Beispiel #1
def doPreGainFocus(obj, sleepMode=False):
    oldForeground = api.getForegroundObject()
    oldFocus = api.getFocusObject()
    oldTreeInterceptor = oldFocus.treeInterceptor if oldFocus else None
    if globalVars.focusDifferenceLevel <= 1:
        newForeground = api.getDesktopObject().objectInForeground()
        if not newForeground:
                "Can not get real foreground, resorting to focus ancestors")
            ancestors = api.getFocusAncestors()
            if len(ancestors) > 1:
                newForeground = ancestors[1]
                newForeground = obj
        executeEvent('foreground', newForeground)
    if sleepMode: return True
    #Fire focus entered events for all new ancestors of the focus if this is a gainFocus event
    for parent in globalVars.focusAncestors[globalVars.focusDifferenceLevel:]:
        executeEvent("focusEntered", parent)
    if obj.treeInterceptor is not oldTreeInterceptor:
        if hasattr(oldTreeInterceptor, "event_treeInterceptor_loseFocus"):
        if obj.treeInterceptor and obj.treeInterceptor.isReady and hasattr(
                obj.treeInterceptor, "event_treeInterceptor_gainFocus"):
    return True
Beispiel #2
 def _update_Toolbars(self, callback=0):
     global toolBars
     obj = api.getForegroundObject()
     if not obj or == None:
             obj = api.getFocusAncestors()[2]
             obj = api.getFocusObject().parent.parent.parent
     if not obj:
     winHandle = obj.windowHandle
     winClass = obj.windowClassName
     if winHandle in toolBars:
         return True
         activeToolBars = {
   'Audacity ').rstrip('Toolbar'): tb
             for tb in obj.recursiveDescendants
             if tb.role == controlTypes.ROLE_TOOLBAR
         if bool(len(activeToolBars)):
             toolBars[winHandle] = activeToolBars
             return True
         elif callback != 1:
Beispiel #3
    def updateNamespaceSnapshotVars(self):
        """Update the console namespace with a snapshot of NVDA's current state.
		This creates/updates variables for the current focus, navigator object, etc.
		Typically, used before the NVDA python console is opened, after which, calls
		to the 'api' module will refer to this new focus.
            caretPos = api.getCaretPosition()
        except RuntimeError:
                "Unable to set caretPos snapshot variable for python console.")
            caretPos = None

        self._namespaceSnapshotVars = {
            "focus": api.getFocusObject(),
            # Copy the focus ancestor list, as it gets mutated once it is replaced in api.setFocusObject.
            "focusAnc": list(api.getFocusAncestors()),
            "fdl": api.getFocusDifferenceLevel(),
            "fg": api.getForegroundObject(),
            "nav": api.getNavigatorObject(),
            "caretObj": api.getCaretObject(),
            "caretPos": caretPos,
            "review": api.getReviewPosition(),
            "mouse": api.getMouseObject(),
            "brlRegions": braille.handler.buffer.regions,
Beispiel #4
    def modo(self):
            focus = api.getFocusObject()
            vbuf = focus.treeInterceptor
            if not vbuf:
                for obj in itertools.chain((api.getFocusObject(), ),
                ti = treeInterceptorHandler.update(obj, force=True)
                if not ti:
                if focus in ti:
                    focus.treeInterceptor = ti
                    if isinstance(ti, browseMode.BrowseModeTreeInterceptor
                                  ) and not ti.passThrough:
                        browseMode.reportPassThrough(ti, False)

