Beispiel #1
 def load_ffes(self, filename_p, filename_q):
     """Load a pair of FFE and make them correspond to this DualPolElem
     object. First file will be pol-channel p and second q."""
     ffefile_p = FEKOffe(filename_p)
     tvf_p = tvecfun.TVecFields()
     tvf_q = tvecfun.TVecFields()
     self.radFFp = RadFarField(tvf_p)
     self.radFFq = RadFarField(tvf_q)
Beispiel #2
 def load_ffe(self, filename, request_p=None, request_q=None):
     #FIX: This not the most efficient way to do this as it does two passes over feko file.
     ffefile = FEKOffe(filename)
     if request_p is None and request_q is None:
         if len(ffefile.Requests) == 2:
             requests = list(ffefile.Requests)
             requests.sort()  # # FIXME: Not sure how to order requests
             request_p = requests[0]
             request_q = requests[1]
             raise RuntimeError(
                 "File contains multiple FFs (specify one): " +
     print("Request_p= " + request_p)
     print("Request_q= " + request_q)
     tvf_p = tvecfun.TVecFields()
     tvf_q = tvecfun.TVecFields()
     tvf_p.load_ffe(filename, request_p)
     tvf_q.load_ffe(filename, request_q)
     self.radFFp = RadFarField(tvf_p)
     self.radFFq = RadFarField(tvf_q)
Beispiel #3
def readNECout_tvecfuns(filename):
    """Read a NEC .out file and return it as a TVecField instance.
    frequencies, thetaMsh, phiMsh, EthetaF, EphiF = readNECout_FF(filename)
    # Check to see if mesh wraps around in azimuth. If it does, remove the
    # redundant components. (It may have to been done elsewhere)
    if numpy.fmod(phiMsh[0, 0], 2*math.pi) \
       == numpy.fmod(phiMsh[0, -1], 2*math.pi):
        phiMsh = numpy.delete(phiMsh, (-1), axis=1)
        thetaMsh = numpy.delete(thetaMsh, (-1), axis=1)
        EthetaF = numpy.delete(EthetaF, (-1), axis=-1)
        EphiF = numpy.delete(EphiF, (-1), axis=-1)
    # End of wrap check
    FFs = tvecfun.TVecFields(thetaMsh, phiMsh, EthetaF, EphiF, frequencies)
    return FFs
Beispiel #4
def dualpolelem_2FF():
    """Test plot of a dual-polarized antenna where one channel is given
    by Psi and the other is a rotated copy it."""
    T, P = pntsonsphere.sphericalGrid()
    dipX = numpy.array(vsh.Psi(1, 1, T, P)) + numpy.array(vsh.Psi(1, -1, T, P))
    dipXT = numpy.squeeze(dipX[0, :, :])
    dipXP = numpy.squeeze(dipX[1, :, :])
    freq = 1.0
    vfdipX = tvecfun.TVecFields(T, P, dipXT, dipXP, freq)
    antp = RadFarField(vfdipX)
    antq = antp.rotate90()
    dualpolAnt = DualPolElem(antp, antq)
    rotmat = pntsonsphere.rotzmat(0 * math.pi / 4)
Beispiel #5
def gen_simp_RadFarField():
    THETA, PHI, E_th, E_ph = gen_simp_pat()
    atvfd = tvecfun.TVecFields(THETA, PHI, E_th, E_ph, 1.0)
    antFF = RadFarField(atvfd)
    return antFF