Beispiel #1
    def getHumanParticipants(self, ag_login_id):
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        # get people from new survey setup
        return_res = []
        new_survey_sql = ("SELECT participant_name FROM ag_login_surveys "
                          "WHERE ag_login_id = %s")
        results = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(new_survey_sql, [ag_login_id])
        return_res.extend(row[0] for row in results)

        # get people from old surveys
        old_survey_sql = ("SELECT participant_name FROM ag_human_survey where "
                          "ag_login_id = %s")
        results = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(new_survey_sql, [ag_login_id])
        return_res.extend(row[0] for row in results)
        return return_res
 def getAnimalParticipants(self, ag_login_id):
     sql = """SELECT participant_name from ag.ag_login_surveys
              JOIN ag.survey_answers USING (survey_id)
              JOIN ag.group_questions gq USING (survey_question_id)
              JOIN ag.surveys ags USING (survey_group)
              WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND ags.survey_id = %s"""
     conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
     return [row[0] for row in conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id, 2])]
 def get_countries(self):
     list of str
      All country names in database"""
     conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
     return [x[0] for x in conn_handler.execute_fetchall(
         'SELECT country FROM ag.iso_country_lookup ORDER BY country')]
def barcodes_correct():
    # For patch 0011 & 0012
    # Needed because barcodes are added as last barcode in system + 1
    # and system testing was using these larger barcodes. Now use 0-1000 range
    conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
    sql = "SELECT barcode FROM barcodes.barcode WHERE barcode::integer >= 800000000"
    bcs = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql)
    if bcs:
        raise EnvironmentError("Invalid barcodes found: %s" % ", ".join([x[0] for x in bcs]))
Beispiel #5
 def search_participants(self, term):
     sql = """ select  cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id
              from    ag_consent
              where   lower(participant_name) like %s or
              lower(participant_email) like %s"""
     conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
     liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%'
     return [x[0] for x in conn_handler.execute_fetchall(
         sql, [liketerm, liketerm])]
 def getHumanParticipants(self, ag_login_id):
     conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
     # get people from new survey setup
     sql = """SELECT participant_name from ag.ag_login_surveys
              JOIN ag.survey_answers USING (survey_id)
              JOIN ag.group_questions gq USING (survey_question_id)
              JOIN ag.surveys ags USING (survey_group)
              WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND ags.survey_id = %s"""
     results = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id, 1])
     return [row[0] for row in results]
    def getParticipantSamples(self, ag_login_id, participant_name):
        sql = """SELECT  barcode, site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time,
                    notes, status
                 FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb
                 INNER JOIN barcode USING (barcode)
                 INNER JOIN ag_kit ak USING (ag_kit_id)
                 WHERE (site_sampled IS NOT NULL AND site_sampled::text <> '')
                 AND ag_login_id = %s AND participant_name = %s"""

        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        rows = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id, participant_name])
        barcodes = [dict(row) for row in rows]

        return barcodes
class AGDataAccess(object):
    """Data Access implementation for all the American Gut web portal
    # arbitrary, unique ID and value
    human_sites = ['Stool',
                   'Right hand',
                   'Left hand',
                   'Nasal mucus',
                   'Ear wax',
                   'Vaginal mucus']

    animal_sites = ['Stool',

    general_sites = ['Animal Habitat',
                     'Fermented Food',
                     'Indoor Surface',
                     'Outdoor Surface',
                     'Plant habitat',
                     'Sole of shoe',

    def __init__(self, con=None):
        self.connection = None
        if con is None:
            self.connection = con
        cur = self.get_cursor()
        cur.execute('set search_path TO ag, barcodes, public')

        self._sql = SQLConnectionHandler(con)

    def __del__(self):

    def get_cursor(self):
        if self.connection.closed:

        return self.connection.cursor()

    def _open_connection(self):
        self.connection = psycopg2.connect(
            user=AMGUT_CONFIG.user, password=AMGUT_CONFIG.password,

    # Helper Functions

    def _get_col_names_from_cursor(self, cur):
        if cur.description:
            return [x[0] for x in cur.description]
            return []