            if not isinstance(vbuf, browseMode.BrowseModeTreeInterceptor):
            if vbuf.passThrough:
                return True
                return False
            error = "Error modo"
def update(processID,
    """Removes any appModules from the cache whose process has died, and also tries to load a new appModule for the given process ID if need be.
	@param processID: the ID of the process.
	@type processID: int
	@param helperLocalBindingHandle: an optional RPC binding handle pointing to the RPC server for this process
	@param inprocRegistrationHandle: an optional rpc context handle representing successful registration with the rpc server for this process
    for deadMod in [
            mod for mod in runningTable.itervalues() if not mod.isAlive
        log.debug("application %s closed" % deadMod.appName)
        del runningTable[deadMod.processID]
        if deadMod in set(o.appModule for o in api.getFocusAncestors() +
                          [api.getFocusObject()] if o and o.appModule):
            if hasattr(deadMod, 'event_appLoseFocus'):
            log.exception("Error terminating app module %r" % deadMod)
    # This creates a new app module if necessary.
    mod = getAppModuleFromProcessID(processID)
    if helperLocalBindingHandle:
        mod.helperLocalBindingHandle = helperLocalBindingHandle
    if inprocRegistrationHandle:
        mod._inprocRegistrationHandle = inprocRegistrationHandle
Beispiel #6
 def event_nameChange(self):
     if self in api.getFocusAncestors():
def doPreGainFocus(obj,sleepMode=False):
	oldTreeInterceptor=oldFocus.treeInterceptor if oldFocus else None
	if globalVars.focusDifferenceLevel<=1:
		if not newForeground:
			log.debugWarning("Can not get real foreground, resorting to focus ancestors")
			if len(ancestors)>1:
	if sleepMode: return True
	#Fire focus entered events for all new ancestors of the focus if this is a gainFocus event
	for parent in globalVars.focusAncestors[globalVars.focusDifferenceLevel:]:
	if obj.treeInterceptor is not oldTreeInterceptor:
		if hasattr(oldTreeInterceptor,"event_treeInterceptor_loseFocus"):
		if obj.treeInterceptor and obj.treeInterceptor.isReady and hasattr(obj.treeInterceptor,"event_treeInterceptor_gainFocus"):
	return True
    def _get_script_hacky(self):
        #Workaround until DB 1.1 when I fix NVDA to not need repeated scripts.
        #Mostly based on scriptHandler.findScript, but no globalGestureMapness
        focus = api.getFocusObject()
        if not focus:
            return None

        ti = focus.treeInterceptor
        if ti:
            func = self._getScriptFromObject(ti)
            if func and (not ti.passThrough or getattr(
                    func, "ignoreTreeInterceptorPassThrough", False)):
                return func

        # NVDAObject level.
        func = self._getScriptFromObject(focus)
        if func:
            return func
        for obj in reversed(api.getFocusAncestors()):
            func = self._getScriptFromObject(obj)
            if func and getattr(func, 'canPropagate', False):
                return func

        # Global commands.
        func = self._getScriptFromObject(globalCommands.commands)
        if func:
            return func
Beispiel #9
 def getRoot(self):
     """selects or adjusts root object for search."""
     ancestors = api.getFocusAncestors()
     for ancestor in ancestors:
         if isinstance(ancestor, WindowRoot):
             self.root = ancestor
             debugLog("Use WindowRoot instance for root")
     curFocus = api.getFocusObject()
     self.curAppName = curFocus.appModule.appName if curFocus.appModule else None
     debugLog("%s toolbars session" % self.curAppName)
     # root adjustments
     if self.curAppName in ("calibre", ):
         while curFocus.role != roles.WINDOW:
             curFocus = curFocus.simpleParent
         self.root = curFocus.simpleParent
     elif self.curAppName in ("thunderbird", ):
         # to get only toolbars for actual context
         self.root = api.getForegroundObject()
     elif self.curAppName == "explorer" and curFocus.simpleParent.simpleParent == desktopObject:
         debugLog("Desktop list detected, root adjustment")
         # set root as desktopObject
         self.root = curFocus.simpleParent.simpleParent
         # adjust appName as specified in desktopObject above (see condition later)
         self.curAppName = "csrss"
     # try a generic solution
     if ((not self.root) and (ancestors[0] == desktopObject)
             and (ancestors[1].appModule
                  and ancestors[1].appModule.appName == self.curAppName)):
         debugLog("Use ancestors[1] for root")
         self.root = ancestors[1]
Beispiel #10
    def findScript(self):
        if not (isinstance(self.scriptPath, list)
                and len(self.scriptPath) == 3):
            return None
        module, cls, scriptName = self.scriptPath
        focus = api.getFocusObject()
        if not focus:
            return None
        if scriptName.startswith("kb:"):
            # Emulate a key press.
            return scriptHandler._makeKbEmulateScript(scriptName)

