Beispiel #1
    def _add_module(self, name, wrapper=False):
        m, ext = name
        m = to_text(m)
        if m.startswith("Ansible."):
            # Builtin util, use plugin loader to get the data
            mu_path = ps_module_utils_loader.find_plugin(m, ext)

            if not mu_path:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    'Could not find imported module support code '
                    'for \'%s\'' % m)

            module_util_data = to_bytes(_slurp(mu_path))
            # Collection util, load the package data based on the util import.
            submodules = tuple(m.split("."))
            n_package_name = to_native('.'.join(submodules[:-1]),
            n_resource_name = to_native(submodules[-1] + ext,

                module_util = import_module(to_native(n_package_name))
                module_util_data = to_bytes(pkgutil.get_data(
                    n_package_name, n_resource_name),

                # Get the path of the util which is required for coverage collection.
                resource_paths = list(module_util.__path__)
                if len(resource_paths) != 1:
                    # This should never happen with a collection but we are just being defensive about it.
                    raise AnsibleError(
                        "Internal error: Referenced module_util package '%s' contains 0 or multiple "
                        "import locations when we only expect 1." %
                mu_path = os.path.join(resource_paths[0], n_resource_name)
            except OSError as err:
                if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                    raise AnsibleError(
                        'Could not find collection imported module support code for \'%s\''
                        % to_native(m))

        util_info = {
            'data': module_util_data,
            'path': to_text(mu_path),
        if ext == ".psm1":
            self.ps_modules[m] = util_info
            if wrapper:
                self.cs_utils_wrapper[m] = util_info
                self.cs_utils_module[m] = util_info
                         powershell=(ext == ".psm1"))
Beispiel #2
    def _add_module(self, name, wrapper=False):
        m, ext = name
        m = to_text(m)
        mu_path = ps_module_utils_loader.find_plugin(m, ext)
        if not mu_path:
            raise AnsibleError('Could not find imported module support code '
                               'for \'%s\'' % m)

        module_util_data = to_bytes(_slurp(mu_path))
        if ext == ".psm1":
            self.ps_modules[m] = module_util_data
            if wrapper:
                self.cs_utils_wrapper[m] = module_util_data
                self.cs_utils_module[m] = module_util_data
                         powershell=(ext == ".psm1"))
Beispiel #3
    def scan_module(self, module_data):
        lines = module_data.split(b'\n')
        module_utils = set()

        for line in lines:
            module_util_match = self._re_module.match(line)
            if module_util_match:
                # tolerate windows line endings by stripping any remaining newline chars
                module_util_name = to_text(
                if module_util_name not in self.modules.keys():

            ps_version_match = self._re_ps_version.match(line)
            if ps_version_match:
                self._parse_version_match(ps_version_match, "ps_version")

            os_version_match = self._re_os_version.match(line)
            if os_version_match:
                self._parse_version_match(os_version_match, "os_version")

            # once become is set, no need to keep on checking recursively
            if not self.become:
                become_match = self._re_become.match(line)
                if become_match:
                    self.become = True

        # recursively drill into each Requires to see if there are any more
        # requirements
        for m in set(module_utils):
            m = to_text(m)
            mu_path = ps_module_utils_loader.find_plugin(m, ".psm1")
            if not mu_path:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    'Could not find imported module support code for \'%s\'.' %

            module_util_data = to_bytes(_slurp(mu_path))
            self.modules[m] = module_util_data
Beispiel #4
def _find_module_utils(module_name, b_module_data, module_path, module_args, task_vars, templar, module_compression, async_timeout, become,
                       become_method, become_user, become_password, become_flags, environment):
    Given the source of the module, convert it to a Jinja2 template to insert
    module code and return whether it's a new or old style module.
    module_substyle = module_style = 'old'