    # Users

    def authenticateWebAppUser(self, username, password):
        """ Attempts to validate authenticate the supplied username/password

        Attempt to authenticate the user against the list of users in
        web_app_user table. If successful, a dict with user innformation is
        returned. If not, the function returns False.
        sql = """SELECT  cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id,
                  email, name, address, city,
                  state, zip, country,kit_password
                FROM ag_login
            INNER JOIN ag_kit USING (ag_login_id)
            WHERE supplied_kit_id = %s"""
        row = self._sql.execute_fetchone(sql, [username])
        if row:
            results = dict(row)

            if not bcrypt.verify(password, results['kit_password']):
                return False
            results['ag_login_id'] = str(results['ag_login_id'])

            return results
            return False

    def addAGLogin(self, email, name, address, city, state, zip_, country):
        clean_email = email.strip().lower()
        sql = "select ag_login_id from ag_login WHERE LOWER(email) = %s"
        cur = self.get_cursor()
        cur.execute(sql, [clean_email])
        ag_login_id = cur.fetchone()
        if not ag_login_id:
            # create the login
            sql = ("INSERT INTO ag_login (email, name, address, city, state, "
                   "zip, country) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) "
                   "RETURNING ag_login_id")
            cur.execute(sql, [clean_email, name, address, city,
                              state, zip_, country])
            ag_login_id = cur.fetchone()
        return ag_login_id[0]

    def getAGBarcodeDetails(self, barcode):
        sql = """SELECT  email,
                    cast(ag_kit_barcode_id as varchar(100)),
                    cast(ag_kit_id as varchar(100)),
                    barcode, site_sampled, environment_sampled, sample_date,
                    sample_time, participant_name, notes, refunded, withdrawn,
                    moldy, other, other_text, date_of_last_email ,overloaded,
                    name, status
                  FROM ag_kit_barcodes
                  INNER JOIN ag_kit USING (ag_kit_id)
                  INNER JOIN ag_login USING (ag_login_id)
                  INNER JOIN barcode USING (barcode)
                  WHERE barcode = %s"""
        row = self._sql.execute_fetchone(sql, [barcode])

        row_dict = {}
        if row:
            row_dict = dict(row)
        return row_dict

    def getAGKitDetails(self, supplied_kit_id):
        sql = """SELECT cast(ag_kit_id as varchar(100)),
                    supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verified,
                    kit_verification_code, verification_email_sent
                 FROM ag_kit
                 WHERE supplied_kit_id = %s"""
        row = self._sql.execute_fetchone(sql, [supplied_kit_id])

        kit_details = {}
        if row:
            kit_details = dict(row)
        return kit_details

    def registerHandoutKit(self, ag_login_id, supplied_kit_id):
            True:  success
            False: insert failed due to IntegrityError

        Whatever is passed as kit_password will be added AS IS. This means you
        must hash the password before passing, if desired.
        printresults = self.checkPrintResults(supplied_kit_id)
        if printresults is None:
            printresults = 'n'

        sql = """
            DO $do$
                k_id uuid;
                bc varchar;
                INSERT INTO ag_kit
                (ag_login_id, supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit,
                 kit_verification_code, print_results)
                SELECT '{0}', kit_id, password, swabs_per_kit,
                    verification_code, '{1}'
                    FROM ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id = %s LIMIT 1
                RETURNING ag_kit_id INTO k_id;
                FOR bc IN
                    SELECT barcode FROM ag_handout_barcodes WHERE kit_id = %s
                    INSERT  INTO ag_kit_barcodes
                        (ag_kit_id, barcode, sample_barcode_file)
                        VALUES (k_id, bc, bc || '.jpg');
                END LOOP;
                DELETE FROM ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id = %s;
            END $do$;
            """.format(ag_login_id, printresults)

        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
            conn_handler.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id] * 3)
        except psycopg2.IntegrityError:
            logging.exception('Error on skid %s:' % ag_login_id)
            return False
        return True

    def deleteAGParticipantSurvey(self, ag_login_id, participant_name):
        # Remove user using old stype DB Schema
                                   [ag_login_id, participant_name])