        import globalCommands

        # Global plugin level.
        if cls == 'GlobalPlugin':
            for plugin in globalPluginHandler.runningPlugins:
                if module == plugin.__module__:
                    func = getattr(plugin, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
                    if func:
                        return func

        # App module level.
        app = focus.appModule
        if app and cls == 'AppModule' and module == app.__module__:
            func = getattr(app, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
            if func:
                return func

        # Vision enhancement provider level
        for provider in vision.handler.getActiveProviderInstances():
            if isinstance(provider, baseObject.ScriptableObject):
                if cls == 'VisionEnhancementProvider' and module == provider.__module__:
                    func = getattr(app, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
                    if func:
                        return func

        # Tree interceptor level.
        treeInterceptor = focus.treeInterceptor
        if treeInterceptor and treeInterceptor.isReady:
            func = getattr(treeInterceptor, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
            if func:
                return func

        # NVDAObject level.
        func = getattr(focus, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
        if func:
            return func
        for obj in reversed(api.getFocusAncestors()):
            func = getattr(obj, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
            if func and getattr(func, 'canPropagate', False):
                return func

        # Global commands.
        func = getattr(globalCommands.commands, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
        if func:
            return func

        return None
Beispiel #11
def internal_hasFocus(sourceContext):
    focus = api.getFocusObject()
    if isinstance(focus,
                  NVDAObjects.JAB.JAB) and focus.jabContext == sourceContext:
        return True
    ancestors = reversed(api.getFocusAncestors())
    return any((isinstance(x, NVDAObjects.JAB.JAB)
                and x.jabContext == sourceContext for x in ancestors))
Beispiel #12
 def getToolBar(self, key):
     obj = api.getForegroundObject()
     if == None:
         obj = api.getFocusAncestors()[2]
     wh = api.winUser.getForegroundWindow()
     if wh in toolBars:
         return toolBars[wh].get(key)
     elif obj.windowClassName == 'wxWindowNR' and self._update_Toolbars():
         return toolBars[wh].get(key)
Beispiel #13
def internal_hasFocus(sourceContext):
	focus = api.getFocusObject()
	if isinstance(focus, NVDAObjects.JAB.JAB) and focus.jabContext == sourceContext:
		return True
	ancestors = api.getFocusAncestors()
	for ancestor in reversed(ancestors):
		if isinstance(ancestor, NVDAObjects.JAB.JAB) and ancestor.jabContext == sourceContext:
			return True
	return False
 def script_MoveToTopParent(self, gesture):
     parents = list(filter(lambda p: not p.parent, api.getFocusAncestors()))
     # This is not standard navigation because we jump to the top of the tree.
     if parents:
         message = shared.NavigateTo(u"parent", parents[0])
         message = u"No more parents."
Beispiel #15
def getFocusContextRegions(obj, oldFocusRegions=None):
	global _cachedFocusAncestorsEnd
	# Late import to avoid circular import.
	from treeInterceptorHandler import TreeInterceptor
	ancestors = api.getFocusAncestors()

	ancestorsEnd = len(ancestors)
	if isinstance(obj, TreeInterceptor):
		obj = obj.rootNVDAObject
		# We only want the ancestors of the buffer's root NVDAObject.
		if obj != api.getFocusObject():
			# Search backwards through the focus ancestors to find the index of obj.
			for index, ancestor in itertools.izip(xrange(len(ancestors) - 1, 0, -1), reversed(ancestors)):
				if obj == ancestor:
					ancestorsEnd = index

