def addEdge(self, vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2, edge=1):
        Add a non-zero edge between two vertices.

        :param vertexIndex1: The index of the first vertex.
        :type vertexIndex1: :class:`int`

        :param vertexIndex2: The index of the second vertex.
        :type vertexIndex2: :class:`int`

        :param edge: The value of the edge.
        :type edge: :class:`float`
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex1, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex2, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        vertexIndex1 = int(vertexIndex1)
        vertexIndex2 = int(vertexIndex2)

        if edge == 0 or edge == float('inf'):
            raise ValueError("Cannot add a zero or infinite edge")

        if self.undirected:
            self.W[vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2] = edge
            self.W[vertexIndex2, vertexIndex1] = edge
            self.W[vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2] = edge
Beispiel #2
    def breadthFirstSearch(self, root):
        Breadth first search starting from a particular vertex. Returns a list of 
        connected vertices in the order they were found. 

        :param root: The index of the root vertex.
        :type root: :class:`int`

        :returns: A list of vertices connected to the input one via a path in the graph.
        Parameter.checkIndex(root, 0, self.size)        
        toVisit = [root]
        visited = set()
        searchPath = [] 

        #adjacencyList, weights = self.adjacencyList()

        while len(toVisit) != 0:
            currentVertex = toVisit.pop(0)

            if currentVertex not in visited:

            neighbours = self.neighbours(currentVertex)
            unvisited = sorted(set(neighbours).difference(visited))

        return searchPath
Beispiel #3
    def depthFirstSearch(self, root):
        Depth first search starting from a particular vertex. Returns a list of 
        connected vertices in the order they were found. 

        :param root: The index of the root vertex.
        :type root: :class:`int`

        :returns: A list of vertices connected to the input one via a path in the graph.
        Parameter.checkIndex(root, 0, self.size)        
        currentPath = [root]
        visited = set()
        searchPath = [] 

        while len(currentPath) != 0:
            currentVertex = currentPath[-1]

            if currentVertex not in visited:

            neighbours = self.neighbours(currentVertex)            
            unvisited = (set(neighbours).difference(visited))
            if len(unvisited) != 0: 

        return searchPath
    def addEdge(self, vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2, edge=1):
        Add a non-zero edge between two vertices.

        :param vertexIndex1: The index of the first vertex.
        :type vertexIndex1: :class:`int`

        :param vertexIndex2: The index of the second vertex.
        :type vertexIndex2: :class:`int`

        :param edge: The value of the edge.
        :type edge: :class:`float`
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex1, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex2, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        vertexIndex1 = int(vertexIndex1)
        vertexIndex2 = int(vertexIndex2)

        if edge == 0 or edge == float('inf'):
            raise ValueError("Cannot add a zero or infinite edge")

        if self.undirected:
            self.W[vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2] = edge
            self.W[vertexIndex2, vertexIndex1] = edge
            self.W[vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2] = edge
Beispiel #5
    def getAlters(self, i):
        Parameter.checkIndex(i, 0, self.iteration)

        alters = []
        for j in range(0, len(self.allTransmissionEdges[i])):
            alters.append(self.allTransmissionEdges[i][j, 1])

        return numpy.unique(numpy.array(alters))
    def removeEdge(self, vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2, edgeTypeIndex):
        """ Remove an edge between two vertices.

        @param vertexIndex1: The index of the first vertex.
        @param vertexIndex1: The index of the second vertex.
        Parameter.checkIndex(edgeTypeIndex, 0, self.maxEdgeTypes)
        self.sparseGraphs[edgeTypeIndex].removeEdge(vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2)
    def clearVertex(self, index):
        Sets a vertex to the all-zeros array.

        :param index: the index of the vertex to assign a value.
        :type index: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, self.V.shape[0])
        self.V[index, :] = numpy.zeros((1, self.V.shape[1]))
    def getVertex(self, index):
        Returns the value of a vertex.

        :param index: the index of the vertex.
        :type index: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, len(self.V))
        return self.V[index]
    def addEdge(self, vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2, edgeTypeIndex, edge=1):
        """ Add an edge to the graph between two vertices.

        @param vertexIndex1: The index of the first vertex.
        @param vertexIndex1: The index of the second vertex.
        @param edge: The value to assign to the edge.
        Parameter.checkIndex(edgeTypeIndex, 0, self.maxEdgeTypes)
        self.sparseGraphs[edgeTypeIndex].addEdge(vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2, edge)
    def setK(self, k):
        The number of neighbours of each vertex.

        :param k: the number of neighbours in the regular lattice.
        :type k: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(k, 0, float('inf'))
        self.k = k
    def getVertex(self, index):
        Returns the value of a vertex.