        # Remove user from new schema
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        sql = ("SELECT survey_id FROM ag_login_surveys WHERE ag_login_id = "
               "%s AND participant_name = %s")
        survey_id = conn_handler.execute_fetchone(
            sql, (ag_login_id, participant_name))[0]

        with conn_handler.get_postgres_cursor() as curr:
            sql = ("DELETE FROM survey_answers WHERE "
                   "survey_id = %s")
            curr.execute(sql, [survey_id])

            sql = ("DELETE FROM survey_answers_other WHERE "
                   "survey_id = %s")
            curr.execute(sql, [survey_id])

            # Reset survey attached to barcode(s)
            sql = ("UPDATE ag_kit_barcodes SET survey_id = NULL WHERE "
                   "survey_id = %s")
            curr.execute(sql, [survey_id])

            sql = "DELETE FROM promoted_survey_ids WHERE survey_id = %s"
            curr.execute(sql, [survey_id])

            # Delete last due to foreign keys
            sql = ("DELETE FROM ag_login_surveys WHERE "
                   "survey_id = %s")
            curr.execute(sql, [survey_id])

            sql = ("DELETE FROM ag_consent WHERE ag_login_id = "
                   "%s AND participant_name = %s")
            curr.execute(sql, [ag_login_id, participant_name])

    def getConsent(self, survey_id):
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        with conn_handler.get_postgres_cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("""SELECT agc.participant_name,
                           FROM ag_consent agc JOIN
                                ag_login_surveys agl
                                USING (ag_login_id, participant_name)
                           WHERE agl.survey_id=%s""", [survey_id])
            colnames = [x[0] for x in cur.description]
            result = cur.fetchone()
            if result:
                result = {k: v for k, v in zip(colnames, result)}
                if 'date_signed' in result:
                    result['date_signed'] = str(result['date_signed'])
                return result

    def logParticipantSample(self, ag_login_id, barcode, sample_site,
                             environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time,
                             participant_name, notes):

        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        if sample_site is not None:
            # Get survey id
            sql = ("SELECT survey_id FROM ag_login_surveys WHERE ag_login_id = "
                   "%s AND participant_name = %s")

            survey_id = conn_handler.execute_fetchone(
                sql, (ag_login_id, participant_name))
            if survey_id:
                # remove the list encapulation
                survey_id = survey_id[0]
                raise RuntimeError("No survey ID for ag_login_id %s and "
                                   "participant name %s" % (ag_login_id,
            # otherwise, it is an environmental sample
            survey_id = None

        # Add barcode info
        sql = """update  ag_kit_barcodes
                 set     site_sampled = %s,
                         environment_sampled = %s,
                         sample_date = %s,
                         sample_time = %s,
                         participant_name = %s,
                         notes = %s,
                         survey_id = %s
                 where   barcode = %s"""
        conn_handler.execute(sql, [
            sample_site, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time,
            participant_name, notes, survey_id, barcode])

    def deleteSample(self, barcode, ag_login_id):
        Strictly speaking the ag_login_id isn't needed but it makes it really
        hard to hack the function when you would need to know someone else's
        login id (a GUID) to delete something maliciously
                                   [barcode, ag_login_id])

    def getHumanParticipants(self, ag_login_id):
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        # get people from new survey setup
        sql = """SELECT participant_name from ag.ag_login_surveys
                 JOIN ag.survey_answers USING (survey_id)
                 JOIN ag.group_questions gq USING (survey_question_id)
                 JOIN ag.surveys ags USING (survey_group)
                 WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND ags.survey_id = %s"""
        results = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id, 1])
        return [row[0] for row in results]

    def is_old_survey(self, survey_id):
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        # check survey exists
        survey_answers = conn_handler.execute_fetchone(
            "SELECT exists(SELECT * FROM survey_answers WHERE survey_id = %s)",
        survey_answers_other = conn_handler.execute_fetchone(
            "SELECT exists(SELECT * FROM survey_answers_other WHERE "
            "survey_id = %s)", [survey_id])[0]

        return all((survey_answers is False, survey_answers_other is False))

    def updateVioscreenStatus(self, survey_id, status):
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        sql = ("UPDATE ag_login_surveys SET vioscreen_status = %s WHERE "
               "survey_id = %s")
        conn_handler.execute(sql, (status, survey_id))

