Beispiel #1
def is_file_tab_delimited(file_path, separator='\t', expected_number_of_fields=None):
    f = open(file_path, 'rU')

        while True:
            line = f.readline().strip(' ')
            if line.startswith('#'):
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        raise FilesNPathsError("The probability that `%s` is a tab-delimited file is zero." % file_path)

    if len(line.split(separator)) == 1 and expected_number_of_fields != 1:
        raise FilesNPathsError("File '%s' does not seem to have TAB characters.\
                            Did you export this file on MAC using EXCEL? :(" % file_path)
    num_fields_set = set([len(line.split(separator)) for line in f.readlines()])
    if len(num_fields_set) != 1:
        raise FilesNPathsError("Not all lines in the file '%s' have equal number of fields..." % file_path)

    if expected_number_of_fields:
        num_fields_in_file = list(num_fields_set)[0]
        if num_fields_in_file != expected_number_of_fields:
            raise FilesNPathsError("The expected number of columns for '%s' is %d. Yet, it has %d\
                                     of them :/" % (file_path, expected_number_of_fields, num_fields_in_file))

    return True
Beispiel #2
def is_dir_empty(dir_path):
    if not dir_path:
        raise FilesNPathsError("is_dir_empty: No directory path is declared...")
    if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
        raise FilesNPathsError("is_dir_empty: '%s' is not a directory..." % dir_path)

    return False if len(os.listdir(dir_path)) else True
Beispiel #3
def gen_output_directory(output_directory,
    if os.path.exists(
    ) and delete_if_exists and not is_dir_empty(output_directory):
                'filesnpaths::gen_output_directory: the client asked the existing directory \
                         "%s" to be removed.. Just so you know :/ (You have 5 seconds to press\
                         CTRL + C).' % output_directory)
            raise FilesNPathsError(
                "I was instructed to remove this directory, but I failed: '%s' :/"
                % output_directory)

    if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
            raise FilesNPathsError("Output directory does not exist (attempt to create one failed as well): '%s'" % \
    if not os.access(output_directory, os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            "You do not have write permission for the output directory: '%s'" %

    return output_directory
Beispiel #4
def is_file_bam_file(file_path, dont_raise=False, ok_if_not_indexed=False):
    """Checks if a BAM file is a proper BAM file, AND if it is intexed"""


        bam_file = pysam.AlignmentFile(file_path, "rb")
    except Exception as e:
        if dont_raise:
            return False
            raise FilesNPathsError(
                f"The BAM file you have there upsets samtools very much: '{e}'."

    if not ok_if_not_indexed:
        except ValueError:
            if dont_raise:
                return False
                raise FilesNPathsError(
                    f"The BAM file at '{file_path}' does not seem to be indexed (when a BAM file) "
                    f"is indexed, you usually find a file with the same name that ends with '.bam.bai' "
                    f"extention in the same directory). You can do it via `samtools`, or using the "
                    f"anvi'o program 'anvi-init-bam'.")

    return True
Beispiel #5
def is_proper_newick(newick_data, dont_raise=False, names_with_only_digits_ok=False):
        tree = Tree(newick_data, format=1)

        seen = set([])
        duplicates = set([])
        for leaf in tree.get_leaves():
            name =
            if name in seen:

        if len(duplicates):
            raise Exception("Your newick tree contains duplicate leaves, here is a list of them: %s" % ", ".join(duplicates))

    except Exception as e:
        if dont_raise:
            return False
            raise FilesNPathsError("Your tree doesn't seem to be properly formatted. Here is what ETE had "
                                   "to say about this: '%s'. Pity :/" % e)

    names_with_only_digits = [ for n in tree.get_leaves() if]
    if len(names_with_only_digits) and not names_with_only_digits_ok:
        raise FilesNPathsError("Your tree contains names that are composed of only digits (like this one: '%s'). Sadly, anvi'o "
                               "is not happy with such names in newick trees or clustering dendrograms :( Anvi'o developers "
                               "apologize for the inconvenience." % (names_with_only_digits[0]))

    return True
Beispiel #6
def gen_output_directory(output_directory, progress=Progress(verbose=False), run=Run(), delete_if_exists=False, dont_warn=False):
    if not output_directory:
        raise FilesNPathsError("Someone called `gen_output_directory` function without an output\
                                directory name :( An embarrassing moment for everyone involved.")

