def test_ntsc_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the ntsc attribute is working properly """ r = Rate(ntsc=True) self.assertEqual(r.ntsc, True) r.ntsc = False self.assertEqual(r.ntsc, False)
def test_timebase_attribute_is_set_to_None(self): """testing if the timebase attribute value will be set to the default value if it is set to None """ r = Rate(timebase='25') r.timebase = None self.assertEqual(r.timebase, '25')
def test_ntsc_attribute_is_set_to_None(self): """testing if the ntsc attribute value will be False if it is set to None """ r = Rate(ntsc=True) self.assertTrue(r.ntsc) r.ntsc = None self.assertFalse(r.ntsc)
def test_to_xml_method_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the to_xml() method is working properly """ r = Rate(timebase='25', ntsc=False) self.assertEqual( r.to_xml(), """<rate> <timebase>25</timebase> <ntsc>FALSE</ntsc> </rate>""")
def test_timebase_attribute_is_not_a_str(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the timebase attribute is not set to a str """ r = Rate(timebase='12') with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: r.timebase = 15 self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Rate.timebase should be a str, not int')
def test_ntsc_attribute_is_set_to_a_non_bool_value(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the ntsc attribute is set to a non bool value """ r = Rate(ntsc=True) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: r.ntsc = 'not a bool value' self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'Rate.ntsc should be a bool value, not str')
def test_to_xml_method_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the to_xml() method is working properly """ r = Rate(timebase='25', ntsc=False) self.assertEqual( r.to_xml(), """<rate> <timebase>25</timebase> <ntsc>FALSE</ntsc> </rate>""" )
def test_timebase_attribute_is_not_a_str(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the timebase attribute is not set to a str """ r = Rate(timebase='12') with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: r.timebase = 15 self.assertEqual( cm.exception.message, 'Rate.timebase should be a str, not int' )
def test_ntsc_attribute_is_set_to_a_non_bool_value(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the ntsc attribute is set to a non bool value """ r = Rate(ntsc=True) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: r.ntsc = 'not a bool value' self.assertEqual( str(cm.exception), 'Rate.ntsc should be a bool value, not str' )
def test_from_xml_method_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the from_xml() method is working properly """ r = Rate(timebase='24', ntsc=False) from xml.etree import ElementTree rate_node = ElementTree.Element('rate') timebase_node = ElementTree.SubElement(rate_node, 'timebase') timebase_node.text = '25' ntsc_node = ElementTree.SubElement(rate_node, 'ntsc') ntsc_node.text = 'TRUE' r.from_xml(rate_node) self.assertEqual(r.timebase, '25') self.assertEqual(r.ntsc, True)
def test_ntsc_argument_is_not_a_bool_value(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the ntsc argument is not a bool """ with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: r = Rate(ntsc='not a bool value') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'Rate.ntsc should be a bool value, not str')
def test_timebase_argument_is_not_a_str_value(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the timebase argument is not a string value """ with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: Rate(timebase=24) self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Rate.timebase should be a str, not int')
def tst_rate_attribute_is_None(self): """testing if the rate attribute can be set to None """ from anima.edit import Rate r = Rate(timebase='24', ntsc=False) c = Clip(rate=r) self.assertIsNotNone(c.rate) c.rate = None self.assertIsNone(c.rate)
def to_xml(self): """return an eml version of this edl """ from anima.edit import Sequence, Rate s = Sequence(rate=Rate(timebase='24')) s.from_edl( # optimize clips for track in track.optimize_clips() xml_data = s.to_xml() return xml_data