    def getAnimalParticipants(self, ag_login_id):
        sql = """SELECT participant_name from ag.ag_login_surveys
                 JOIN ag.survey_answers USING (survey_id)
                 JOIN ag.group_questions gq USING (survey_question_id)
                 JOIN ag.surveys ags USING (survey_group)
                 WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND ags.survey_id = %s"""
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        return [row[0] for row in
                    sql, [ag_login_id, 2])]

    def getParticipantSamples(self, ag_login_id, participant_name):
        sql = """SELECT  barcode, site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time,
                    notes, status
                 FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb
                 INNER JOIN barcode USING (barcode)
                 INNER JOIN ag_kit ak USING (ag_kit_id)
                 WHERE (site_sampled IS NOT NULL AND site_sampled::text <> '')
                 AND ag_login_id = %s AND participant_name = %s"""

        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        rows = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(
            sql, [ag_login_id, participant_name])
        barcodes = [dict(row) for row in rows]

        return barcodes

    def getEnvironmentalSamples(self, ag_login_id):
        sql = """SELECT  barcode, site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time,
                    notes, status
                 FROM ag_kit_barcodes
                 INNER JOIN barcode USING (barcode)
                 INNER JOIN ag_kit USING(ag_kit_id)
                 WHERE (environment_sampled IS NOT NULL AND
                    environment_sampled::text <> '')
                    AND ag_login_id = %s"""
        rows = self._sql.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id])
        barcodes = [dict(row) for row in rows]

        return barcodes

    def getAvailableBarcodes(self, ag_login_id):
        sql = """SELECT barcode
                 FROM ag_kit_barcodes
                 INNER JOIN ag_kit USING (ag_kit_id)
                 WHERE coalesce(sample_date::text, '') = ''
                 AND kit_verified = 'y' AND ag_login_id = %s"""
        results = self._sql.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id])
        return [row[0] for row in results]

    def verifyKit(self, supplied_kit_id):
        """Set the KIT_VERIFIED for the supplied_kit_id to 'y'"""
        sql = """UPDATE AG_KIT
                 SET kit_verified='y'
                 WHERE supplied_kit_id=%s"""
        self._sql.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id])

    def getMapMarkers(self):
        cur_completed = self.get_cursor()
        cur_ver = self.get_cursor()
        cur_ll = self.get_cursor()

        # fetch all latitide/longitude by kit id
        cur_ll.execute("""SELECT ak.supplied_kit_id, al.latitude, al.longitude
                          FROM ag_login al
                               INNER JOIN ag_kit ak
                               ON ak.ag_login_id=al.ag_login_id
                          WHERE al.latitude IS NOT NULL AND
                                al.longitude IS NOT NULL""")
        ll = {res[0]: (res[1], res[2]) for res in cur_ll.fetchall()}

        # determine all completed kits
        cur_completed.execute("""SELECT ak.supplied_kit_id
                                 FROM ag_kit ak
                                 WHERE (
                                       SELECT  count(*)
                                       FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb
                                       WHERE akb.ag_kit_id = ak.ag_kit_id
                                       ) =
                                       SELECT  count(*)
                                       FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb
                                       WHERE akb.ag_kit_id = ak.ag_kit_id AND
                                             akb.site_sampled IS NOT NULL
        completed = (res[0] for res in cur_completed.fetchall())

        # determine what kit are not verified
        cur_ver.execute("""SELECT supplied_kit_id, kit_verified
                           FROM ag_kit""")
        notverified = (res[0] for res in cur_ver.fetchall() if res[1] == 'n')

        # set green for completed kits
        res = {ll[kid]: '00FF00' for kid in completed if kid in ll}

        # set blue for unverified kits
        res.update({ll[kid]: '00B2FF' for kid in notverified if kid in ll})

        # set yellow for all others
        res.update({v: 'FFFF00' for k, v in ll.items() if v not in res})

        return [[lat, lng, c] for ((lat, lng), c) in res.items()]

    def handoutCheck(self, username, password):
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        cursor.execute("""SELECT password
                          FROM ag.ag_handout_kits
                          WHERE kit_id=%s""", [username])
        to_check = cursor.fetchone()

        if not to_check:
            return False
            return bcrypt.verify(password, to_check[0])

    def check_access(self, supplied_kit_id, barcode):
        """Check if the user has access to the barcode

        supplied_kit_id : str
            The user's supplied kit ID
        barcode : str
            The barcode to check access for

