Beispiel #1
class InnerInventoryManager(InventoryManager):
    def __init__(self, loader, hosts):

        # base objects
        self._loader = loader
        self._hosts = hosts
        self._inventory = InventoryData()

        # a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
        self._restriction = None
        self._subset = None

        # caches
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}  # resolved full patterns
        self._pattern_cache = {}  # resolved individual patterns
        self._inventory_plugins = []  # for generating inventory
        super(InnerInventoryManager, self).__init__(loader, None)

    def _set_hosts(self):
        if isinstance(self._hosts, str):
            _host = list()
            self._hosts = _host
        for h in self._hosts:
Beispiel #2
    def run(self, terms, variables=None, **kwargs):

        parsed = []

        for term in terms:
            display.debug("Read ini lookup term: %s" % term)

            # Find the file in the expected search path
            path = self.find_file_in_search_path(variables, 'files', term)
            display.vvvv(u"Read ini lookup using %s as file" % path)
            if not path:
                raise AnsibleError("could not locate file in lookup: %s" %

                inventory = InventoryData()
                parser = InventoryModule()
                parser.parse(inventory, self._loader, path)
            except AnsibleParserError as e:
                raise AnsibleError(e)

        ret = {}
        for inventory in parsed:
            for group, hosts in inventory.items():
                for host in hosts:
                    ret.setdefault(host, []).append(group)
        return [ret]
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, loader, sources=None):

        # base objects
        self._loader = loader
        self._inventory = InventoryData()

        # a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
        self._restriction = None
        self._subset = None

        # caches
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}  # resolved full patterns
        self._pattern_cache = {}  # resolved individual patterns
        self._inventory_plugins = []  # for generating inventory

        # the inventory dirs, files, script paths or lists of hosts
        if sources is None:
            self._sources = []
        elif isinstance(sources, string_types):
            self._sources = [sources]
            self._sources = sources

        # get to work!
Beispiel #4
    def refresh_inventory(self):
        ''' recalculate inventory '''

        self._inventory = InventoryData()
        for host in self._cached_dynamic_hosts:
            self.add_dynamic_host(host, {'refresh': True})
        for host, result in self._cached_dynamic_grouping:
            result['refresh'] = True
            self.add_dynamic_group(host, result)
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, loader, sources=None):

        # base objects
        self._loader = loader
        self._inventory = InventoryData()

        # a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
        self._restriction = None
        self._subset = None

        # caches
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}  # resolved full patterns
        self._pattern_cache = {}  # resolved individual patterns
        self._inventory_plugins = []  # for generating inventory

        # the inventory dirs, files, script paths or lists of hosts
        if sources is None:
            self._sources = []
        elif isinstance(sources, string_types):
            self._sources = [sources]
            self._sources = sources

        # get to work!
Beispiel #6
def test_dict():
    inventory = InventoryData()
    loader = DataLoader()
    source = {
        "group1": [''],
        "group2": {
            "hosts": [""],
            "vars": {
                "var2": "var_value2"
        "": {
            "ansible_ssh_host": "",
            "3vars": "3value"
        "_meta": {
            "hostvars": {}

    c = InventoryDictPlugin()
    c.parse(inventory, loader, source)

    print "hosts:", inventory.hosts
    print "groups:", inventory.groups
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, loader, hosts):

        # base objects
        self._loader = loader
        self._hosts = hosts
        self._inventory = InventoryData()

        # a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
        self._restriction = None
        self._subset = None

        # caches
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}  # resolved full patterns
        self._pattern_cache = {}  # resolved individual patterns
        self._inventory_plugins = []  # for generating inventory
        super(InnerInventoryManager, self).__init__(loader, None)
Beispiel #8
def parser_inventory(sources):
    loader = DataLoader()
    inventory = InventoryData()
    parser = InventoryModule()
    manager = HostsManager(loader=loader, sources=sources)
    groups = manager.groups
    for group in groups:
        hosts = group.get_hosts()
        for host in hosts:
Beispiel #9
def inventory():
    inventory = InventoryModule()
    inventory._config_data = config_data
    inventory.inventory = InventoryData()
    inventory.templar = Templar(loader=None)

    for host in hostvars:

    return inventory
Beispiel #10
def test_string():
    inventory = InventoryData()
    loader = DataLoader()

    a = InventoryStringPlugin()
    a.parse(inventory, loader, "")
    a.parse(inventory, loader, ",")
    a.parse(inventory, loader, ",")
    print "hosts:", inventory.hosts
    print "groups:", inventory.groups
Beispiel #11
def test_list():
    inventory = InventoryData()
    loader = DataLoader()

    b = InventoryListPlugin()
    b.parse(inventory, loader, ["", ""])
    b.parse(inventory, loader, {"", ""})

    print "hosts:", inventory.hosts
    print "groups:", inventory.groups
Beispiel #12
def parser_inventory(sources):
    loader = DataLoader()
    inventory = InventoryData()
    parser = InventoryModule()
    manager = HostsManager(loader=loader, sources=sources)
    groups = manager.groups
    for group in groups:
        hosts = group.get_hosts()
        for host in hosts:
            print('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~', host.serialize(), '=======',
Beispiel #13
def inventory():
    inv = InventoryModule()
    inv.inventory = InventoryData()

    # Test Values = inv.load_json_data(
    )  # Load Test Data
    inv.groupby = GROUP_Config
    inv.prefered_container_network_interface = 'eth'
    inv.prefered_container_network_family = 'inet'
    inv.filter = 'running'
    inv.dump_data = False

    return inv
Beispiel #14
class InventoryManager(object):
    ''' Creates and manages inventory '''
    def __init__(self, loader, sources=None):

        # base objects
        self._loader = loader
        self._inventory = InventoryData()

        # a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
        self._restriction = None
        self._subset = None

        # caches
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}  # resolved full patterns
        self._pattern_cache = {}  # resolved individual patterns
        self._inventory_plugins = []  # for generating inventory

        # the inventory dirs, files, script paths or lists of hosts
        if sources is None:
            self._sources = []
        elif isinstance(sources, string_types):
            self._sources = [sources]
            self._sources = sources

        # get to work!

    def localhost(self):
        return self._inventory.localhost

    def groups(self):
        return self._inventory.groups

    def hosts(self):
        return self._inventory.hosts

    def get_vars(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._inventory.get_vars(args, kwargs)

    def add_host(self, host, group=None, port=None):
        return self._inventory.add_host(host, group, port)

    def add_group(self, group):
        return self._inventory.add_group(group)

    def get_groups_dict(self):
        return self._inventory.get_groups_dict()

    def reconcile_inventory(self):
        return self._inventory.reconcile_inventory()

    def get_host(self, hostname):
        return self._inventory.get_host(hostname)

    def _setup_inventory_plugins(self):
        ''' sets up loaded inventory plugins for usage '''

        display.vvvv('setting up inventory plugins')

        for name in C.INVENTORY_ENABLED:
            plugin = inventory_loader.get(name)
            if plugin:
                    'Failed to load inventory plugin, skipping %s' % name)

        if not self._inventory_plugins:
            raise AnsibleError(
                "No inventory plugins available to generate inventory, make sure you have at least one whitelisted."