def test_rate_attribute_is_valid_to_xml_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the rate attribute will be included int the xml output if it is not None """ f = File() f.duration = 34 = 'shot2' f.pathurl = 'file://localhost/home/eoyilmaz/maya/projects/default/data/' c = Clip() = 'shot2' c.start = 1 c.end = 35 = 'shot2' c.enabled = True c.duration = 34 c.in_ = 0 c.out = 34 c.file = f c.rate = Rate(timebase='25') expected_xml = \ """<clipitem id="shot2"> <end>35</end> <name>shot2</name> <enabled>True</enabled> <start>1</start> <in>0</in> <duration>34</duration> <rate> <timebase>25</timebase> <ntsc>FALSE</ntsc> </rate> <out>34</out> <file id=""> <duration>34</duration> <name>shot2</name> <pathurl>file://localhost/home/eoyilmaz/maya/projects/default/data/</pathurl> </file> </clipitem>""" self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(expected_xml, c.to_xml())
def test_from_edl_method_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the from_edl method will return an anima.previs.Sequence instance with proper hierarchy """ # first supply an edl from edl import Parser p = Parser('24') edl_path = os.path.abspath('./test_data/test_v001.edl') with open(edl_path) as f: edl_list = p.parse(f) r = Rate(timebase='24') s = Sequence(rate=r) s.from_edl(edl_list) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003', self.assertEqual(111, s.duration) r = s.rate self.assertEqual('24', r.timebase) self.assertEqual('00:00:00:00', s.timecode) m = self.assertTrue(isinstance(m, Media)) v = self.assertTrue(isinstance(v, Video)) t = v.tracks[0] self.assertEqual(False, t.locked) self.assertEqual(True, t.enabled) clips = t.clips self.assertEqual(3, len(clips)) clip1 = clips[0] clip2 = clips[1] clip3 = clips[2] self.assertTrue(isinstance(clip1, Clip)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(clip2, Clip)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(clip3, Clip)) # clip1 self.assertEqual(34, clip1.duration) self.assertEqual(True, clip1.enabled) self.assertEqual(35, clip1.end) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001', self.assertEqual(10, clip1.in_) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001', self.assertEqual(44, clip1.out) self.assertEqual(1, clip1.start) self.assertEqual('Video', clip1.type) f = clip1.file self.assertTrue(isinstance(f, File)) self.assertEqual(44, f.duration) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001', self.assertEqual( 'file://localhost/tmp/', f.pathurl ) # clip2 self.assertEqual(31, clip2.duration) self.assertEqual(True, clip2.enabled) self.assertEqual(66, clip2.end) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001', self.assertEqual(10, clip2.in_) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001', self.assertEqual(41, clip2.out) self.assertEqual(35, clip2.start) self.assertEqual('Video', clip2.type) f = clip2.file self.assertTrue(isinstance(f, File)) self.assertEqual(41, f.duration) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001', self.assertEqual( 'file://localhost/tmp/', f.pathurl ) # clip3 self.assertEqual(46, clip3.duration) self.assertEqual(True, clip3.enabled) self.assertEqual(112, clip3.end) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001', self.assertEqual(10, clip3.in_) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001', self.assertEqual(56, clip3.out) self.assertEqual(66, clip3.start) self.assertEqual('Video', clip3.type) f = clip3.file self.assertTrue(isinstance(f, File)) self.assertEqual(56, f.duration) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001', self.assertEqual( 'file://localhost/tmp/', f.pathurl )
def test_to_xml_method_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the to xml method is working properly """ s = Sequence() s.duration = 109 = 'previs_edit_v001' s.rate = Rate(timebase='24', ntsc=False) s.timecode = '00:00:00:00' m = Media() = m v = Video() v.width = 1024 v.height = 778 = v t = Track() t.enabled = True t.locked = False v.tracks.append(t) # clip 1 f = File() f.duration = 34 = 'shot2' f.pathurl = 'file:///home/eoyilmaz/maya/projects/default/data/' c = Clip() = 'shot2' c.start = 1 c.end = 35 = 'shot2' c.enabled = True c.duration = 34 c.in_ = 0 c.out = 34 c.file = f t.clips.append(c) # clip 2 f = File() f.duration = 30 = 'shot' f.pathurl = 'file:///home/eoyilmaz/maya/projects/default/data/' c = Clip() = 'shot' c.start = 35 c.end = 65 = 'shot' c.enabled = True c.duration = 30 c.in_ = 0 c.out = 30 c.file = f t.clips.append(c) # clip 3 f = File() f.duration = 45 = 'shot1' f.pathurl = 'file:///home/eoyilmaz/maya/projects/default/data/' c = Clip() = 'shot1' c.start = 65 c.end = 110 = 'shot1' c.enabled = True c.duration = 45 c.in_ = 0 c.out = 45 c.file = f t.clips.append(c) expected_xml = \ """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE xmeml> <xmeml version="5"> <sequence> <duration>109</duration> <name>previs_edit_v001</name> <rate> <timebase>24</timebase> <ntsc>FALSE</ntsc> </rate> <timecode> <string>00:00:00:00</string> </timecode> <media> <video> <format> <samplecharacteristics> <width>1024</width> <height>778</height> </samplecharacteristics> </format> <track> <locked>FALSE</locked> <enabled>TRUE</enabled> <clipitem id="shot2"> <end>35</end> <name>shot2</name> <enabled>True</enabled> <start>1</start> <in>0</in> <duration>34</duration> <out>34</out> <file id=""> <duration>34</duration> <name>shot2</name> <pathurl>file://localhost/home/eoyilmaz/maya/projects/default/data/</pathurl> </file> </clipitem> <clipitem id="shot"> <end>65</end> <name>shot</name> <enabled>True</enabled> <start>35</start> <in>0</in> <duration>30</duration> <out>30</out> <file id=""> <duration>30</duration> <name>shot</name> <pathurl>file://localhost/home/eoyilmaz/maya/projects/default/data/</pathurl> </file> </clipitem> <clipitem id="shot1"> <end>110</end> <name>shot1</name> <enabled>True</enabled> <start>65</start> <in>0</in> <duration>45</duration> <out>45</out> <file id=""> <duration>45</duration> <name>shot1</name> <pathurl>file://localhost/home/eoyilmaz/maya/projects/default/data/</pathurl> </file> </clipitem> </track> </video> </media> </sequence> </xmeml>""" self.assertEqual( expected_xml, s.to_xml() )
def test_timebase_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the timebase attribute is working properly """ r = Rate(timebase='12') r.timebase = '15' self.assertEqual('15', r.timebase)
def test_timebase_argument_skipped(self): """testing if the default value will be used when the timebase argument is skipped """ r = Rate() self.assertEqual(r.timebase, '25')
def test_ntsc_argument_is_None(self): """testing if the ntsc attribute will be False if the ntsc argument is None """ r = Rate() self.assertFalse(r.ntsc)
def test_timebase_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the timebase argument value is correctly passed to the timebase attribute """ r = Rate(timebase='12') self.assertEqual('12', r.timebase)
def generate_sequence_structure(self): """Generates a Sequence structure suitable for XML<->EDL conversion :return: Sequence """ import timecode from anima.env.mayaEnv import Maya m = Maya() fps = m.get_fps() # export only the first sequence, ignore others sequencers = self.sequences.get() if len(sequencers) == 0: return None sequencer = sequencers[0] time = pm.PyNode('time1') seq = Sequence() = str(sequencer.get_sequence_name()) seq.rate = Rate(timebase=str(fps), ntsc=False) seq.timecode = str(timecode.Timecode( framerate=seq.rate.timebase, frames=time.timecodeProductionStart.get() + 1 )) seq.duration = sequencer.duration media = Media() video = Video() = video for shot in sequencer.shots.get(): clip = Clip() = str(shot.full_shot_name) = str(shot.full_shot_name) clip.duration = shot.duration + 2 * shot.handle.get() clip.enabled = True clip.start = shot.sequenceStartFrame.get() clip.end = shot.sequenceEndFrame.get() + 1 # clips always start from 0 and includes the shot handle clip.in_ = shot.handle.get() # handle at start clip.out = shot.handle.get() + shot.duration # handle at end clip.type = 'Video' # always video for now f = File() = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(str(shot.output.get())) )[0] f.duration = shot.duration + 2 * shot.handle.get() f.pathurl = str('file://localhost/%s' % shot.output.get()) clip.file = f track_number = shot.track.get() - 1 # tracks should start from 0 try: track = video.tracks[track_number] except IndexError: track = Track() video.tracks.append(track) track.clips.append(clip) # set video resolution video.width = shot.wResolution.get() video.height = shot.hResolution.get() = media return seq
def test_ntsc_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the ntsc argument value is properly passed to the ntsc attribute """ r = Rate(ntsc=True) self.assertEqual(r.ntsc, True)
