Beispiel #1
    def create_aut_env(self):  # Spaeter on Button Click z.B.
        ''' this method creates the simulation'''               
        api_log_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../logs/api.log")
        api.show_logging(logging.INFO, api_log_path, True)
        my_env = api.create_environment(2500)
        ecu_spec = SimpleECUSpec([], 200, 200)
        ecu_group_1 = api.set_ecus(my_env, 10, 'SecureECU', ecu_spec)
        ecu_spec = SimpleECUSpec(['SEC 1'], 200, 200)
        ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_ecu_auth_trigger_process', 100)
        ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_ecu_auth_trigger_intervall', 1000)
        sec_mod_group = api.set_ecus(my_env, 1, 'SecLwAuthSecurityModule', ecu_spec)
        bus_spec = SimpleBusSpec(['CAN_0'])
        bus_group = api.set_busses(my_env, 1, 'StdCANBus', bus_spec)
        api.connect_bus_by_obj(my_env, 'CAN_0', ecu_group_1 + sec_mod_group)
        api.register_ecu_groups_to_secmod(my_env, sec_mod_group[0].ecu_id, [ecu_group_1])
        certeros = api.create_cert_manager()
        for ecu in APICore()._ecu_list_from_groups([[ecu_group_1]]):  # UNINTENDED HACK
            api.generate_valid_ecu_cert_cfg(certeros, ecu.ecu_id, CAEnum.CA_L313, 'SEC 1', 0, float('inf'))
        api.generate_valid_sec_mod_cert_cfg(certeros, 'SEC 1', CAEnum.CA_L313, 0, float('inf'))
        api.apply_certification(my_env, certeros)
        stream_1 = MessageStream(my_env.get_env(), 'SecureECU_0', ['SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_4', 'SecureECU_5'], 13, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
        stream_2 = MessageStream(my_env.get_env(), 'SecureECU_1', ['SecureECU_3', 'SecureECU_2', 'SecureECU_5'], 12, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
        stream_3 = MessageStream(my_env.get_env(), 'SecureECU_0', ['SecureECU_4', 'SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_5'], 222, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
        stream_4 = MessageStream(my_env.get_env(), 'SecureECU_3', ['SecureECU_0', 'SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_5'], 11, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
        stream_5 = MessageStream(my_env.get_env(), 'SecureECU_4', ['SecureECU_2', 'SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_3'], 500, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
        api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_1)
        api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_2)
        api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_3)
        api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_4)
        api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_5)
        t_set = TimingFunctionSet()
        ecu_func_set = StdSecurLwSecModTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL')
        t_set.set_mapping_from_function_set('SEC 1', ecu_func_set)
        api.apply_timing_functions_set(my_env, 'SEC 1', t_set)
        t_set2 = TimingFunctionSet() 
        ecu_func_set = StdSecurECUTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL')
        for ecu in APICore()._ecu_list_from_groups([[ecu_group_1]]):  # UNINTENDED HACK
            t_set2.set_mapping_from_function_set(ecu.ecu_id, ecu_func_set) 
            api.apply_timing_functions_set(my_env, ecu.ecu_id, t_set2)

