Beispiel #1
def apass_zone_to_dat(save_dir, filter_config, zone_container_filename):
    """Process all of the rectangles found in the zone.
    With APASS data, we average on a per-container basis."""

    averages = []

    zone_id = apass.zone_from_name(zone_container_filename)
    zone_name = apass.name_zone(zone_id)
    print "Processing zone " + zone_name

    # load the zone's tree and data from disk and get the leaves
    zone_json = save_dir + apass.name_zone_json_file(zone_id)
    zone_tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(zone_json, leafClass=RectLeaf)
    zone.load_zone_data(zone_tree, save_dir)
    leaves = zone_tree.get_leaves()

    # average the data in each container.
    for leaf in leaves:
        for container in leaf.containers:
            # average the data
            c_ave = average_container(container, filter_config)

    # write out the average information
    dat_filename = save_dir + "/" + zone_name + ".dat"
    averages = dat.dicts_to_ndarray(averages, dat_type="apass")
    dat.write_dat(dat_filename, averages, dat_type="apass")
Beispiel #2
def purge_nights(night_names, save_dir, filename):
    """Loads a fredbin file, purges all data corresponding to night_name"""

    results = []

    # load the zone contribution file
    zone_id = apass.zone_from_name(filename)
    contrib_filename = save_dir + '/' + apass.name_zone_contrib_file(zone_id)
    contrib_data = read_contrib_file(contrib_filename)

    # Find common nights between the contrib file and the nights to
    # be purged. If none exist, return.
    common_nights = np.intersect1d(contrib_data['night_name'], night_names)
    if len(common_nights) == 0:
        print("No purge-able nights for zone %i" % (zone_id))
        return results

    # remove the data from the fredbin and containerized fredbin file
    fredbin_file   = save_dir + '/' + apass.name_zone_file(zone_id)
    r = purge_nights_from_file(common_nights, fredbin_file)
    container_file = save_dir + '/' + apass.name_zone_container_file(zone_id)
    r = purge_nights_from_file(common_nights, container_file)

    # now purge the nights from the contrib file
    indices = np.nonzero(np.in1d(contrib_data['night_name'], common_nights))
    contrib_data = np.delete(contrib_data, indices)
    write_contrib_file(contrib_filename, contrib_data)
Beispiel #3
def zone_to_rects(save_dir, filename):
    """Processes and APASS zone file into overlapping rectangles"""
    zone_id = apass.zone_from_name(filename)

    global tree_file

    # read in the (binary) data file
    data = read_fredbin(filename)
    print "Processing '%s' which has %i data points " % (filename, data.size)

    # find the bounds of this zone using the first data point in the file
    global_tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(tree_file, leafClass=IDLeaf)
    datum = data[0]
    ra, dec = apass.get_coords(datum)
    zone_node = global_tree.find_leaf(ra, dec)
    zone_bounds = zone_node.rect

    # build a tree for the zone
    zone_tree = QuadTreeNode(zone_bounds, 0, parent=None)
    zone_tree.split_until(apass.zone_depth, leafClass=RectLeaf)

    # insert the data into the tree, building up containers (rectangles) in the
    # process
    for datum in np.nditer(data):
        datum = datum.copy()
        ra, dec = apass.get_coords(datum)
            zone_tree.insert(ra, dec, datum)
        except RuntimeError:
            print("ERROR: Potential data corruption in " + filename)
                "ERROR: Check file, remove the zone directory, and re-run this program"

    # prepare the save the data.
    # the zone file's name
    filename_no_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]

    # now number the (leaf) nodes
    number_containers(zone_tree, zone_id=zone_id)
    #plot_rects(zone_tree) # plot the nodes before the merge
    zone_border_info = merge_containers_on_borders(zone_tree)
    #plot_rects(zone_tree) # plot the nodes after the merge

    # write out the containers that were on the border
    filename = save_dir + '/' + apass.name_zone_border_file(zone_id)
    save_border_info(filename, zone_border_info)

    zone.save_zone_data(zone_tree, save_dir)

    # save the zone -> container mapping
    filename = save_dir + '/' + apass.name_zone_json_file(zone_id)
    QuadTreeNode.to_file(zone_tree, filename)
Beispiel #4
def save_zone(save_dir, zone_dict):
    """Saves the zone data to disk. The zone_dict format matches the
    format found in load_zone above."""

    json_file = zone_dict['json_filename']
    container_file = zone_dict['container_filename']
    border_info_file = zone_dict['border_info_filename']
    tree = zone_dict['tree']
    border_info = zone_dict['border_info']
    load_succeeded = zone_dict['loaded']
    lock = zone_dict['lock']

    zone_id = apass.zone_from_name(container_file)
    #print("Saving zone %i" % (zone_id))

    # save the data to disk
    if load_succeeded:
        save_zone_data(tree, save_dir)
        save_border_info(border_info_file, border_info)
        QuadTreeNode.to_file(tree, json_file)

    # release the lock
Beispiel #5
def sro_zone_to_dat(save_dir, filter_config, zone_container_filename):
    """Processes all of the rectangles found in zone. Zone should be a valid subdirectory
    of save_dir"""

    zone_id = apass.zone_from_name(zone_container_filename)
    zone_name = apass.name_zone(zone_id)
    print "Processing zone " + zone_name