        :param index: the index of the vertex.
        :type index: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, len(self.V))
        return self.V[index]
    def clearVertex(self, index):
        Sets a vertex to None

        :param index: the index of the vertex to assign a value.
        :type index: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, len(self.V))
        self.V[index] = None
Beispiel #13
    def clearVertex(self, index):
        Sets a vertex to the all-zeros array.

        :param index: the index of the vertex to assign a value.
        :type index: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, self.V.shape[0])
        self.V[index, :] = numpy.zeros((1, self.V.shape[1]))
Beispiel #14
    def setInfected(self, vertexInd, time):
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexInd, 0, self.getNumVertices())
        Parameter.checkFloat(time, 0.0, float('inf'))

        if self.V[vertexInd, HIVVertices.stateIndex] == HIVVertices.infected:
            raise ValueError("Person is already infected")

        self.V[vertexInd, HIVVertices.stateIndex] = HIVVertices.infected
        self.V[vertexInd, HIVVertices.infectionTimeIndex] = time
    def clearVertex(self, index):
        Sets a vertex to None

        :param index: the index of the vertex to assign a value.
        :type index: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, len(self.V))
        self.V[index] = None
    def setK(self, k):
        The number of neighbours of each vertex.

        :param k: the number of neighbours in the regular lattice.
        :type k: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(k, 0, float('inf'))
        self.k = k
Beispiel #17
    def neighbours(self, vertexIndex):
        Return an array of the indices of the neighbours of the given vertex.
        :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        neighbourIndices = self.W.rowInds(vertexIndex)

        return neighbourIndices
 def neighbours(self, vertexIndex):
     Return an array of the indices of the neighbours of the given vertex.
     :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
     :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`
     Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
     neighbourIndices = self.W.rowInds(vertexIndex)
     return neighbourIndices
    def getVertex(self, index):
        Returns the value of a vertex. 

        :param index: the index of the vertex.
        :type index: :class:`int`

        :returns: the value of the vertex.
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, self.V.shape[0])
        return self.V[index, :]
Beispiel #20
    def setVertex(self, vertexIndex, vertex):
        Set the vertex with given index to a particular value. 

        :param vertexIndex: the index of the vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`

        :param vertex: the value of the vertex.
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        self.vList.setVertex(vertexIndex, vertex)
Beispiel #21
    def getVertex(self, index):
        Returns the value of a vertex. 

        :param index: the index of the vertex.
        :type index: :class:`int`

        :returns: the value of the vertex.
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, self.V.shape[0])
        return self.V[index, :]
 def neighbours(self, vertexIndex):
     Return an array of the indices of the neighbours of the given vertex.
     :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
     :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`
     Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
     nonZeroIndices =  numpy.nonzero(self.W[vertexIndex, :])
     neighbourIndices = nonZeroIndices[0]
     return neighbourIndices
    def setVertex(self, index, value):
        Set a vertex to the corresponding value.

        :param index: the index of the vertex to assign a value.
        :type index: :class:`int`

        :param value: the value to assign to the vertex.
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, len(self.V))

        self.V[index] = value
    def setVertex(self, index, value):
        Set a vertex to the corresponding value.

        :param index: the index of the vertex to assign a value.
        :type index: :class:`int`

        :param value: the value to assign to the vertex.
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, len(self.V))

        self.V[index] = value
    def neighbours(self, vertexIndex):
        Return an array of the indices of the neighbours of the given vertex.
        :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        nonZeroIndices = numpy.nonzero(self.W[vertexIndex, :])
        neighbourIndices = nonZeroIndices[0]

        return neighbourIndices
    def neighbourOf(self, vertexIndex):
        Return an array of the indices of vertices than have an edge going to the input

        :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        nonZeroIndices =  numpy.nonzero(self.W[:, vertexIndex])
        neighbourIndices = nonZeroIndices[0]

        return neighbourIndices
    def getFeatureDistribution(self, fIndex, vIndices=None):
        Returns a tuple (frequencies, items) about a particular feature given
        by fIndex. This method is depricated. 
        Parameter.checkIndex(fIndex, 0, self.getNumFeatures())

        if vIndices == None:
            (freqs, items) = Util.histogram(self.V[:, fIndex])
            (freqs, items) = Util.histogram(self.V[vIndices, fIndex])

        return (freqs, items)
Beispiel #28
    def setDetected(self, vertexInd, time, detectionType):
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexInd, 0, self.getNumVertices())
        Parameter.checkFloat(time, 0.0, float('inf'))