	if oldFocusRegions:
		# We have the regions from the previous focus, so use them as a cache to avoid rebuilding regions which are the same.
		# We need to generate new regions from _cachedFocusAncestorsEnd onwards.
		# However, we must ensure that it is not beyond the last ancestor we wish to consider.
		# Also, we don't ever want to fetch ancestor 0 (the desktop).
		newAncestorsStart = max(min(_cachedFocusAncestorsEnd, ancestorsEnd), 1)
		# Search backwards through the old regions to find the last common region.
		for index, region in itertools.izip(xrange(len(oldFocusRegions) - 1, -1, -1), reversed(oldFocusRegions)):
			ancestorIndex = getattr(region, "_focusAncestorIndex", None)
			if ancestorIndex is None:
			if ancestorIndex < newAncestorsStart:
				# This is the last common region.
				# An ancestor may have been skipped and not have a region, which means that we need to grab new ancestors from this point.
				newAncestorsStart = ancestorIndex + 1
				commonRegionsEnd = index + 1
			# No common regions were found.
			commonRegionsEnd = 0
			newAncestorsStart = 1
		# Yield the common regions.
		for region in oldFocusRegions[0:commonRegionsEnd]:
			yield region
		# Fetch all ancestors.
		newAncestorsStart = 1

	for index, parent in enumerate(ancestors[newAncestorsStart:ancestorsEnd], newAncestorsStart):
		if not parent.isPresentableFocusAncestor:
		region = NVDAObjectRegion(parent, appendText=" ")
		region._focusAncestorIndex = index
		yield region

	_cachedFocusAncestorsEnd = ancestorsEnd
Beispiel #16
def doPreDocumentLoadComplete(obj):
    focusObject = api.getFocusObject()
    if (not obj.treeInterceptor or not obj.treeInterceptor.isAlive
            or obj.treeInterceptor.shouldPrepare) and (
                obj == focusObject or obj in api.getFocusAncestors()):
        ti = treeInterceptorHandler.update(obj)
        if ti:
            obj.treeInterceptor = ti
            #Focus may be in this new treeInterceptor, so force focus to look up its treeInterceptor
            focusObject.treeInterceptor = treeInterceptorHandler.getTreeInterceptor(
    return True
def cleanup():
    """Removes any appModules from the cache whose process has died.
    for deadMod in [mod for mod in runningTable.itervalues() if not mod.isAlive]:
        log.debug("application %s closed" % deadMod.appName)
        del runningTable[deadMod.processID]
        if deadMod in set(o.appModule for o in api.getFocusAncestors() + [api.getFocusObject()] if o and o.appModule):
            if hasattr(deadMod, "event_appLoseFocus"):
            log.exception("Error terminating app module %r" % deadMod)
Beispiel #18
	def findScript(self):
		if not (isinstance(self.scriptPath,list) and len(self.scriptPath)==3):
			return None
		focus = api.getFocusObject()
		if not focus:
			return None
		if scriptName.startswith("kb:"):
			# Emulate a key press.
			return scriptHandler._makeKbEmulateScript(scriptName)

		import globalCommands

		# Global plugin level.
		if cls=='GlobalPlugin':
			for plugin in globalPluginHandler.runningPlugins:
				if module==plugin.__module__:
					func = getattr(plugin, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
					if func:
						return func

		# App module level.
		app = focus.appModule
		if app and cls=='AppModule' and module==app.__module__:
			func = getattr(app, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
			if func:
				return func

		# Tree interceptor level.
		treeInterceptor = focus.treeInterceptor
		if treeInterceptor and treeInterceptor.isReady:
			func = getattr(treeInterceptor , "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
			# We are no keyboard input
			return func

