Beispiel #1
    def build_acs_crosswalk(self):
        from ambry.geo.util import find_geo_containment

        def generate_geometries():
            blocks = self.partitions.find(table='sws_boundaries')
            lr = self.init_log_rate(3000)
            # Note, ogc_fid is the primary key. The id column is created by the shapefile. 
            for i,block in enumerate(blocks.query("SELECT  AsText(geometry) AS wkt, id FROM  sws_boundaries")):
                lr('Load rtree')
                if self.run_args.test and i > 200:
                yield block['id'],block['id'], block['wkt']

        def generate_blockgroups():
            """Generate centroids of the 2012 ACS blockgroups"""
            block_groups = self.library.dep('bg2012').partition
            for row in block_groups.query("""SELECT 
                    X(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) AS lon, 
                    Y(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) as lat,
                    MbrMinX(geometry) AS x_min, 
                    MbrMinY(geometry) AS y_min, 
                    MbrMaxX(geometry) AS x_max,  
                    MbrMaxY(geometry) AS y_max
                    FROM blockgroups
                if  row['lon'] and row['lat']:
                    yield (row['x_min'], row['y_min'], row['x_max'], row['y_max']), row['gvid']

        def mark_contains():
            p = self.partitions.find_or_new(table='acs_cross')
            with p.inserter() as ins:
                while True:
                    (p,point_obj,geometry, poly_obj) = yield # Get a value back from find_geo_containment

                    d = {
                        'gvid': point_obj,
                        'sws_boundaries_id': poly_obj

        self.log("Linking ACS tracts to boundaries")
        find_geo_containment(generate_geometries(), generate_blockgroups(), mark_contains(), method = 'intersects')
Beispiel #2
    def build_block_cross(self):
        """Build the bus_block_cross crosswalk file to assign businessed to blocks. """
        from ambry.geo.util import find_geo_containment

        def generate_geometries():
            """The Containing geometries are the neighborhoods. """

            for row in self.partitions.find(table = 'neighborhoods').query(
                    "SELECT AsText(geometry) as wkt, objectid_1 as id FROM neighborhoods"):

                yield row['id'], row['id'],  row['wkt']

        def generate_points():
            """The points we are going to find the containment of are the centroids of the census blocks"""
            blocks = self.library.dep('blocks').partition
            lr = self.init_log_rate(3000)
            # Note, ogc_fid is the primary key. The id column is created by the shapefile. 
            for i,row in enumerate(blocks.query(
                "SELECT  X(Centroid(geometry)) AS lon,  Y(Centroid(geometry)) AS lat, geoid FROM  blocks")):
                lr('Load rtree')
                if self.run_args.test and i > 200:
                yield  (row['lon'], row['lat']), row['geoid'] 

        def mark_contains():
            p = self.partitions.find_or_new(table='nhood_block_cross')
            lr = self.init_log_rate(3000)
            with p.inserter() as ins:
                while True:
                    (p,point_obj,geometry, poly_obj) = yield # Get a value back from find_geo_containment

                    ins.insert(dict(neighborhoods_id = poly_obj, geoid = point_obj ))
                    lr('Marking point containment')
        find_geo_containment(generate_geometries(), generate_points(), mark_contains())
Beispiel #3
    def build_block_cross(self):
        """Build the bus_block_cross crosswalk file to assign businesses to blocks. """
        from ambry.geo.util import find_geo_containment

        lr = self.init_log_rate(3000)

        def generate_geometries():
            blocks = self.library.dep('blocks').partition

            # Note, ogc_fid is the primary key. The id column is created by the shapefile. 
            for i,block in enumerate(blocks.query("SELECT  AsText(geometry) AS wkt, geoid FROM  blocks")):
                lr('Load rtree')
                yield i, block['geoid'] , block['wkt']
        def generate_points():
            p = self.partitions.find(table = 'dstk_addresses')
            for row in p.rows:
                if  row['lon'] and row['lat']:
                    yield (row['lon'], row['lat']), row['businesses_id']

        def mark_contains():
            p = self.partitions.find_or_new(table='bus_block_cross')

            with p.inserter() as ins:
                while True:
                    (p,point_obj,geometry, poly_obj) = yield # Get a value back from find_geo_containment
                        dict(businesses_id = point_obj, 
                            block_geoid = poly_obj, # New name
                            geoid = poly_obj # Old name, for development
                    lr('Marking point containment')
        find_geo_containment(generate_geometries(), generate_points(), mark_contains())