        if detectionType not in [HIVVertices.randomDetect, HIVVertices.contactTrace]:
             raise ValueError("Invalid detection type : " + str(detectionType))

        if self.V[vertexInd, HIVVertices.stateIndex] != HIVVertices.infected:
            raise ValueError("Person must be infected to be detected")

        self.V[vertexInd, HIVVertices.stateIndex] = HIVVertices.removed
        self.V[vertexInd, HIVVertices.detectionTimeIndex] = time
        self.V[vertexInd, HIVVertices.detectionTypeIndex] = detectionType
Beispiel #29
    def getFeatureDistribution(self, fIndex, vIndices=None):
        Returns a tuple (frequencies, items) about a particular feature given
        by fIndex. This method is depricated. 
        Parameter.checkIndex(fIndex, 0, self.getNumFeatures())

        if vIndices == None:
            (freqs, items) = Util.histogram(self.V[:, fIndex])
            (freqs, items) = Util.histogram(self.V[vIndices, fIndex])
        return (freqs, items)  
    def neighbourOf(self, vertexIndex):
        Return an array of the indices of vertices than have an edge going to the input

        :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        nonZeroIndices = numpy.nonzero(self.W[:, vertexIndex])
        neighbourIndices = nonZeroIndices[0]

        return neighbourIndices
    def neighbourOf(self, vertexIndex):
        Return an array of the indices of vertices than have an edge going to the input

        :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`

        :returns: An array of the indices of all vertices with an edge towards the input vertex.
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        neighbours = PySparseUtils.nonzero(self.W[:, vertexIndex])[0]

        return numpy.array(neighbours)
    def neighbourOf(self, vertexIndex):
        Return an array of the indices of vertices than have an edge going to the input

        :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`

        :returns: An array of the indices of all vertices with an edge towards the input vertex.
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        neighbours = PySparseUtils.nonzero(self.W[:, vertexIndex])[0]

        return numpy.array(neighbours)
    def neighbours(self, vertexIndex):
        Return an array of the indices of neighbours. In the case of a directed
        graph it is an array of those vertices connected by an edge from the current

        :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`

        :returns: An array of the indices of all neigbours of the input vertex.
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        neighbours = PySparseUtils.nonzero(self.W[int(vertexIndex), :])[1]

        return numpy.array(neighbours)
Beispiel #34
    def removeEdge(self, vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2):
        Remove an edge between two vertices.

        :param vertexIndex1: The index of the first vertex.
        :type vertexIndex1: :class:`int`

        :param vertexIndex2: The index of the second vertex.
        :type vertexIndex2: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex1, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex2, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        self.W[vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2] = 0
        if self.undirected:
            self.W[vertexIndex2, vertexIndex1] = 0
    def neighbours(self, vertexIndex):
        Return an array of the indices of neighbours. In the case of a directed
        graph it is an array of those vertices connected by an edge from the current

        :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`

        :returns: An array of the indices of all neigbours of the input vertex.
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        neighbours = PySparseUtils.nonzero(self.W[int(vertexIndex), :])[1]

        return numpy.array(neighbours)
    def getNumEdges(self, edgeTypeIndex=-1):
        Returns the total number of edges in the graph of a given type. If the
        edgeType is -1 then returns the total number of indices of all types. 
        Parameter.checkIndex(edgeTypeIndex, -1, self.maxEdgeTypes)

        if edgeTypeIndex == -1:
            numEdges = 0
            for i in range(0, self.maxEdgeTypes):
                numEdges = numEdges + self.sparseGraphs[i].getNumEdges()
            numEdges = self.sparseGraphs[edgeTypeIndex].getNumEdges()

        return numEdges 
Beispiel #37
    def egoGraph(self, vertexIndex):
        Returns the subgraph composed of the given vertex and its immediate neighbours.
        In the new graph, the ego is index 0 and neighbours are indexed in order
        after 0.

        :param vertexIndex: the index of the source vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`

        :returns: A subgraph of the current one consisting of only immediate neighbours. 
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())

        neighbours = self.neighbours(vertexIndex)
        egoGraphIndices = numpy.r_[numpy.array([vertexIndex]), neighbours]
        return self.subgraph(egoGraphIndices)
Beispiel #38
    def setVertex(self, index, value):
        Set a vertex to the corresponding value.