    if os.path.exists(output_directory) and delete_if_exists and not is_dir_empty(output_directory):
            if not dont_warn:
                run.warning('The existing directory "%s" is about to be removed... (You have \
                             20 seconds to press CTRL + C). [filesnpaths::gen_output_directory]' % output_directory,
                             header = '!!! READ THIS NOW !!!')
            raise FilesNPathsError("I was instructed to remove this directory, but I failed: '%s' :/" % output_directory)

    if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
            raise FilesNPathsError("Output directory does not exist (attempt to create one failed as well): '%s'" % \
    if not os.access(output_directory, os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError("You do not have write permission for the output directory: '%s'" % output_directory)

    return output_directory
Beispiel #7
def is_output_file_writable(file_path):
    if not file_path:
        raise FilesNPathsError("No output file is declared...")
    if not os.access(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file_path)), os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            "You do not have permission to generate the output file '%s'" %
    return True
Beispiel #8
def is_output_file_writable(file_path, ok_if_exists=True):
    if not file_path:
        raise FilesNPathsError("No output file is declared...")
    if not os.access(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file_path)), os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError("You do not have permission to generate the output file '%s'" % file_path)
    if os.path.exists(file_path) and not ok_if_exists:
        raise FilesNPathsError("The file, '%s', already exists. anvio does not like overwriting stuff." % file_path)
    return True
Beispiel #9
def is_output_dir_writable(dir_path):
    if not dir_path:
        raise FilesNPathsError("No output directory path is declared...")
    if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
        raise FilesNPathsError("'%s' is not a directory..." % dir_path)
    if not os.access(os.path.abspath(dir_path), os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError("You do not have permission to generate files in '%s'" % dir_path)
    return True
Beispiel #10
def is_file_exists(file_path, dont_raise=False):
    if not file_path:
        raise FilesNPathsError("No input file is declared...")
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(file_path)):
        if dont_raise:
            return False
            raise FilesNPathsError("No such file: '%s' :/" % file_path)
    return True
Beispiel #11
    def append(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Opens a file handle and calls a function for appending according to the data type.
        Closes the file handle afterwards.

        data : self.append_type
            The data to be added to the end of the file.
        **kwargs :
            Various keyword arguments for downstream functions to append different data types. This is how you pass
            these arguments when calling this function:
                    appendable_file = AppendableFile(file_path)
                    appendable_file.append(data_to_append, kwarg1=kwarg1_value, kwarg2=kwarg2_value, ....)
            And this is how you access the argument from the resulting dictionary:

            Example 1) appending dictionaries relies upon the utils.store_dict_as_TAB_delimited_file() function,
            which has several possible arguments that we may want to make use of, like the `headers` parameter. We
            can pass in this argument like so:
                    appendable_file.append(dictionary_to_append, headers=["header1", "header2"])
            We can then access the value of the parameter within this function with:

            Example 2) let's say you want to use the function utils.store_dataframe_as_TAB_delimited_file() downstream
            and you need the `columns` parameter. You would pass that to this function with:
                    appendable_file.append(df_to_append, columns=["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"])
            and pass it along to the downstream function with:

        if self.append_type and (not isinstance(data, self.append_type)):
            raise FilesNPathsError(
                f"A programmer promised to send data of type '{self.append_type}' to {self.path} for "
                f"appending, but instead sent data of type '{type(data)}'. Since the data type for this "
                "file was explicitly declared and the actual data does not match this type, anvi'o will "
                "put a stop to this whole operation.")

        if isinstance(data, dict):
            self.headers = kwargs['headers'] if 'headers' in kwargs else None
            self.key_header = kwargs[
                'key_header'] if 'key_header' in kwargs else None
            self.keys_order = kwargs[
                'keys_order'] if 'keys_order' in kwargs else None
            self.header_item_conversion_dict = kwargs[
                'header_item_conversion_dict'] if 'header_item_conversion_dict' in kwargs else None
            self.do_not_write_key_column = kwargs[
                'do_not_write_key_column'] if 'do_not_write_key_column' in kwargs else False

            self.append_dict_to_file(data, self.file_handle)
        elif isinstance(data, str):
            self.file_handle.write(data + "\n")
            raise FilesNPathsError(
                f"AppendableFile class has no strategy for appending data of type {type(data)}."