        api.connect_monitor(my_env, self.monitor, 50)
        ''' start this in a new thread'''
        sim = SimulationThread(self, my_env)
Beispiel #2
stream_1 = MessageStream('RegularSecureECU_15', ['SecureECU_1', 'TEST ECU 9', 'TEST ECU 11'], can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
stream_2 = MessageStream('RegularSecureECU_15', ['SecureECU_1', 'TEST ECU 12', 'SecureECU_5'], 16, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
# stream_3 = MessageStream('SecureECU_0', ['SecureECU_4', 'SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_5'], 222, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
# stream_4 = MessageStream('SecureECU_3', ['SecureECU_0', 'SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_5'], AbstractBusMessage.CAN_TEST_MSG_2, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
# stream_5 = MessageStream('SecureECU_4', ['TEST ECU 9', 'SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_3'], 500, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
# stream_6 = MessageStream('RegularSecureECU_15', ["TEST ECU 10", 'SecureECU_1'], 16, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_1)
api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_2)
# api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_3)
# api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_4)
# api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_5)
# api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_6)
t_set = TimingFunctionSet()
ecu_func_set = StdSecurLwSecModTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL')
ecu_func_set.library_tags['t_ecu_auth_reg_msg_validate_cert'] = 'Crypto_Lib_SW'
t_set.set_mapping_from_function_set('SEC 1', ecu_func_set)
api.apply_timing_functions_set(my_env, 'SEC 1', t_set)
t_set2 = TimingFunctionSet() 
ecu_func_set = StdSecurECUTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL')
ecu_func_set.library_tags['t_adv_msg_secmodcert_enc'] = 'Crypto_Lib_SW'
# SET ALL GATEWAY FILTERS, Bus dependent from the streams
api.autoset_gateway_filters(my_env, 'SEC 1')
for ecu in APICore()._ecu_list_from_groups([[ecu_group_1 + ecu_group_3 + ecu_group_4]]):  # UNINTENDED HACK
    t_set2.set_mapping_from_function_set(ecu.ecu_id, ecu_func_set) 
Beispiel #3
ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(0.4, 0.8, can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG_2, "A", 20)
ecu_group_4 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 2, 'TLSECU', ecu_spec)
# create gateways
ecu_spec = SimpleBusCouplerSpec([])
ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_transition_process', 2)  # Delay of the gateway
gateway_group_1 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, 'CANGateway', ecu_spec)
gateway_group_2 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, 'CANGateway', ecu_spec)
# create buses and connect ECUs
bus_spec = SimpleBusSpec(['CAN_0', 'CAN_1', 'CAN_2'])
bus_group = api.set_busses(sim_env, 1, 'StdCANBus', bus_spec)
api.connect_bus_by_obj(sim_env, 'CAN_0', ecu_group_1 + ecu_group_3 + ecu_group_4) 

# set timing functions
t_set2 = TimingFunctionSet() 
ecu_func_set = StdTLSECUTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL') 
for ecu in api.ecu_list_from_groups([[ecu_group_1 + ecu_group_3 + ecu_group_4]]):
    t_set2.set_mapping_from_function_set(ecu.ecu_id, ecu_func_set) 
    api.apply_timing_functions_set(sim_env, ecu.ecu_id, t_set2)
# define streams
stream_1 = MessageStream('RegularSecureECU_15', ['TEST ECU 9', 'TEST ECU 10'], can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG)
stream_2 = MessageStream('TEST ECU 11', ['TEST ECU 10'], can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG_2)

api.set_stream(sim_env, stream_1)
api.set_stream(sim_env, stream_2)
#     Monitoring and Export of Results
Beispiel #4
# so if a stream with id 60 is defined from E1 at CAN1 and headed to E2 at CAN0 via Gateway G1
# then this message would be filtered out when sent from  CAN0 to CAN1 
# or if a message is heading to E2 that was not declared in the streams it will not be forwarded
# to CAN0 
api.autoset_gateway_filters(sim_env, security_module.ecu_id)
#     Defining functions called when accessing the timeout values

# create mapping from functions onto timing variables 
# e.g. t_ecu_auth_reg_msg_validate_cert should call function my_test_function
#      def my_test_function(*args):
#          ''' do something '''
#      -> function_set.set_mapping('RegularSecureECU_15', 't_ecu_auth_reg_msg_validate_cert', my_test_function)
function_set = TimingFunctionSet()

# create a timing function set for a Security Module
# this mapping contains all mappings from timing variables used in the security module
# to methods that are called when those timings are accessed
# i.e. set a set of functions to a set of timing variables instead of mapping each function seperately
# in this case the timing value is determined from the database by using the key word CyaSSL under
# the library column in the measurements.db database. If another set of measurements was made
# the main_library_tag can be set to the new value
ecu_func_set = StdSecurLwSecModTimingFunctions(main_library_tag=LWASpecPresets().preset_sec_mod)

# set the function set as mapping to be used
function_set.set_mapping_from_function_set(security_module.ecu_id, ecu_func_set)