    # module_style is something important to calling code (ActionBase).  It
    # determines how arguments are formatted (json vs k=v) and whether
    # a separate arguments file needs to be sent over the wire.
    # module_substyle is extra information that's useful internally.  It tells
    # us what we have to look to substitute in the module files and whether
    # we're using module replacer or ansiballz to format the module itself.
    if _is_binary(b_module_data):
        module_substyle = module_style = 'binary'
    elif REPLACER in b_module_data:
        # Do REPLACER before from ansible.module_utils because we need make sure
        # we substitute "from ansible.module_utils basic" for REPLACER
        module_style = 'new'
        module_substyle = 'python'
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER, b'from ansible.module_utils.basic import *')
    elif b'from ansible.module_utils.' in b_module_data:
        module_style = 'new'
        module_substyle = 'python'
    elif REPLACER_WINDOWS in b_module_data:
        module_style = 'new'
        module_substyle = 'powershell'
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_WINDOWS, b'#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy')
    elif'#Requires -Module', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE) \
            or'#Requires -Version', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE)\
            or'#AnsibleRequires -OSVersion', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE):
        module_style = 'new'
        module_substyle = 'powershell'
    elif REPLACER_JSONARGS in b_module_data:
        module_style = 'new'
        module_substyle = 'jsonargs'
    elif b'WANT_JSON' in b_module_data:
        module_substyle = module_style = 'non_native_want_json'

    shebang = None
    # Neither old-style, non_native_want_json nor binary modules should be modified
    # except for the shebang line (Done by modify_module)
    if module_style in ('old', 'non_native_want_json', 'binary'):
        return b_module_data, module_style, shebang

    output = BytesIO()
    py_module_names = set()

    if module_substyle == 'python':
        params = dict(ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS=module_args,)
        python_repred_params = repr(json.dumps(params))

            compression_method = getattr(zipfile, module_compression)
        except AttributeError:
            display.warning(u'Bad module compression string specified: %s.  Using ZIP_STORED (no compression)' % module_compression)
            compression_method = zipfile.ZIP_STORED

        lookup_path = os.path.join(C.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TMP, 'ansiballz_cache')
        cached_module_filename = os.path.join(lookup_path, "%s-%s" % (module_name, module_compression))

        zipdata = None
        # Optimization -- don't lock if the module has already been cached
        if os.path.exists(cached_module_filename):
            display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: using cached module: %s' % cached_module_filename)
            zipdata = open(cached_module_filename, 'rb').read()
            if module_name in action_write_locks.action_write_locks:
                display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Using lock for %s' % module_name)
                lock = action_write_locks.action_write_locks[module_name]
                # If the action plugin directly invokes the module (instead of
                # going through a strategy) then we don't have a cross-process
                # Lock specifically for this module.  Use the "unexpected
                # module" lock instead
                display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Using generic lock for %s' % module_name)
                lock = action_write_locks.action_write_locks[None]

            display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Acquiring lock')
            with lock:
                display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Lock acquired: %s' % id(lock))
                # Check that no other process has created this while we were
                # waiting for the lock
                if not os.path.exists(cached_module_filename):
                    display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Creating module')
                    # Create the module zip data
                    zipoutput = BytesIO()
                    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipoutput, mode='w', compression=compression_method)
                    # Note: If we need to import from first,
                    # remember to catch all exceptions:
                                b'from pkgutil import extend_path\n__path__=extend_path(__path__,__name__)\n__version__="' +
                                to_bytes(__version__) + b'"\n__author__="' +
                                to_bytes(__author__) + b'"\n')
                    zf.writestr('ansible/module_utils/', b'from pkgutil import extend_path\n__path__=extend_path(__path__,__name__)\n')

                    zf.writestr('' % module_name, b_module_data)

                    py_module_cache = {('__init__',): (b'', '[builtin]')}
                    recursive_finder(module_name, b_module_data, py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf)
                    zipdata = base64.b64encode(zipoutput.getvalue())

                    # Write the assembled module to a temp file (write to temp
                    # so that no one looking for the file reads a partially
                    # written file)
                    if not os.path.exists(lookup_path):
                        # Note -- if we have a global function to setup, that would
                        # be a better place to run this
                    display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Writing module')
                    with open(cached_module_filename + '-part', 'wb') as f:

                    # Rename the file into its final position in the cache so
                    # future users of this module can read it off the
                    # filesystem instead of constructing from scratch.
                    display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Renaming module')
                    os.rename(cached_module_filename + '-part', cached_module_filename)
                    display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Done creating module')

            if zipdata is None:
                display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Reading module after lock')
                # Another process wrote the file while we were waiting for
                # the write lock.  Go ahead and read the data from disk
                # instead of re-creating it.
                    zipdata = open(cached_module_filename, 'rb').read()
                except IOError:
                    raise AnsibleError('A different worker process failed to create module file. '
                                       'Look at traceback for that process for debugging information.')
        zipdata = to_text(zipdata, errors='surrogate_or_strict')

        shebang, interpreter = _get_shebang(u'/usr/bin/python', task_vars, templar)
        if shebang is None:
            shebang = u'#!/usr/bin/python'