Beispiel #12
def check_output_directory(output_directory, ok_if_exists=False):
    if not output_directory:
        raise FilesNPathsError("Sorry. You must declare an output directory path.")

    output_directory = os.path.abspath(output_directory)

    if os.path.exists(output_directory) and not ok_if_exists:
        raise FilesNPathsError("The output directory '%s' already exists. anvio does not like overwriting stuff." % output_directory)

    return output_directory
Beispiel #13
def is_file_plain_text(file_path, dont_raise=False):

        open(os.path.abspath(file_path), 'rU').read(512)
        return True
    except IsADirectoryError:
        raise FilesNPathsError("There must be a misunderstnding... %s is a directory .. as far as a file\
                                can be from being a plain text file :(" % file_path)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        raise FilesNPathsError("The file at '%s' does not seem to be plain a text file :/" % file_path)
Beispiel #14
def check_output_directory(output_directory, ok_if_exists=False):
    if not output_directory:
        raise FilesNPathsError("Sorry. You must declare an output directory path.")

    output_directory = os.path.abspath(output_directory)

    if os.path.exists(output_directory) and not ok_if_exists:
        raise FilesNPathsError(f"The output directory '{output_directory}' already exists (and anvi'o does not like "
                               f"overwriting stuff (except when it does (typical anvi'o))).")

    return output_directory
Beispiel #15
def is_output_file_writable(file_path, ok_if_exists=True):
    if not file_path:
        raise FilesNPathsError("No output file is declared...")
    if os.path.isdir(file_path):
        raise FilesNPathsError(f"The path you have provided for your output file ('{os.path.abspath(file_path)}') "
                               f"already is used by a directory :/")
    if not os.access(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file_path)), os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError(f"You do not have permission to generate the output file '{file_path}'")
    if os.path.exists(file_path) and not os.access(file_path, os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError(f"You do not have permission to update the contents of the file '{file_path}' :/")
    if os.path.exists(file_path) and not ok_if_exists:
        raise FilesNPathsError(f"The output file '{file_path}' already exists. Generally speaking anvi'o tries to "
                               f"avoid overwriting stuff.")
    return True
Beispiel #16
def is_proper_newick(newick_data, dont_raise=False):
        tree = Tree(newick_data, format=1)

        seen = set([])
        duplicates = set([])
        for leaf in tree.get_leaves():
            name =
            if name in seen:

        if len(duplicates):
            raise Exception(
                "Your newick tree contains duplicate leaves, here is a list of them: %s"
                % ", ".join(duplicates))

    except Exception as e:
        if dont_raise:
            return False
            raise FilesNPathsError(
                "Your tree doesn't seem to be properly formatted. Here is what ETE had\
                                    to say about this: '%s'. Pity :/" % e)

    return True
Beispiel #17
    def sanity_check(self):
        """Basic sanity check for class inputs"""

        if self.output_file_prefix:
                self.output_file_prefix + '-additional-layers.txt',

            if self.gen_figures:
                plot_dir = self.output_file_prefix + '-nucleotide-coverage-distribution-plots'
        except FileExistsError as e:
            raise FilesNPathsError(
                "%s already exists, if you would like to overwrite it, then use -W (see help menu)."
                % plot_dir)