            True if the user can access the barcode, False otherwise
        ag_login_id = self.get_user_for_kit(supplied_kit_id)
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        cursor.execute("""SELECT EXISTS (
                              SELECT barcode
                              FROM ag.ag_kit JOIN
                                   ag.ag_kit_barcodes USING(ag_kit_id)
                              WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND
                                    barcode = %s)""", [ag_login_id, barcode])
        return cursor.fetchone()[0]

    def getAGKitIDsByEmail(self, email):
        """Returns a list of kitids based on email

        email is email address of login
        returns a list of kit_id's associated with the email or an empty list
        sql = """SELECT  supplied_kit_id
                 FROM ag_kit
                 INNER JOIN ag_login USING (ag_login_id)
                 WHERE email = %s"""
        return [row[0] for row in self._sql.execute_fetchall(
            sql, [email.lower()])]

    def ag_set_pass_change_code(self, email, kitid, pass_code):
        """updates ag_kit table with the supplied pass_code

        email is email address of participant
        kitid is supplied_kit_id in the ag_kit table
        pass_code is the password change verfication value
        sql = """UPDATE ag_kit
                 SET pass_reset_code = %s,
                     pass_reset_time = clock_timestamp() + interval '2' hour
                 WHERE supplied_kit_id = %s AND ag_login_id in
                     (SELECT ag_login_id FROM ag_login WHERE email = %s)"""
        self._sql.execute(sql, [pass_code, kitid, email])

    def ag_update_kit_password(self, kit_id, password):
        """updates ag_kit table with password

        kit_id is supplied_kit_id in the ag_kit table
        password is the new password
        password = bcrypt.encrypt(password)

        sql = """UPDATE AG_KIT
                 SET kit_password = %s, pass_reset_code = NULL
                 WHERE supplied_kit_id = %s"""
        self.connection.commit(sql, [password, kit_id])

    def ag_verify_kit_password_change_code(self, email, kitid, passcode):
        """returns true if it still in the password change window

        email is the email address of the participant
        kitid is the supplied_kit_id in the ag_kit table
        passcode is the password change verification value
        sql = """SELECT EXISTS(SELECT pass_reset_time
                 FROM ag.ag_kit
                 INNER JOIN ag.ag_login USING (ag_login_id)
                 WHERE pass_reset_code = %s and email = %s
                 AND supplied_kit_id = %s
                 AND NOW() < pass_reset_time)"""
        return self._sql.execute_fetchone(sql, [passcode, email, kitid])[0]

    def getBarcodesByKit(self, kitid):
        """Returns a list of barcodes in a kit

        kitid is the supplied_kit_id from the ag_kit table
        sql = """SELECT barcode
                 FROM ag_kit_barcodes
                 INNER JOIN ag_kit USING (ag_kit_id)
                 WHERE supplied_kit_id = %s"""
        results = self._sql.execute_fetchall(sql, [kitid])
        return [row[0] for row in results]

    def checkPrintResults(self, kit_id):
        sql = "SELECT print_results FROM ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id = %s"
        results = self._sql.execute_fetchone(sql, [kit_id])
        if results is None:
            return None
            return results[0].strip()

    def get_user_for_kit(self, supplied_kit_id):
        sql = ("select AK.ag_login_id from ag_kit AK "
               "join ag_login AL on AK.ag_login_id = AL.ag_login_id "
               "where AK.supplied_kit_id = %s")
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id])
        results = cursor.fetchone()
        if results:
            return results[0]
            raise RuntimeError("No user ID for kit %s" % supplied_kit_id)

    def get_menu_items(self, supplied_kit_id):
        """Returns information required to populate the menu of the website"""
        ag_login_id = self.get_user_for_kit(supplied_kit_id)
        info = self.getAGKitDetails(supplied_kit_id)