        # Enclose the parts of the interpreter in quotes because we're
        # substituting it into the template as a Python string
        interpreter_parts = interpreter.split(u' ')
        interpreter = u"'{0}'".format(u"', '".join(interpreter_parts))

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        output.write(to_bytes(ACTIVE_ANSIBALLZ_TEMPLATE % dict(
        b_module_data = output.getvalue()

    elif module_substyle == 'powershell':
        # Powershell/winrm don't actually make use of shebang so we can
        # safely set this here.  If we let the fallback code handle this
        # it can fail in the presence of the UTF8 BOM commonly added by
        # Windows text editors
        shebang = u'#!powershell'

        exec_manifest = dict(

        exec_manifest['exec'] = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(leaf_exec)))

        if async_timeout > 0:
            exec_manifest["actions"].insert(0, 'async_watchdog')
            exec_manifest["async_watchdog"] = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(async_watchdog)))
            exec_manifest["actions"].insert(0, 'async_wrapper')
            exec_manifest["async_wrapper"] = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(async_wrapper)))
            exec_manifest["async_jid"] = str(random.randint(0, 999999999999))
            exec_manifest["async_timeout_sec"] = async_timeout

        if become and become_method == 'runas':
            exec_manifest["actions"].insert(0, 'become')
            exec_manifest["become_user"] = become_user
            exec_manifest["become_password"] = become_password
            exec_manifest['become_flags'] = become_flags
            exec_manifest["become"] = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(become_wrapper)))

        lines = b_module_data.split(b'\n')
        module_names = set()
        become_required = False
        min_os_version = None
        min_ps_version = None

        requires_module_list = re.compile(to_bytes(r'(?i)^#\s*requires\s+\-module(?:s?)\s*(Ansible\.ModuleUtils\..+)'))
        requires_ps_version = re.compile(to_bytes(r'(?i)^#requires\s+\-version\s+([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,3})$'))
        requires_os_version = re.compile(to_bytes(r'(?i)^#ansiblerequires\s+\-osversion\s+([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,3})$'))
        requires_become = re.compile(to_bytes(r'(?i)^#ansiblerequires\s+\-become$'))

        for line in lines:
            module_util_line_match = requires_module_list.match(line)
            if module_util_line_match:

            requires_ps_version_match = requires_ps_version.match(line)
            if requires_ps_version_match:
                min_ps_version = to_text(
                # Powershell cannot cast a string of "1" to version, it must
                # have at least the major.minor for it to work so we append 0
                if is None:
                    min_ps_version = "%s.0" % min_ps_version

            requires_os_version_match = requires_os_version.match(line)
            if requires_os_version_match:
                min_os_version = to_text(
                if is None:
                    min_os_version = "%s.0" % min_os_version

            requires_become_match = requires_become.match(line)
            if requires_become_match:
                become_required = True

        for m in set(module_names):
            m = to_text(m).rstrip()  # tolerate windows line endings
            mu_path = ps_module_utils_loader.find_plugin(m, ".psm1")
            if not mu_path:
                raise AnsibleError('Could not find imported module support code for \'%s\'.' % m)
            exec_manifest["powershell_modules"][m] = to_text(

        exec_manifest['min_ps_version'] = min_ps_version
        exec_manifest['min_os_version'] = min_os_version
        if become_required and 'become' not in exec_manifest["actions"]:
            exec_manifest["actions"].insert(0, 'become')
            exec_manifest["become_user"] = "******"
            exec_manifest["become_password"] = None
            exec_manifest['become_flags'] = None
            exec_manifest["become"] = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(become_wrapper)))

        # FUTURE: smuggle this back as a dict instead of serializing here; the connection plugin may need to modify it
        module_json = json.dumps(exec_manifest)

        b_module_data = exec_wrapper.replace(b"$json_raw = ''", b"$json_raw = @'\r\n%s\r\n'@" % to_bytes(module_json))

    elif module_substyle == 'jsonargs':
        module_args_json = to_bytes(json.dumps(module_args))

