class RateAnalyser(WinAnalyser):
    def __init__(self):
        super(RateAnalyser, self).__init__()
        self.timeAndGold = AnalysisTree(2, WinAnalyser, {1: anyValueTime, 2: anyValueGold})
    def analyze(self, data):
        WinAnalyser.analyze(self, data)
        timeStep = getTimeSection(data.timeStamp)
        goldDiff = getGoldSection(data.goldDiff)
        self.timeAndGold.analyze((goldDiff, timeStep), data)
    def result(self):
        timeAndGoldTable = [self.timeAndGold.result(keys) for keys in product(possibleGoldValues, possibleTimeValues)]
        timeTable = [self.timeAndGold.result(keys) for keys in product((anyValueGold,), possibleTimeValues)]
        goldTable = [self.timeAndGold.result(keys) for keys in product(possibleGoldValues, (anyValueTime,))]
        winStatistic = self.timeAndGold.result((anyValueGold, anyValueTime))
        return TimeGoldSpread(timeAndGoldTable, timeTable, goldTable, winStatistic)
        print('Everthing is saved')

    def shouldAnalyze(dataSet):
        return dataSet.itemId in Items.apItemIds and dataSet.eventType == FrameEventType.ITEM_PURCHASED

    print('Ap item ids: ', Items.apItemIds)
    with skipCounter:
        lastTime = time.time()
        for data in dataSets:
            if not shouldAnalyze(data):
            if doneCount < skipCounter.object:
                doneCount += 1
            analysisTree.analyze(mapDataToKey(data), data)
            doneCount += 1
            oneRuncount += 1
            #Increase or decrease this number according to the memory available to you. This is for ~1GiB
            if oneRuncount > 20000:
                oneRuncount = 0
            if time.time() - lastTime > 10:
                print("{0} data sets analyzed".format(doneCount))
                lastTime = time.time()

        print("All data sets are now analysed")
        print("Analysis saved to disk")