    def parse_sources(self, cache=False):
        ''' iterate over inventory sources and parse each one to populate it'''


        parsed = False
        # allow for multiple inventory parsing
        for source in self._sources:

            if source:
                if ',' not in source:
                    source = unfrackpath(source, follow=False)
                parse = self.parse_source(source, cache=cache)
                if parse and not parsed:
                    parsed = True

        if parsed:
            # do post processing
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "No inventory was parsed, please check your configuration and options."
                    "No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available"

        self._inventory_plugins = []

    def parse_source(self, source, cache=False):
        ''' Generate or update inventory for the source provided '''

        parsed = False
        display.debug(u'Examining possible inventory source: %s' % source)

        b_source = to_bytes(source)
        # process directories as a collection of inventories
        if os.path.isdir(b_source):
            display.debug(u'Searching for inventory files in directory: %s' %
            for i in sorted(os.listdir(b_source)):

                display.debug(u'Considering %s' % i)
                # Skip hidden files and stuff we explicitly ignore

                # recursively deal with directory entries
                b_fullpath = os.path.join(b_source, i)
                parsed_this_one = self.parse_source(b_fullpath, cache=cache)
                display.debug(u'parsed %s as %s' %
                              (to_text(b_fullpath), parsed_this_one))
                if not parsed:
                    parsed = parsed_this_one
            # left with strings or files, let plugins figure it out

            # set so new hosts can use for inventory_file/dir vasr
            self._inventory.current_source = source

            # get inventory plugins if needed, there should always be at least one generator
            if not self._inventory_plugins:

            # try source with each plugin
            failures = []
            for plugin in self._inventory_plugins:
                plugin_name = to_text(
                    getattr(plugin, '_load_name',
                            getattr(plugin, '_original_path', '')))
                display.debug(u'Attempting to use plugin %s (%s)' %
                              (plugin_name, plugin._original_path))

                # initialize and figure out if plugin wants to attempt parsing this file
                    plugin_wants = bool(plugin.verify_file(source))
                except Exception:
                    plugin_wants = False

                if plugin_wants:
                        # in case plugin fails 1/2 way we dont want partial inventory
                        parsed = True
                            'Parsed %s inventory source with %s plugin' %
                            (to_text(source), plugin_name))
                    except AnsibleParserError as e:
                        display.debug('%s was not parsable by %s' %
                                      (to_text(source), plugin_name))
                            'src': source,
                            'plugin': plugin_name,
                            'exc': e
                    except Exception as e:
                        display.debug('%s failed to parse %s' %
                                      (plugin_name, to_text(source)))
                            'src': source,
                            'plugin': plugin_name,
                            'exc': e
                    display.debug('%s did not meet %s requirements' %
                                  (to_text(source), plugin_name))
                if not parsed and failures:
                    # only if no plugin processed files should we show errors.
                    for fail in failures:
                            u'\n* Failed to parse %s with %s plugin: %s' %
                            (to_text(fail['src']), fail['plugin'],
                        if hasattr(fail['exc'], 'tb'):
        if not parsed:
            display.warning("Unable to parse %s as an inventory source" %

        # clear up, jic
        self._inventory.current_source = None

        return parsed

    def clear_caches(self):
        ''' clear all caches '''
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}
        self._pattern_cache = {}
        # FIXME: flush inventory cache

    def refresh_inventory(self):
        ''' recalculate inventory '''

        self._inventory = InventoryData()

    def _match_list(self, items, pattern_str):
        # compile patterns
            if not pattern_str.startswith('~'):
                pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern_str))
                pattern = re.compile(pattern_str[1:])
        except Exception:
            raise AnsibleError('Invalid host list pattern: %s' % pattern_str)

        # apply patterns
        results = []
        for item in items:
            if pattern.match(item):
        return results

    def get_hosts(self,
        Takes a pattern or list of patterns and returns a list of matching
        inventory host names, taking into account any active restrictions
        or applied subsets

        hosts = []

        # Check if pattern already computed
        if isinstance(pattern, list):
            pattern_hash = u":".join(pattern)
            pattern_hash = pattern

        if pattern_hash:
            if not ignore_limits and self._subset:
                pattern_hash += u":%s" % to_text(self._subset,

            if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction:
                pattern_hash += u":%s" % to_text(self._restriction,

            if pattern_hash not in self._hosts_patterns_cache:

                patterns = split_host_pattern(pattern)
                hosts = self._evaluate_patterns(patterns)

                # mainly useful for hostvars[host] access
                if not ignore_limits and self._subset:
                    # exclude hosts not in a subset, if defined
                    subset = self._evaluate_patterns(self._subset)
                    hosts = [h for h in hosts if h in subset]

                if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction:
                    # exclude hosts mentioned in any restriction (ex: failed hosts)
                    hosts = [h for h in hosts if in self._restriction]

                seen = set()
                self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash] = [
                    x for x in hosts if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)

            # sort hosts list if needed (should only happen when called from strategy)
            if order in ['sorted', 'reverse_sorted']:
                from operator import attrgetter
                hosts = sorted(self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash][:],
                               reverse=(order == 'reverse_sorted'))
            elif order == 'reverse_inventory':
                hosts = sorted(self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash][:],
                hosts = self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash][:]
                if order == 'shuffle':
                    from random import shuffle
                elif order not in [None, 'inventory']:
                        "Invalid 'order' specified for inventory hosts: %s" %

        return hosts

    def _evaluate_patterns(self, patterns):
        Takes a list of patterns and returns a list of matching host names,
        taking into account any negative and intersection patterns.

        patterns = order_patterns(patterns)
        hosts = []

        for p in patterns:
            # avoid resolving a pattern that is a plain host
            if p in self._inventory.hosts:
                that = self._match_one_pattern(p)
                if p.startswith("!"):
                    hosts = [h for h in hosts if h not in frozenset(that)]
                elif p.startswith("&"):
                    hosts = [h for h in hosts if h in frozenset(that)]
                        h for h in that
                        if not in frozenset([ for y in hosts])
        return hosts

    def _match_one_pattern(self, pattern):
        Takes a single pattern and returns a list of matching host names.
        Ignores intersection (&) and exclusion (!) specifiers.

        The pattern may be:

            1. A regex starting with ~, e.g. '~[abc]*'
            2. A shell glob pattern with ?/*/[chars]/[!chars], e.g. 'foo*'
            3. An ordinary word that matches itself only, e.g. 'foo'

        The pattern is matched using the following rules:

            1. If it's 'all', it matches all hosts in all groups.
            2. Otherwise, for each known group name:
                (a) if it matches the group name, the results include all hosts
                    in the group or any of its children.
                (b) otherwise, if it matches any hosts in the group, the results
                    include the matching hosts.