        # these strings could be included in a third-party module but
        # officially they were included in the 'basic' snippet for new-style
        # python modules (which has been replaced with something else in
        # ansiballz) If we remove them from jsonargs-style module replacer
        # then we can remove them everywhere.
        python_repred_args = to_bytes(repr(module_args_json))
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_VERSION, to_bytes(repr(__version__)))
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_COMPLEX, python_repred_args)
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_SELINUX, to_bytes(','.join(C.DEFAULT_SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS)))

        # The main event -- substitute the JSON args string into the module
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_JSONARGS, module_args_json)

        facility = b'syslog.' + to_bytes(task_vars.get('ansible_syslog_facility', C.DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(b'syslog.LOG_USER', facility)

    return (b_module_data, module_style, shebang)
Beispiel #5
def _find_module_utils(module_name, b_module_data, module_path, module_args, task_vars, templar, module_compression, async_timeout, become,
                       become_method, become_user, become_password, become_flags, environment):
    Given the source of the module, convert it to a Jinja2 template to insert
    module code and return whether it's a new or old style module.
    module_substyle = module_style = 'old'

    # module_style is something important to calling code (ActionBase).  It
    # determines how arguments are formatted (json vs k=v) and whether
    # a separate arguments file needs to be sent over the wire.
    # module_substyle is extra information that's useful internally.  It tells
    # us what we have to look to substitute in the module files and whether
    # we're using module replacer or ansiballz to format the module itself.
    if _is_binary(b_module_data):
        module_substyle = module_style = 'binary'
    elif REPLACER in b_module_data:
        # Do REPLACER before from ansible.module_utils because we need make sure
        # we substitute "from ansible.module_utils basic" for REPLACER
        module_style = 'new'
        module_substyle = 'python'
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER, b'from ansible.module_utils.basic import *')
    elif b'from ansible.module_utils.' in b_module_data:
        module_style = 'new'
        module_substyle = 'python'
    elif REPLACER_WINDOWS in b_module_data:
        module_style = 'new'
        module_substyle = 'powershell'
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_WINDOWS, b'#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy')
    elif'#Requires -Module', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE) \
            or'#Requires -Version', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE)\
            or'#AnsibleRequires -OSVersion', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE):
        module_style = 'new'
        module_substyle = 'powershell'
    elif REPLACER_JSONARGS in b_module_data:
        module_style = 'new'
        module_substyle = 'jsonargs'
    elif b'WANT_JSON' in b_module_data:
        module_substyle = module_style = 'non_native_want_json'

    shebang = None
    # Neither old-style, non_native_want_json nor binary modules should be modified
    # except for the shebang line (Done by modify_module)
    if module_style in ('old', 'non_native_want_json', 'binary'):
        return b_module_data, module_style, shebang

    output = BytesIO()
    py_module_names = set()

    if module_substyle == 'python':
        params = dict(ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS=module_args,)
        python_repred_params = repr(json.dumps(params))

            compression_method = getattr(zipfile, module_compression)
        except AttributeError:
            display.warning(u'Bad module compression string specified: %s.  Using ZIP_STORED (no compression)' % module_compression)
            compression_method = zipfile.ZIP_STORED

        lookup_path = os.path.join(C.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TMP, 'ansiballz_cache')
        cached_module_filename = os.path.join(lookup_path, "%s-%s" % (module_name, module_compression))

        zipdata = None
        # Optimization -- don't lock if the module has already been cached
        if os.path.exists(cached_module_filename):
            display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: using cached module: %s' % cached_module_filename)
            zipdata = open(cached_module_filename, 'rb').read()
            if module_name in action_write_locks.action_write_locks:
                display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Using lock for %s' % module_name)
                lock = action_write_locks.action_write_locks[module_name]
                # If the action plugin directly invokes the module (instead of
                # going through a strategy) then we don't have a cross-process
                # Lock specifically for this module.  Use the "unexpected
                # module" lock instead
                display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Using generic lock for %s' % module_name)
                lock = action_write_locks.action_write_locks[None]

            display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Acquiring lock')
            with lock:
                display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Lock acquired: %s' % id(lock))
                # Check that no other process has created this while we were
                # waiting for the lock
                if not os.path.exists(cached_module_filename):
                    display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Creating module')
                    # Create the module zip data
                    zipoutput = BytesIO()
                    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipoutput, mode='w', compression=compression_method)
                    # Note: If we need to import from first,
                    # remember to catch all exceptions:
                                b'from pkgutil import extend_path\n__path__=extend_path(__path__,__name__)\n__version__="' +
                                to_bytes(__version__) + b'"\n__author__="' +
                                to_bytes(__author__) + b'"\n')
                    zf.writestr('ansible/module_utils/', b'from pkgutil import extend_path\n__path__=extend_path(__path__,__name__)\n')

                    zf.writestr('' % module_name, b_module_data)

                    py_module_cache = {('__init__',): (b'', '[builtin]')}
                    recursive_finder(module_name, b_module_data, py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf)
                    zipdata = base64.b64encode(zipoutput.getvalue())

