_upper: int = None,
                 max_upper: int = None,
                 min_lower: int = None,
                 max_lower: int = None,
                 min_special: int = None,
                 max_special: int = None,
                 show_masks: bool = False,
                 quiet: bool = True):

        auxiliary_options = {
            Argument(output, True, "File to save generated masks"),

            # mask filters
            Argument(min_length, True, "Minimum password length"),
            Argument(max_length, True, "Maximum password length"),
            Argument(min_special, False,
                     "Minimum number of special characters"),
            Argument(min_upper, False,
                     "Minimum number of uppercase characters"),
            Argument(min_lower, False,
                     "Minimum number of lowercase characters"),
            Argument(min_digit, False, "Minimum number of digit"),
            Argument(max_special, False,
                     "Maximum number of special characters"),
            Argument(max_upper, False,
                     "Maximum number of uppercase characters"),
            Argument(max_digit, False, "Maximum number of digit"),
            Argument(max_lower, False,
                     "Maximum number of lowercase characters"),

            # miscellaneous
            Argument(show_masks, True, "Show matching mask"),

        init_options = {
            'mname': PackPolicygen.MNAME,
            'author': PackPolicygen.AUTHOR,
            'description': PackPolicygen.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription': PackPolicygen.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': PackPolicygen.REFERENCES,
            'auxiliary_options': auxiliary_options,
            'slurm': None

Beispiel #14
    def __init__(self,
                 url: str = None,
                 depth: int = 2,
                 min_length: int = 3,
                 offsite: bool = False,
                 exclude: str = None,
                 allowed: str = None,
                 write: str = None,
                 lowercase: bool = False,
                 with_numbers: bool = False,
                 convert_umlauts: bool = True,
                 meta: bool = False,
                 meta_file: str = None,
                 email: bool = False,
                 email_file: str = None,
                 count: bool = False,
                 verbose: bool = True,
                 debug: bool = False):
        Initialization of Cewl

        auxiliary_options = {
            Argument(url, True, "The site to spider"),
            Argument(depth, True, "Depth to spider to"),
            Argument(min_length, True, "Minimum word length"),
            Argument(offsite, True, "Let the spider visit other sites"),
            Argument(exclude, False,
                     "A file containing a list of paths to exclude"),
            Argument(allowed, False,
                     "A regex pattern that path must match to be followed"),
            Argument(write, False, "Write the output to the file"),
            Argument(lowercase, True, "Lowercase all parsed words"),
            Argument(with_numbers, True,
                     "Accept words with numbers in as well as just letters"),
            Argument(convert_umlauts, True,
                     "Convert common ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) umlauts"),
            Argument(meta, False, "Include meta data"),
            Argument(meta_file, False, "Output file for meta data"),
            Argument(email, False, "Include email addresses"),
            Argument(email_file, False, "Output file for email addresses"),
            Argument(count, True, "Show the count for each word found"),
            Argument(verbose, True, "Verbose"),
            Argument(debug, False, "Extra debug information")

        init_options = {
            'mname': Cewl.MNAME,
            'author': Cewl.AUTHOR,
            'description': Cewl.DESCRIPTION,
            'fulldescription': Cewl.FULLDESCRIPTION,
            'references': Cewl.REFERENCES,
            'auxiliary_options': auxiliary_options,
            'slurm': None