        This means that 'foo*' may match one or more groups (thus including all
        hosts therein) but also hosts in other groups.

        The built-in groups 'all' and 'ungrouped' are special. No pattern can
        match these group names (though 'all' behaves as though it matches, as
        described above). The word 'ungrouped' can match a host of that name,
        and patterns like 'ungr*' and 'al*' can match either hosts or groups
        other than all and ungrouped.

        If the pattern matches one or more group names according to these rules,
        it may have an optional range suffix to select a subset of the results.
        This is allowed only if the pattern is not a regex, i.e. '~foo[1]' does
        not work (the [1] is interpreted as part of the regex), but 'foo*[1]'
        would work if 'foo*' matched the name of one or more groups.

        Duplicate matches are always eliminated from the results.

        if pattern.startswith("&") or pattern.startswith("!"):
            pattern = pattern[1:]

        if pattern not in self._pattern_cache:
            (expr, slice) = self._split_subscript(pattern)
            hosts = self._enumerate_matches(expr)
                hosts = self._apply_subscript(hosts, slice)
            except IndexError:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "No hosts matched the subscripted pattern '%s'" % pattern)
            self._pattern_cache[pattern] = hosts

        return self._pattern_cache[pattern]

    def _split_subscript(self, pattern):
        Takes a pattern, checks if it has a subscript, and returns the pattern
        without the subscript and a (start,end) tuple representing the given
        subscript (or None if there is no subscript).

        Validates that the subscript is in the right syntax, but doesn't make
        sure the actual indices make sense in context.

        # Do not parse regexes for enumeration info
        if pattern.startswith('~'):
            return (pattern, None)

        # We want a pattern followed by an integer or range subscript.
        # (We can't be more restrictive about the expression because the
        # fnmatch semantics permit [\[:\]] to occur.)

        pattern_with_subscript = re.compile(
                (.+)                    # A pattern expression ending with...
                \[(?:                   # A [subscript] expression comprising:
                    (-?[0-9]+)|         # A single positive or negative number
                    ([0-9]+)([:-])      # Or an x:y or x: range.
            ''', re.X)

        subscript = None
        m = pattern_with_subscript.match(pattern)
        if m:
            (pattern, idx, start, sep, end) = m.groups()
            if idx:
                subscript = (int(idx), None)
                if not end:
                    end = -1
                subscript = (int(start), int(end))
                if sep == '-':
                        "Use [x:y] inclusive subscripts instead of [x-y] which has been removed"

        return (pattern, subscript)

    def _apply_subscript(self, hosts, subscript):
        Takes a list of hosts and a (start,end) tuple and returns the subset of
        hosts based on the subscript (which may be None to return all hosts).

        if not hosts or not subscript:
            return hosts

        (start, end) = subscript

        if end:
            if end == -1:
                end = len(hosts) - 1
            return hosts[start:end + 1]
            return [hosts[start]]

    def _enumerate_matches(self, pattern):
        Returns a list of host names matching the given pattern according to the
        rules explained above in _match_one_pattern.

        results = []
        # check if pattern matches group
        matching_groups = self._match_list(self._inventory.groups, pattern)
        if matching_groups:
            for groupname in matching_groups:

        # check hosts if no groups matched or it is a regex/glob pattern
        if not matching_groups or pattern.startswith('~') or any(
                special in pattern for special in ('.', '?', '*', '[')):
            # pattern might match host
            matching_hosts = self._match_list(self._inventory.hosts, pattern)
            if matching_hosts:
                for hostname in matching_hosts:

        if not results and pattern in C.LOCALHOST:
            # get_host autocreates implicit when needed
            implicit = self._inventory.get_host(pattern)
            if implicit:

        if not results and pattern != 'all':
                "Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: %s" %
        return results

    def list_hosts(self, pattern="all"):
        """ return a list of hostnames for a pattern """
        # FIXME: cache?
        result = [h for h in self.get_hosts(pattern)]

        # allow implicit localhost if pattern matches and no other results
        if len(result) == 0 and pattern in C.LOCALHOST:
            result = [pattern]

        return result

    def list_groups(self):
        # FIXME: cache?
        return sorted(self._inventory.groups.keys(), key=lambda x: x)

    def restrict_to_hosts(self, restriction):
        Restrict list operations to the hosts given in restriction.  This is used
        to batch serial operations in main playbook code, don't use this for other
        if restriction is None:
        elif not isinstance(restriction, list):
            restriction = [restriction]
        self._restriction = [ for h in restriction]

    def subset(self, subset_pattern):
        Limits inventory results to a subset of inventory that matches a given
        pattern, such as to select a given geographic of numeric slice amongst
        a previous 'hosts' selection that only select roles, or vice versa.
        Corresponds to --limit parameter to ansible-playbook
        if subset_pattern is None:
            self._subset = None
            subset_patterns = split_host_pattern(subset_pattern)
            results = []
            # allow Unix style @filename data
            for x in subset_patterns:
                if x.startswith("@"):
                    fd = open(x[1:])
            self._subset = results

    def remove_restriction(self):
        """ Do not restrict list operations """
        self._restriction = None

    def clear_pattern_cache(self):
        self._pattern_cache = {}
def inventory():
    inventory = InventoryModule()
    inventory.inventory = InventoryData()
    inventory.templar = Templar(None)
    return inventory
def create_inventory(host_dict: dict, variable_manager, loader,
    Returns an inventory object for playbook execution.
      host_list (list): list of IP addresses or hostnames
      variable_manager (ansible.vars.manager.VariableManager): Ansible variable
          manager for PlaybookExecutor
      loader (ansible.parsing.dataloader.DataLoader): Ansible data loader for
    Returns: ansible.inventory.manager.InventoryManager for PlaybookExecutor
    # create inventory and pass to var manager
    data = InventoryData()
    for key, hosts in host_dict.items():
        if key == "windows":
            data.set_variable(key, 'ansible_connection', 'winrm')
            data.set_variable(key, 'ansible_winrm_transport', 'ntlm')
            data.set_variable(key, 'ansible_winrm_scheme', 'http')
            data.set_variable(key, 'ansible_winrm_operation_timeout_sec', 40)
            data.set_variable(key, 'ansible_winrm_read_timeout_sec', 50)
            data.set_variable(key, 'ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation',
            data.set_variable(key, 'ansible_connection', 'ssh')
        for host in hosts:
            data.set_variable(host['host_ip'], 'user', host['username'])
            data.set_variable(host['host_ip'], 'ansible_password',
            data.set_variable(host['host_ip'], 'ansible_user',
            data.set_variable(host['host_ip'], 'ansible_become_password',
    inventory = InventoryManager(loader=loader)
    inventory._inventory = data
    return inventory
def inventory_fixture():
    inventory = InventoryModule()
    inventory.inventory = InventoryData()

    return inventory
Beispiel #18
    def refresh_inventory(self):
        ''' recalculate inventory '''

        self._inventory = InventoryData()
def inventory_module():
    r = InventoryModule()
    r.inventory = InventoryData()
    r.templar = Templar(None)
    r._options = {'leading_separator': True}
    return r
Beispiel #20
class AnsibleInventoryManager(InventoryManager):
    ''' Overwrite Creates and manages inventory '''
    def __init__(self, loader, sources=None):

