Beispiel #1
    def ensure_texture_nodes(self, instance):
        This fucntion makes sure all the needed nodes
        are in place for loading a texture
        @param instance: class, the instance we need to work on
        #check if a file node is connected
        file_res = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(, \
                                                self.attribute_name, \

        #if not we create it
        if not file_res:
            #creates the node
            file_res = cmds.createNode("file", + "_FILE")
            #lets connect it to the color attribute
            cmds.connectAttr(file_res + ".outColor",
                   +'.' + self.attribute_name)

        #check if the texture placement node is there
        place_tex_res = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(file_res, \
                                                "coverage",          \
        #if not lets create the node
        if not place_tex_res:
            #crate the node
            place_tex_res = cmds.createNode("place2dTexture",\
       + "_2DPlace")

            #connect all the attrbiutes
            for attr in ["coverage", "translateFrame", "rotateFrame",\
                                'mirrorU', "mirrorV", "stagger", \
                                 "wrapU", "wrapV", "repeatUV", \
                                 "offset", "rotateUV", "noiseUV", \
                                 "vertexUvOne", "vertexUvTwo", \
                                 "vertexUvThree", "vertexCameraOne"]:
                cmds.connectAttr(place_tex_res + "." + attr, \
                                file_res + "." + attr)

            cmds.connectAttr(place_tex_res + ".outUV", \
                                file_res + ".uv")

            cmds.connectAttr(place_tex_res + ".outUvFilterSize", \
                                file_res + ".uvFilterSize")

        return file_res,place_tex_res
Beispiel #2
    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        This function set the value on the maya shader,
        this attr needs to handle both list and texture
        @param instance : class, the instance we need to work on
        @param value : str, float3 the value we want to set must 
                    be an rgb like [0,1,0] or a path to a texture
        #check the input data
        if not self.check_data_type(value):

        #lets first handle the simple case the float3 attribute
        if type(value).__name__ == "list":
            file_res = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(, \
                                                            self.attribute_name, \
            if file_res:

            #set the value
            cmds.setAttr( + "." + self.attribute_name, \
                 value[0], value[1], value[2])

        #now lets handle the more complex case of a path
        file_node,placement = self.ensure_texture_nodes(instance)
        #set the path on the file node
        cmds.setAttr(file_node + '.fileTextureName', value, type="string")
Beispiel #3
    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        This function set the value on the maya shader,
        this attr needs to handle both list and texture
        @param instance : class, the instance we need to work on
        @param value : str, float3 the value we want to set must 
                    be an rgb like [0,1,0] or a path to a texture
        #check the input data
        if not self.check_data_type(value):

        #lets first handle the simple case the float3 attribute
        if type(value).__name__ == "list":

            file_res = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(, \
                                                            self.attribute_name, \

            if file_res:

            #set the value
            cmds.setAttr( + "." + self.attribute_name, \
                 value[0], value[1], value[2])

        #now lets handle the more complex case of a path
        file_node, placement = self.ensure_texture_nodes(instance)
        #set the path on the file node
        cmds.setAttr(file_node + '.fileTextureName', value, type="string")
Beispiel #4
    def ensure_texture_nodes(self, instance):
        This fucntion makes sure all the needed nodes
        are in place for loading a texture
        @param instance: class, the instance we need to work on
        #check if a file node is connected
        file_res = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(, \
                                                self.attribute_name, \

        #if not we create it
        if not file_res:
            #creates the node
            file_res = cmds.createNode("file", + "_FILE")
            #lets connect it to the color attribute
            cmds.connectAttr(file_res + ".outColor",
                    + '.' + self.attribute_name)

        #check if the texture placement node is there
        place_tex_res = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(file_res, \
                                                "coverage",          \
        #if not lets create the node
        if not place_tex_res:
            #crate the node
            place_tex_res = cmds.createNode("place2dTexture",\
       + "_2DPlace")

            #connect all the attrbiutes
            for attr in ["coverage", "translateFrame", "rotateFrame",\
                                'mirrorU', "mirrorV", "stagger", \
                                 "wrapU", "wrapV", "repeatUV", \
                                 "offset", "rotateUV", "noiseUV", \
                                 "vertexUvOne", "vertexUvTwo", \
                                 "vertexUvThree", "vertexCameraOne"]:
                cmds.connectAttr(place_tex_res + "." + attr, \
                                file_res + "." + attr)

            cmds.connectAttr(place_tex_res + ".outUV", \
                                file_res + ".uv")

            cmds.connectAttr(place_tex_res + ".outUvFilterSize", \
                                file_res + ".uvFilterSize")

        return file_res, place_tex_res
Beispiel #5
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        This function is automatically called by the getter
        function of the descriptor and gets the name of the
        texture or the value of the color used
        @param instance: class, the instance we need to work on
        @param owner: the type of the instance
        bump_res = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(, \
                                                self.attribute_name, \
        if bump_res:

            file_res = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(bump_res, \
                                                "bumpValue", \

            if file_res:
                return str(cmds.getAttr(file_res + '.fileTextureName'))
            return None
Beispiel #6
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        This function is automatically called by the getter
        function of the descriptor and gets the name of the
        texture or the value of the color used
        @param instance: class, the instance we need to work on
        @param owner: the type of the instance
        bump_res = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(, \
                                                self.attribute_name, \
        if bump_res:

            file_res = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(bump_res, \
                                                "bumpValue", \

            if file_res:
                return str(cmds.getAttr(file_res + '.fileTextureName'))
            return None
Beispiel #7
    def shader_set(self):
        This attributes holds the set associated with the shader

        if not self.internal_name:

        node = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(self.internal_name, \
                                                    "outColor",       \
                                                    "shadingEngine",  \

        if not node:
            node = cmds.sets(renderable=True, \
                noSurfaceShader=True, empty=1, \
                n=self.internal_name +"SG")
            cmds.connectAttr(self.internal_name + ".outColor",
                             node + '.surfaceShader')
        return node
Beispiel #8
    def shader_set(self):
        This attributes holds the set associated with the shader

        if not self.internal_name:

        node = node_utils.has_connected_node_type(self.internal_name, \
                                                    "outColor",       \
                                                    "shadingEngine",  \

        if not node:
            node = cmds.sets(renderable=True, \
                noSurfaceShader=True, empty=1, \
                n=self.internal_name +"SG")
            cmds.connectAttr(self.internal_name + ".outColor",
                             node + '.surfaceShader')
        return node