    # create a graph data structure for this zone
    G = nx.Graph()

    # load the zone's tree and data from disk and get the leaves
    zone_json = save_dir + apass.name_zone_json_file(zone_id)
    zone_tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(zone_json, leafClass=RectLeaf)
    zone.load_zone_data(zone_tree, save_dir)
    leaves = zone_tree.get_leaves()

    # average the data and populate the graph with shared container information
    line_number = 0
    averages = []
    for leaf in leaves:
        for container in leaf.containers:
            # average the data
            c_aves = average_by_field(container, filter_config)

            # populate overlapping line information
            line_numbers = []
            field_ids = []
            for c_ave in c_aves:
                line_number += 1

            # if there are more than one field ID present, populate information
            # in the graph
            if len(field_ids) > 1:
                # generate all possible combinations of the line numbers and field IDs
                # these express the edges in the graph
                line_pairs = list(itertools.combinations(line_numbers, 2))
                field_pairs = list(itertools.combinations(field_ids, 2))

                for line_pair, field_pair in zip(line_pairs, field_pairs):
                    src_line = line_pair[0]
                    dst_line = line_pair[1]
                    src_field = field_pair[0]
                    dst_field = field_pair[1]

                        edge = G[src_field][dst_field]
                        G.add_edge(src_field, dst_field, line_ids=[], weight=0)
                        edge = G[src_field][dst_field]

                    edge['line_ids'].append((src_line, dst_line))
                    edge['weight'] += 1

    # write out the average information
    dat_filename = save_dir + "/" + zone_name + ".dat"
    averages = dat.dicts_to_ndarray(averages, dat_type="sro")
    dat.write_dat(dat_filename, averages, dat_type="sro")

    # save the graph to a pickle file
    graph_filename = save_dir + "/" + zone_name + ".p"
    nx.write_gpickle(G, graph_filename)
Beispiel #6
def main():
    """Plots all data in an APASS zone and optionally displays container boundaries."""

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Plots a zone file and its data')
                        help="Zone JSON files to be plotted")
                        help="Plot borders for containers")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    save_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(args.input[0])) + "/"

    inputs = args.input

    for filename in inputs:
        zone_id = apass.zone_from_name(filename)

        zone_name = apass.name_zone(zone_id)
        print "Plotting zone " + zone_name

        # load the original zone data. Note, we don't restore it to the tree
        zone_data_file = save_dir + apass.name_zone_file(zone_id)
        zone_data = fred.read_fredbin(zone_data_file)
        print("Zone file has " + str(zone_data.size) + " entries")

        # load the containerized zone data
        zone_container_file = save_dir + apass.name_zone_container_file(
        zone_container_data = fred.read_fredbin(zone_container_file)
        print("Zone container file has " + str(zone_container_data.size) +
              " entries")

        # load the zone's tree
        zone_json = save_dir + apass.name_zone_json_file(zone_id)
        zone_tree = QuadTreeNode.from_file(zone_json, leafClass=RectLeaf)
        leaves = zone_tree.get_leaves()

        total_containers = 0
        for leaf in leaves:
            total_containers += len(leaf.containers)

        print("Zone contains a total of " + str(total_containers) +
              " containers")

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(1)

        # plot the zone container data
        for leaf in leaves:
            rect = leaf.rect
            x = rect.x_min
            y = rect.y_min
            dx = rect.x_max - x
            dy = rect.y_max - y

            axes.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((x, y), dx, dy, fill=False))

            if args.show_containers:
                plot_containers(leaf, axes)

        # plot the data
        dec = zone_data['dec']
        ra = zone_data['ra']
        plt.scatter(ra, dec)

        dec = zone_container_data['dec']
        ra = zone_container_data['ra']
        plt.scatter(ra, dec, color="green")
Beispiel #7
def main():

    global error_filename
    global tree_file

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Inserts zone data into a quadtree data structure.')
                        help="Directory to which output files should be saved")
                        help="Input files which will be split into zonefiles")
                        help="Parallel jobs",
                        help="Run in debug mode")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    start = time.time()

    save_dir = os.path.dirname(args.save_dir)

    # configure globals
    error_filename = save_dir + "/error_zone_to_rects.txt"
    tree_file = save_dir + "/global.json"

    # Construct a partial to serve as the function to call in serial or
    # parallel mode below.
    ztr_func = partial(zone_to_rects_wrapper, zone_to_rects, save_dir)

    # use this for single thread development and debugging
    if args.debug:
        for filename in args.input:
        # generate a pool of threads to process the input
        pool = Pool(

        # farm out the work
        result = pool.imap(ztr_func, args.input)

    # write out a file containing information on the containers modified.
    mod_file = save_dir + "/zone-to-rects-modified-files.txt"
    with open(mod_file, 'w') as outfile:
        for filename in args.input:
            path, fredbin_filename = os.path.split(filename)
            zone_id = apass.zone_from_name(fredbin_filename)
            filename = apass.name_zone_container_file(zone_id)
            outfile.write(save_dir + filename + "\n")

    print("A list of modified files has been written to %s" % (mod_file))

    end = time.time()
    print("Time elapsed: %is" % (int(end - start)))