def add_number_spark(self, number, start_pos, end_pos, dt=1.0, color=None, dim=2): random_offset = euclid.Vector3(self.randomizer.random() * 50 - 25, self.randomizer.random() * 30, 0) start_pos += random_offset end_pos += random_offset if color == None: color = (1., 1., 1., 1) elif isinstance(color, str): color = self.COLORS.get(color) else: color = color spark = Label(str(number), size=40, color=color, shadow=False, halign="center", valign="center", pos=start_pos) spark._pos.set_transition(dt=dt, method="ease_out_circ") #ease_out_back") spark.pos = end_pos spark.visible = anim.animate(1., 0., dt=dt) spark.scale = anim.animate(1.0, 1.3, dt=dt, method="sine") if dim == 2: self.active_sparks.append(spark) else: self.active_sparks_3d.append(spark)
def set_chained_transition(self, positions, dts, methods): assert len(positions) > 0 if isinstance(dts, list) or isinstance(dts, tuple): assert len(dts) == len(positions) else: dts = [dts] * len(positions) if isinstance(methods, list) or isinstance(methods, tuple): assert len(methods) == len(positions) else: methods = [methods] * len(positions) x_chain = [] prev_x = self.x y_chain = [] prev_y = self.y z_chain = [] prev_z = self.z for pos, dt, method in zip(positions, dts, methods): x_chain.append(animate(prev_x, pos.x, dt=dt, method=method)) y_chain.append(animate(prev_y, pos.y, dt=dt, method=method)) z_chain.append(animate(prev_z, pos.z, dt=dt, method=method)) prev_x = pos.x prev_y = pos.y prev_z = pos.z self.x = chain(x_chain) self.y = chain(y_chain) self.z = chain(z_chain)
def set_chained_transition(self, quaternions, dts, methods): assert len(quaternions) > 0 if isinstance(dts, list) or isinstance(dts, tuple): assert len(dts) == len(quaternions) else: dts = [dts] * len(quaternions) if isinstance(methods, list) or isinstance(methods, tuple): assert len(methods) == len(quaternions) else: methods = [methods] * len(quaternions) w_chain = [] prev_w = self.w x_chain = [] prev_x = self.x y_chain = [] prev_y = self.y z_chain = [] prev_z = self.z for quat, dt, method in zip(quaternions, dts, methods): w_chain.append(animate(prev_w, quat.w, dt=dt, method=method)) x_chain.append(animate(prev_x, quat.x, dt=dt, method=method)) y_chain.append(animate(prev_y, quat.y, dt=dt, method=method)) z_chain.append(animate(prev_z, quat.z, dt=dt, method=method)) prev_w = quat.w prev_x = quat.x prev_y = quat.y prev_z = quat.z self.w = chain(w_chain) self.x = chain(x_chain) self.y = chain(y_chain) self.z = chain(z_chain)
def __init__(self, pos=zero, is_opponent=False): super(StatusView,self).__init__(pos) self._toggled = False self._spacing = 10 self._reveal_library = False self.color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) self.is_opponent = is_opponent #self._pos.set_transition(dt=0.1, method="linear") #symbols = ["life", "library", "hand", "graveyard", "exile"] symbols = ["life", "hand", "library", "graveyard", "exile"] self.symbols = dict([(symbol, cls(symbol)) for symbol, cls in zip(symbols, [Image, Image, Image, Image, Image])]) for symbol in self.symbols.values(): symbol.alpha = 0.8 self.player_name = Label("", 11, halign="left", fontname = "Arial Bold", valign="center", shadow=False) #sizes = [20, 16, 14, 14, 14] sizes = [20, 14, 14, 14, 14] self.values = dict([(symbol, Label('', size, fontname = "Arial Bold", halign="center", valign="center", shadow=False)) for symbol, size in zip(symbols, sizes)]) #for val in self.values.values(): self.avatar = Image(pyglet.image.Texture.create(80,80)) self.avatar.shaking = 0 self.avatar.alpha = anim.animate(1., 1., dt=0.25) self.alpha = anim.animate(1., 1., dt=0.25) self.manapool = ManaPool(is_opponent) self.zone_view = ZoneView() self._library = LibraryImage(is_opponent) self.width, self.height = 145,135
