Beispiel #1
    def has_stable_solution(g, A, B, Q, R, eps):
        R[0:Bdist.shape[1], 0:Bdist.shape[1]] = -g**(2)*np.eye(Bdist.shape[1], Bdist.shape[1])
        #Riccati equation prerequisites:
        if not analysis.is_stabilisable(A, B):
            return False, None
        if not analysis.is_detectable(Q, A):
            return False, None
            X = scipy.linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
        except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            return False, None
        eigsX = np.linalg.eigvals(X)
        if (np.min(np.real(eigsX)) < 0) or (np.sum(np.abs(np.imag(eigsX)))>eps):
            #The ARE has to return a pos. semidefinite solution, but X is not
            return False, None  
        CL = A - Binput*np.linalg.inv(D12.T*D12)*Binput.T*X + g**(-2)*Bdist*Bdist.T*X 
        eigs = np.linalg.eigvals(CL)
        return (np.max(np.real(eigs)) < -eps), X
Beispiel #2
    def has_stable_solution(g, A, B, Q, R, eps):
        R[0:Bdist.shape[1], 0:Bdist.shape[1]] = -g**(2)*np.eye(Bdist.shape[1], Bdist.shape[1])
        #Riccati equation prerequisites:
        if not analysis.is_stabilisable(A, B):
            return False, None
        if not analysis.is_detectable(Q, A):
            return False, None
            X = scipy.linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
        except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            return False, None
        eigsX = np.linalg.eigvals(X)
        if (np.min(np.real(eigsX)) < 0) or (np.sum(np.abs(np.imag(eigsX)))>eps):
            #The ARE has to return a pos. semidefinite solution, but X is not
            return False, None  
        CL = A - Binput*np.linalg.inv(D12.T*D12)*Binput.T*X + g**(-2)*Bdist*Bdist.T*X 
        eigs = np.linalg.eigvals(CL)
        return (np.max(np.real(eigs)) < -eps), X
Beispiel #3
def controller_Hinf_state_feedback(A, Binput, Bdist, C1, D12, stabilityBoundaryEps=1e-16, gammaRelTol=1e-3, gammaLB = 0, gammaUB = np.Inf, subOptimality = 1.0):
    """Solve for the optimal H_infinity static state feedback controller.
    A, Bdist, and Binput are system matrices, describing the systems dynamics:
     dx/dt = A*x + Binput*u + Bdist*v
     where x is the system state, u is the input, and v is the disturbance
    The goal is to minimize the output Z, in the H_inf sense, defined as
     z = C1*x + D12*u
    The optimal output is given by a static feedback gain:
     u = - K*x
    The optimizing gain is found by a bisection search to within a relative 
    tolerance gammaRelTol, which may be supplied by the user. The search may
    be initialised with lower and upper bounds gammaLB and gammaUB.
    The user may also specify a desired suboptimality, so that the returned
    controller does not achieve the minimum Hinf norm. This may be desirable 
    because of numerical issues near the optimal solution.
    A  : (n, n) Matrix
    Bdist : (n, m) Matrix
    Binput : (n, p) Matrix
    C1 : (n, q) Matrix
    D12: (q, p) Matrix
    stabilityBoundaryEps: float
        Input (optional)
    gammaRelTol: float
        Input (optional)
    gammaLB: float
        Input (optional)
    gammaUB: float
        Input (optional)
    K : (m, n) Matrix
        Hinf optimal controller gain
    X : (n, n) Matrix
        Solution to the Ricatti equation
    J : Minimum cost value (gamma)
    assert analysis.is_stabilisable(A, Binput), '(A, Binput) must be stabilisable'
    assert np.linalg.det(D12.T*D12), 'D12.T*D12 must be invertible'
    assert np.max(np.abs(D12.T*C1))==0, 'D12.T*C1 must be zero'
    tmp = analysis.unobservable_modes(C1, A, returnEigenValues=True)[1]
    if tmp:
        assert np.max(np.abs(np.real(tmp)))>0, 'The pair (C1,A) must have no unobservable modes on imag. axis'
    #First, solve the ARE:
    # A.T*X+X*A - X*Binput*inv(D12.T*D12)*Binput.T*X + gamma**(-2)*X*Bdist*Bdist.T*X + C1.T*C1 = 0
    # R = [[-gamma**(-2)*eye, 0],[0, D12.T*D12]]
    # B = [Bdist, Binput]
    # Q = C1.T*C1
    #then we have to solve
    # A.T*X+X*A - X*B*inv(R)*B.T*X + Q = 0
    B = np.matrix(np.zeros([Bdist.shape[0],(Bdist.shape[1]+Binput.shape[1])]))
    B[:,:Bdist.shape[1]] = Bdist
    B[:,Bdist.shape[1]:] = Binput
    R = np.matrix(np.zeros([B.shape[1], B.shape[1]]))
    #we fill the upper left of R later.
