Beispiel #1
    def set_options_from_plugin(self, plugin):
        # generic derived from connection plugin, temporary for backwards compat, in the end we should not set play_context properties

        # get options for plugins
        options = C.config.get_configuration_definitions(get_plugin_class(plugin), plugin._load_name)
        for option in options:
            if option:
                flag = options[option].get('name')
                if flag:
                    setattr(self, flag, self.connection.get_option(flag))
Beispiel #2
    def _load_config_defs(self, name, path):
        ''' Reads plugin docs to find configuration setting definitions, to push to config manager for later use '''

        # plugins w/o class name don't support config
        if self.class_name and self.class_name in ('Connection'):
            # FIXME: expand from just connection
            type_name = get_plugin_class(self)
            dstring = read_docstring(path, verbose=False, ignore_errors=False)
            if dstring.get('doc', False):
                if 'options' in dstring['doc'] and isinstance(dstring['doc']['options'], dict):
                    C.config.initialize_plugin_configuration_definitions(type_name, name, dstring['doc']['options'])
                    display.debug('Loaded config def from plugin (%s/%s)' % (type_name, name))
    def set_options(self, task_keys=None, var_options=None, direct=None):
        ''' This is different than the normal plugin method as callbacks get called early and really don't accept keywords.
            Also _options was already taken for CLI args and callbacks use _plugin_options instead.

        # load from config
        self._plugin_options = C.config.get_plugin_options(
Beispiel #4
    def set_options(self, task_keys=None, var_options=None, direct=None):
        ''' This is different than the normal plugin method as callbacks get called early and really don't accept keywords.
            Also _options was already taken for CLI args and callbacks use _plugin_options instead.

        # load from config
        self._plugin_options = C.config.get_plugin_options(get_plugin_class(self), self._load_name, keys=task_keys, variables=var_options)

        # or parse specific options
        if direct:
            for k in direct:
                if k in self._plugin_options:
                    self.set_option(k, direct[k])
Beispiel #5
    def _load_config_defs(self, name, path):
        ''' Reads plugin docs to find configuration setting definitions, to push to config manager for later use '''

        # plugins w/o class name don't support config
        if self.class_name:
            type_name = get_plugin_class(self.class_name)

            # if type name != 'module_doc_fragment':
            if type_name in C.CONFIGURABLE_PLUGINS:
                dstring = get_docstring(path, fragment_loader, verbose=False, ignore_errors=True)[0]

                if dstring and 'options' in dstring and isinstance(dstring['options'], dict):
                    C.config.initialize_plugin_configuration_definitions(type_name, name, dstring['options'])
                    display.debug('Loaded config def from plugin (%s/%s)' % (type_name, name))
Beispiel #6
    def _load_config_defs(self, name, path):
        ''' Reads plugin docs to find configuration setting definitions, to push to config manager for later use '''

        # plugins w/o class name don't support config
        if self.class_name:
            type_name = get_plugin_class(self.class_name)

            # if type name != 'module_doc_fragment':
            if type_name in C.CONFIGURABLE_PLUGINS:
                dstring = get_docstring(path, fragment_loader, verbose=False, ignore_errors=True)[0]

                if dstring and 'options' in dstring and isinstance(dstring['options'], dict):
                    C.config.initialize_plugin_configuration_definitions(type_name, name, dstring['options'])
                    display.debug('Loaded config def from plugin (%s/%s)' % (type_name, name))
Beispiel #7
    def _load_config_defs(self, name, path):
        ''' Reads plugin docs to find configuration setting definitions, to push to config manager for later use '''

        # plugins w/o class name don't support config
        if self.class_name:
            type_name = get_plugin_class(self.class_name)

            # FIXME: expand from just connection and callback
            if type_name in ('connection', 'callback'):
                dstring = read_docstring(path, verbose=False, ignore_errors=False)

                if dstring.get('doc', False):
                    if 'options' in dstring['doc'] and isinstance(dstring['doc']['options'], dict):
                        C.config.initialize_plugin_configuration_definitions(type_name, name, dstring['doc']['options'])
                        display.debug('Loaded config def from plugin (%s/%s)' % (type_name, name))
Beispiel #8
    def _load_config_defs(self, name, module, path):
        ''' Reads plugin docs to find configuration setting definitions, to push to config manager for later use '''

        # plugins w/o class name don't support config
        if self.class_name:
            type_name = get_plugin_class(self.class_name)

            # if type name != 'module_doc_fragment':
            if type_name in C.CONFIGURABLE_PLUGINS:
                dstring = AnsibleLoader(getattr(module, 'DOCUMENTATION', ''), file_name=path).get_single_data()
                if dstring:
                    add_fragments(dstring, path, fragment_loader=fragment_loader)

                if dstring and 'options' in dstring and isinstance(dstring['options'], dict):
                    C.config.initialize_plugin_configuration_definitions(type_name, name, dstring['options'])
                    display.debug('Loaded config def from plugin (%s/%s)' % (type_name, name))
Beispiel #9
    def _load_config_defs(self, name, path):
        ''' Reads plugin docs to find configuration setting definitions, to push to config manager for later use '''

        # plugins w/o class name don't support config
        if self.class_name:
            type_name = get_plugin_class(self.class_name)

            # FIXME: expand to other plugins, but never doc fragments
            # if type name != 'module_doc_fragment':
            if type_name in ('callback', 'connection', 'inventory', 'lookup',
                dstring = get_docstring(path,

                if dstring and 'options' in dstring and isinstance(
                        dstring['options'], dict):
                        type_name, name, dstring['options'])
                    display.debug('Loaded config def from plugin (%s/%s)' %
                                  (type_name, name))
Beispiel #10
    def _find_fq_plugin(self, fq_name, extension):
        fq_name = to_native(fq_name)
        # prefix our extension Python namespace if it isn't already there
        if not fq_name.startswith('ansible_collections.'):
            fq_name = 'ansible_collections.' + fq_name

        splitname = fq_name.rsplit('.', 1)
        if len(splitname) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                '{0} is not a valid namespace-qualified plugin name'.format(

        package = splitname[0]
        resource = splitname[1]

        append_plugin_type = self.class_name or self.subdir

        if append_plugin_type:
            # only current non-class special case, module_utils don't use this loader method
            if append_plugin_type == 'library':
                append_plugin_type = 'modules'
            elif append_plugin_type != 'module_utils':
                append_plugin_type = get_plugin_class(append_plugin_type)
            package += '.plugins.{0}'.format(append_plugin_type)

        if extension:
            resource += extension

        pkg = sys.modules.get(package)
        if not pkg:
            # FIXME: there must be cheaper/safer way to do this
            pkg = import_module(package)

        # if the package is one of our flatmaps, we need to consult its loader to find the path, since the file could be
        # anywhere in the tree
        if hasattr(pkg, '__loader__') and isinstance(pkg.__loader__,
                file_path = pkg.__loader__.find_file(resource)
                return to_text(file_path)
            except IOError:
                # this loader already takes care of extensionless files, so if we didn't find it, just bail
                return None

        pkg_path = os.path.dirname(pkg.__file__)

        resource_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, resource)

        # FIXME: and is file or file link or ...
        if os.path.exists(resource_path):
            return to_text(resource_path)

        # look for any matching extension in the package location (sans filter)
        ext_blacklist = ['.pyc', '.pyo']
        found_files = [
            f for f in glob.iglob(os.path.join(pkg_path, resource) + '.*') if
            os.path.isfile(f) and os.path.splitext(f)[1] not in ext_blacklist

        if not found_files:
            return None

        if len(found_files) > 1:
            # TODO: warn?

        return to_text(found_files[0])