def test_from_edl_method_is_working_properly_with_negative_timecodes(self): """testing if the from_edl method will return an anima.previs.Sequence instance with proper hierarchy event with clips that has negative timecode values (timecodes with in point is bigger than out point and around 23:59:59:XX as a result) """ # first supply an edl from edl import Parser p = Parser('24') edl_path = os.path.abspath('./test_data/test_v003.edl') with open(edl_path) as f: edl_list = p.parse(f) r = Rate(timebase='24') s = Sequence(rate=r) s.from_edl(edl_list) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003', self.assertEqual(247, s.duration) self.assertEqual('24', s.rate.timebase) self.assertEqual('00:00:00:00', s.timecode) m = self.assertTrue(isinstance(m, Media)) v = self.assertTrue(isinstance(v, Video)) t = v.tracks[0] self.assertEqual(False, t.locked) self.assertEqual(True, t.enabled) clips = t.clips self.assertEqual(3, len(clips)) clip1 = clips[0] clip2 = clips[1] clip3 = clips[2] self.assertTrue(isinstance(clip1, Clip)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(clip2, Clip)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(clip3, Clip)) # clip1 self.assertEqual(176, clip1.duration) self.assertEqual(True, clip1.enabled) self.assertEqual(153, clip1.end) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001', self.assertEqual(15, clip1.in_) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001', self.assertEqual(191, clip1.out) self.assertEqual(-23, clip1.start) self.assertEqual('Video', clip1.type) f = clip1.file self.assertTrue(isinstance(f, File)) self.assertEqual(191, f.duration) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001', self.assertEqual( 'file://localhost/tmp/', f.pathurl ) # clip2 self.assertEqual(55, clip2.duration) self.assertEqual(True, clip2.enabled) self.assertEqual(208, clip2.end) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001', self.assertEqual(45, clip2.in_) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001', self.assertEqual(100, clip2.out) self.assertEqual(153, clip2.start) self.assertEqual('Video', clip2.type) f = clip2.file self.assertTrue(isinstance(f, File)) self.assertEqual(100, f.duration) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001', self.assertEqual( 'file://localhost/tmp/', f.pathurl ) # clip3 self.assertEqual(1, clip3.duration) self.assertEqual(True, clip3.enabled) self.assertEqual(224, clip3.end) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001', self.assertEqual(0, clip3.in_) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001', self.assertEqual(1, clip3.out) self.assertEqual(208, clip3.start) self.assertEqual('Video', clip3.type) f = clip3.file self.assertTrue(isinstance(f, File)) self.assertEqual(1, f.duration) self.assertEqual('SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001', self.assertEqual( 'file://localhost/tmp/', f.pathurl )
def test_to_metafuze_xml_is_working_properly(self): """testing if to_metafuze_xml method is working properly """ s = Sequence() s.duration = 109 = 'SEQ001_HSNI_003' s.timecode = '00:00:00:00' r = Rate() s.rate = r r.ntsc = False r.timebase = '24' m = Media() = m v = Video() v.width = 1024 v.height = 778 = v t = Track() t.enabled = True t.locked = False v.tracks.append(t) # clip 1 f = File() f.duration = 34 = 'SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001' f.pathurl = 'file://localhost/tmp/' c = Clip() = '0010' c.start = 1 c.end = 35 = 'SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001' c.enabled = True c.duration = 34 c.in_ = 0 c.out = 34 c.file = f t.clips.append(c) # clip 2 f = File() f.duration = 30 = 'SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001' f.pathurl = 'file://localhost/tmp/' c = Clip() = '0020' c.start = 35 c.end = 65 = 'SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001' c.enabled = True c.duration = 30 c.in_ = 0 c.out = 30 c.file = f t.clips.append(c) # clip 3 f = File() f.duration = 45 = 'SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001' f.pathurl = 'file://localhost/tmp/' c = Clip() = '0030' c.start = 65 c.end = 110 = 'SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001' c.enabled = True c.duration = 45 c.in_ = 0 c.out = 45 c.file = f t.clips.append(c) expected_xmls = [ """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <MetaFuze_BatchTranscode xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="MetaFuzeBatchTranscode.xsd"> <Configuration> <Local>8</Local> <Remote>8</Remote> </Configuration> <Group> <FileList> <File>\\tmp\\</File> </FileList> <Transcode> <Version>1.0</Version> <File>\\tmp\\SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001.mxf</File> <ClipName>SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001</ClipName> <ProjectName>SEQ001_HSNI_003</ProjectName> <TapeName>SEQ001_HSNI_003_0010_v001</TapeName> <TC_Start>00:00:00:00</TC_Start> <DropFrame>false</DropFrame> <EdgeTC>** TimeCode