        # checking alpha
        if not isinstance(self.alpha, float):
            raise ConfigError("alpha value must be a type float.")
        # alpha must be a min of 0 and smaller than 0.5
        if self.alpha < 0 or self.alpha >= 0.5:
            raise ConfigError(
                "alpha must be a minimum of 0 and smaller than 0.5")

        if self.exclude_samples and self.include_samples:
            raise ConfigError(
                "You cannot use both --include-samples and --exclude-samples! Please choose one."
Beispiel #18
def is_proper_newick(newick_data):
        return Tree(newick_data, format=1)
    except Exception as e:
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            "Your tree doesn't seem to be properly formatted. Here is what ete2 had\
                                 to say about this: '%s'. Pity :/" % e)
Beispiel #19
def is_file_plain_text(file_path, dont_raise=False):

        open(os.path.abspath(file_path), 'rU').read(512)
    except IsADirectoryError:
        if dont_raise:
            return False
            raise FilesNPathsError("Someone want's to make sure %s is a plain text file, however, it is actually a\
                                    directory :(" % file_path)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        if dont_raise:
            return False
            raise FilesNPathsError("The file at '%s' does not seem to be plain a text file :/" % file_path)

    return True
Beispiel #20
    def __init__(self, file_path, append_type=None, fail_if_file_exists=False):
        self.path = file_path
        self.append_type = append_type

        self.ACCEPTABLE_TYPES = [dict, str]
        if self.append_type and (self.append_type not in self.ACCEPTABLE_TYPES):
            raise FilesNPathsError(f"Sorry. AppendableFile class does not know how to handle the declared data type '{self.append_type}'.")

        # if file exists, we may want to stop ourselves
        exists = is_file_exists(self.path, dont_raise=True)
        if fail_if_file_exists and exists:
            raise FilesNPathsError(f"AppendableFile class is refusing to open your file at {self.path} "
                                    "because it already exists. If you are a user, you should probably give "
                                    "Anvi'o a different file name to work with. If you are a programmer and you "
                                    "don't want this behavior, init this class with `fail_if_file_exists=False` instead.")


        self.file_handle = open(self.path, "a+")
Beispiel #21
def is_proper_hdf5_file(hdf5_file_path):

        h5py.File(hdf5_file_path, 'r')
        raise FilesNPathsError("The file '%s' does not seem to be a properly formatted HDF5 data file. Are you sure\
                                 anvi'o generated this?" % (hdf5_file_path))

    return True
Beispiel #22
def is_output_file_writable(file_path, ok_if_exists=True):
    if not file_path:
        raise FilesNPathsError("No output file is declared...")
    if os.path.isdir(file_path):
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            f"The path you have provided for your output file ('{os.path.abspath(file_path)}') "
            f"already is used by a directory :/")
    if not os.access(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file_path)), os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            f"It seems you are not autorhized to create an output file at '{file_path}' (lol)."
    if os.path.exists(file_path) and not os.access(file_path, os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            f"You do not have write access to the file at '{file_path}' :/")
    if os.path.exists(file_path) and not ok_if_exists:
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            f"The output file '{file_path}' already exists. Generally speaking anvi'o tries to "
            f"avoid overwriting stuff.")
    return True
Beispiel #23
def is_file_json_formatted(file_path):

        json.load(open(file_path, 'rU'))
    except ValueError as e:
        raise FilesNPathsError("File '%s' does not seem to be a properly formatted JSON\
                            file ('%s', cries the library)." % (file_path, e))

    return True
Beispiel #24
def is_file_tar_file(file_path, dont_raise=False):

    if tarfile.is_tarfile(file_path):
        return True
        if dont_raise:
            return False
            raise FilesNPathsError("The file at '%s' does not seem to be a tarfile." % file_path)
Beispiel #25
def is_output_file_writable(file_path, ok_if_exists=True):
    if not file_path:
        raise FilesNPathsError("No output file is declared...")
    if os.path.isdir(file_path):
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            "The path you have provided for your output file ('%s') already is used .. by\
                                a directory :/" % (os.path.abspath(file_path)))
    if not os.access(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file_path)), os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            "You do not have permission to generate the output file '%s'" %
    if os.path.exists(file_path) and not os.access(file_path, os.W_OK):
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            "You do not have permission to update the contents of the file '%s' :/"
            % file_path)
    if os.path.exists(file_path) and not ok_if_exists:
        raise FilesNPathsError(
            "The file, '%s', already exists. anvio does not like overwriting stuff."
            % file_path)
    return True
Beispiel #26
def is_proper_genomes_storage_file(storage_path):

    fp = h5py.File(storage_path, 'r')