def entering_play(self): self.is_tapped = False self.tapping = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.3) self.highlighting = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.2) self.zooming = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.2) self.pos_transition = "ease_out_circ" #"ease_out_back" self._pos.set_transition(dt=0.4, method=self.pos_transition) #self._pos.y = anim.animate(guicard._pos.y, guicard._pos.y, dt=0.4, method="ease_out") self._orientation.set_transition(dt=0.3, method="sine") self.can_layout = True if self.gamecard.types == Creature: self.setup_creature_role() # Check for counters dispatcher.connect(self.add_counter, signal=CounterAddedEvent(), sender=self.gamecard) dispatcher.connect(self.remove_counter, signal=CounterRemovedEvent(), sender=self.gamecard) dispatcher.connect(self.type_modified, signal=TypesModifiedEvent(), sender=self.gamecard) self.counters = [ Counter(counter.ctype) for counter in self.gamecard.counters ] self.layout_counters()
def __init__(self,value,pos=euclid.Vector3(0,0,0)): super(Image,self).__init__(pos) if isinstance(value, str): self.img = ImageCache.get(value) else: self.img = value self.alpha = anim.animate(1.0,1.0,dt=1,method="sine") self.color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self._scale = anim.animate(self._final_scale, self._final_scale, dt=0.25, method="sine")
def __init__(self, pos=euclid.Vector3(0,0,0)): self._pos = AnimatedVector3(pos) self.visible = anim.animate(0, 1, dt=1.0) self.rotatex = anim.animate(0,0,dt=1.0) self.rotatey = anim.animate(0,0,dt=1.0) self.rotatez = anim.animate(0,0,dt=1.0) self._final_scale = 1.0 self._scale = anim.animate(self._final_scale, self._final_scale, dt=0.25, method="linear")
def add_card(self, card): newcard = CardLibrary.CardLibrary.getCard(card) newcard._pos.set_transition(dt=0.3, method="sine") #ease_out_back") #self.pos_transition) #newcard._orientation.set(euclid.Quaternion()) #newcard._orientation.set_transition(dt=0.2, method=self.orientation_transition) newcard.size = anim.animate(0.1, 0.1, dt=0.3, method="sine") newcard.alpha = anim.animate(0, 1, dt=0.1, method="linear")
def animate_life(self, amount): symbol = self.symbols["life"] curr_scale = symbol._final_scale if amount > 0: final_scale = curr_scale*1.5 else: final_scale = curr_scale*0.5 symbol._scale = anim.animate(curr_scale, final_scale,dt=0.75, method="oscillate") symbol.alpha = anim.animate(symbol.alpha, 0.7,dt=0.75, method="oscillate") self.update_life()
def __init__(self): self.background = ImageCache.get_texture("matte.png") self._redzone_width = anim.animate(0,0,dt=0.5, method="linear") self._render_redzone = anim.animate(0,0,dt=0.5, method="linear") self._highlight_top = anim.animate(0,0,dt=0.8, method="ease_out") self._highlight_bottom = anim.animate(0,0,dt=0.8, method="ease_out") self.highlight = "bottom" self.numtiles = 8 self.size = 8
def button(self, id): if id == 51: self.get_layout(CanvasLayout) = [] = [] langrange = System(, animate(langrange)
def highlight(self): if self.highlighting == 0: self.highlighting = anim.animate(0, 1, dt=0.75) #self.old_size = self.size self.size = anim.animate(self.size, 1.5 * self.size, dt=0.5, method="oscillate", extend="repeat")
def __init__(self): self.background = ImageCache.get_texture("matte.png") self._redzone_width = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.5, method="linear") self._render_redzone = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.5, method="linear") self._highlight_top = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.8, method="ease_out") self._highlight_bottom = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.8, method="ease_out") self.highlight = "bottom" self.numtiles = 8 self.size = 8
def add_card_spark(self, card, start_pos, end_pos, size, dt=1.0, grow=False, dim=2): spark = Image(card._texture, pos=start_pos) spark._pos.set_transition(dt=dt, method="ease_in") #ease_out_back") spark.pos = end_pos spark.visible = anim.animate(1., 0., dt=dt, method="step") if grow: spark.scale = anim.animate(0.1, size, dt=dt, method="sine") else: spark.scale = anim.animate(1.5, size, dt=dt, method="sine") if dim == 2: self.active_sparks.append(spark) else: self.active_sparks_3d.append(spark)
