Beispiel #1
 def supportedFeatures(array):
     '''Return a list of feature names that are available for the given array. These feature
        names are the valid inputs to a call of :func:`extractFeatures`. E.g., to compute 
        just the first two features in the list, use::
             f = vigra.analysis.supportedFeatures(array)
             print "Computing features:", f[:2]
             r = vigra.analysis.extractFeatures(array, features=f[:2])
     return analysis.extractFeatures(array, None).supportedFeatures()
Beispiel #2
    def supportedFeatures(array):
        '''Return a list of feature names that are available for the given array. These feature
           names are the valid inputs to a call of :func:`extractFeatures`. E.g., to compute 
           just the first two features in the list, use::
                f = vigra.analysis.supportedFeatures(array)
                print "Computing features:", f[:2]
                r = vigra.analysis.extractFeatures(array, features=f[:2])

        return analysis.extractFeatures(array, None).supportedFeatures()
Beispiel #3
 def supportedFeatures(array):
     '''Return a list of feature names that are available for the given array. These feature
        names are the valid inputs to a call of :func:`extractFeatures`(array, features=...).
     return analysis.extractFeatures(array, None).supportedFeatures()