    if '/data/genomes' not in fp or '/info/genomes' not in fp:
        raise FilesNPathsError("The file '%s' does not seem to be a proper genomes storage file. If you are not just\
                                 sending random HDF5 files as parameters to mock anvi'o and you are certain that this\
                                 is a geniune genomes storage file, then something may have gone wrong during the\
                                 process that attempted to create it :/" % (storage_path))

    if len(fp['/info/genomes']) != len(fp['/data/genomes']):
        raise FilesNPathsError("The file '%s' has different number of genomes for data (%d) and information (%d) sections. This\
                                 would have never ever happened if things had gone properly when you generated the file. With its\
                                 current form, there is nothing anvi'o can do with this file :( Sorry about the cryptic and\
                                 not-quite-helpful error message..." % (storage_path, len(fp['/data/genomes']), len(fp['/info/genomes'])))

    return True
Beispiel #27
def is_file_fasta_formatted(file_path):

        f = u.SequenceSource(file_path)
    except u.FastaLibError as e:
        raise FilesNPathsError("Someone is not happy with your FASTA file '%s' (this is\
                            what the lib says: '%s'." % (file_path, e))


    return True
Beispiel #28
def is_program_exists(program):
    """adapted from"""
    def is_exe(fpath):
        return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)

    fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
    if fpath:
        if is_exe(program):
            return True
        for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
            path = path.strip('"')
            exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
            if is_exe(exe_file):
                return True

    raise FilesNPathsError("'%s' is not found" % program)
Beispiel #29
def is_proper_external_gene_calls_file(file_path):

    headers_proper = [
        'gene_callers_id', 'contig', 'start', 'stop', 'direction', 'partial',
        'call_type', 'source', 'version', 'aa_sequence'
    call_types_allowed = set(list(constants.gene_call_types.values()))

    with open(file_path, 'rU') as input_file:
        headers = input_file.readline().strip().split('\t')

        if len(headers) == 10:
            missing_headers = [h for h in headers_proper if h not in headers]
            has_aa_sequences = True
        elif len(headers) == 9:
            missing_headers = [
                h for h in headers_proper[:-1] if h not in headers
            has_aa_sequences = False
            raise FilesNPathsError(
                "Your external gene calls file does not contain the right number of columns :/ Here is how "
                "your header line should look like (the `aa_sequence` is optional): '%s'."
                % ', '.join(headers_proper))

        if len(missing_headers):
            raise FilesNPathsError(
                "The headers in your external gene calls file looks wrong :/ Here is how "
                "your header line should look like (the `aa_sequence` is optional): '%s'."
                % ', '.join(headers_proper))

        while 1:
            line = input_file.readline()
            if not line:

            fields = line.strip('\n').split('\t')

                start, stop = int(fields[2]), int(fields[3])
            except ValueError:
                raise FilesNPathsError(
                    "All start/stop positions in an external gene calls file must contain integer values (duh). "
                    "Guess whose file has gene calls with start/stop positions of nope?"

            if start < 0:
                raise FilesNPathsError(
                    "At least one gene call in your external genes file ('%s') contains a start position "
                    "smaller than 0. Anvi'o could extend your contigs with imaginary nucleotides "
                    "to make things work. Admittedly it would have been much more fun to do that "
                    "instead of asking you to go back and correct your external gene calls file. "
                    "But we are burdened to act as adults here :(" %

            if start >= stop:
                raise FilesNPathsError(
                    "At least one gene call in your external genes calls file ('%s') has a stop "
                    "position that is not larger than the start position. No, says anvi'o. "
                    "If you need to reverse your genes, the way to do it is to use the `direction`"
                    "column as it is instructed on our web resources." %
                call_type = int(fields[6])
            except ValueError:
                raise FilesNPathsError(
                    "Values in the call_type column must be integers :/ Please see "

            if call_type not in call_types_allowed:
                raise FilesNPathsError(
                    "Each call type in an external gene calls file must have a value of either "
                    "of these: '%s'." % (', '.join(
                        [str(e) for e in sorted(list(call_types_allowed))])))

            if call_type is not constants.gene_call_types[
                    "CODING"] and has_aa_sequences and len(
                        fields[9].strip()) > 0:
                raise FilesNPathsError(
                    "At least one gene call in your external gene calls file ('%s') has amino acid "
                    "sequence listed despite the fact that it is not marked as 'coding' (1) in `call_type` "
                    "column. Not OK." % fields[0])

    return True
Beispiel #30
    def append_dict_to_file(self, dict_to_append, file_handle):
        """This function adds a TAB-delimited dictionary to the end of the file.