def __init__(self, value, pos=euclid.Vector3(0, 0, 0)): super(Image, self).__init__(pos) if isinstance(value, str): self.img = ImageCache.get(value) else: self.img = value self.alpha = anim.animate(1.0, 1.0, dt=1, method="sine") self.color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self._scale = anim.animate(self._final_scale, self._final_scale, dt=0.25, method="sine")
def highlight(self): if self.highlighting == 0: self.highlighting = anim.animate(0, 1, dt=0.75) self.old_pos = self.pos self.pos += euclid.Vector3(0, 3, 0) self.highlight_alpha = anim.animate(0.0, 0.8, dt=1, method="oscillate", extend="repeat")
def add_card(self, card): newcard = CardLibrary.CardLibrary.getHandCard(card) self._card_map[card.key] = newcard newcard.hidden = self.hidden newcard._pos.set_transition(dt=0.8, method="sine") #self.pos_transition) newcard._orientation.set_transition(dt=0.2, method=self.orientation_transition) newcard.size = anim.animate(newcard.size, newcard.size, dt=0.2, method="sine") newcard.alpha = anim.animate(0, 1.0, dt=1.0, method="ease_out_circ") self.layout()
def __init__(self, pos=euclid.Vector3(0,0,0)): super(StackView,self).__init__(pos) self.is_focused = False self._is_spaced = True self.visible = anim.constant(0) #self.header = Label("Stack", halign="left", valign="top") #self.header.pos = euclid.Vector3(0,0,0) #self.text = Label("", halign="left", valign="center", shadow=False, background=True) #self.text.visible = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.4, method="linear") self.width = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.2, method="ease_out") self.height = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.2, method="ease_out")
def __init__(self, pos=euclid.Vector3(0, 0, 0)): self._pos = AnimatedVector3(pos) self.visible = anim.animate(0, 1, dt=1.0) self.rotatex = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=1.0) self.rotatey = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=1.0) self.rotatez = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=1.0) self._final_scale = 1.0 self._scale = anim.animate(self._final_scale, self._final_scale, dt=0.25, method="linear")
def __init__(self, pos=euclid.Vector3(0,0,0)): super(ZoneView,self).__init__(pos,reverse_draw=True) self._pos.set_transition(dt=0.001) self.selected_width = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.3, method="sine") self.sorted = False self.padding = 15 points = [(0.0, 0.0), (26.0, 244.0), (184.0, 368.0), (400.0, 226.0)] self.path = BezierPath(*[euclid.Point2(v[0], v[1]) for v in points]) self.visible = anim.animate(0,0,dt=0.3) self.layout = self.layout_straight self.is_library = False
def hide(self): self.visible = 0.0 for card in card.alpha = 0.5 #card._pos.set_transition(dt=0.25, method="ease_out_circ") card.pos = euclid.Vector3(-self.padding,0,0) card.size = anim.animate(card.size, 0.1, dt=0.25, method="ease_out_circ") for card in self.selected: card.alpha = 0.5 #card._pos.set_transition(dt=0.25, method="ease_out_circ") card.pos = euclid.Vector3(-self.padding,0,0) card.size = anim.animate(card.size, 0.1, dt=0.25, method="ease_out_circ")
def add_star_spark(self, start_pos, end_pos, dt=1.0, color=None, start_size=0.2, end_size=2.0, dim=2): spark = Image('targeting', pos=start_pos) if color == None: spark.color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) elif isinstance(color, str): spark.color = self.COLORS.get(color) else: spark.color = color spark.visible = anim.animate(1., 0., dt=dt) spark.rotatez = anim.animate(15, -45, dt=dt, method="sine") spark.scale = anim.animate(start_size, end_size, dt=dt, method="sine") spark.alpha = anim.animate(1.0, 0., dt=dt) if dim == 2: self.active_sparks.append(spark) else: self.active_sparks_3d.append(spark)