        # base objects
        self._loader = loader
        self._inventory = InventoryData()

        # a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
        self._restriction = None
        self._subset = None

        # caches
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}  # resolved full patterns
        self._pattern_cache = {}  # resolved individual patterns
        self._inventory_plugins = []  # for generating inventory

        # the inventory dirs, files, script paths or lists of hosts
        if sources is None:
            self._sources = []
        elif isinstance(sources, string_types):
            self._sources = [sources]
            self._sources = sources

        # get to work!

    def parse_source(self, source, cache=False):
        ''' giữ nguyên và không parse haha '''

        if len(source) > 0:
            # lấy list instance inventory input
            for inven in source:

                # add group
                for group in inven.groups_list:

                    # add var của group
                    if group.have_vars:
                        for k_group_var, v_group_var in group.vars.items():
                      , k_group_var, v_group_var)

                    # add host cho group
                    if len(group.hosts.all()) > 0:

                        # add host
                        for host_ingroup in group.hosts.all():
                            # add host cho group

                            # add var
                            if host_ingroup.have_vars:
                                for k_host_ingroup_var, v_host_ingroup_var in host_ingroup.vars.items(
                              , k_host_ingroup_var,

                # add host in ungroup
                for host_ungroup in inven.hosts_list:

                    # add var cho host ungroup
                    if host_ungroup.have_vars:
                        for k_host_var, v_host_var in host_ungroup.vars.items(
                      , k_host_var, v_host_var)

                # add var default cho inventory
                # if inven.have_vars:
                #     for k_inven_var, v_inven_var in inven.vars.items():
                #         try:
                #             self._inventory.set_variable(, k_inven_var, v_inven_var)
                #         except:
                #             pass
            display.warning("Unable to parse %s as an inventory source" %
        return True
Beispiel #21
def inventory_module():
    r = InventoryModule()
    r.inventory = InventoryData()
    r.templar = Templar(None)
    return r
def inventory():
    r = InventoryModule()
    r.inventory = InventoryData()
    return r
Beispiel #23
def inventory_plugin():
    plugin = now.InventoryModule()
    plugin.inventory = InventoryData()
    return plugin
def inventory():
    r = InventoryModule()
    r.inventory = InventoryData()
    r.templar = Templar(loader=DataLoader())
    return r
def inventory_plugin():
    plugin = now.InventoryModule()
    plugin.inventory = InventoryData()
    plugin.templar = Templar(loader=None)
    return plugin
Beispiel #26
class InventoryManager(object):
    ''' Creates and manages inventory '''

    def __init__(self, loader, sources=None):

        # base objects
        self._loader = loader
        self._inventory = InventoryData()

        # a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
        self._restriction = None
        self._subset = None

        # caches
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}  # resolved full patterns
        self._pattern_cache = {}  # resolved individual patterns
        self._inventory_plugins = []  # for generating inventory

        # the inventory dirs, files, script paths or lists of hosts
        if sources is None:
            self._sources = []
        elif isinstance(sources, string_types):
            self._sources = [sources]
            self._sources = sources

        # get to work!

    def localhost(self):
        return self._inventory.localhost

    def groups(self):
        return self._inventory.groups

    def hosts(self):
        return self._inventory.hosts

    def get_vars(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._inventory.get_vars(args, kwargs)

    def add_host(self, host, group=None, port=None):
        return self._inventory.add_host(host, group, port)

    def add_group(self, group):
        return self._inventory.add_group(group)

    def get_groups_dict(self):
        return self._inventory.get_groups_dict()

    def reconcile_inventory(self):
        return self._inventory.reconcile_inventory()

    def get_host(self, hostname):
        return self._inventory.get_host(hostname)

    def _setup_inventory_plugins(self):
        ''' sets up loaded inventory plugins for usage '''

        inventory_loader = PluginLoader('InventoryModule', 'ansible.plugins.inventory', 'inventory_plugins', 'inventory_plugins')
        display.vvvv('setting up inventory plugins')

        for name in C.INVENTORY_ENABLED:
            plugin = inventory_loader.get(name)
            if plugin:
                display.warning('Failed to load inventory plugin, skipping %s' % name)

        if not self._inventory_plugins:
            raise AnsibleError("No inventory plugins available to generate inventory, make sure you have at least one whitelisted.")

    def parse_sources(self, cache=True):
        ''' iterate over inventory sources and parse each one to populate it'''


        parsed = False
        # allow for multiple inventory parsing
        for source in self._sources:

            if source:
                if ',' not in source:
                    source = unfrackpath(source, follow=False)
                parse = self.parse_source(source, cache=cache)
                if parse and not parsed:
                    parsed = True

        if parsed:
            # do post processing
            display.warning("No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available")

        self._inventory_plugins = []

    def parse_source(self, source, cache=True):
        ''' Generate or update inventory for the source provided '''

        parsed = False
        display.debug(u'Examining possible inventory source: %s' % source)

        b_source = to_bytes(source)
        # process directories as a collection of inventories
        if os.path.isdir(b_source):
            display.debug(u'Searching for inventory files in directory: %s' % source)
            for i in sorted(os.listdir(b_source)):

                display.debug(u'Considering %s' % i)
                # Skip hidden files and stuff we explicitly ignore

                # recursively deal with directory entries
                fullpath = os.path.join(b_source, i)
                parsed_this_one = self.parse_source(to_native(fullpath))
                display.debug(u'parsed %s as %s' % (fullpath, parsed_this_one))
                if not parsed:
                    parsed = parsed_this_one
            # left with strings or files, let plugins figure it out

            # set so new hosts can use for inventory_file/dir vasr
            self._inventory.current_source = source

            # get inventory plugins if needed, there should always be at least one generator
            if not self._inventory_plugins:

            # try source with each plugin
            failures = []
            for plugin in self._inventory_plugins:
                plugin_name = to_native(getattr(plugin, '_load_name', getattr(plugin, '_original_path', '')))
                display.debug(u'Attempting to use plugin %s (%s)' % (plugin_name, plugin._original_path))

