def main(): sample_num = 100 m = np.array([0., 0.]) cov = np.array([[1., 0.0], [0.0, 1.]]) sampler = GibsSampler(m, cov) history_means = [] history_covs = [] history_KL_score = [] for i in range(sample_num): sampler.sample() if i > 5: est_m, est_cov = sampler.estimate_val() history_means.append(est_m) history_covs.append(est_cov) KL_score = calc_KL_div(est_m, est_cov, m, cov) history_KL_score.append(KL_score) observation_points = np.array([ sampler.points_x1[:sample_num - 5], sampler.points_x2[:sample_num - 5] ]) objects = [history_means, history_covs, m, cov, history_KL_score] animation = AnimDrawer(objects, observation_points) animation.draw_anim() plt.plot(range(len(history_KL_score)), history_KL_score) # est_m, est_cov = sampler.estimate_val() """
def main(): dim = 2 class_num = 3 data = sampling_mixture_poisson(classes=class_num) classifier = GibbsMixturedPoisson(data, class_num, dim) iteration_num = 15 for i in range(iteration_num): print("iteration num = {0}".format(i)) history_s_sample, history_eata_sample = classifier.gibbs_sample() colors = ["r", "b", "g", "y"] for i, datum in enumerate(data): plt.plot(datum[0], datum[1], "o", color=tuple(history_eata_sample[0][i])) for i, datum in enumerate(data): plt.plot(datum[0], datum[1], "o", color=tuple(history_eata_sample[-1][i])) objects = [history_s_sample] animdrawer = AnimDrawer(objects, observation_points=data) animdrawer.draw_anim()
def main(): sample_num = 100 m = np.array([0., 0.]) cov = np.array([[1., 0.75], [0.75, 1.]]) sampler = VariantSampler(m, cov) history_means = [] history_covs = [] history_KL_score = [] for _ in range(sample_num): est_m, est_cov = sampler.estimate_val() history_means.append(copy.deepcopy(est_m)) history_covs.append(copy.deepcopy(est_cov)) eig_val, eig_vec = np.linalg.eig(est_cov) print("eig_val = {0}".format(eig_val)) print("eig_vec = {0}".format(eig_vec)) KL_score = calc_KL_div(est_m, est_cov, m, cov) history_KL_score.append(KL_score) objects = [history_means, history_covs, m, cov, history_KL_score] animation = AnimDrawer(objects) animation.draw_anim() plt.plot(range(len(history_KL_score)), history_KL_score) # est_m, est_cov = sampler.estimate_val() """
def main(): """ """ # iteration parameters NUM_ITERARIONS = 500 dt = 0.01 # make plant init_x = np.array([0., 0., 0.5*math.pi]) car = TwoWheeledCar(init_x) # make goal target = np.array([5., 3., 0.]) # controller controller = iLQRController() for iteration in range(NUM_ITERARIONS): print("iteration num = {} / {}".format(iteration, NUM_ITERARIONS)) if iteration == 0: changed = True u = controller.calc_input(car, target, changed=changed) car.update_state(u, dt) # figures and animation history_states = np.array(car.history_xs) time_fig = plt.figure() x_fig = time_fig.add_subplot(311) y_fig = time_fig.add_subplot(312) th_fig = time_fig.add_subplot(313) time = len(history_states) x_fig.plot(np.arange(time), history_states[:, 0]) y_fig.plot(np.arange(time), history_states[:, 1]) th_fig.plot(np.arange(time), history_states[:, 2]) history_states = np.array(car.history_xs) animdrawer = AnimDrawer([history_states, target]) animdrawer.draw_anim()
def main(): # iteration number iteration_num = 50 # history history_means = [] history_deviations = [] history_points = [] # make data set X_data = [] Y_data = [] for _ in range(iteration_num): # make model dim = 10 # dimention of the linear regression model regressioner = BayezianRegression(dim) # make model # make data x_1 = (7.5 + 1.) * np.random.rand() + (- 1.) y = math.sin(x_1) temp_xs = [1.] for _ in range(dim-1): temp_xs.append(temp_xs[-1] * x_1) X_data.append(temp_xs) Y_data.append(y) # save history_points.append([x_1, y]) # to numpy X_data = np.array(X_data) Y_data = np.array(Y_data) # fit the model, Y_data) # prediction mus = [] devs = [] for sample_x in np.arange(-1., 7.5, 0.1): # make X_data x_data = [1.] for _ in range(dim-1): x_data.append(x_data[-1] * sample_x) mu_opt, lam_inv_opt, deviation = regressioner.predict_distribution(np.array(x_data)) mus.append(mu_opt) devs.append(deviation) mus = np.array(mus).flatten() devs = np.array(devs) # save history_means.append(mus) history_deviations.append(devs) X_data = X_data.tolist() # print("X\data = {0}".format(X_data)) Y_data = Y_data.tolist() draw_obj = [np.array(history_points), history_means, history_deviations] animdrawer = AnimDrawer(draw_obj) animdrawer.draw_anim()