    R[Bdist.shape[1]:,Bdist.shape[1]:] = D12.T*D12
    Q = C1.T*C1
    #Define a helper function:
    def has_stable_solution(g, A, B, Q, R, eps):
        R[0:Bdist.shape[1], 0:Bdist.shape[1]] = -g**(2)*np.eye(Bdist.shape[1], Bdist.shape[1])
        #Riccati equation prerequisites:
        if not analysis.is_stabilisable(A, B):
            return False, None
        if not analysis.is_detectable(Q, A):
            return False, None
            X = scipy.linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
        except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            return False, None
        eigsX = np.linalg.eigvals(X)
        if (np.min(np.real(eigsX)) < 0) or (np.sum(np.abs(np.imag(eigsX)))>eps):
            #The ARE has to return a pos. semidefinite solution, but X is not
            return False, None  
        CL = A - Binput*np.linalg.inv(D12.T*D12)*Binput.T*X + g**(-2)*Bdist*Bdist.T*X 
        eigs = np.linalg.eigvals(CL)
        return (np.max(np.real(eigs)) < -eps), X
    X = None
    if np.isinf(gammaUB):
        #automatically choose an UB
        gammaUB = np.max([1, gammaLB])
        #Find an upper bound:
        counter = 1
        while True:
            stab, X2 = has_stable_solution(gammaUB, A, B, Q, R, stabilityBoundaryEps)
            if stab:
                X = X2.copy()
            gammaUB *= 2
            counter += 1 
            assert counter < 1024, 'Exceeded max number of iterations searching for upper gamma bound!'
    #Find the minimising gain
    while (gammaUB-gammaLB)>gammaRelTol*gammaUB:
        g = 0.5*(gammaUB+gammaLB)
        stab, X2 = has_stable_solution(g, A, B, Q, R, stabilityBoundaryEps)
        if stab:
            gammaUB = g
            X = X2
            gammaLB = g
    assert X is not None, 'No solution found! Check supplied upper bound'
    g = gammaUB
    if subOptimality > 1.0:
        #compute a sub optimal solution
        g *= subOptimality
        stab, X = has_stable_solution(g, A, B, Q, R, stabilityBoundaryEps)
        assert stab, 'Sub-optimal solution not found!'

    K = np.linalg.inv(D12.T*D12)*Binput.T*X
    J = g
    return K, X, J
Beispiel #4
def controller_Hinf_state_feedback(A, Binput, Bdist, C1, D12, stabilityBoundaryEps=1e-16, gammaRelTol=1e-3, gammaLB = 0, gammaUB = np.Inf, subOptimality = 1.0):
    """Solve for the optimal H_infinity static state feedback controller.
    A, Bdist, and Binput are system matrices, describing the systems dynamics:
     dx/dt = A*x + Binput*u + Bdist*v
     where x is the system state, u is the input, and v is the disturbance
    The goal is to minimize the output Z, in the H_inf sense, defined as
     z = C1*x + D12*u
    The optimal output is given by a static feedback gain:
     u = - K*x
    The optimizing gain is found by a bisection search to within a relative 
    tolerance gammaRelTol, which may be supplied by the user. The search may
    be initialised with lower and upper bounds gammaLB and gammaUB.
    The user may also specify a desired suboptimality, so that the returned
    controller does not achieve the minimum Hinf norm. This may be desirable 
    because of numerical issues near the optimal solution.