def add_spark(self, start_pos, end_pos, dt=1.0, color=None, grow=False, dim=2): spark = Image("glow", pos=start_pos) spark._pos.set_transition(dt=dt, method="ease_out_circ") #ease_out_back") spark.pos = end_pos if color == None: spark.color=(1.,1.,1.) elif isinstance(color, str): spark.color = self.COLORS.get(color) else: spark.color = color spark.visible = anim.animate(1., 0., dt=dt) if grow: spark.scale = anim.animate(0.5, 2.0, dt=dt, method="sine") else: spark.scale = anim.animate(2.0, 0.2, dt=dt, method="sine") if dim == 2: self.active_sparks.append(spark) else: self.active_sparks_3d.append(spark)
def add_ability(self, newcard, startt): self.focus_idx = len(self)-1 newcard.size = anim.animate(0.2, 0.2, startt=startt, dt=0.5, method="ease_out_circ") if startt != 0: newcard.visible = anim.animate(0,1,dt=startt, method="step") #self.header.dt = startt else: pass #self.header.dt = 0.01 self.layout() newcard.alpha = anim.animate(0, 0.5, startt=startt, dt=0.3, method="ease_out_circ") newcard._pos.set_transition(dt=0.2, method="ease_out") #self.pos_transition) newcard.announced = False return newcard
def animate_life(self, amount): symbol = self.symbols["life"] curr_scale = symbol._final_scale if amount > 0: final_scale = curr_scale * 1.5 else: final_scale = curr_scale * 0.5 symbol._scale = anim.animate(curr_scale, final_scale, dt=0.75, method="oscillate") symbol.alpha = anim.animate(symbol.alpha, 0.7, dt=0.75, method="oscillate") self.update_life()
def add_number_spark(self, number, start_pos, end_pos, dt=1.0, color=None, dim=2): random_offset = euclid.Vector3(self.randomizer.random()*50-25,self.randomizer.random()*30,0) start_pos += random_offset end_pos += random_offset if color == None: color=(1.,1.,1.,1) elif isinstance(color, str): color = self.COLORS.get(color) else: color = color spark = Label(str(number), size=40, color=color, shadow=False, halign="center", valign="center", pos=start_pos) spark._pos.set_transition(dt=dt, method="ease_out_circ") #ease_out_back") spark.pos = end_pos spark.visible = anim.animate(1., 0., dt=dt) spark.scale = anim.animate(1.0, 1.3, dt=dt, method="sine") if dim == 2: self.active_sparks.append(spark) else: self.active_sparks_3d.append(spark)
def add_card(self, card, startt): guicard = CardLibrary.CardLibrary.getPlayCard(card) self._card_map[card.key] = guicard guicard.entering_play() guicard._pos.set(euclid.Vector3(0, 0, 0)) cardsize = CARDSIZE if card.types == Creature: self.creatures.insert(0, guicard) guicard._row = self.creatures elif card.types == Land: if card.supertypes == Basic: for key in self.lands.keys(): if card.subtypes == key: self.lands[key].append(guicard) guicard._row = self.lands[key] cardsize = CARDSIZE * 0.8 break else: self.lands['Other'].append(guicard) guicard._row = self.lands['Other'] elif card.types == Aura and card.controller == card.attached_to.controller and Match.isPermanent( card.attached_to): # it should be attached at this point self.attached.append(guicard) guicard._row = self.attached self.card_attached(card, card.attached_to) else: self.other_perms.insert(0, guicard) guicard._row = self.other_perms guicard._orientation.set( euclid.Quaternion.new_rotate_axis(-math.pi / 2, euclid.Vector3(1, 0, 0))) #if self.is_opponent_view: guicard.orientation *= euclid.Quaternion.new_rotate_axis(math.pi, euclid.Vector3(0,0,1)) if card.tapped: guicard.tap() self.layout() if startt != 0: guicard.visible = anim.animate(0, 1, dt=startt, method="step") guicard.size = anim.animate(0.005, cardsize, dt=0.2, method="sine") guicard.alpha = anim.animate(0.5, 1, startt=startt, dt=1.0, method="ease_out_circ") guicard._orientation.set_transition(dt=0.2, method="sine") guicard._pos.set_transition(dt=0.2, method="ease_out_circ") #"ease_out_back") #guicard._pos.y = anim.animate(guicard._pos.y, guicard._pos.y, dt=0.4, method="sine") #"ease_out") return guicard