N/A **</EdgeTC> <FilmType>35.4</FilmType> <KN_Start>AAAAAAAA-0000+00</KN_Start> <Frames>33</Frames> <Width>1024</Width> <Height>778</Height> <PixelRatio>1.0000</PixelRatio> <UseFilmInfo>false</UseFilmInfo> <UseTapeInfo>true</UseTapeInfo> <AudioChannelCount>0</AudioChannelCount> <UseMXFAudio>false</UseMXFAudio> <UseWAVAudio>false</UseWAVAudio> <SrcBitsPerChannel>8</SrcBitsPerChannel> <OutputPreset>DNxHD 36</OutputPreset> <OutputPreset> <Version>2.0</Version> <Name>DNxHD 36</Name> <ColorModel>YCC 709</ColorModel> <BitDepth>8</BitDepth> <Format>1080 24p</Format> <Compression>DNxHD 36</Compression> <Conversion>Letterbox (center)</Conversion> <VideoFileType>.mxf</VideoFileType> <IsDefault>false</IsDefault> </OutputPreset> <Eye></Eye> <Scene></Scene> <Comment></Comment> </Transcode> </Group> </MetaFuze_BatchTranscode>""", """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <MetaFuze_BatchTranscode xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="MetaFuzeBatchTranscode.xsd"> <Configuration> <Local>8</Local> <Remote>8</Remote> </Configuration> <Group> <FileList> <File>\\tmp\\</File> </FileList> <Transcode> <Version>1.0</Version> <File>\\tmp\\SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001.mxf</File> <ClipName>SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001</ClipName> <ProjectName>SEQ001_HSNI_003</ProjectName> <TapeName>SEQ001_HSNI_003_0020_v001</TapeName> <TC_Start>00:00:00:00</TC_Start> <DropFrame>false</DropFrame> <EdgeTC>** TimeCode N/A **</EdgeTC> <FilmType>35.4</FilmType> <KN_Start>AAAAAAAA-0000+00</KN_Start> <Frames>29</Frames> <Width>1024</Width> <Height>778</Height> <PixelRatio>1.0000</PixelRatio> <UseFilmInfo>false</UseFilmInfo> <UseTapeInfo>true</UseTapeInfo> <AudioChannelCount>0</AudioChannelCount> <UseMXFAudio>false</UseMXFAudio> <UseWAVAudio>false</UseWAVAudio> <SrcBitsPerChannel>8</SrcBitsPerChannel> <OutputPreset>DNxHD 36</OutputPreset> <OutputPreset> <Version>2.0</Version> <Name>DNxHD 36</Name> <ColorModel>YCC 709</ColorModel> <BitDepth>8</BitDepth> <Format>1080 24p</Format> <Compression>DNxHD 36</Compression> <Conversion>Letterbox (center)</Conversion> <VideoFileType>.mxf</VideoFileType> <IsDefault>false</IsDefault> </OutputPreset> <Eye></Eye> <Scene></Scene> <Comment></Comment> </Transcode> </Group> </MetaFuze_BatchTranscode>""", """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <MetaFuze_BatchTranscode xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="MetaFuzeBatchTranscode.xsd"> <Configuration> <Local>8</Local> <Remote>8</Remote> </Configuration> <Group> <FileList> <File>\\tmp\\</File> </FileList> <Transcode> <Version>1.0</Version> <File>\\tmp\\SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001.mxf</File> <ClipName>SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001</ClipName> <ProjectName>SEQ001_HSNI_003</ProjectName> <TapeName>SEQ001_HSNI_003_0030_v001</TapeName> <TC_Start>00:00:00:00</TC_Start> <DropFrame>false</DropFrame> <EdgeTC>** TimeCode N/A **</EdgeTC> <FilmType>35.4</FilmType> <KN_Start>AAAAAAAA-0000+00</KN_Start> <Frames>44</Frames> <Width>1024</Width> <Height>778</Height> <PixelRatio>1.0000</PixelRatio> <UseFilmInfo>false</UseFilmInfo> <UseTapeInfo>true</UseTapeInfo> <AudioChannelCount>0</AudioChannelCount> <UseMXFAudio>false</UseMXFAudio> <UseWAVAudio>false</UseWAVAudio> <SrcBitsPerChannel>8</SrcBitsPerChannel> <OutputPreset>DNxHD 36</OutputPreset> <OutputPreset> <Version>2.0</Version> <Name>DNxHD 36</Name> <ColorModel>YCC 709</ColorModel> <BitDepth>8</BitDepth> <Format>1080 24p</Format> <Compression>DNxHD 36</Compression> <Conversion>Letterbox (center)</Conversion> <VideoFileType>.mxf</VideoFileType> <IsDefault>false</IsDefault> </OutputPreset> <Eye></Eye> <Scene></Scene> <Comment></Comment> </Transcode> </Group> </MetaFuze_BatchTranscode>""", ] result = s.to_metafuze_xml() self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual( expected_xmls[0], result[0] ) self.assertEqual( expected_xmls[1], result[1] ) self.assertEqual( expected_xmls[2], result[2] )
def test_timebase_argument_is_None(self): """testing if the timebase attribute value will be set to the default value if the timebase argument is None """ r = Rate(timebase=None) self.assertEqual(r.timebase, '25')