                # initialize
                if plugin.verify_file(source):
                        plugin.parse(self._inventory, self._loader, source, cache=cache)
                        parsed = True
                        display.vvv('Parsed %s inventory source with %s plugin' % (to_native(source), plugin_name))
                    except AnsibleParserError as e:
                        display.debug('%s did not meet %s requirements' % (to_native(source), plugin_name))
                        failures.append({'src': source, 'plugin': plugin_name, 'exc': e})
                    display.debug('%s did not meet %s requirements' % (to_native(source), plugin_name))
                if not parsed and failures:
                    # only if no plugin processed files should we show errors.
                    if C.INVENTORY_UNPARSED_IS_FAILED:
                        msg = "Could not parse inventory source %s with available plugins:\n" % source
                        for fail in failures:
                            msg += 'Plugin %s failed: %s\n' % (fail['plugin'], to_native(fail['exc']))
                            if display.verbosity >= 3:
                                msg += "%s\n" % fail['exc'].tb
                        raise AnsibleParserError(msg)
                        for fail in failures:
                            display.warning('\n* Failed to parse %s with %s plugin: %s' % (to_native(fail['src']), fail['plugin'], to_native(fail['exc'])))

        if not parsed:
            display.warning("Unable to parse %s as an inventory source" % to_native(source))

        # clear up, jic
        self._inventory.current_source = None

        return parsed

    def clear_caches(self):
        ''' clear all caches '''
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}
        self._pattern_cache = {}
        # FIXME: flush inventory cache

    def refresh_inventory(self):
        ''' recalculate inventory '''

        self._inventory = InventoryData()

    def _match_list(self, items, pattern_str):
        # compile patterns
            if not pattern_str.startswith('~'):
                pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern_str))
                pattern = re.compile(pattern_str[1:])
        except Exception:
            raise AnsibleError('Invalid host list pattern: %s' % pattern_str)

        # apply patterns
        results = []
        for item in items:
            if pattern.match(item):
        return results

    def get_hosts(self, pattern="all", ignore_limits=False, ignore_restrictions=False, order=None):
        Takes a pattern or list of patterns and returns a list of matching
        inventory host names, taking into account any active restrictions
        or applied subsets

        # Check if pattern already computed
        if isinstance(pattern, list):
            pattern_hash = u":".join(pattern)
            pattern_hash = pattern

        if not ignore_limits and self._subset:
            pattern_hash += ":%s" % to_native(self._subset)

        if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction:
            pattern_hash += ":%s" % to_native(self._restriction)

        if pattern_hash not in self._hosts_patterns_cache:

            patterns = split_host_pattern(pattern)
            hosts = self._evaluate_patterns(patterns)

            # mainly useful for hostvars[host] access
            if not ignore_limits and self._subset:
                # exclude hosts not in a subset, if defined
                subset = self._evaluate_patterns(self._subset)
                hosts = [h for h in hosts if h in subset]

            if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction:
                # exclude hosts mentioned in any restriction (ex: failed hosts)
                hosts = [h for h in hosts if in self._restriction]

            seen = set()
            self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash] = [x for x in hosts if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]

        # sort hosts list if needed (should only happen when called from strategy)
        if order in ['sorted', 'reverse_sorted']:
            from operator import attrgetter
            hosts = sorted(self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash][:], key=attrgetter('name'), reverse=(order == 'reverse_sorted'))
        elif order == 'reverse_inventory':
            hosts = sorted(self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash][:], reverse=True)
            hosts = self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash][:]
            if order == 'shuffle':
                from random import shuffle
            elif order not in [None, 'inventory']:
                AnsibleOptionsError("Invalid 'order' specified for inventory hosts: %s" % order)

        return hosts

    def _evaluate_patterns(self, patterns):
        Takes a list of patterns and returns a list of matching host names,
        taking into account any negative and intersection patterns.

        patterns = order_patterns(patterns)
        hosts = []

        for p in patterns:
            # avoid resolving a pattern that is a plain host
            if p in self._inventory.hosts:
                that = self._match_one_pattern(p)
                if p.startswith("!"):
                    hosts = [h for h in hosts if h not in frozenset(that)]
                elif p.startswith("&"):
                    hosts = [h for h in hosts if h in frozenset(that)]
                    hosts.extend([h for h in that if not in frozenset([ for y in hosts])])
        return hosts

    def _match_one_pattern(self, pattern):
        Takes a single pattern and returns a list of matching host names.
        Ignores intersection (&) and exclusion (!) specifiers.

        The pattern may be:

            1. A regex starting with ~, e.g. '~[abc]*'
            2. A shell glob pattern with ?/*/[chars]/[!chars], e.g. 'foo*'
            3. An ordinary word that matches itself only, e.g. 'foo'

        The pattern is matched using the following rules:

            1. If it's 'all', it matches all hosts in all groups.
            2. Otherwise, for each known group name:
                (a) if it matches the group name, the results include all hosts
                    in the group or any of its children.
                (b) otherwise, if it matches any hosts in the group, the results
                    include the matching hosts.

        This means that 'foo*' may match one or more groups (thus including all
        hosts therein) but also hosts in other groups.

        The built-in groups 'all' and 'ungrouped' are special. No pattern can
        match these group names (though 'all' behaves as though it matches, as
        described above). The word 'ungrouped' can match a host of that name,
        and patterns like 'ungr*' and 'al*' can match either hosts or groups
        other than all and ungrouped.

        If the pattern matches one or more group names according to these rules,
        it may have an optional range suffix to select a subset of the results.
        This is allowed only if the pattern is not a regex, i.e. '~foo[1]' does
        not work (the [1] is interpreted as part of the regex), but 'foo*[1]'
        would work if 'foo*' matched the name of one or more groups.

        Duplicate matches are always eliminated from the results.

        if pattern.startswith("&") or pattern.startswith("!"):
            pattern = pattern[1:]

        if pattern not in self._pattern_cache:
            (expr, slice) = self._split_subscript(pattern)
            hosts = self._enumerate_matches(expr)
                hosts = self._apply_subscript(hosts, slice)
            except IndexError:
                raise AnsibleError("No hosts matched the subscripted pattern '%s'" % pattern)
            self._pattern_cache[pattern] = hosts

        return self._pattern_cache[pattern]

    def _split_subscript(self, pattern):
        Takes a pattern, checks if it has a subscript, and returns the pattern
        without the subscript and a (start,end) tuple representing the given
        subscript (or None if there is no subscript).

        Validates that the subscript is in the right syntax, but doesn't make
        sure the actual indices make sense in context.

