def get_shared_params(cfg): mp = dict() host_ip = cfg.get('host', 'ip') mp['service_host'] = host_ip glance_host = cfg.getdefaulted('glance', 'glance_host', host_ip) glance_port = cfg.getdefaulted('glance', 'glance_port', '9292') glance_protocol = cfg.getdefaulted('glance', 'glance_protocol', 'http') # Registry should be on the same host glance_registry_port = cfg.getdefaulted('glance', 'glance_registry_port', '9191') # Uri's of the http/https endpoints mp['endpoints'] = { 'admin': { 'uri': utils.make_url(glance_protocol, glance_host, glance_port), 'port': glance_port, 'host': glance_host, 'protocol': glance_protocol, }, 'registry': { 'uri': utils.make_url(glance_protocol, glance_host, glance_registry_port), 'port': glance_registry_port, 'host': glance_host, 'protocol': glance_protocol, } } mp['endpoints']['internal'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['admin']) mp['endpoints']['public'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['admin']) LOG.debug("Glance shared params: %s", mp) return mp
def get_shared_params( ip, protocol, api_host, api_port, s3_host, s3_port, ec2_host, ec2_port, ec2_admin_host, ec2_admin_port, **kwargs ): mp = {} mp["service_host"] = ip # Uri's of the various nova endpoints mp["endpoints"] = { "ec2_admin": { "uri": utils.make_url(protocol, ec2_admin_host, ec2_admin_port, "services/Admin"), "port": ec2_admin_port, "host": ec2_admin_host, "protocol": protocol, }, "ec2_cloud": { "uri": utils.make_url(protocol, ec2_host, ec2_port, "services/Cloud"), "port": ec2_port, "host": ec2_host, "protocol": protocol, }, "s3": { "uri": utils.make_url(protocol, s3_host, s3_port), "port": s3_port, "host": s3_host, "protocol": protocol, }, "api": { "uri": utils.make_url(protocol, api_host, api_port, "v2"), "port": api_port, "host": api_host, "protocol": protocol, }, } return mp
def get_shared_params(ip, api_port=9292, protocol='http', reg_port=9191, **kwargs): mp = {} mp['service_host'] = ip glance_host = ip glance_port = api_port glance_protocol = protocol glance_registry_port = reg_port # Uri's of the http/https endpoints mp['endpoints'] = { 'admin': { 'uri': utils.make_url(glance_protocol, glance_host, glance_port), 'port': glance_port, 'host': glance_host, 'protocol': glance_protocol, }, 'registry': { 'uri': utils.make_url(glance_protocol, glance_host, glance_registry_port), 'port': glance_registry_port, 'host': glance_host, 'protocol': glance_protocol, } } mp['endpoints']['internal'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['admin']) mp['endpoints']['public'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['admin']) return mp
def get_shared_params(ip, protocol, api_host, api_port, s3_host, s3_port, volume_host, volume_port, ec2_host, ec2_port, ec2_admin_host, ec2_admin_port, **kwargs): mp = {} mp['service_host'] = ip # Uri's of the various nova endpoints mp['endpoints'] = { 'ec2_admin': { 'uri': utils.make_url(protocol, ec2_admin_host, ec2_admin_port, "services/Admin"), 'port': ec2_admin_port, 'host': ec2_admin_host, 'protocol': protocol, }, 'ec2_cloud': { 'uri': utils.make_url(protocol, ec2_host, ec2_port, "services/Cloud"), 'port': ec2_port, 'host': ec2_host, 'protocol': protocol, }, 'volume': { 'uri': utils.make_url(protocol, volume_host, volume_port, "v1"), 'port': volume_port, 'host': volume_host, 'protocol': protocol, }, 's3': { 'uri': utils.make_url(protocol, s3_host, s3_port), 'port': s3_port, 'host': s3_host, 'protocol': protocol, }, 'api': { 'uri': utils.make_url(protocol, api_host, api_port, "v2"), 'port': api_port, 'host': api_host, 'protocol': protocol, }, } return mp
def get_shared_params(cfgobj): mp = dict() host_ip = cfgobj.get('host', 'ip') mp['service_host'] = host_ip nova_host = cfgobj.getdefaulted('nova', 'nova_host', host_ip) nova_protocol = cfgobj.getdefaulted('nova', 'nova_protocol', 'http') # Uri's of the various nova endpoints mp['endpoints'] = { 'ec2_admin': { 'uri': utils.make_url(nova_protocol, nova_host, 8773, "services/Admin"), 'port': 8773, 'host': host_ip, 'protocol': nova_protocol, }, 'ec2_cloud': { 'uri': utils.make_url(nova_protocol, nova_host, 8773, "services/Cloud"), 'port': 8773, 'host': host_ip, 'protocol': nova_protocol, }, 'volume': { 'uri': utils.make_url(nova_protocol, host_ip, 8776, "v1"), 'port': 8776, 'host': host_ip, 'protocol': nova_protocol, }, 's3': { 'uri': utils.make_url('http', host_ip, 3333), 'port': 3333, 'host': host_ip, 'protocol': nova_protocol, }, 'api': { 'uri': utils.make_url('http', host_ip, 8774, "v2"), 'port': 8774, 'host': host_ip, 'protocol': nova_protocol, }, } return mp