def __init__(self, fSize, pcCoverImage, angle=-70): self.pTexture = Texture(pcCoverImage) w, h = self.pTexture.fWidth, self.pTexture.fHeight if w > h: self.fWidth, self.fHeight = fSize, fSize*float(h)/w else: self.fWidth, self.fHeight = fSize*float(w)/h, fSize self.angle = angle self.z_base = -4 self.z_focus = -2 self.y_base = self.fHeight/2 - 1 self.fX = anim.ConstantAnimator(0) self.fY = anim.ConstantAnimator(0) self.fZ = anim.animate(start=self.z_base, end=self.z_base, dt=.5, method="ease_out_back") self.fAngle = anim.animate(start=angle, end=angle, dt=.5, method="ease_out_circ") self.fAlpha = pValueCoverAlpha self.current = False
def restore_card(self, card): #if self.zooming == 1.0: # This will finish the zooming motion if True: card.zooming = anim.animate(1, 0, dt=0.3, method="linear") #card = self.zooming_card card.size = card.old_size card.pos = card.old_pos
def __init__(self, gamecard, front, back, art, text="", style="regular"): super(StackCard,self).__init__(gamecard,front,back) self._art = art self.highlighting = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.2, method="step") self.size = anim.animate(self.size, self.size, dt=0.2, method="sine") self.alpha = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=1.0, method="ease_out_circ") = style self.stackwidth, self.stackheight = 368, 414 if == "regular": self._texture = pyglet.image.Texture.create(self.renderwidth, self.renderheight, force_rectangle=True) Card._render(self._texture, self._art, self.gamecard) else: self._texture = pyglet.image.Texture.create(self.stackwidth, self.stackheight, force_rectangle=True) self.text = text self.render_special() if not StackCard.borderedlist: StackCard.borderedlist = self.build_renderlist(self.stackwidth, self.stackheight)
def set_phase(self, state): self.current_state = state.lower() if state in self.state_map: self.current, txt = self.state_map[state] self.state_text = self.state_labels[self.current] if not self.state_text._pos.x = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.5, method="ease_out_circ") #sine") self.layout()
def entering_play(self): self.is_tapped = False self.tapping = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.3) self.highlighting = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.2) self.zooming = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.2) self.pos_transition = "ease_out_circ" #"ease_out_back" self._pos.set_transition(dt=0.4, method=self.pos_transition) #self._pos.y = anim.animate(guicard._pos.y, guicard._pos.y, dt=0.4, method="ease_out") self._orientation.set_transition(dt=0.3, method="sine") self.can_layout = True if self.gamecard.types == Creature: self.setup_creature_role() # Check for counters dispatcher.connect(self.add_counter, signal=CounterAddedEvent(), sender=self.gamecard) dispatcher.connect(self.remove_counter, signal=CounterRemovedEvent(), sender=self.gamecard) dispatcher.connect(self.type_modified, signal=TypesModifiedEvent(), sender=self.gamecard) self.counters = [Counter(counter.ctype) for counter in self.gamecard.counters] self.layout_counters()
def remove_card(self, card, clock): guicard = self._card_map.pop(card.key) guicard.leaving_play() for cardlist in [self.creatures,self.other_perms,self.attached]+self.lands.values(): if guicard in cardlist: break guicard.alpha = anim.animate(1, 0.25, dt=1.5, method="ease_in_circ") clock.schedule_once(lambda t: cardlist.remove(guicard), 1.4) clock.schedule_once(lambda t: self.layout(), 1.5)
def set_phase(self, state): self.current_state = state.lower() if state in self.state_map: self.current, txt = self.state_map[state] self.state_text = self.state_labels[self.current] if not self.state_text._pos.x = anim.animate( 0, 0, dt=0.5, method="ease_out_circ") #sine") self.layout()