        # Do not parse regexes for enumeration info
        if pattern.startswith('~'):
            return (pattern, None)

        # We want a pattern followed by an integer or range subscript.
        # (We can't be more restrictive about the expression because the
        # fnmatch semantics permit [\[:\]] to occur.)

        pattern_with_subscript = re.compile(
                (.+)                    # A pattern expression ending with...
                \[(?:                   # A [subscript] expression comprising:
                    (-?[0-9]+)|         # A single positive or negative number
                    ([0-9]+)([:-])      # Or an x:y or x: range.
            ''', re.X

        subscript = None
        m = pattern_with_subscript.match(pattern)
        if m:
            (pattern, idx, start, sep, end) = m.groups()
            if idx:
                subscript = (int(idx), None)
                if not end:
                    end = -1
                subscript = (int(start), int(end))
                if sep == '-':
                    display.warning("Use [x:y] inclusive subscripts instead of [x-y] which has been removed")

        return (pattern, subscript)

    def _apply_subscript(self, hosts, subscript):
        Takes a list of hosts and a (start,end) tuple and returns the subset of
        hosts based on the subscript (which may be None to return all hosts).

        if not hosts or not subscript:
            return hosts

        (start, end) = subscript

        if end:
            if end == -1:
                end = len(hosts) - 1
            return hosts[start:end + 1]
            return [hosts[start]]

    def _enumerate_matches(self, pattern):
        Returns a list of host names matching the given pattern according to the
        rules explained above in _match_one_pattern.

        results = []
        # check if pattern matches group
        matching_groups = self._match_list(self._inventory.groups, pattern)
        if matching_groups:
            for groupname in matching_groups:
            # pattern might match host
            matching_hosts = self._match_list(self._inventory.hosts, pattern)
            if matching_hosts:
                for hostname in matching_hosts:

        if not results and pattern in C.LOCALHOST:
            # get_host autocreates implicit when needed
            implicit = self._inventory.get_host(pattern)
            if implicit:

        if not results:
            display.warning("Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: %s" % pattern)
        return results

    def list_hosts(self, pattern="all"):
        """ return a list of hostnames for a pattern """
        # FIXME: cache?
        result = [h for h in self.get_hosts(pattern)]

        # allow implicit localhost if pattern matches and no other results
        if len(result) == 0 and pattern in C.LOCALHOST:
            result = [pattern]

        return result

    def list_groups(self):
        # FIXME: cache?
        return sorted(self._inventory.groups.keys(), key=lambda x: x)

    def restrict_to_hosts(self, restriction):
        Restrict list operations to the hosts given in restriction.  This is used
        to batch serial operations in main playbook code, don't use this for other
        if restriction is None:
        elif not isinstance(restriction, list):
            restriction = [restriction]
        self._restriction = [ for h in restriction]

    def subset(self, subset_pattern):
        Limits inventory results to a subset of inventory that matches a given
        pattern, such as to select a given geographic of numeric slice amongst
        a previous 'hosts' selection that only select roles, or vice versa.
        Corresponds to --limit parameter to ansible-playbook
        if subset_pattern is None:
            self._subset = None
            subset_patterns = split_host_pattern(subset_pattern)
            results = []
            # allow Unix style @filename data
            for x in subset_patterns:
                if x.startswith("@"):
                    fd = open(x[1:])
            self._subset = results

    def remove_restriction(self):
        """ Do not restrict list operations """
        self._restriction = None

    def clear_pattern_cache(self):
        self._pattern_cache = {}
Beispiel #27
    def refresh_inventory(self):
        ''' recalculate inventory '''

        self._inventory = InventoryData()
Beispiel #28
class InventoryManager(object):
    ''' Creates and manages inventory '''
    def __init__(self, loader, sources=None, parse=True, cache=True):

        # base objects
        self._loader = loader
        self._inventory = InventoryData()

        # a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
        self._restriction = None
        self._subset = None

        # caches
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}  # resolved full patterns
        self._pattern_cache = {}  # resolved individual patterns

        # the inventory dirs, files, script paths or lists of hosts
        if sources is None:
            self._sources = []
        elif isinstance(sources, string_types):
            self._sources = [sources]
            self._sources = sources

        # get to work!
        if parse:

        self._cached_dynamic_hosts = []
        self._cached_dynamic_grouping = []

    def localhost(self):
        return self._inventory.get_host('localhost')

    def groups(self):
        return self._inventory.groups

    def hosts(self):
        return self._inventory.hosts

    def add_host(self, host, group=None, port=None):
        return self._inventory.add_host(host, group, port)

    def add_group(self, group):
        return self._inventory.add_group(group)

    def get_groups_dict(self):
        return self._inventory.get_groups_dict()

    def reconcile_inventory(self):
        return self._inventory.reconcile_inventory()

    def get_host(self, hostname):
        return self._inventory.get_host(hostname)

    def _fetch_inventory_plugins(self):
        ''' sets up loaded inventory plugins for usage '''

        display.vvvv('setting up inventory plugins')

        plugins = []
        for name in C.INVENTORY_ENABLED:
            plugin = inventory_loader.get(name)
            if plugin:
                    'Failed to load inventory plugin, skipping %s' % name)

        if not plugins:
            raise AnsibleError(
                "No inventory plugins available to generate inventory, make sure you have at least one enabled."

        return plugins

    def parse_sources(self, cache=False):
        ''' iterate over inventory sources and parse each one to populate it'''

        parsed = False
        # allow for multiple inventory parsing
        for source in self._sources:

            if source:
                if ',' not in source:
                    source = unfrackpath(source, follow=False)
                parse = self.parse_source(source, cache=cache)
                if parse and not parsed:
                    parsed = True

        if parsed:
            # do post processing
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "No inventory was parsed, please check your configuration and options."
                    "No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available"

        for group in self.groups.values():
            group.vars = combine_vars(
                get_vars_from_inventory_sources(self._loader, self._sources,
                                                [group], 'inventory'))
        for host in self.hosts.values():
            host.vars = combine_vars(
                get_vars_from_inventory_sources(self._loader, self._sources,
                                                [host], 'inventory'))

    def parse_source(self, source, cache=False):
        ''' Generate or update inventory for the source provided '''

        parsed = False
        failures = []
        display.debug(u'Examining possible inventory source: %s' % source)

        # use binary for path functions
        b_source = to_bytes(source)

        # process directories as a collection of inventories
        if os.path.isdir(b_source):
            display.debug(u'Searching for inventory files in directory: %s' %
            for i in sorted(os.listdir(b_source)):

                display.debug(u'Considering %s' % i)
                # Skip hidden files and stuff we explicitly ignore

                # recursively deal with directory entries
                fullpath = to_text(os.path.join(b_source, i),
                parsed_this_one = self.parse_source(fullpath, cache=cache)
                display.debug(u'parsed %s as %s' % (fullpath, parsed_this_one))
                if not parsed:
                    parsed = parsed_this_one
            # left with strings or files, let plugins figure it out

            # set so new hosts can use for inventory_file/dir vars
            self._inventory.current_source = source

            # try source with each plugin
            for plugin in self._fetch_inventory_plugins():

                plugin_name = to_text(
                    getattr(plugin, '_load_name',
                            getattr(plugin, '_original_path', '')))
                display.debug(u'Attempting to use plugin %s (%s)' %
                              (plugin_name, plugin._original_path))