    A  : (n, n) Matrix
    Bdist : (n, m) Matrix
    Binput : (n, p) Matrix
    C1 : (n, q) Matrix
    D12: (q, p) Matrix
    stabilityBoundaryEps: float
        Input (optional)
    gammaRelTol: float
        Input (optional)
    gammaLB: float
        Input (optional)
    gammaUB: float
        Input (optional)
    K : (m, n) Matrix
        Hinf optimal controller gain
    X : (n, n) Matrix
        Solution to the Ricatti equation
    J : Minimum cost value (gamma)
    assert analysis.is_stabilisable(A, Binput), '(A, Binput) must be stabilisable'
    assert np.linalg.det(D12.T*D12), 'D12.T*D12 must be invertible'
    assert np.max(np.abs(D12.T*C1))==0, 'D12.T*C1 must be zero'
    tmp = analysis.unobservable_modes(C1, A, returnEigenValues=True)[1]
    if tmp:
        assert np.max(np.abs(np.real(tmp)))>0, 'The pair (C1,A) must have no unobservable modes on imag. axis'
    #First, solve the ARE:
    # A.T*X+X*A - X*Binput*inv(D12.T*D12)*Binput.T*X + gamma**(-2)*X*Bdist*Bdist.T*X + C1.T*C1 = 0
    # R = [[-gamma**(-2)*eye, 0],[0, D12.T*D12]]
    # B = [Bdist, Binput]
    # Q = C1.T*C1
    #then we have to solve
    # A.T*X+X*A - X*B*inv(R)*B.T*X + Q = 0
    B = np.matrix(np.zeros([Bdist.shape[0],(Bdist.shape[1]+Binput.shape[1])]))
    B[:,:Bdist.shape[1]] = Bdist
    B[:,Bdist.shape[1]:] = Binput
    R = np.matrix(np.zeros([B.shape[1], B.shape[1]]))
    #we fill the upper left of R later.
    R[Bdist.shape[1]:,Bdist.shape[1]:] = D12.T*D12
    Q = C1.T*C1
    #Define a helper function:
    def has_stable_solution(g, A, B, Q, R, eps):
        R[0:Bdist.shape[1], 0:Bdist.shape[1]] = -g**(2)*np.eye(Bdist.shape[1], Bdist.shape[1])
        #Riccati equation prerequisites:
        if not analysis.is_stabilisable(A, B):
            return False, None
        if not analysis.is_detectable(Q, A):
            return False, None
            X = scipy.linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
        except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            return False, None
        eigsX = np.linalg.eigvals(X)
        if (np.min(np.real(eigsX)) < 0) or (np.sum(np.abs(np.imag(eigsX)))>eps):
            #The ARE has to return a pos. semidefinite solution, but X is not
            return False, None  
        CL = A - Binput*np.linalg.inv(D12.T*D12)*Binput.T*X + g**(-2)*Bdist*Bdist.T*X 
        eigs = np.linalg.eigvals(CL)
        return (np.max(np.real(eigs)) < -eps), X
    X = None
    if np.isinf(gammaUB):
        #automatically choose an UB
        gammaUB = np.max([1, gammaLB])
        #Find an upper bound:
        counter = 1
        while True:
            stab, X2 = has_stable_solution(gammaUB, A, B, Q, R, stabilityBoundaryEps)
            if stab:
                X = X2.copy()
            gammaUB *= 2
            counter += 1 
            assert counter < 1024, 'Exceeded max number of iterations searching for upper gamma bound!'
    #Find the minimising gain
    while (gammaUB-gammaLB)>gammaRelTol*gammaUB:
        g = 0.5*(gammaUB+gammaLB)
        stab, X2 = has_stable_solution(g, A, B, Q, R, stabilityBoundaryEps)
        if stab:
            gammaUB = g
            X = X2
            gammaLB = g
    assert X is not None, 'No solution found! Check supplied upper bound'
    g = gammaUB
    if subOptimality > 1.0:
        #compute a sub optimal solution
        g *= subOptimality
        stab, X = has_stable_solution(g, A, B, Q, R, stabilityBoundaryEps)
        assert stab, 'Sub-optimal solution not found!'

    K = np.linalg.inv(D12.T*D12)*Binput.T*X
    J = g
    return K, X, J