def remove_card(self, card, clock): guicard = self._card_map.pop(card.key) guicard.leaving_play() for cardlist in [self.creatures, self.other_perms, self.attached ] + self.lands.values(): if guicard in cardlist: break guicard.alpha = anim.animate(1, 0.25, dt=1.5, method="ease_in_circ") clock.schedule_once(lambda t: cardlist.remove(guicard), 1.4) clock.schedule_once(lambda t: self.layout(), 1.5)
def set_chained_transition(self, positions, dts, methods): assert len(positions) > 0 if isinstance(dts, list) or isinstance(dts, tuple): assert len(dts) == len(positions) else: dts = [dts]*len(positions) if isinstance(methods, list) or isinstance(methods, tuple): assert len(methods) == len(positions) else: methods = [methods]*len(positions) x_chain = []; prev_x = self.x y_chain = []; prev_y = self.y z_chain = []; prev_z = self.z for pos, dt, method in zip(positions, dts, methods): x_chain.append(animate(prev_x, pos.x, dt=dt, method=method)) y_chain.append(animate(prev_y, pos.y, dt=dt, method=method)) z_chain.append(animate(prev_z, pos.z, dt=dt, method=method)) prev_x = pos.x; prev_y = pos.y; prev_z = pos.z self.x = chain(x_chain) self.y = chain(y_chain) self.z = chain(z_chain)
def __init__(self, pos=zero): super(PhaseStatus, self).__init__(pos) self.visible = anim.constant(0) states = [('Untap', 'Untap'), ('Upkeep', 'Upkeep'), ('Draw', 'Draw'), ('Main1', 'Main 1'), ('BeginCombat', 'Beginning of combat'), ('Attack', 'Declare attackers'), ('Block', 'Declare blockers'), ('Damage', 'Combat damage'), ('EndCombat', 'End of combat'), ('Main2', 'Main 2'), ('EndStep', 'End Step'), ('Cleanup', 'Cleanup')] self.state_list = [s.lower() for s, t in states] self.grouping = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0] self.state_map = dict([(key, (i, val)) for i, (key, val) in enumerate(states)]) self.states = [Image(key) for key, val in states] self.state_labels = [ Label(val, size=20, valign="center", shadow=False) for key, val in states ] self.state_text = None for state in self.states: state.visible = anim.constant(1.0) state.alpha = anim.animate(1.0, 1.0, dt=0.5, method="ease_out_circ") ##sine") state.scale = anim.animate(1.0, 1.0, dt=0.5, method="sine") state._pos.set_transition(dt=0.5, method="sine") for label in self.state_labels: label.scale = 0.8 label._pos.y = anim.constant( -100) # This is just a hack to hide it self.width = state.width self.current = 0 = False self.curr_player = None self.turn_label = Label("", size=24, halign="center", valign="top", shadow=False) self.render_after_transform = self.render_game self.set_stops()
def new_turn(self, player): return life = self.symbols["life"] if self.player == player: life.rotatey = anim.animate(0, 360, dt=5, method='linear', extend='repeat') else: life.rotatey = anim.constant(0)
def zoom_card(self, card): if card.zooming == 0: #self.zooming_card = card card.zooming = anim.animate(0, 1, dt=0.3, method="linear") card.old_pos = card.pos card.old_size = card.size if self.is_opponent and card.pos.x-card.width/2 < 0: pos_shift = card.width/1.5 elif card.pos.x+card.width/2 > self.avail_width: pos_shift = self.avail_width - card.width/1.5 else: pos_shift = card.pos.x card._pos.set_transition(dt=0.2, method="sine") #self.pos_transition) card.pos = euclid.Vector3(pos_shift, (self.height+card.height/2)*self.dir, 0) card.size = 1.0
def add_spark(self, start_pos, end_pos, dt=1.0, color=None, grow=False, dim=2): spark = Image("glow", pos=start_pos) spark._pos.set_transition(dt=dt, method="ease_out_circ") #ease_out_back") spark.pos = end_pos if color == None: spark.color = (1., 1., 1.) elif isinstance(color, str): spark.color = self.COLORS.get(color) else: spark.color = color spark.visible = anim.animate(1., 0., dt=dt) if grow: spark.scale = anim.animate(0.5, 2.0, dt=dt, method="sine") else: spark.scale = anim.animate(2.0, 0.2, dt=dt, method="sine") if dim == 2: self.active_sparks.append(spark) else: self.active_sparks_3d.append(spark)