                # initialize and figure out if plugin wants to attempt parsing this file
                    plugin_wants = bool(plugin.verify_file(source))
                except Exception:
                    plugin_wants = False

                if plugin_wants:
                        # FIXME in case plugin fails 1/2 way we have partial inventory
                        except AttributeError:
                            # some plugins might not implement caching
                        parsed = True
                            'Parsed %s inventory source with %s plugin' %
                            (source, plugin_name))
                    except AnsibleParserError as e:
                        display.debug('%s was not parsable by %s' %
                                      (source, plugin_name))
                        tb = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]))
                            'src': source,
                            'plugin': plugin_name,
                            'exc': e,
                            'tb': tb
                    except Exception as e:
                            '%s failed while attempting to parse %s' %
                            (plugin_name, source))
                        tb = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]))
                            'src': source,
                            'plugin': plugin_name,
                            'exc': AnsibleError(e),
                            'tb': tb
                        "%s declined parsing %s as it did not pass its verify_file() method"
                        % (plugin_name, source))

        if parsed:
            # only warn/error if NOT using the default or using it and the file is present
            # TODO: handle 'non file' inventory and detect vs hardcode default
            if source != '/etc/ansible/hosts' or os.path.exists(source):

                if failures:
                    # only if no plugin processed files should we show errors.
                    for fail in failures:
                            u'\n* Failed to parse %s with %s plugin: %s' %
                            (to_text(fail['src']), fail['plugin'],
                        if 'tb' in fail:

                # final error/warning on inventory source failure
                    raise AnsibleError(
                        u'Completely failed to parse inventory source %s' %
                        "Unable to parse %s as an inventory source" % source)

        # clear up, jic
        self._inventory.current_source = None

        return parsed

    def clear_caches(self):
        ''' clear all caches '''
        self._hosts_patterns_cache = {}
        self._pattern_cache = {}

    def refresh_inventory(self):
        ''' recalculate inventory '''

        self._inventory = InventoryData()
        for host in self._cached_dynamic_hosts:
            self.add_dynamic_host(host, {'refresh': True})
        for host, result in self._cached_dynamic_grouping:
            result['refresh'] = True
            self.add_dynamic_group(host, result)

    def _match_list(self, items, pattern_str):
        # compile patterns
            if not pattern_str[0] == '~':
                pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern_str))
                pattern = re.compile(pattern_str[1:])
        except Exception:
            raise AnsibleError('Invalid host list pattern: %s' % pattern_str)

        # apply patterns
        results = []
        for item in items:
            if pattern.match(item):
        return results

    def get_hosts(self,
        Takes a pattern or list of patterns and returns a list of matching
        inventory host names, taking into account any active restrictions
        or applied subsets

        hosts = []

        # Check if pattern already computed
        if isinstance(pattern, list):
            pattern_list = pattern[:]
            pattern_list = [pattern]

        if pattern_list:
            if not ignore_limits and self._subset:

            if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction:

            # This is only used as a hash key in the self._hosts_patterns_cache dict
            # a tuple is faster than stringifying
            pattern_hash = tuple(pattern_list)

            if pattern_hash not in self._hosts_patterns_cache:

                patterns = split_host_pattern(pattern)
                hosts = self._evaluate_patterns(patterns)

                # mainly useful for hostvars[host] access
                if not ignore_limits and self._subset:
                    # exclude hosts not in a subset, if defined
                    subset_uuids = set(
                        s._uuid for s in self._evaluate_patterns(self._subset))
                    hosts = [h for h in hosts if h._uuid in subset_uuids]

                if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction:
                    # exclude hosts mentioned in any restriction (ex: failed hosts)
                    hosts = [h for h in hosts if in self._restriction]

                self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash] = deduplicate_list(

            # sort hosts list if needed (should only happen when called from strategy)
            if order in ['sorted', 'reverse_sorted']:
                hosts = sorted(self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash][:],
                               reverse=(order == 'reverse_sorted'))
            elif order == 'reverse_inventory':
                hosts = self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash][::-1]
                hosts = self._hosts_patterns_cache[pattern_hash][:]
                if order == 'shuffle':
                elif order not in [None, 'inventory']:
                    raise AnsibleOptionsError(
                        "Invalid 'order' specified for inventory hosts: %s" %

        return hosts

    def _evaluate_patterns(self, patterns):
        Takes a list of patterns and returns a list of matching host names,
        taking into account any negative and intersection patterns.

        patterns = order_patterns(patterns)
        hosts = []

        for p in patterns:
            # avoid resolving a pattern that is a plain host
            if p in self._inventory.hosts:
                that = self._match_one_pattern(p)
                if p[0] == "!":
                    that = set(that)
                    hosts = [h for h in hosts if h not in that]
                elif p[0] == "&":
                    that = set(that)
                    hosts = [h for h in hosts if h in that]
                    existing_hosts = set( for y in hosts)
                        [h for h in that if not in existing_hosts])
        return hosts

    def _match_one_pattern(self, pattern):
        Takes a single pattern and returns a list of matching host names.
        Ignores intersection (&) and exclusion (!) specifiers.

        The pattern may be:

            1. A regex starting with ~, e.g. '~[abc]*'
            2. A shell glob pattern with ?/*/[chars]/[!chars], e.g. 'foo*'
            3. An ordinary word that matches itself only, e.g. 'foo'

        The pattern is matched using the following rules:

            1. If it's 'all', it matches all hosts in all groups.
            2. Otherwise, for each known group name:
                (a) if it matches the group name, the results include all hosts
                    in the group or any of its children.
                (b) otherwise, if it matches any hosts in the group, the results
                    include the matching hosts.

        This means that 'foo*' may match one or more groups (thus including all
        hosts therein) but also hosts in other groups.

        The built-in groups 'all' and 'ungrouped' are special. No pattern can
        match these group names (though 'all' behaves as though it matches, as
        described above). The word 'ungrouped' can match a host of that name,
        and patterns like 'ungr*' and 'al*' can match either hosts or groups
        other than all and ungrouped.

        If the pattern matches one or more group names according to these rules,
        it may have an optional range suffix to select a subset of the results.
        This is allowed only if the pattern is not a regex, i.e. '~foo[1]' does
        not work (the [1] is interpreted as part of the regex), but 'foo*[1]'
        would work if 'foo*' matched the name of one or more groups.

        Duplicate matches are always eliminated from the results.

        if pattern[0] in ("&", "!"):
            pattern = pattern[1:]

        if pattern not in self._pattern_cache:
            (expr, slice) = self._split_subscript(pattern)
            hosts = self._enumerate_matches(expr)
                hosts = self._apply_subscript(hosts, slice)
            except IndexError:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "No hosts matched the subscripted pattern '%s'" % pattern)
            self._pattern_cache[pattern] = hosts

        return self._pattern_cache[pattern]

    def _split_subscript(self, pattern):
        Takes a pattern, checks if it has a subscript, and returns the pattern
        without the subscript and a (start,end) tuple representing the given
        subscript (or None if there is no subscript).