        :param index: the index of the vertex to assign a value.
        :type index: :class:`int`

        :param value: the value to assign to the vertex.
        :type value: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, self.V.shape[0])
        Parameter.checkClass(value, numpy.ndarray)
        #Parameter.checkFloat(value, -float('inf'), float('inf'))
        if value.shape[0] != self.V.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("All vertices must be arrays of length " + str(self.V.shape[1]))
        self.V[index, :] = value
    def neighbours(self, vertexIndex):
        Return an array of the indices of neighbours. In the case of a directed
        graph it is an array of those vertices connected by an edge from the current

        :param vertexIndex: the index of a vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`

        :returns: An array of the indices of all neigbours of the input vertex. 
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        #neighbours = self.W[vertexIndex, :].nonzero()[1]
        neighbours = self.W.getrow(vertexIndex).nonzero()[1]
        #neighbours = numpy.nonzero(self.W.getrow(vertexIndex).toarray())[1]

        return neighbours
    def setVertex(self, index, value):
        Set a vertex to the corresponding value.

        :param index: the index of the vertex to assign a value.
        :type index: :class:`int`

        :param value: the value to assign to the vertex.
        :type value: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Parameter.checkIndex(index, 0, self.V.shape[0])
        Parameter.checkClass(value, numpy.ndarray)
        #Parameter.checkFloat(value, -float('inf'), float('inf'))
        if value.shape[0] != self.V.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("All vertices must be arrays of length " +

        self.V[index, :] = value
Beispiel #41
    def getEdge(self, vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2):
        Get the value of an edge, or None if no edge exists. 

        :param vertexIndex1: The index of the first vertex.
        :type vertexIndex1: :class:`int`

        :param vertexIndex2: The index of the second vertex.
        :type vertexIndex2: :class:`int`

        :returns:  The value of the edge between the given vertex indices.
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex1, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex2, 0, self.vList.getNumVertices())

        if self.W[vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2]==0:
            return None
            return self.W[vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2]
Beispiel #42
    def dijkstrasAlgorithm(self, vertexIndex, neighbourLists=None):
        Run Dijkstras Algorithm on the graph for a given source vertex. The parameter
        neighbourLists is a tuple containing two lists. The first of this lists contains
        at the ith position all the neighbours of vertex i. The second list contains
        the corresponding weight on the edge. If neighbourLists=None, then it is
        computed automatically and all edge weights are set to 1. Returns
        an array with the distance to all vertices (including itself).

        :param vertexIndex: the index of the source vertex.
        :type vertexIndex: :class:`int`

        :param neighbourLists: A tuple of two lists containing vertex adjacencies and edge weights respectively.
        :type neighbourLists: :class:`list`

        :returns: An array whose ith element is the distance to vertex i. 
        Parameter.checkIndex(vertexIndex, 0, self.getNumVertices())
        if neighbourLists!=None:
            neighbourIndices, neighbourWeights = neighbourLists

            if len(neighbourIndices) != self.getNumVertices() or len(neighbourWeights) != self.getNumVertices():
                raise ValueError("Adjacency lists must be of same size as graph")
            neighbourIndices, neighbourWeights = self.adjacencyList(False)

        previous = numpy.zeros(self.getNumVertices())
        distance = numpy.ones((self.getNumVertices(), 2))*numpy.inf
        distance[vertexIndex, 0] = 0
        distance[:, 1] = numpy.arange(self.getNumVertices())
        distance = distance.tolist()

        #Dictionary of the tuples indexed by the vertex index
        distanceDict = {}
        for i in distance:
            distanceDict[i[1]] = i
        INVALID = -1

        distanceArray = numpy.ones(self.getNumVertices())*numpy.inf
        notVisited = numpy.ones(self.getNumVertices(), numpy.bool)

        while len(distanceDict) != 0:
            minVertexIndex = INVALID
            while minVertexIndex == INVALID:
                (minVertexDistance, minVertexIndex) = heapq.heappop(distance)

            distanceArray[minVertexIndex] = minVertexDistance
            notVisited[minVertexIndex] = False 
            if  minVertexDistance == numpy.inf:

            minVertexIndex = int(minVertexIndex)
            cols = neighbourIndices[minVertexIndex]
            weights = neighbourWeights[minVertexIndex]
            #updateDistances(cols, weights, minVertexDistance, distanceDict, previous, distanceArray)

            newDistances = weights + minVertexDistance
            isBetter = numpy.logical_and(newDistances < distanceArray[cols], notVisited[cols])

            for i in range(cols[isBetter].shape[0]):
                j = cols[isBetter][i]
                distanceDict[j][1] = INVALID
                distanceDict[j] = [newDistances[isBetter][i], j]
                heapq.heappush(distance, distanceDict[j])
                distanceArray[j] = newDistances[isBetter][i]

        return distanceArray
Beispiel #43
 def getTransmissions(self, i=None):
     if i != None:
         Parameter.checkIndex(i, 0, self.iteration)
         return self.allTransmissionEdges[i]
         return self.allTransmissionEdges