        If the file is empty, it writes the header as well as adding the dictionary contents.
        Otherwise, it checks that the dictionary contains the same keys as the header and appends the
        dictionary contents to the end of the file.

        dict_to_append : dictionary
            Holds the data you want to add to the end of the file. Keys should be headers of the file.
        file_handle : a file object
            Pointer to the file, opened in append mode. The calling function should take care of the
            open() and pass the handle here

        import anvio.utils as utils
        if is_file_empty(self.path):
            utils.store_dict_as_TAB_delimited_file(dict_to_append, None, headers=self.headers, file_obj=file_handle, \
                                                    key_header=self.key_header, keys_order=self.keys_order, \
                                                    header_item_conversion_dict=self.header_item_conversion_dict, \
                                                    do_not_close_file_obj=True, do_not_write_key_column=self.do_not_write_key_column)
            # if dictionary is empty, just return
            if not dict_to_append:

            file_headers = utils.get_columns_of_TAB_delim_file(
                self.path, include_first_column=True)
            inner_dict_keys = list(dict_to_append.values())[0].keys()

            # figure out if the first column holds the keys of the outer dictionary or one of the inner dictionary keys
            if file_headers[0] in inner_dict_keys:
                self.key_header = None
                self.headers = file_headers
                self.key_header = file_headers[0]
                self.headers = file_headers[1:]

            # check that the inner dictionary has the file headers we need
            missing_headers = [
                h for h in self.headers if h not in inner_dict_keys
            if len(missing_headers):
                if anvio.DEBUG:
                    if len(missing_headers) > 10:
                        raise FilesNPathsError(
                            f"Some headers from the file (n={len(missing_headers)}) are not in your dictionary :/ "
                            f"Here are the first ten of them: {missing_headers[:10].__str__()}"
                        raise FilesNPathsError(
                            f"Some headers from the file are not in your dictionary :/ Here they are: {missing_headers.__str__()}"
                    raise FilesNPathsError(
                        "Some headers from the file are not in your dictionary :/ Use `--debug` to see where this "
                        "error is coming from the codebase with a list of example keys that are missing."

            # check that any requested outer dictionary keys are present
            if not self.keys_order:
                self.keys_order = sorted(dict_to_append.keys())
                missing_keys = [
                    k for k in self.keys_order if k not in dict_to_append
                if len(missing_keys):
                    if anvio.DEBUG:
                        if len(missing_keys) > 10:
                            raise FilesNPathsError(
                                f"Some keys (n={len(missing_keys)}) are not in your dictionary :/ Here are "
                                f"the first ten of them: {missing_keys[:10].__str__()}"
                            raise FilesNPathsError(
                                f"Some keys are not in your dictionary :/ Here they are: {missing_keys.__str__()}"
                        raise FilesNPathsError(
                            "Some keys are not in your dictionary :/ Use `--debug` to see where this "
                            "error is coming from the codebase with a list of example keys that are "

            # dict looks okay, append it to file
            for k in self.keys_order:
                if self.key_header:  # first column is key of outer dict
                    line = [str(k)]
                else:  # do not put the key of outer dict in the first column
                    line = []

                for header in self.headers:
                        val = dict_to_append[k][header]
                    except KeyError:
                        raise FilesNPathsError(
                            f"Header '{header}' is not found in the dict for key '{k}':/"
                    except TypeError:
                        raise FilesNPathsError(
                            "Your dictionary is not properly formatted to be exported "
                            f"as a TAB-delimited file :/ You ask for '{header}', but it is not "
                            "even a key in the dictionary")

                        str(val) if not isinstance(val, type(None)) else '')

                if anvio.AS_MARKDOWN:
                    file_handle.write(f"|{'|'.join(map(str, line))}|\n")
                    file_handle.write('%s\n' % '\t'.join(line))