Beispiel #1
def heatmap(frames, cam, lo_frac=0.5, adapt=True, max_val=35):
    """ Set heatmap threshold adaptively, to deal with large variation in possible input videos. """
    frames = np.asarray(frames)
    max_prob = 0.35
    if adapt:
        max_val = np.percentile(cam, 97)

    same = np.max(cam) - np.min(cam) <= 0.001
    if same:
        return frames

    outs = []
    for i in xrange(frames.shape[0]):
        lo = lo_frac * max_val
        hi = max_val + 0.001
        im = frames[i]
        f = cam.shape[0] * float(i) / frames.shape[0]
        l = int(f)
        r = min(1 + l, cam.shape[0] - 1)
        p = f - l
        frame_cam = ((1 - p) * cam[l]) + (p * cam[r])
        frame_cam = ig.scale(frame_cam, im.shape[:2], 1)
        #vis = ut.cmap_im(, np.minimum(frame_cam, hi), lo = lo, hi = hi)
        vis = ut.cmap_im(, frame_cam, lo=lo, hi=hi)
        #p = np.clip((frame_cam - lo)/float(hi - lo), 0, 1.)
        p = np.clip((frame_cam - lo) / float(hi - lo), 0, max_prob)
        p = p[..., None]
        im = np.array(im, 'd')
        vis = np.array(vis, 'd')
        outs.append(np.uint8(im * (1 - p) + vis * p))
    return np.array(outs)
 def im(x, crop=False, compress=True):
     x = ig.uncompress(x)
     x = np.array(x)
     if crop:
         x = crop_kinect(x)
     x = ig.scale(x, (256, 256), 1)
     if compress:
         x = ig.compress(x)
     return x
def vis_example(db_file):
    with h5py.File(db_file, 'r') as db:
        pre, mid, post = milestone_frames(db)
        sc = lambda x: ig.scale(x, (600, None))
        im_mid = sc(crop_kinect(ig.uncompress(db['color_image_KinectA'][mid])))
        im_post = sc(
        depth = sc(color_depth(crop_kinect(db['depth_image_KinectA'][mid])))
        gel_a_0 = sc(ig.uncompress(db['GelSightA_image'][pre]))
        gel_b_0 = sc(ig.uncompress(db['GelSightB_image'][pre]))
        gel_a_1 = sc(ig.uncompress(db['GelSightA_image'][mid]))
        gel_b_1 = sc(ig.uncompress(db['GelSightB_image'][mid]))
        row = [
            'Color:', im_mid, 'Depth:', depth, 'Gel_A_1:', gel_a_1, 'Gel_B_1:',
            gel_b_1, 'Gel_A_0:', gel_a_0, 'Gel_B_0:', gel_b_0, 'Im after:',
            im_post, 'Name:',
            str(np.array(db['object_name'].value[0])), 'Path:',
        return row
def examples_from_db((db_file, im_dir)):
    examples = []
        with h5py.File(db_file, 'r') as db:
            #print db.keys()
            sc = lambda x: ig.scale(x, (full_dim, full_dim))
            for x in ['A', 'B']:
                im_file = ut.make_temp('.png', dir=im_dir)
                prev_file = ut.make_temp('.png', dir=im_dir)
      , sc(db['GelSight%s_image_post_gripping' % x]))
      , sc(db['GelSight%s_image_pre_gripping' % x]))
                if 'is_gripping' in db:
                    label = int(np.array(db['is_gripping'])[0])
                elif 'Is gripping?' in db:
                    label = int(np.array(db['Is gripping?'])[0])
                    raise RuntimeError('No label!')
                examples.append((im_file, prev_file, label, db_file))
        print 'Failed to open:', db_file
    return examples
Beispiel #5
def crop_from_cam(ims, cam, pr):
    cam = np.array([ig.blur(x, 2.) for x in cam])
    cam = np.abs(cam)
    cam = cam.mean(0)

