Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, logfile=None):

        @param logfile (sppasLog) is a log file utility class member.

        sppasBase.__init__(self, logfile)

        self.momel = Momel()
        self.PAS_TRAME = 10.
Beispiel #2
class sppasMomel( sppasBase ):
    @author:       Brigitte Bigi
    @organization: Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France
    @contact:      [email protected]
    @license:      GPL, v3
    @copyright:    Copyright (C) 2011-2016  Brigitte Bigi
    @summary:      SPPAS integration of Momel.

    def __init__(self, logfile=None):

        @param logfile (sppasLog) is a log file utility class member.

        sppasBase.__init__(self, logfile)

        self.momel = Momel()
        self.PAS_TRAME = 10.

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Methods to fix options
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def fix_options(self, options):
        Fix all options.

        @param options (option)

        for opt in options:

            key = opt.get_key()

            if "lfen1" == key:
                self.momel.set_option_win1( opt.get_value() )
                self._options['lfen1'] = opt.get_value()

            elif "hzinf" == key:
                self.momel.set_option_lo( opt.get_value() )
                self._options['hzinf'] = opt.get_value()

            elif "hzsup" == key:
                self.momel.set_option_hi( opt.get_value() )
                self._options['hzsup'] = opt.get_value()

            elif "maxec" == opt.get_key():
                self.momel.set_option_maxerr( opt.get_value() )
                self._options['maxec'] = opt.get_value()

            elif "lfen2" == opt.get_key():
                self.momel.set_option_win2( opt.get_value() )
                self._options['lfen2'] = opt.get_value()

            elif "seuildiff_x" == opt.get_key():
                self.momel.set_option_mind( opt.get_value() )
                self._options['seuildiff_x'] = opt.get_value()

            elif "seuildiff_y" == opt.get_key():
                self.momel.set_option_minr( opt.get_value() )
                self._options['seuildiff_y'] = opt.get_value()

            elif "glitch" == opt.get_key():
                self.momel.set_option_elim_glitch( opt.get_value() )
                self._options['glitch'] = opt.get_value()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_pitch(self, inputfilename):
        Load pitch values from a file.

        @return A list of pitch values (one value each 10 ms).

        pitch = inputfilename )
        pitchlist = pitch.get_pitch_list()
        if len(pitchlist) == 0:
            raise IOError('Error while reading '+inputfilename+'\nEmpty pitch tier.\n')
        return pitchlist

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __print_tgts(self, targets, output):
        for i in range(len(targets)):
            output.write( str( "%g"%(targets[i].get_x() * self.PAS_TRAME) ) )
            output.write( " " )
            output.write( str( "%g"%targets[i].get_y() ) )
            output.write( "\n" )

    def print_targets(self, targets, outputfile=None, trs=None):
        Print the set of selected targets.

        if outputfile is not None:
            if outputfile is "STDOUT":
                self.__print_tgts(targets, output)
            elif outputfile.lower().endswith('momel') is True:
                output = open(outputfile,"w")
                self.__print_tgts(targets, output)

        if trs is not None:
            # Attention: time in targets is in milliseconds!
            tier = trs.NewTier(name="Momel")
            for i in range(len(targets)):
                    _time  = targets[i].get_x() * (0.001*self.PAS_TRAME)
                    _label = str("%d"%(targets[i].get_y()))
                    tier.Append(Annotation(TimePoint(_time), Label(_label)))
                except Exception:
                    if self.logfile is not None:
                        self.logfile.print_message("Ignore target: time="+str(_time)+" and value="+_label, indent=2,status=3)

            if outputfile is not None and outputfile.lower().endswith('.pitchtier'):
          , trsp)
                except Exception:
                    if self.logfile is not None:
                        self.logfile.print_message("Can't write PitchTier output file.",status=-1)
            return tier

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    def run(self, inputfilename, trsoutput=None, outputfile=None):
        Apply momel from a pitch file.

        self.print_diagnosis( inputfilename )

        # Get pitch values from the input
        pitch = self.set_pitch( inputfilename )
        # Selected values (Target points) for this set of pitch values
        targets = []

        # List of pitch values of one **estimated** Inter-Pausal-Unit (ipu)
        ipupitch = []
        # Number of consecutive null F0 values
        nbzero  = 0
        # Current time value
        curtime = 0
        # For each f0 value of the wav file
        for p in pitch:
            if p == 0:
                nbzero += 1
                nbzero = 0
            ipupitch.append( p )

            # If the number of null values exceed 300ms,
            # we consider this is a silence and estimate Momel
            # on the recorded list of pitch values of the **estimated** IPU.
            if (nbzero*self.PAS_TRAME) > 299:
                if len(ipupitch)>0 and ( len(ipupitch) > nbzero):
                    # Estimates the real start time of the IPU
                    ipustarttime = curtime - ( len(ipupitch) ) + 1
                        # It is supposed ipupitch starts at time = 0.
                        iputargets = self.momel.annotate( ipupitch )
                    except Exception as e:
                        if self.logfile is not None:
                            self.logfile.print_message('No Momel annotation between time '+ str(ipustarttime*0.01) +" and "+ str(curtime*0.01)+" due to the following error: " +str(e),indent=2,status=-1)
                            print "Momel Error: " + str(e)
                        iputargets = []
                    # Adjust time values in the targets
                    for i in range( len(iputargets) ):
                        x = iputargets[i].get_x()
                        iputargets[i].set_x( ipustarttime + x )
                    # add this targets to the targets list
                    targets = targets + iputargets
                    del ipupitch[:]

            curtime += 1

        # last ipu
        if len(ipupitch)>0 and ( len(ipupitch) > nbzero):
                iputargets = self.momel.annotate( ipupitch )
            except Exception as e:
                if self.logfile is not None:
                    self.logfile.print_message('No Momel annotation between time '+ str(ipustarttime*0.01) +" and "+ str(curtime*0.01)+" due to the following error: " +str(e),indent=2,status=-1)
                    print "error: " + str(e)
                    iputargets = []
            ipustarttime = curtime - ( len(ipupitch) )
            # Adjust time values
            for i in range( len(iputargets) ):
                x = iputargets[i].get_x()
                iputargets[i].set_x(ipustarttime + x)
            targets = targets + iputargets

        # Print results and/or estimate INTSINT (if any)
        if trsoutput:
            trsm = Transcription("TrsMomel")
            if outputfile:
                momeltier = self.print_targets(targets, outputfile, trs=trsm)
                momeltier = self.print_targets(targets, outputfile=None, trs=trsm)
            if self.logfile is not None:
                self.logfile.print_message(str(len(targets))+ " targets found.",indent=2,status=3)

            momeltier.SetRadius(0.005) # because one pitch estimation each 10ms...
   trsoutput, trsm )
        elif outputfile:
            self.print_targets(targets, outputfile, trs=None)
            self.print_targets(targets, outputfile='STDOUT', trs=None)