                    # Write the assembled module to a temp file (write to temp
                    # so that no one looking for the file reads a partially
                    # written file)
                    if not os.path.exists(lookup_path):
                        # Note -- if we have a global function to setup, that would
                        # be a better place to run this
                    display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Writing module')
                    with open(cached_module_filename + '-part', 'wb') as f:

                    # Rename the file into its final position in the cache so
                    # future users of this module can read it off the
                    # filesystem instead of constructing from scratch.
                    display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Renaming module')
                    os.rename(cached_module_filename + '-part', cached_module_filename)
                    display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Done creating module')

            if zipdata is None:
                display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Reading module after lock')
                # Another process wrote the file while we were waiting for
                # the write lock.  Go ahead and read the data from disk
                # instead of re-creating it.
                    zipdata = open(cached_module_filename, 'rb').read()
                except IOError:
                    raise AnsibleError('A different worker process failed to create module file. '
                                       'Look at traceback for that process for debugging information.')
        zipdata = to_text(zipdata, errors='surrogate_or_strict')

        shebang, interpreter = _get_shebang(u'/usr/bin/python', task_vars, templar)
        if shebang is None:
            shebang = u'#!/usr/bin/python'

        # Enclose the parts of the interpreter in quotes because we're
        # substituting it into the template as a Python string
        interpreter_parts = interpreter.split(u' ')
        interpreter = u"'{0}'".format(u"', '".join(interpreter_parts))

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        output.write(to_bytes(ACTIVE_ANSIBALLZ_TEMPLATE % dict(
        b_module_data = output.getvalue()

    elif module_substyle == 'powershell':
        # Powershell/winrm don't actually make use of shebang so we can
        # safely set this here.  If we let the fallback code handle this
        # it can fail in the presence of the UTF8 BOM commonly added by
        # Windows text editors
        shebang = u'#!powershell'

        exec_manifest = dict(

        exec_manifest['exec'] = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(leaf_exec)))

        if async_timeout > 0:
            exec_manifest["actions"].insert(0, 'async_watchdog')
            exec_manifest["async_watchdog"] = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(async_watchdog)))
            exec_manifest["actions"].insert(0, 'async_wrapper')
            exec_manifest["async_wrapper"] = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(async_wrapper)))
            exec_manifest["async_jid"] = str(random.randint(0, 999999999999))
            exec_manifest["async_timeout_sec"] = async_timeout

        if become and become_method == 'runas':
            exec_manifest["actions"].insert(0, 'become')
            exec_manifest["become_user"] = become_user
            exec_manifest["become_password"] = become_password
            exec_manifest['become_flags'] = become_flags
            exec_manifest["become"] = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(become_wrapper)))

        lines = b_module_data.split(b'\n')
        module_names = set()
        become_required = False
        min_os_version = None
        min_ps_version = None

        requires_module_list = re.compile(to_bytes(r'(?i)^#\s*requires\s+\-module(?:s?)\s*(Ansible\.ModuleUtils\..+)'))
        requires_ps_version = re.compile(to_bytes(r'(?i)^#requires\s+\-version\s+([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,3})$'))
        requires_os_version = re.compile(to_bytes(r'(?i)^#ansiblerequires\s+\-osversion\s+([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,3})$'))
        requires_become = re.compile(to_bytes(r'(?i)^#ansiblerequires\s+\-become$'))

        for line in lines:
            module_util_line_match = requires_module_list.match(line)
            if module_util_line_match:

            requires_ps_version_match = requires_ps_version.match(line)
            if requires_ps_version_match:
                min_ps_version = to_text(
                # Powershell cannot cast a string of "1" to version, it must
                # have at least the major.minor for it to work so we append 0
                if is None:
                    min_ps_version = "%s.0" % min_ps_version

