Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, obj, opt):
     super(LDAPUser, self).__init__(obj, opt)
     self.path = sanitize_mount("auth/%s/users/%s" %
                                (obj.get('mount', 'ldap'), obj['user']))
     self._obj = {}
     map_val(self._obj, obj, 'groups', [])
     map_val(self._obj, obj, 'policies', [])
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, obj, opt):
     super(LDAPUser, self).__init__(obj, opt)
     self.path = sanitize_mount("auth/%s/users/%s" %
                                (obj.get('mount', 'ldap'), obj['user']))
     self._obj = {}
     map_val(self._obj, obj, 'groups', [])
     map_val(self._obj, obj, 'policies', [])
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, obj, opt):
     super(UserPassUser, self).__init__('userpass', obj, opt)
     self.username = obj['username']
     self.mount = 'userpass'
     self.path = sanitize_mount("auth/userpass/users/%s" % self.username)
     self.secret = obj['password_file']
     self._obj = {'policies': obj['policies']}
     map_val(self._obj, obj, 'ttl')
     map_val(self._obj, obj, 'max_ttl')
     self.filename = self.secret
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, obj, opt):
     super(UserPassUser, self).__init__('userpass', obj, opt)
     self.username = obj['username']
     self.mount = 'userpass'
     self.path = sanitize_mount("auth/userpass/users/%s" % self.username)
     self.secret = obj['password_file']
     self._obj = {
         'policies': obj['policies']
     map_val(self._obj, obj, 'ttl')
     map_val(self._obj, obj, 'max_ttl')
     self.filename = self.secret
Beispiel #5
    def tunable(self, obj):
        """A tunable resource maps against a backend..."""
        self.tune = dict()
        if 'tune' in obj:
            for tunable in MOUNT_TUNABLES:
                tunable_key = tunable[0]
                map_val(self.tune, obj['tune'], tunable_key)
                if tunable_key in self.tune and \
                    vault_time_s = vault_time_to_s(self.tune[tunable_key])
                    self.tune[tunable_key] = vault_time_s

        if 'description'in obj:
            self.tune['description'] = obj['description']
Beispiel #6
    def tunable(self, obj):
        """A tunable resource maps against a backend..."""
        self.tune = dict()
        if 'tune' in obj:
            for tunable in MOUNT_TUNABLES:
                tunable_key = tunable[0]
                map_val(self.tune, obj['tune'], tunable_key)
                if tunable_key in self.tune and \
                    vault_time_s = vault_time_to_s(self.tune[tunable_key])
                    self.tune[tunable_key] = vault_time_s

        if 'description' in obj:
            self.tune['description'] = obj['description']
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, obj, opt):
        super(TokenRole, self).__init__('tokenrole', obj, opt)
        self.role_name = obj['name']
        self.path = "auth/token/roles/%s" % obj['name']
        self.mount = 'token'
        self.backend = 'token'
        self.secret_ids = []

        role_obj = {}

        for policy_type in ['allowed_policies', 'disallowed_policies']:
            if policy_type in obj:
                policies = obj[policy_type]
                role_obj[policy_type] = ','.join(sorted(policies))

        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'orphan', True)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'period', 0)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'renewable', True)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'explicit_max_ttl', 0)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'path_suffix', '')

        self._obj = role_obj
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, obj, opt):
        super(TokenRole, self).__init__('tokenrole', obj, opt)
        self.role_name = obj['name']
        self.path = "auth/token/roles/%s" % obj['name']
        self.mount = 'token'
        self.backend = 'token'
        self.secret_ids = []

        role_obj = {}

        for policy_type in ['allowed_policies', 'disallowed_policies']:
            if policy_type in obj:
                policies = obj[policy_type]
                role_obj[policy_type] = ','.join(sorted(policies))