# apply this function set now on the specified ECU with the defined id
api.apply_timing_functions_set(sim_env, security_module.ecu_id, function_set)
Beispiel #5
    def prepare_configuration(self, simpy_env, life_time):
        ''' this method prepares the configuration on the side of the 
            ECU simulation. It sets up the defined environment by mapping
            the ECU Ids as they are defined in the battery management system
            on the ECUs and the defined specs. So the constellation used is
            implemented here.
            Input:  simpy_env    simpy.Environment        environment used in the battery management system
                    life_time    float                    life time of the simulation
            Output: -
        # lifetime
        life_time = 50000
        # logging
#         api_log_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../logs/api.log")
#         api.show_logging(logging.INFO, api_log_path, True)
        # create environment
        sim_env = api.create_environment(life_time)
        ecu_list = []
        # generate a ecu from the ECU specs setting the adapter
        for ecu_id in self.available_can_adapters():            
            #"ECU ID %s: " % ecu_id)
            # define individual ECU Spec 
            ecu_spec = copy.deepcopy(self._ecu_spec)
            ecu_class_name = self._ecu_class_name
            if ecu_id in self._individual_spec:
                ecu_spec = self._individual_spec[ecu_id][0]
                ecu_class_name = self._individual_spec[ecu_id][1]
            ecu_spec.ecu_id_list = [str(ecu_id)]
            # create ecu            
            ecu = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, ecu_class_name, ecu_spec)[0]
            ecu_list += [ecu]
            # connect ecu to adapter
        # add security module
        # create ECU specification
        ecu_spec = SimpleECUSpec(['SEC 1'], 200000, 200000)  # 200 KB
        ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_ecu_auth_trigger_process', 0)  
        ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_ecu_auth_trigger_intervall', 80000)  
        sec_mod_group = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, 'SecLwAuthSecurityModule', ecu_spec)
        security_module = sec_mod_group[0]
        # connect to one bus
        # create the bus specifications
        bus_spec = SimpleBusSpec(['CAN_0'])
        api.set_busses(sim_env, 1, 'StdCANBus', bus_spec)
        api.connect_bus_by_obj(sim_env, 'CAN_0', ecu_list + sec_mod_group) 
        # security constellation
        all_ecu_groups = [ecu_list]
        api.register_ecu_groups_to_secmod(sim_env, sec_mod_group[0].ecu_id, all_ecu_groups)         
        certificate_manager = api.create_cert_manager()
        all_created_ecus = api.ecu_list_from_groups([all_ecu_groups])
        ecu_ids = [str(ecu.ecu_id) for ecu in all_created_ecus]        
        for ecu_id in ecu_ids:
            api.generate_valid_ecu_cert_cfg(certificate_manager, ecu_id, CAEnum.CA_L313, security_module.ecu_id, 0, float('inf'))
        api.generate_valid_sec_mod_cert_cfg(certificate_manager, security_module.ecu_id, CAEnum.CA_L313, ecu_ids, 0, float('inf'))
        api.apply_certification(sim_env, certificate_manager)
        # define allowed streams -------------------------------------------------------------- TODO very IMPORTANT
        for broadcast_stream_id in [0x0080, 0x0081, 0x0082, 0x0083, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0020, 0x00A0, 0x00A1 ]:
            for ecu_id in ecu_ids:
                lst = copy.deepcopy(ecu_ids)
                stream = MessageStream(ecu_id, lst, broadcast_stream_id, float('inf'), 0, float('inf'))
                api.add_allowed_stream(sim_env, security_module.ecu_id, stream)
        #  -------------------------------------------------------------- TODO very IMPORTANT
        # set gateways
        api.autoset_gateway_filters(sim_env, sec_mod_group[0].ecu_id)

        # set timing functions
        function_set = TimingFunctionSet()        
        ecu_func_set = StdSecurLwSecModTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL')        
        ecu_func_set.library_tags['t_ecu_auth_reg_msg_validate_cert'] = 'Crypto_Lib_SW'
        function_set.set_mapping_from_function_set(security_module.ecu_id, ecu_func_set)
        api.apply_timing_functions_set(sim_env, security_module.ecu_id, function_set)
        function_set_2 = TimingFunctionSet() 
        ecu_func_set = StdSecurECUTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL')
        ecu_func_set.library_tags['t_adv_msg_secmodcert_enc'] = 'Crypto_Lib_SW'
        for ecu_id in ecu_ids:
            function_set_2.set_mapping_from_function_set(ecu_id, ecu_func_set) 
            api.apply_timing_functions_set(sim_env, ecu_id, function_set_2)
        # add monitor
        if self._monitor and self._result_reader:
            api.connect_monitor(sim_env, self._monitor, 0.5)  
            api.connect_result_reader(sim_env, self._monitor, self._result_reader)
            # run view if defined 
            if self._view:
      , self._view_options, self.q_application)                

        # run simulation