def __init__(self, pos=zero, is_opponent=False): super(StatusView, self).__init__(pos) self._toggled = False self._spacing = 10 self._reveal_library = False self.color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) self.is_opponent = is_opponent #self._pos.set_transition(dt=0.1, method="linear") #symbols = ["life", "library", "hand", "graveyard", "exile"] symbols = ["life", "hand", "library", "graveyard", "exile"] self.symbols = dict([(symbol, cls(symbol)) for symbol, cls in zip( symbols, [Image, Image, Image, Image, Image])]) for symbol in self.symbols.values(): symbol.alpha = 0.8 self.player_name = Label("", 11, halign="left", fontname="Arial Bold", valign="center", shadow=False) #sizes = [20, 16, 14, 14, 14] sizes = [20, 14, 14, 14, 14] self.values = dict([(symbol, Label('', size, fontname="Arial Bold", halign="center", valign="center", shadow=False)) for symbol, size in zip(symbols, sizes)]) #for val in self.values.values(): self.avatar = Image(pyglet.image.Texture.create(80, 80)) self.avatar.shaking = 0 self.avatar.alpha = anim.animate(1., 1., dt=0.25) self.alpha = anim.animate(1., 1., dt=0.25) self.manapool = ManaPool(is_opponent) self.zone_view = ZoneView() self._library = LibraryImage(is_opponent) self.width, self.height = 145, 135
def add_card(self, card, startt): guicard = CardLibrary.CardLibrary.getPlayCard(card) self._card_map[card.key] = guicard guicard.entering_play() guicard._pos.set(euclid.Vector3(0,0,0)) cardsize = CARDSIZE if card.types == Creature: self.creatures.insert(0, guicard) guicard._row = self.creatures elif card.types == Land: if card.supertypes == Basic: for key in self.lands.keys(): if card.subtypes == key: self.lands[key].append(guicard) guicard._row = self.lands[key] cardsize = CARDSIZE*0.8 break else: self.lands['Other'].append(guicard) guicard._row = self.lands['Other'] elif card.types == Aura and card.controller == card.attached_to.controller and Match.isPermanent(card.attached_to): # it should be attached at this point self.attached.append(guicard) guicard._row = self.attached self.card_attached(card, card.attached_to) else: self.other_perms.insert(0, guicard) guicard._row = self.other_perms guicard._orientation.set(euclid.Quaternion.new_rotate_axis(-math.pi/2, euclid.Vector3(1,0,0))) #if self.is_opponent_view: guicard.orientation *= euclid.Quaternion.new_rotate_axis(math.pi, euclid.Vector3(0,0,1)) if card.tapped: guicard.tap() self.layout() if startt != 0: guicard.visible = anim.animate(0,1,dt=startt, method="step") guicard.size = anim.animate(0.005, cardsize, dt=0.2, method="sine") guicard.alpha = anim.animate(0.5, 1,startt=startt, dt=1.0, method="ease_out_circ") guicard._orientation.set_transition(dt=0.2, method="sine") guicard._pos.set_transition(dt=0.2, method="ease_out_circ") #"ease_out_back") #guicard._pos.y = anim.animate(guicard._pos.y, guicard._pos.y, dt=0.4, method="sine") #"ease_out") return guicard
def __init__(self, gamecard, front, back, art, text="", style="regular"): super(StackCard, self).__init__(gamecard, front, back) self._art = art self.highlighting = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=0.2, method="step") self.size = anim.animate(self.size, self.size, dt=0.2, method="sine") self.alpha = anim.animate(0, 0, dt=1.0, method="ease_out_circ") = style self.stackwidth, self.stackheight = 368, 414 if == "regular": self._texture = pyglet.image.Texture.create(self.renderwidth, self.renderheight, force_rectangle=True) Card._render(self._texture, self._art, self.gamecard) else: self._texture = pyglet.image.Texture.create(self.stackwidth, self.stackheight, force_rectangle=True) self.text = text self.render_special() if not StackCard.borderedlist: StackCard.borderedlist = self.build_renderlist( self.stackwidth, self.stackheight)
