def post(self, event_id):
        #grab the event from the db
        event = Event.get(event_id)
        #make sure the event exists
        if event is None:
            raise HTTPError(404)

        #make sure the client is the event's owner
        if not event[u'creator'] == self.get_session()[u'username']:
            raise HTTPError(403)
        #make sure the request has the correct info in the body
        body = self.body_dict()
        if not body or (not u'users' in body and not u'contacts' in body):
            raise HTTPError(400)
        if u'users' in body or u'contacts' in body:
            users = body.get(u'users')
            #friends is a special case
            if users == u'friends':
                users = self.get_user().friends()
            out_of_numbers = event.invite(usernames=users, 
            if out_of_numbers is not None:
                self.write(json.dumps({'error': 'OUT_OF_NUMBERS',
                                       'contacts': out_of_numbers,
                                       'event_revision': event[u'revision']}))
 def test_get_none(self):
     Tests boundary condition when a Event does not exists in the DB
     _e = Event.get('dne', db)
     self.assertEqual(_e, None)
 def get(self, event_id):
     event = Event.get({u'id': event_id})
     if not event: raise HTTPError(404)
     if not event.user_can_access(self.get_user()):
         raise HTTPError(401)
     self.output({u'attendants': Attendant.find({u'event': 
 def test_get(self):
     Creates, saves a test Event data. Then fetches it from DB and asserts
     that both should be key-value pairwise exactly the same
     e = self.create_event()
     key =
     _e = Event.get(key, db)
     self.assertEqual(e.to_dict(), _e.to_dict())
Beispiel #5
 def send(self, user, client_id, message):
     from import Event
     if message[u'type'] not in (u'invite', u'comment'):
         return False
     smsee = SMSRegister.get({u'event': message[u'event_id'],
                              u'contact_number': client_id})
     if smsee is None: return False
     event = Event.get(message[u'event_id'])
     if event is None: return False
     account = twilio.Account(settings.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID,
     texts = list()
     if message[u'type'] == u'invite':
         tz = smsee[u'tz'] or 'America/Toronto'
         t2 = ('%s shared a plan with you on '
               'Connectsy. ' % event[u'creator'])
         if event[u'where'] is not None:
             t2 += 'Where: %s' % event[u'where']
             if event[u'when'] is not None and event[u'when'] != 0:
                 t2 += ", "
                 t2 += ". "
         if event[u'when'] is not None and event[u'when'] != 0:
             t2 += 'When: %s. ' % format_date(event[u'when'], tz=tz)
         t2 += 'Reply to send a comment, include #in to join.'
         texts.append('What\'s the plan: %(what)s' % 
                      {'username': event[u'creator'], 
                       'what': event[u'what']})
     elif message[u'type'] == u'comment':
         texts.append('%(commenter)s commented: %(comment)s' % message)
         if len(texts[-1]) > 160:
             texts[-1] = texts[-1][:157]+"..."
         for text in texts:
             account.request(SMS_OUTPUT_URL, 'POST', {
                     'To': smsee[u'contact_number'],
                     'Body': text,
                     'From': smsee[u'twilio_number'],
         return True
     except HTTPError, e:
         return False
    def delete(self, revision):
        Deletes an event, if the current user it that event's owner.

        TODO - remove associated attendance
        event = Event.get({u'revision': revision})
        if event is None: 
            raise HTTPError(404)
        if event[u'creator'] != self.get_user()[u'username']: 
            raise HTTPError(403)

        db.objects.event.remove(event[u'id'], safe=True)
    def test_save(self):
        Saves the test image in the database and checks if the process is
        successful by comparing the dictionaries
        e = self.create_event()
        incident_id =

        i = create_image(uuid='image uuid', name='image.png'), db)


        _e = Event.get(incident_id, db)
        self.assertEqual(e.to_dict(), _e.to_dict())
    def get(self, revision):
        TODO - enforce user restrictions
        #grab the event from the database
        event = Event.get({u'revision': revision})
        if event is None: raise HTTPError(404)
        if not event.user_can_access(self.get_user()):
            raise HTTPError(401)
        response = {'event': event.serializable()}

        #give the user the attendance info if they asked for it
        if self.request.arguments.get('attendants'):
            response['attendants'] = Attendant.find({u'event': 
 def post(self, event_id):
     Updates an invitee's attendance
     body = self.body_dict()
     username = self.get_session()[u'username']
     user = User.get({u'username': username})
     #make sure the event exists
     event = Event.get(event_id)
     if not event: raise HTTPError(404)
     #try to grab the user's existing attendance status
     att = Attendant.get({u'event': event[u'id'],
                          u'user': user[u'id']})
     #if the user isn't invited, we need to error out if broadcast is off
     if att is None:
         if event[u'broadcast']:
             att = Attendant(user=user[u'id'], event=event[u'id'])
             raise HTTPError(403)
     # create a list of acceptable statuses
     valid_statuses = [v for k, v in status.__dict__.iteritems() if k[0] != '_']
     #make sure status is present and a correct value
     if body.get(u'status') not in valid_statuses:
         raise HTTPError(400)
     notify = (att[u'status'] == status.INVITED 
               and body[u'status'] == status.ATTENDING)
     att[u'status'] = body[u'status']
     if notify:
         #Send out the attendant notifications
         for uname in Attendant.to_notify(event, skip=[username]):
             notifications.send(uname, {u'type': 'attendant',
                                        u'event_revision': event[u'revision'],
                                        u'event_id': event[u'id'],
                                        u'attendant': username})
Beispiel #10
 def post(self, event_id):
     #make sure the event exists
     event = Event.get(event_id)
     if not event: raise HTTPError(404)
     #grab the data
     body = self.body_dict()
     #comment body is required, and must have content
     if not u'comment' in body or len(body[u'comment']) == 0:
         raise HTTPError(400)
     #nonce is optional
     if u'nonce' in body:
         #if another comment exists with this nonce, it's a double-post
         if Comment.get({u'nonce': body[u'nonce'],
                         u'event': event[u'id'], 
                         u'user': self.get_session()[u'username']}):
             raise HTTPError(409)
     commenter = self.get_session()[u'username']
     #create the comment
         u'comment': body[u'comment'],
         u'event': event[u'id'],
         u'username': commenter,
     #Send out the comment notifications
     usernames = Attendant.to_notify(event, skip=[commenter])
     for username in usernames:
         notifications.send(username, {u'type': 'comment',
                                       u'event_revision': event[u'revision'],
                                       u'event_id': event[u'id'],
                                       u'comment': body[u'comment'],
                                       u'commenter': commenter})
Beispiel #11
 def get(self, event_id):
     Gets all comments for a given event.
     #make sure the event exists
     if not Event.get(event_id): raise HTTPError(404)
     #show them comments!
     comments = Comment.find({u'event': event_id})
     comments.sort(u'timestamp', pymongo.ASCENDING)
     ret_coms = []
     for c in comments:
         user = User.get(c[u'user'])
         ret = c.__data__
         ret[u'username'] = user.__data__.get(u'username', None)
         if ret[u'username'] is None:
             del ret[u'username']
         ret[u'display_name'] = user.__data__.get(u'display_name', None)
         if ret[u'display_name'] is None:
             del ret[u'display_name']
     self.output({u'comments': ret_coms})