def get_shared_params(ip, api_host, api_port=9696, protocol='http', **kwargs): mp = {} mp['service_host'] = ip # Uri's of the various quantum endpoints mp['endpoints'] = { 'uri': utils.make_url(protocol, api_host, api_port), 'port': api_port, 'host': api_host, 'protocol': protocol, } return mp
def get_shared_params(ip, api_host, api_port=8776, protocol='http', **kwargs): mp = {} mp['service_host'] = ip # Uri's of the various cinder endpoints mp['endpoints'] = { 'admin': { 'uri': utils.make_url(protocol, api_host, api_port, VERSION), 'port': api_port, 'host': api_host, 'protocol': protocol, }, } mp['endpoints']['internal'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['admin']) mp['endpoints']['public'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['admin']) return mp
def get_shared_params(ip, api_host, api_port=8776, protocol='http', **kwargs): mp = {} mp['service_host'] = ip # Uri's of the various cinder endpoints mp['endpoints'] = { 'volume': { 'uri': utils.make_url(protocol, api_host, api_port, "v2"), 'port': api_port, 'host': api_host, 'protocol': protocol, }, 'internal': { } } return mp
def get_shared_params(cfg): mp = dict() host_ip = cfg.get('host', 'ip') mp['service_host'] = host_ip # Components of the various endpoints quantum_host = cfg.getdefaulted('quantum', 'quantum_host', host_ip) quantum_port = cfg.getdefaulted('quantum', 'quantum_port', '9696') quantum_proto = cfg.getdefaulted('quantum', 'quantum_protocol', 'http') quantum_uri = utils.make_url(quantum_proto, quantum_host, quantum_port) mp['endpoints'] = { 'admin': { 'uri': quantum_uri, 'port': quantum_port, 'protocol': quantum_proto, 'host': quantum_host, }, } mp['endpoints']['public'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['admin']) mp['endpoints']['internal'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['public']) return mp
def get_shared_params(cfg): mp = dict() host_ip = cfg.get('host', 'ip') mp['service_host'] = host_ip # Components of the various endpoints swift_host = cfg.getdefaulted('swift', 'swift_host', host_ip) swift_port = cfg.getdefaulted('swift', 'swift_port', '8080') swift_proto = cfg.getdefaulted('swift', 'swift_protocol', 'http') swift_uri = utils.make_url(swift_proto, swift_host, swift_port) mp['endpoints'] = { 'admin': { 'uri': swift_uri, 'port': swift_port, 'protocol': swift_proto, 'host': swift_host, }, } mp['endpoints']['public'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['admin']) mp['endpoints']['internal'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['public']) return mp
def get_shared_params(ip, service_token, admin_password, service_password, auth_host, auth_port, auth_proto, service_host, service_port, service_proto, **kwargs): mp = {} # Tenants and users mp['tenants'] = ['admin', 'service'] mp['users'] = ['admin'] mp['admin_tenant'] = 'admin' mp['admin_user'] = '******' mp['service_tenant'] = 'service' if 'service_user' in kwargs: mp['users'].append(kwargs['service_user']) mp['service_user'] = kwargs['service_user'] # Tokens and passwords mp['service_token'] = service_token mp['admin_password'] = admin_password mp['service_password'] = service_password host_ip = ip mp['service_host'] = host_ip # Components of the admin endpoint keystone_auth_host = auth_host keystone_auth_port = auth_port keystone_auth_proto = auth_proto keystone_auth_uri = utils.make_url(keystone_auth_proto, keystone_auth_host, keystone_auth_port, path="v2.0") # Components of the public+internal endpoint keystone_service_host = service_host keystone_service_port = service_port keystone_service_proto = service_proto keystone_service_uri = utils.make_url(keystone_service_proto, keystone_service_host, keystone_service_port, path="v2.0") mp['endpoints'] = { 'admin': { 'uri': keystone_auth_uri, 'port': keystone_auth_port, 