        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'orphan', True)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'period', 0)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'renewable', True)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'explicit_max_ttl', 0)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'path_suffix', '')

        self._obj = role_obj
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, resource, opt, managed=True):
        self.path = sanitize_mount(resource.mount)
        self.backend = resource.backend
        self.existing = dict()
        self.present = resource.present
        self.config = dict()
        self.managed = managed
        if hasattr(resource, 'tune') and isinstance(resource.tune, dict):
            for tunable in MOUNT_TUNABLES:
                tunable_key = tunable[0]
                tunable_type = tunable[1]
                if tunable_key in resource.tune and \
                   not isinstance(resource.tune[tunable_key], tunable_type):
                    e_msg = "Mount tunable %s on %s must be of type %s" % \
                            (tunable_key, self.path, tunable_type)
                    raise aomi_excep.AomiData(e_msg)

                map_val(self.config, resource.tune, tunable_key)

            if 'description' in resource.tune:
                self.config['description'] = resource.tune['description']

        self.opt = opt
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self, resource, opt, managed=True):
        self.path = sanitize_mount(resource.mount)
        self.backend = resource.backend
        self.existing = dict()
        self.present = resource.present
        self.config = dict()
        self.managed = managed
        if hasattr(resource, 'tune') and isinstance(resource.tune, dict):
            for tunable in MOUNT_TUNABLES:
                tunable_key = tunable[0]
                tunable_type = tunable[1]
                if tunable_key in resource.tune and \
                   not isinstance(resource.tune[tunable_key], tunable_type):
                    e_msg = "Mount tunable %s on %s must be of type %s" % \
                            (tunable_key, self.path, tunable_type)
                    raise aomi_excep.AomiData(e_msg)

                map_val(self.config, resource.tune, tunable_key)

            if 'description' in resource.tune:
                self.config['description'] = resource.tune['description']

        self.opt = opt
Beispiel #11
 def __init__(self, obj, opt):
     super(LDAP, self).__init__('ldap', obj, opt)
     auth_obj = {'url': obj['url']}
     self.mount = 'ldap'
     self.path = sanitize_mount("auth/ldap/config")
     self.secret = obj.get('secrets')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'starttls', False)
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'insecure_tls', False)
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'discoverdn')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'userdn')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'userattr')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'deny_null_bind', True)
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'upndomain')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'groupfilter')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'groupdn')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'groupattr')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'binddn')
     self._obj = auth_obj
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, obj, opt):
        super(AppRole, self).__init__('approle', obj, opt)
        self.app_name = obj['name']
        self.path = "auth/approle/role/%s" % obj['name']
        self.mount = self.backend
        self.secret_ids = []
        policies = obj['policies']
        # HCV seems to always add this in anyway. Having this implicit
        # at our end makes the diff'ing easier.
        if 'default' not in policies:
            policies.insert(0, 'default')

        role_obj = {'policies': ','.join(sorted(policies))}
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'bound_cidr_list', '', 'cidr_list')
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'secret_id_num_uses', 0, 'secret_uses')
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'secret_id_ttl', 0, 'secret_ttl')
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'period', 0)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'token_max_ttl', 0)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'token_ttl', 0)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'bind_secret_id', True)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'token_num_uses', 0)
        self._obj = role_obj
        if 'preset' in obj:
            self.presets(obj['preset'], opt)
Beispiel #13
 def __init__(self, obj, opt):
     super(LDAP, self).__init__('ldap', obj, opt)
     auth_obj = {
         'url': obj['url']
     self.mount = obj.get('mount', 'ldap')
     self.path = sanitize_mount("auth/%s/config" % self.mount)
     self.secret = obj.get('secrets')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'starttls', False)
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'insecure_tls', False)
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'discoverdn')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'userdn')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'userattr')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'deny_null_bind', True)
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'upndomain')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'groupfilter')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'groupdn')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'groupattr')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'binddn')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'tls_max_version')
     map_val(auth_obj, obj, 'tls_min_version')
     self._obj = auth_obj
Beispiel #14
    def __init__(self, obj, opt):
        super(AppRole, self).__init__('approle', obj, opt)
        self.app_name = obj['name']
        self.mount = 'approle'
        self.path = "%s/role/%s" % (self.mount, self.app_name)
        self.secret_ids = []
        policies = obj['policies']
        # HCV seems to always add this in anyway. Having this implicit
        # at our end makes the diff'ing easier.
        if 'default' not in policies:
            policies.insert(0, 'default')

        role_obj = {
            'policies': ','.join(sorted(policies))
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'bound_cidr_list', '', 'cidr_list')
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'secret_id_num_uses', 0, 'secret_uses')
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'secret_id_ttl', 0, 'secret_ttl')
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'period', 0)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'token_max_ttl', 0)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'token_ttl', 0)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'bind_secret_id', True)
        map_val(role_obj, obj, 'token_num_uses', 0)
        self._obj = role_obj
        if 'preset' in obj:
            self.presets(obj['preset'], opt)