        Validates that the subscript is in the right syntax, but doesn't make
        sure the actual indices make sense in context.

        # Do not parse regexes for enumeration info
        if pattern[0] == '~':
            return (pattern, None)

        # We want a pattern followed by an integer or range subscript.
        # (We can't be more restrictive about the expression because the
        # fnmatch semantics permit [\[:\]] to occur.)

        subscript = None
        m = PATTERN_WITH_SUBSCRIPT.match(pattern)
        if m:
            (pattern, idx, start, sep, end) = m.groups()
            if idx:
                subscript = (int(idx), None)
                if not end:
                    end = -1
                subscript = (int(start), int(end))
                if sep == '-':
                        "Use [x:y] inclusive subscripts instead of [x-y] which has been removed"

        return (pattern, subscript)

    def _apply_subscript(self, hosts, subscript):
        Takes a list of hosts and a (start,end) tuple and returns the subset of
        hosts based on the subscript (which may be None to return all hosts).

        if not hosts or not subscript:
            return hosts

        (start, end) = subscript

        if end:
            if end == -1:
                end = len(hosts) - 1
            return hosts[start:end + 1]
            return [hosts[start]]

    def _enumerate_matches(self, pattern):
        Returns a list of host names matching the given pattern according to the
        rules explained above in _match_one_pattern.

        results = []
        # check if pattern matches group
        matching_groups = self._match_list(self._inventory.groups, pattern)
        if matching_groups:
            for groupname in matching_groups:

        # check hosts if no groups matched or it is a regex/glob pattern
        if not matching_groups or pattern[0] == '~' or any(
                special in pattern for special in ('.', '?', '*', '[')):
            # pattern might match host
            matching_hosts = self._match_list(self._inventory.hosts, pattern)
            if matching_hosts:
                for hostname in matching_hosts:

        if not results and pattern in C.LOCALHOST:
            # get_host autocreates implicit when needed
            implicit = self._inventory.get_host(pattern)
            if implicit:

        # Display warning if specified host pattern did not match any groups or hosts
        if not results and not matching_groups and pattern != 'all':
            msg = "Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: %s" % pattern
            if C.HOST_PATTERN_MISMATCH == 'warning':
            elif C.HOST_PATTERN_MISMATCH == 'error':
                raise AnsibleError(msg)
            # no need to write 'ignore' state

        return results

    def list_hosts(self, pattern="all"):
        """ return a list of hostnames for a pattern """
        # FIXME: cache?
        result = self.get_hosts(pattern)

        # allow implicit localhost if pattern matches and no other results
        if len(result) == 0 and pattern in C.LOCALHOST:
            result = [pattern]

        return result

    def list_groups(self):
        # FIXME: cache?
        return sorted(self._inventory.groups.keys())

    def restrict_to_hosts(self, restriction):
        Restrict list operations to the hosts given in restriction.  This is used
        to batch serial operations in main playbook code, don't use this for other
        if restriction is None:
        elif not isinstance(restriction, list):
            restriction = [restriction]
        self._restriction = set(to_text( for h in restriction)

    def subset(self, subset_pattern):
        Limits inventory results to a subset of inventory that matches a given
        pattern, such as to select a given geographic of numeric slice amongst
        a previous 'hosts' selection that only select roles, or vice versa.
        Corresponds to --limit parameter to ansible-playbook
        if subset_pattern is None:
            self._subset = None
            subset_patterns = split_host_pattern(subset_pattern)
            results = []
            # allow Unix style @filename data
            for x in subset_patterns:
                if not x:

                if x[0] == "@":
                    b_limit_file = to_bytes(x[1:])
                    if not os.path.exists(b_limit_file):
                        raise AnsibleError(u'Unable to find limit file %s' %
                    if not os.path.isfile(b_limit_file):
                        raise AnsibleError(
                            u'Limit starting with "@" must be a file, not a directory: %s'
                            % b_limit_file)
                    with open(b_limit_file) as fd:
                            to_text(l.strip()) for l in"\n")
            self._subset = results

    def remove_restriction(self):
        """ Do not restrict list operations """
        self._restriction = None

    def clear_pattern_cache(self):
        self._pattern_cache = {}

    def add_dynamic_host(self, host_info, result_item):
        Helper function to add a new host to inventory based on a task result.

        changed = False
        if not result_item.get('refresh'):

        if host_info:
            host_name = host_info.get('host_name')

            # Check if host in inventory, add if not
            if host_name not in self.hosts:
                self.add_host(host_name, 'all')
                changed = True
            new_host = self.hosts.get(host_name)

            # Set/update the vars for this host
            new_host_vars = new_host.get_vars()
            new_host_combined_vars = combine_vars(
                new_host_vars, host_info.get('host_vars', dict()))
            if new_host_vars != new_host_combined_vars:
                new_host.vars = new_host_combined_vars
                changed = True

            new_groups = host_info.get('groups', [])
            for group_name in new_groups:
                if group_name not in self.groups:
                    group_name = self._inventory.add_group(group_name)
                    changed = True
                new_group = self.groups[group_name]
                if new_group.add_host(self.hosts[host_name]):
                    changed = True

            # reconcile inventory, ensures inventory rules are followed
            if changed:

            result_item['changed'] = changed

    def add_dynamic_group(self, host, result_item):
        Helper function to add a group (if it does not exist), and to assign the
        specified host to that group.

        changed = False

        if not result_item.get('refresh'):
            self._cached_dynamic_grouping.append((host, result_item))

        # the host here is from the executor side, which means it was a
        # serialized/cloned copy and we'll need to look up the proper
        # host object from the master inventory
        real_host = self.hosts.get(
        if real_host is None:
            if ==
                real_host = self.localhost
            elif not result_item.get('refresh'):
                raise AnsibleError('%s cannot be matched in inventory' %
                # host was removed from inventory during refresh, we should not process

        group_name = result_item.get('add_group')
        parent_group_names = result_item.get('parent_groups', [])

        if group_name not in self.groups:
            group_name = self.add_group(group_name)

        for name in parent_group_names:
            if name not in self.groups:
                # create the new group and add it to inventory
                changed = True

        group = self._inventory.groups[group_name]
        for parent_group_name in parent_group_names:
            parent_group = self.groups[parent_group_name]
            new = parent_group.add_child_group(group)
            if new and not changed:
                changed = True

        if real_host not in group.get_hosts():
            changed = group.add_host(real_host)

        if group not in real_host.get_groups():
            changed = real_host.add_group(group)

        if changed:

        result_item['changed'] = changed