'protocol': keystone_auth_proto, 'host': keystone_auth_host, }, 'admin_templated': { 'uri': utils.make_url(keystone_auth_proto, keystone_auth_host, port='$(admin_port)s', path="v2.0"), 'protocol': keystone_auth_proto, 'host': keystone_auth_host, }, 'public': { 'uri': keystone_service_uri, 'port': keystone_service_port, 'protocol': keystone_service_proto, 'host': keystone_service_host, }, 'public_templated': { 'uri': utils.make_url(keystone_service_proto, keystone_service_host, port='$(public_port)s', path="v2.0"), 'protocol': keystone_service_proto, 'host': keystone_service_host, }, } mp['endpoints']['internal'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['public']) mp['endpoints']['internal_templated'] = dict( mp['endpoints']['public_templated']) return mp
def get_shared_params(ip, service_token, admin_password, demo_password, service_password, auth_host, auth_port, auth_proto, service_host, service_port, service_proto, **kwargs): mp = {} # Tenants and users mp['tenants'] = ['admin', 'service', 'demo'] mp['users'] = ['admin', 'demo'] mp['demo_tenant'] = 'demo' mp['demo_user'] = '******' mp['admin_tenant'] = 'admin' mp['admin_user'] = '******' mp['service_tenant'] = 'service' if 'service_user' in kwargs: mp['users'].append(kwargs['service_user']) mp['service_user'] = kwargs['service_user'] # Tokens and passwords mp['service_token'] = service_token mp['admin_password'] = admin_password mp['demo_password'] = demo_password mp['service_password'] = service_password host_ip = ip mp['service_host'] = host_ip # Components of the admin endpoint keystone_auth_host = auth_host keystone_auth_port = auth_port keystone_auth_proto = auth_proto keystone_auth_uri = utils.make_url(keystone_auth_proto, keystone_auth_host, keystone_auth_port, path="v2.0") # Components of the public+internal endpoint keystone_service_host = service_host keystone_service_port = service_port keystone_service_proto = service_proto keystone_service_uri = utils.make_url(keystone_service_proto, keystone_service_host, keystone_service_port, path="v2.0") mp['endpoints'] = { 'admin': { 'uri': keystone_auth_uri, 'port': keystone_auth_port, 'protocol': keystone_auth_proto, 'host': keystone_auth_host, }, 'admin_templated': { 'uri': utils.make_url(keystone_auth_proto, keystone_auth_host, port='$(admin_port)s', path="v2.0"), 'protocol': keystone_auth_proto, 'host': keystone_auth_host, }, 'public': { 'uri': keystone_service_uri, 'port': keystone_service_port, 'protocol': keystone_service_proto, 'host': keystone_service_host, }, 'public_templated': { 'uri': utils.make_url(keystone_service_proto, keystone_service_host, port='$(public_port)s', path="v2.0"), 'protocol': keystone_service_proto, 'host': keystone_service_host, }, } mp['endpoints']['internal'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['public']) mp['endpoints']['internal_templated'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['public_templated']) return mp
def get_shared_params(cfg, service_user=None): mp = dict() # Tenants and users mp['tenants'] = ['admin', 'service', 'demo'] mp['users'] = ['admin', 'demo'] mp['demo_tenant'] = 'demo' mp['demo_user'] = '******' mp['admin_tenant'] = 'admin' mp['admin_user'] = '******' mp['service_tenant'] = 'service' if service_user: mp['users'].append(service_user) mp['service_user'] = service_user # Tokens and passwords mp['service_token'] = cfg.get_password( "service_token", 'the service admin token', ) mp['admin_password'] = cfg.get_password( 'horizon_keystone_admin', 'the horizon and keystone admin', length=20, ) mp['demo_password'] = mp['admin_password'] mp['service_password'] = cfg.get_password( 'service_password', 'service authentication', ) host_ip = cfg.get('host', 'ip') mp['service_host'] = host_ip # Components of the admin endpoint keystone_auth_host = cfg.getdefaulted('keystone', 'keystone_auth_host', host_ip) keystone_auth_port = cfg.getdefaulted('keystone', 'keystone_auth_port', '35357') keystone_auth_proto = cfg.getdefaulted('keystone', 'keystone_auth_protocol', 'http') keystone_auth_uri = utils.make_url(keystone_auth_proto, keystone_auth_host, keystone_auth_port, path="v2.0") # Components of the public+internal endpoint keystone_service_host = cfg.getdefaulted('keystone', 'keystone_service_host', host_ip) keystone_service_port = cfg.getdefaulted('keystone', 'keystone_service_port', '5000') keystone_service_proto = cfg.getdefaulted('keystone', 'keystone_service_protocol', 'http') keystone_service_uri = utils.make_url(keystone_service_proto, keystone_service_host, keystone_service_port, path="v2.0") mp['endpoints'] = { 'admin': { 'uri': keystone_auth_uri, 'port': keystone_auth_port, 'protocol': keystone_auth_proto, 'host': keystone_auth_host, }, 'admin_templated': { 'uri': utils.make_url(keystone_auth_proto, keystone_auth_host, port='$(admin_port)s', path="v2.0"), 'protocol': keystone_auth_proto, 'host': keystone_auth_host, }, 'public': { 'uri': keystone_service_uri, 'port': keystone_service_port, 'protocol': keystone_service_proto, 'host': keystone_service_host, }, 'public_templated': { 'uri': utils.make_url(keystone_service_proto, keystone_service_host, port='$(public_port)s', path="v2.0"), 'protocol': keystone_service_proto, 'host': keystone_service_host, }, } mp['endpoints']['internal'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['public']) mp['endpoints']['internal_templated'] = dict(mp['endpoints']['public_templated']) LOG.debug("Keystone shared params: %s", mp) return mp
def get_shared_params( ip, service_token, admin_password, demo_password, service_password, auth_host, auth_port, auth_proto, service_host, service_port, service_proto, **kwargs ): mp = {} # Tenants and users mp["tenants"] = ["admin", "service", "demo"] mp["users"] = ["admin", "demo"] mp["demo_tenant"] = "demo" mp["demo_user"] = "******" mp["admin_tenant"] = "admin" mp["admin_user"] = "******" mp["service_tenant"] = "service" if "service_user" in kwargs: mp["users"].append(kwargs["service_user"]) mp["service_user"] = kwargs["service_user"] # Tokens and passwords mp["service_token"] = service_token mp["admin_password"] = admin_password mp["demo_password"] = demo_password mp["service_password"] = service_password host_ip = ip mp["service_host"] = host_ip # Components of the admin endpoint keystone_auth_host = auth_host keystone_auth_port = auth_port keystone_auth_proto = auth_proto keystone_auth_uri = utils.make_url(keystone_auth_proto, keystone_auth_host, keystone_auth_port, path="v2.0") # Components of the public+internal endpoint keystone_service_host = service_host keystone_service_port = service_port keystone_service_proto = service_proto keystone_service_uri = utils.make_url( keystone_service_proto, keystone_service_host, keystone_service_port, path="v2.0" ) mp["endpoints"] = { "admin": { "uri": keystone_auth_uri, "port": keystone_auth_port, "protocol": keystone_auth_proto, "host": keystone_auth_host, }, "admin_templated": { "uri": utils.make_url(keystone_auth_proto, keystone_auth_host, port="$(admin_port)s", path="v2.0"), "protocol": keystone_auth_proto, "host": keystone_auth_host, }, "public": { "uri": keystone_service_uri, "port": keystone_service_port, "protocol": keystone_service_proto, "host": keystone_service_host, }, "public_templated": { "uri": utils.make_url(keystone_service_proto, keystone_service_host, port="$(public_port)s", path="v2.0"), "protocol": keystone_service_proto, "host": keystone_service_host, }, } mp["endpoints"]["internal"] = dict(mp["endpoints"]["public"]) mp["endpoints"]["internal_templated"] = dict(mp["endpoints"]["public_templated"]) return mp
'libvirt_vif_driver': 'nova.virt.libvirt.vif.LibvirtOpenVswitchDriver', 'linuxnet_interface_driver': '', 'quantum_use_dhcp': True, } # Known mq types MQ_TYPES = ['rabbit', 'qpid', 'zeromq'] # Xenserver specific defaults XS_DEF_INTERFACE = 'eth1' XA_CONNECTION_ADDR = '' XS_VNC_ADDR = XA_CONNECTION_ADDR XS_DEF_BRIDGE = 'xapi1' XA_CONNECTION_PORT = 80 XA_DEF_USER = '******' XA_DEF_CONNECTION_URL = utils.make_url('http', XA_CONNECTION_ADDR, XA_CONNECTION_PORT) # Vnc specific defaults VNC_DEF_ADDR = '' # Nova std compute extensions STD_COMPUTE_EXTS = 'nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib.standard_extensions' # These are used for nova volumes VG_CHECK_CMD = [ {'cmd': ['vgs', '%VOLUME_GROUP%'], 'run_as_root': True} ] VG_DEV_CMD = [ {'cmd': ['losetup', '-f', '--show', '%VOLUME_BACKING_FILE%'],