    ims = np.asarray(ims)
    y, x = np.nonzero(cam >= cam.max() - 1e-8)
    y, x = y[0], x[0]
    y = int(round((y + 0.5) * ims.shape[1] / float(cam.shape[0])))
    x = int(round((x + 0.5) * ims.shape[2] / float(cam.shape[1])))

    d = np.mean(ims.shape[1:3])
    h = int(max(224, d // 2.5))
    w = int(max(224, d // 2.5))

    y0 = int(np.clip(y - h / 2, 0, ims.shape[1] - h))
    x0 = int(np.clip(x - w / 2, 0, ims.shape[2] - w))
    crop = ims[:, y0:y0 + h, x0:x0 + w]
    crop = np.array(
        [ig.scale(im, (pr.crop_im_dim, pr.crop_im_dim)) for im in crop])
    return crop
Beispiel #6
    def predict_cam(self, ims, samples, n=5, num_times=3):
        #num_times = 1
        if 1:
            f = min(ims.shape[1:3])
            ims = np.array([ig.scale(im, (f, f)) for im in ims])
            d = int(224. / 256 * ims.shape[1])
            print 'd =', d, ims.shape
            full = None
            count = None
            if n == 1:
                ys = [ims.shape[1] / 2]
                xs = [ims.shape[2] / 2]
                ys = np.linspace(0, ims.shape[1] - d, n).astype('int64')
                xs = np.linspace(0, ims.shape[2] - d, n).astype('int64')

            if num_times == 1:
                print 'Using one time'
                ts = [0.]
                ts = np.linspace(-2, 2., n)

            for y in ys:
                for x in xs:
                    crop = ims[:, y:y + d, x:x + d]
                    crop = resize_nd(
                        (crop.shape[0], pr.crop_im_dim, pr.crop_im_dim, 3),
                    for shift in ts:
                        print x, y, t
                        snd = sound.Sound(samples,
                        s0 = int(shift * snd.rate)
                        s1 = s0 + snd.samples.shape[0]
                        shifted = snd.pad_slice(s0, s1)
                        assert shifted.samples.shape[0] == snd.samples.shape[0]

                        [cam] =
                            [], {
                                self.ims_ph: crop[None],
                                self.samples_ph: shifted.samples[None]
                        cam = cam[0, ..., 0]
                        if full is None:
                            full = np.zeros(cam.shape[:1] + ims.shape[1:3])
                            count = np.zeros_like(full)
                        cam_resized = scipy.ndimage.zoom(
                            np.array((full.shape[0], d, d), 'float32') /
                            np.array(cam.shape, 'float32'))
                        if 1:
                            print 'abs'
                            cam_resized = np.abs(cam_resized)
                        # print np.abs(cam_resized).max()

                        frame0 = int(max(-shift, 0) *
                        frame1 = cam_resized.shape[0] - int(
                            max(shift, 0) *
                        ok = np.ones(count.shape[0])
                        cam_resized[:frame0] = 0.
                        cam_resized[frame1:] = 0.
                        ok[:frame0] = 0
                        ok[frame1:] = 0

                        full[:, y:y + d, x:x + d] += cam_resized
                        count[:, y:y + d, x:x + d] += ok[:, None, None]
            assert count.min() > 0
            full /= np.maximum(count, 1e-5)
        #'../results/', full)
        # full = ut.load('../results/')
        return full
 def format_im(self, im):
     return ig.scale(im, (crop_dim, crop_dim), 1)  #.astype('float32')
 def depth(x):
     x = np.array(x).astype('float32')
     x = ig.scale(x, (256, 256), 1)
     return x
Beispiel #9
 def im(x):
     x = np.array(x)
     x = ig.scale(x, (256, 256), 1)
     return ig.compress(x)
 def sc(x):
     """ do a center crop (helps with gelsight) """
     x = ig.scale(x, (256, 256))
     return ut.crop_center(x, 224)
Beispiel #11
def center_crop(im, full_dim, crop_dim):
  im = ig.rgb_from_gray(im, remove_alpha = True)
  im = ig.scale(im, [full_dim]*2, 1)
  im = ut.crop_center(im, crop_dim)
  return im