            requires_os_version_match = requires_os_version.match(line)
            if requires_os_version_match:
                min_os_version = to_text(
                if is None:
                    min_os_version = "%s.0" % min_os_version

            requires_become_match = requires_become.match(line)
            if requires_become_match:
                become_required = True

        for m in set(module_names):
            m = to_text(m)
            mu_path = ps_module_utils_loader.find_plugin(m, ".psm1")
            if not mu_path:
                raise AnsibleError('Could not find imported module support code for \'%s\'.' % m)
            exec_manifest["powershell_modules"][m] = to_text(

        exec_manifest['min_ps_version'] = min_ps_version
        exec_manifest['min_os_version'] = min_os_version
        if become_required and 'become' not in exec_manifest["actions"]:
            exec_manifest["actions"].insert(0, 'become')
            exec_manifest["become_user"] = "******"
            exec_manifest["become_password"] = None
            exec_manifest['become_flags'] = None
            exec_manifest["become"] = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(become_wrapper)))

        # FUTURE: smuggle this back as a dict instead of serializing here; the connection plugin may need to modify it
        module_json = json.dumps(exec_manifest)

        b_module_data = exec_wrapper.replace(b"$json_raw = ''", b"$json_raw = @'\r\n%s\r\n'@" % to_bytes(module_json))

    elif module_substyle == 'jsonargs':
        module_args_json = to_bytes(json.dumps(module_args))

        # these strings could be included in a third-party module but
        # officially they were included in the 'basic' snippet for new-style
        # python modules (which has been replaced with something else in
        # ansiballz) If we remove them from jsonargs-style module replacer
        # then we can remove them everywhere.
        python_repred_args = to_bytes(repr(module_args_json))
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_VERSION, to_bytes(repr(__version__)))
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_COMPLEX, python_repred_args)
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_SELINUX, to_bytes(','.join(C.DEFAULT_SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS)))

        # The main event -- substitute the JSON args string into the module
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_JSONARGS, module_args_json)

        facility = b'syslog.' + to_bytes(task_vars.get('ansible_syslog_facility', C.DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
        b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(b'syslog.LOG_USER', facility)

    return (b_module_data, module_style, shebang)
    def _add_module(self, name, ext, fqn, optional, wrapper=False):
        m = to_text(name)

        util_fqn = None

        if m.startswith("Ansible."):
            # Builtin util, use plugin loader to get the data
            mu_path = ps_module_utils_loader.find_plugin(m, ext)

            if not mu_path:
                if optional:

                raise AnsibleError(
                    'Could not find imported module support code '
                    'for \'%s\'' % m)

            module_util_data = to_bytes(_slurp(mu_path))
            # Collection util, load the package data based on the util import.

            submodules = m.split(".")
            if m.startswith('.'):
                fqn_submodules = fqn.split('.')
                for submodule in submodules:
                    if submodule:
                    del fqn_submodules[-1]

                submodules = fqn_submodules + [s for s in submodules if s]

            n_package_name = to_native('.'.join(submodules[:-1]),
            n_resource_name = to_native(submodules[-1] + ext,

                module_util = import_module(n_package_name)
                pkg_data = pkgutil.get_data(n_package_name, n_resource_name)
                if pkg_data is None:
                    raise ImportError("No package data found")

                module_util_data = to_bytes(pkg_data,
                util_fqn = to_text("%s.%s " % (n_package_name, submodules[-1]),

                # Get the path of the util which is required for coverage collection.
                resource_paths = list(module_util.__path__)
                if len(resource_paths) != 1:
                    # This should never happen with a collection but we are just being defensive about it.
                    raise AnsibleError(
                        "Internal error: Referenced module_util package '%s' contains 0 or multiple "
                        "import locations when we only expect 1." %
                mu_path = os.path.join(resource_paths[0], n_resource_name)
            except (ImportError, OSError) as err:
                if getattr(err, "errno", errno.ENOENT) == errno.ENOENT:
                    if optional:

                    raise AnsibleError(
                        'Could not find collection imported module support code for \'%s\''
                        % to_native(m))


        util_info = {
            'data': module_util_data,
            'path': to_text(mu_path),
        if ext == ".psm1":
            self.ps_modules[m] = util_info
            if wrapper:
                self.cs_utils_wrapper[m] = util_info
                self.cs_utils_module[m] = util_info
                         powershell=(ext == ".psm1"))