        kit_verified = False
        if info['kit_verified'] == 'y':
            kit_verified = True

        human_samples = {hs: self.getParticipantSamples(ag_login_id, hs)
                         for hs in self.getHumanParticipants(ag_login_id)}
        animal_samples = {ans: self.getParticipantSamples(ag_login_id, ans)
                          for ans in self.getAnimalParticipants(ag_login_id)}
        environmental_samples = self.getEnvironmentalSamples(ag_login_id)

        return (human_samples, animal_samples, environmental_samples,

    def check_if_consent_exists(self, ag_login_id, participant_name):
        """Return True if a consent already exists"""
        sql = """select exists(
                    select 1
                    from ag_consent
                    where ag_login_id=%s and
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        cursor.execute(sql, (ag_login_id, participant_name))
        return cursor.fetchone()[0]

    def get_user_info(self, supplied_kit_id):
        sql = """SELECT  cast(agl.ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id,
              ,, agl.address,,
                 from    ag_login agl
                        inner join ag_kit agk
                        on agl.ag_login_id = agk.ag_login_id
                 where   agk.supplied_kit_id = %s"""
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id])
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cursor)

        user_data = {}
        if row:
            user_data = dict(zip(col_names, row))
            user_data['ag_login_id'] = str(user_data['ag_login_id'])

        return user_data

    def get_person_info(self, survey_id):
        # get question responses
        info = {'birth_month': 'Unspecified', 'birth_year': 'Unspecified', 'gender': 'Unspecified'}
        sql = ("SELECT q.american, sa.response FROM ag.survey_answers_other "
               " sa JOIN ag.ag_login_surveys ls ON sa.survey_id = ls.survey_id "
               "JOIN ag.survey_question q ON q.survey_question_id = sa.survey_question_id "
               "WHERE sa.survey_id = %s AND q.american IN ('Birth month:','Birth year:','Gender:')")
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        cursor.execute(sql, [survey_id])
        rows = cursor.fetchall()

        for res in rows:
            value = json.loads(res[1])[0]
            if res[0] == 'Birth month:':
                info['birth_month'] = value
            elif res[0] == 'Birth year:':
                info['birth_year'] = value
            elif res[0] == 'Gender:':
                info['gender'] = value

        # get name from consent form
        sql = ("SELECT c.participant_name FROM ag.ag_consent c JOIN "
               "ag.ag_login_surveys ls ON c.ag_login_id = ls.ag_login_id WHERE "
               "ls.survey_id = %s")
        cursor.execute(sql, [survey_id])
        info["name"] = cursor.fetchone()[0]

        return info

    def get_barcode_results(self, supplied_kit_id):
        """Get the results associated with the login ID of the kit"""
        ag_login_id = self.get_user_for_kit(supplied_kit_id)
        cursor = self.get_cursor()

        sql = """SELECT akb.barcode, akb.participant_name
                 FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb
                 INNER JOIN ag_kit agk USING(ag_kit_id)
                 WHERE agk.ag_login_id = %s AND akb.results_ready = 'Y'"""

        cursor.execute(sql, [ag_login_id])
        results = cursor.fetchall()
        col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cursor)
        return [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in results]

    def get_login_info(self, ag_login_id):
        sql = """select  ag_login_id, email, name, address, city, state, zip,
                 from    ag_login
                 where   ag_login_id = %s"""
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        cursor.execute(sql, [ag_login_id])
        col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description]
        results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()]
        return results

### GENERAL DATA ACCESS  #######################
# not sure where these should end up

    def get_survey_id(self, ag_login_id, participant_name):
        """Return the survey ID associated with a participant or None"""
        sql = """select survey_id
                 from ag_login_surveys
                 where ag_login_id=%s and participant_name=%s"""
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        cursor.execute(sql, [ag_login_id, participant_name])
        id_ = cursor.fetchone()

        return id_[0] if id_ else None

    def get_countries(self):
        list of str
         All country names in database"""
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        return [x[0] for x in conn_handler.execute_fetchall(
            'SELECT country FROM ag.iso_country_lookup ORDER BY country')]