def main(): """ """ # iteration parameters NUM_ITERATIONS = 500 dt = 0.01 # make plant init_x = np.array([0., 0., 0.5 * math.pi]) car = TwoWheeledCar(init_x) # make goal goal_maker = GoalMaker(goal_type="sin") goal_maker.preprocess() # controller controller = iLQRController() for iteration in range(NUM_ITERATIONS): print("iteration num = {} / {}".format(iteration, NUM_ITERATIONS)) target = goal_maker.calc_goal(car.xs) u = controller.calc_input(car, target) car.update_state(u, dt) # update state # figures and animation history_states = np.array(car.history_xs) history_targets = np.array(goal_maker.history_target) time_fig = plt.figure() x_fig = time_fig.add_subplot(311) y_fig = time_fig.add_subplot(312) th_fig = time_fig.add_subplot(313) time = len(history_states) x_fig.plot(np.arange(time), history_states[:, 0], "r") x_fig.plot(np.arange(1, time), history_targets[:, 0], "b", linestyle="dashdot") x_fig.set_ylabel("x") y_fig.plot(np.arange(time), history_states[:, 1], "r") y_fig.plot(np.arange(1, time), history_targets[:, 1], "b", linestyle="dashdot") y_fig.set_ylabel("y") th_fig.plot(np.arange(time), history_states[:, 2], "r") th_fig.plot(np.arange(1, time), history_targets[:, 2], "b", linestyle="dashdot") th_fig.set_ylabel("th") history_states = np.array(car.history_xs) animdrawer = AnimDrawer([history_states, history_targets]) animdrawer.draw_anim()
def main(): # parameters dt = 0.01 simulation_time = 20 # in seconds PREDICT_STEP = 30 iteration_num = int(simulation_time / dt) # make simulator with coninuous matrix init_xs_lead = np.array([0., 0., math.pi / 6, 0.]) lead_car = WheeledSystem(init_states=init_xs_lead) # make system model lead_car_system_model = SystemModel() # reference history_traj_ref = [] history_angle_ref = [] traj_ref_xs, traj_ref_ys = make_sample_traj(int(simulation_time / dt)) traj_ref = np.array([traj_ref_xs, traj_ref_ys]) # nearest point index_min, nearest_point = search_nearest_point( traj_ref, lead_car.xs[:2].reshape(2, 1)) # get traj's curvature NUM_SKIP = 3 MARGIN = 20 angles, curvatures = calc_curvatures( traj_ref[:, index_min + MARGIN:index_min + PREDICT_STEP + 2 * NUM_SKIP + MARGIN], PREDICT_STEP, NUM_SKIP) # save traj ref history_traj_ref.append(traj_ref[:, index_min + MARGIN:index_min + PREDICT_STEP + 2 * NUM_SKIP + MARGIN]) history_angle_ref.append(angles) # print(history_traj_ref) # input() # evaluation function weight Q = np.diag([1000000., 10., 1.]) R = np.diag([0.1]) # System model update V = calc_ideal_vel(traj_ref, dt) # in pratical we should calc from the state lead_car_system_model.calc_predict_sytem_model(V, curvatures, PREDICT_STEP) # make controller with discreted matrix lead_controller = IterativeMpcController(lead_car_system_model, Q, R, PREDICT_STEP, dt_input_upper=np.array([1 * dt]), dt_input_lower=np.array([-1 * dt ]), input_upper=np.array([1.]), input_lower=np.array([-1.])) # initialize lead_controller.initialize_controller() for i in range(iteration_num): print("simulation time = {0}".format(i)) ## lead # world traj lead_states = lead_car.xs # nearest point index_min, nearest_point = search_nearest_point( traj_ref, lead_car.xs[:2].reshape(2, 1)) # end check if len(traj_ref_ys ) <= index_min + PREDICT_STEP + 2 * NUM_SKIP + MARGIN: print("break") break # get traj's curvature angles, curvatures = calc_curvatures( traj_ref[:, index_min + MARGIN:index_min + PREDICT_STEP + 2 * NUM_SKIP + MARGIN], PREDICT_STEP, NUM_SKIP) # save history_traj_ref.append(traj_ref[:, index_min + MARGIN:index_min + PREDICT_STEP + 2 * NUM_SKIP + MARGIN]) history_angle_ref.append(angles) # System model update V = calc_ideal_vel(traj_ref, dt) # in pratical we should calc from the state lead_car_system_model.calc_predict_sytem_model(V, curvatures, PREDICT_STEP) # transformation # car relative_car_position = coordinate_transformation_in_position( lead_states[:2].reshape(2, 1), nearest_point) relative_car_position = coordinate_transformation_in_angle( relative_car_position, angles[0]) relative_car_angle = lead_states[2] - angles[0] relative_car_state = np.hstack( (relative_car_position[1], relative_car_angle, lead_states[-1])) # traj_ref relative_traj = coordinate_transformation_in_position( traj_ref[:, index_min:index_min + PREDICT_STEP], nearest_point) relative_traj = coordinate_transformation_in_angle( relative_traj, angles[0]) relative_ref_angle = np.array(angles) - angles[0] # make ref lead_reference = np.array( [[relative_traj[1, -1], relative_ref_angle[-1], 0.] for i in range(PREDICT_STEP)]).flatten() print("relative car state = {}".format(relative_car_state)) print("nearest point = {}".format(nearest_point)) # input() # update system matrix lead_controller.update_system_model(lead_car_system_model) lead_opt_u, all_opt_u = lead_controller.calc_input( relative_car_state, lead_reference) lead_opt_u = np.hstack((np.array([V]), lead_opt_u)) all_opt_u = np.stack((np.ones(PREDICT_STEP) * V, all_opt_u.flatten())) print("opt_u = {}".format(lead_opt_u)) print("all_opt_u = {}".format(all_opt_u)) # predict lead_car.predict_state(all_opt_u, dt=dt) # update lead_car.update_state(lead_opt_u, dt=dt) # print(lead_car.history_predict_xs) # input() # figures and animation lead_history_states = np.array(lead_car.history_xs) lead_history_predict_states = lead_car.history_predict_xs """ time_history_fig = plt.figure() x_fig = time_history_fig.add_subplot(311) y_fig = time_history_fig.add_subplot(312) theta_fig = time_history_fig.add_subplot(313) car_traj_fig = plt.figure() traj_fig = car_traj_fig.add_subplot(111) traj_fig.set_aspect('equal') x_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time+0.01, dt), lead_history_states[:, 0], label="lead") x_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time+0.01, dt), follow_history_states[:, 0], label="follow") x_fig.set_xlabel("time [s]") x_fig.set_ylabel("x") x_fig.legend() y_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time+0.01, dt), lead_history_states[:, 1], label="lead") y_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time+0.01, dt), follow_history_states[:, 1], label="follow") y_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time+0.01, dt), [4. for _ in range(iteration_num+1)], linestyle="dashed") y_fig.set_xlabel("time [s]") y_fig.set_ylabel("y") y_fig.legend() theta_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time+0.01, dt), lead_history_states[:, 2], label="lead") theta_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time+0.01, dt), follow_history_states[:, 2], label="follow") theta_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time+0.01, dt), [0. for _ in range(iteration_num+1)], linestyle="dashed") theta_fig.set_xlabel("time [s]") theta_fig.set_ylabel("theta") theta_fig.legend() time_history_fig.tight_layout() traj_fig.plot(lead_history_states[:, 0], lead_history_states[:, 1], label="lead") traj_fig.plot(follow_history_states[:, 0], follow_history_states[:, 1], label="follow") traj_fig.set_xlabel("x") traj_fig.set_ylabel("y") traj_fig.legend() lead_history_us = np.array(lead_controller.history_us) follow_history_us = np.array(follow_controller.history_us) input_history_fig = plt.figure() u_1_fig = input_history_fig.add_subplot(111) u_1_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time+0.01, dt), lead_history_us[:, 0], label="lead") u_1_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time+0.01, dt), follow_history_us[:, 0], label="follow") u_1_fig.set_xlabel("time [s]") u_1_fig.set_ylabel("u_omega") input_history_fig.tight_layout() """ animdrawer = AnimDrawer([ lead_history_states, lead_history_predict_states, traj_ref, history_traj_ref, history_angle_ref ]) animdrawer.draw_anim()
