Beispiel #1
 def test_compound(self):
     location = CompoundLocation(
         [FeatureLocation(0, 3),
          FeatureLocation(6, 9)])
     for good in ["A", "AA"]:
         assert _is_valid_translation_length(good, location)
     assert not _is_valid_translation_length("AAA", location)
     # and with an ambiguous end, that becomes ok
     location = CompoundLocation(
         [FeatureLocation(0, 3),
          FeatureLocation(6, AfterPosition(11))])
     assert _is_valid_translation_length("AAA", location)
     # and reversed ambiguous end
     location = CompoundLocation([
         FeatureLocation(BeforePosition(0), 3, -1),
         FeatureLocation(6, 9, -1)
     for good in ["A", "AA", "AAA"]:
         assert _is_valid_translation_length(good, location)
Beispiel #2
 def test_simple(self):
     location = FeatureLocation(0, 9)
     for good in ["AA", "AAA"]:
         assert _is_valid_translation_length(good, location)
     assert not _is_valid_translation_length("AAAA", location)