def predict_json(json_in, json_out):
    predict the splicing effect with Houdayer method
    json_splice = JsonSplice(json_in)
    results = {}
    for counter in range(0, len(json_splice.json_dict)):  # len(json_splice.json_dict)
        db_entry = json_splice.json_dict[counter]
        chrom = db_entry["chrom"]
        pos = db_entry["pos"]
        alt = db_entry["alt"]
        ref = db_entry["ref"]
        ID = db_entry["ID"]
        predict = SplicePredict(chrom, int(pos), ref, alt)
        predict.ID = ID
        predict.strategy = "Houdayer"
        # predict.load_json(json_splice)
        effect, comments = predict.predict()
        print "[%s] chr%s:%s%s>%s : %s (%s)" % (ID, chrom, pos, ref, alt, ", ".join(effect), ", ".join(comments))
        results[ID] = {"effect": effect, "comments": comments}

    with open(json_out, "w") as f:
        data = json.dumps(results, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "), ensure_ascii=True)
        data = unicode(data.strip(codecs.BOM_UTF8), "utf-8")