def main(): dt = 0.05 simulation_time = 10 # in seconds iteration_num = int(simulation_time / dt) # you must be care about this matrix # these A and B are for continuos system if you want to use discret system matrix please skip this step # lineared car system V = 5.0 A = np.array([[0., V], [0., 0.]]) B = np.array([[0.], [1.]]) C = np.eye(2) D = np.zeros((2, 1)) # make simulator with coninuous matrix init_xs_lead = np.array([5., 0., 0.]) init_xs_follow = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) lead_car = TwoWheeledSystem(init_states=init_xs_lead) follow_car = TwoWheeledSystem(init_states=init_xs_follow) # create system sysc =, B, C, D) # discrete system sysd = matlab.c2d(sysc, dt) Ad = sysd.A Bd = sysd.B # evaluation function weight Q = np.diag([1., 1.]) R = np.diag([5.]) pre_step = 15 # make controller with discreted matrix # please check the solver, if you want to use the scipy, set the MpcController_scipy lead_controller = MpcController_cvxopt(Ad, Bd, Q, R, pre_step, dt_input_upper=np.array([30 * dt]), dt_input_lower=np.array([-30 * dt]), input_upper=np.array([30.]), input_lower=np.array([-30.])) follow_controller = MpcController_cvxopt( Ad, Bd, Q, R, pre_step, dt_input_upper=np.array([30 * dt]), dt_input_lower=np.array([-30 * dt]), input_upper=np.array([30.]), input_lower=np.array([-30.])) lead_controller.initialize_controller() follow_controller.initialize_controller() # reference lead_reference = np.array([[0., 0.] for _ in range(pre_step)]).flatten() for i in range(iteration_num): print("simulation time = {0}".format(i)) # make lead car's move if i > int(iteration_num / 3): lead_reference = np.array([[4., 0.] for _ in range(pre_step)]).flatten() lead_states = lead_car.xs lead_opt_u = lead_controller.calc_input(lead_states[1:], lead_reference) lead_opt_u = np.hstack((np.array([V]), lead_opt_u)) # make follow car follow_reference = np.array([lead_states[1:] for _ in range(pre_step)]).flatten() follow_states = follow_car.xs follow_opt_u = follow_controller.calc_input(follow_states[1:], follow_reference) follow_opt_u = np.hstack((np.array([V]), follow_opt_u)) lead_car.update_state(lead_opt_u, dt=dt) follow_car.update_state(follow_opt_u, dt=dt) # figures and animation lead_history_states = np.array(lead_car.history_xs) follow_history_states = np.array(follow_car.history_xs) time_history_fig = plt.figure() x_fig = time_history_fig.add_subplot(311) y_fig = time_history_fig.add_subplot(312) theta_fig = time_history_fig.add_subplot(313) car_traj_fig = plt.figure() traj_fig = car_traj_fig.add_subplot(111) traj_fig.set_aspect('equal') x_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time + 0.01, dt), lead_history_states[:, 0], label="lead") x_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time + 0.01, dt), follow_history_states[:, 0], label="follow") x_fig.set_xlabel("time [s]") x_fig.set_ylabel("x") x_fig.legend() y_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time + 0.01, dt), lead_history_states[:, 1], label="lead") y_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time + 0.01, dt), follow_history_states[:, 1], label="follow") y_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time + 0.01, dt), [4. for _ in range(iteration_num + 1)], linestyle="dashed") y_fig.set_xlabel("time [s]") y_fig.set_ylabel("y") y_fig.legend() theta_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time + 0.01, dt), lead_history_states[:, 2], label="lead") theta_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time + 0.01, dt), follow_history_states[:, 2], label="follow") theta_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time + 0.01, dt), [0. for _ in range(iteration_num + 1)], linestyle="dashed") theta_fig.set_xlabel("time [s]") theta_fig.set_ylabel("theta") theta_fig.legend() time_history_fig.tight_layout() traj_fig.plot(lead_history_states[:, 0], lead_history_states[:, 1], label="lead") traj_fig.plot(follow_history_states[:, 0], follow_history_states[:, 1], label="follow") traj_fig.set_xlabel("x") traj_fig.set_ylabel("y") traj_fig.legend() lead_history_us = np.array(lead_controller.history_us) follow_history_us = np.array(follow_controller.history_us) input_history_fig = plt.figure() u_1_fig = input_history_fig.add_subplot(111) u_1_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time + 0.01, dt), lead_history_us[:, 0], label="lead") u_1_fig.plot(np.arange(0, simulation_time + 0.01, dt), follow_history_us[:, 0], label="follow") u_1_fig.set_xlabel("time [s]") u_1_fig.set_ylabel("u_omega") input_history_fig.tight_layout() animdrawer = AnimDrawer([lead_history_states, follow_history_states]) animdrawer.draw_anim()