def set_chained_transition(self, quaternions, dts, methods): assert len(quaternions) > 0 if isinstance(dts, list) or isinstance(dts, tuple): assert len(dts) == len(quaternions) else: dts = [dts]*len(quaternions) if isinstance(methods, list) or isinstance(methods, tuple): assert len(methods) == len(quaternions) else: methods = [methods]*len(quaternions) w_chain = []; prev_w = self.w x_chain = []; prev_x = self.x y_chain = []; prev_y = self.y z_chain = []; prev_z = self.z for quat, dt, method in zip(quaternions, dts, methods): w_chain.append(animate(prev_w, quat.w, dt=dt, method=method)) x_chain.append(animate(prev_x, quat.x, dt=dt, method=method)) y_chain.append(animate(prev_y, quat.y, dt=dt, method=method)) z_chain.append(animate(prev_z, quat.z, dt=dt, method=method)) prev_w = quat.w; prev_x = quat.x; prev_y = quat.y; prev_z = quat.z self.w = chain(w_chain) self.x = chain(x_chain) self.y = chain(y_chain) self.z = chain(z_chain)
def __init__(self, pos=zero): super(PhaseStatus,self).__init__(pos) self.visible = anim.constant(0) states = [('Untap','Untap'), ('Upkeep','Upkeep'), ('Draw','Draw'), ('Main1','Main 1'), ('BeginCombat','Beginning of combat'), ('Attack','Declare attackers'), ('Block','Declare blockers'), ('Damage','Combat damage'), ('EndCombat','End of combat'), ('Main2','Main 2'), ('EndStep','End Step'), ('Cleanup','Cleanup')] self.state_list = [s.lower() for s, t in states] self.grouping = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0] self.state_map = dict([(key, (i, val)) for i,(key,val) in enumerate(states)]) self.states = [Image(key) for key, val in states] self.state_labels = [Label(val, size=20, valign="center", shadow=False) for key, val in states] self.state_text = None for state in self.states: state.visible = anim.constant(1.0) state.alpha = anim.animate(1.0, 1.0, dt=0.5, method="ease_out_circ") ##sine") state.scale = anim.animate(1.0, 1.0, dt=0.5, method="sine") state._pos.set_transition(dt=0.5, method="sine") for label in self.state_labels: label.scale = 0.8 label._pos.y = anim.constant(-100) # This is just a hack to hide it self.width = state.width self.current = 0 = False self.curr_player = None self.turn_label = Label("", size=24, halign="center", valign="top", shadow=False) self.render_after_transform = self.render_game self.set_stops()
def add_sparkle_star(self, start_pos, end_pos, dt=1.0, color=None, dim=2): if color == None: color = (1., 0.9, 0) elif isinstance(color, str): color = self.COLORS.get(color) else: color = color spark = Image('targeting', pos=start_pos) spark.visible = anim.animate(1., 0., dt=dt) spark.rotatez = anim.animate(15, -45, dt=dt, method="sine") spark.scale = anim.animate(0.2, 1.5, dt=dt, method="sine") spark.color = color spark.alpha = anim.animate(1.0, 0., dt=dt) if dim == 2: self.active_sparks.append(spark) else: self.active_sparks_3d.append(spark) dt = 0.75*dt spark = Image('glow', pos=start_pos) spark._pos.set_transition(dt=dt, method="ease_out_circ") spark.pos = end_pos spark.color = color spark.visible = anim.animate(1., 0., dt=dt) spark.alpha = anim.animate(1.0, 0., dt=dt) spark.scale = anim.animate(0.5, 1.5, dt=dt, method="sine") if dim == 2: self.active_sparks.append(spark) else: self.active_sparks_3d.append(spark)
def set_transition(self, dt, extend="constant", method='linear'): self.w = animate(self.w, self.w, dt=dt, extend=extend, method=method) self.x = animate(self.x, self.x, dt=dt, extend=extend, method=method) self.y = animate(self.y, self.y, dt=dt, extend=extend, method=method) self.z = animate(self.z, self.z, dt=dt, extend=extend, method=method)
def new_turn(self, player): return life = self.symbols["life"] if self.player == player: life.rotatey = anim.animate(0,360,dt=5,method='linear',extend='repeat') else: life.rotatey = anim.constant(0)
def animate(self, status): symbol = self.symbols[status] symbol.scale = anim.animate(symbol.scale, 1.15*symbol.scale, dt=1.0, method=lambda t: anim.oscillate_n(t, 3))
def highlight(self): if self.highlighting == 0: self.highlighting = anim.animate(0,1,dt=0.75) self.old_pos = self.pos self.pos += euclid.Vector3(0,3,0) self.highlight_alpha = anim.animate(0.0, 0.8, dt=1, method="oscillate", extend="repeat")