		# NVDAObject level.
		func = getattr(focus, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
		if func:
			return func
		for obj in reversed(api.getFocusAncestors()):
			func = getattr(obj, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
			if func and getattr(func, 'canPropagate', False):
				return func

		# Global commands.
		func = getattr(globalCommands.commands, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
		if func:
			return func

		return None
Beispiel #19
	def prePopup(self):
		"""Prepare for a popup.
		This should be called before any dialog or menu which should pop up for the user.
		L{postPopup} should be called after the dialog or menu has been shown.
		@postcondition: A dialog or menu may be shown.
		nvdaPid = os.getpid()
		focus = api.getFocusObject()
		if focus.processID != nvdaPid:
			self.prevFocus = focus
			self.prevFocusAncestors = api.getFocusAncestors()
		if winUser.getWindowThreadProcessID(winUser.getForegroundWindow())[0] != nvdaPid:
			# This process is not the foreground process, so bring it to the foreground.
Beispiel #20
	def event_gainFocus(self):
		#See if this object is the focus and the focus is on a group item.
		#if so, then morph this object to a groupingItem object
		if self is api.getFocusObject():
			if groupIndex>=0:
				if info is not None:
					if api.getFocusDifferenceLevel()==len(ancestors)-1:
					return eventHandler.queueEvent("gainFocus",groupingObj)
		return super(List,self).event_gainFocus()
Beispiel #21
	def prePopup(self):
		"""Prepare for a popup.
		This should be called before any dialog or menu which should pop up for the user.
		L{postPopup} should be called after the dialog or menu has been shown.
		@postcondition: A dialog or menu may be shown.
		nvdaPid = os.getpid()
		focus = api.getFocusObject()
		if focus.processID != nvdaPid:
			self.prevFocus = focus
			self.prevFocusAncestors = api.getFocusAncestors()
		if winUser.getWindowThreadProcessID(winUser.getForegroundWindow())[0] != nvdaPid:
			# This process is not the foreground process, so bring it to the foreground.
Beispiel #22
def reloadAppModules():
    """Reloads running appModules.
	especially, it clears the cache of running appModules and deletes them from sys.modules.
	Each appModule will then be reloaded immediately.
    global appModules
    state = []
    for mod in runningTable.itervalues():
            key: getattr(mod, key)
            for key in (
                # #2892: We must save nvdaHelperRemote handles, as we can't reinitialize without a foreground/focus event.
                # Also, if there is an active context handle such as a loaded buffer,
                # nvdaHelperRemote can't reinit until that handle dies.
                # #5380: We must save config profile triggers so they can be cleaned up correctly.
                # Otherwise, they'll remain active forever.
            ) if hasattr(mod, key)
        # #2892: Don't disconnect from nvdaHelperRemote during termination.
        mod._helperPreventDisconnect = True
    del appModules
    mods = [
        k for k, v in sys.modules.iteritems()
        if k.startswith("appModules") and v is not None
    for mod in mods:
        del sys.modules[mod]
    import appModules
    for entry in state:
        pid = entry.pop("processID")
        mod = getAppModuleFromProcessID(pid)
    # The appModule property for existing NVDAObjects will now be None, since their AppModule died.
    # Force focus, navigator, etc. objects to re-fetch,
    # since NVDA depends on the appModule property for these.
    for obj in itertools.chain(
        (api.getFocusObject(), api.getNavigatorObject()),
            del obj._appModuleRef
        except AttributeError:
        # Fetch and cache right away; the process could die any time.
Beispiel #23
	def event_gainFocus(self):
		#See if this object is the focus and the focus is on a group item.
		#if so, then morph this object to a groupingItem object
		if self is api.getFocusObject():
			if groupIndex>=0:
				if info is not None:
					if api.getFocusDifferenceLevel()==len(ancestors)-1:
					return eventHandler.queueEvent("gainFocus",groupingObj)
		return super(List,self).event_gainFocus()
Beispiel #24
def cleanup():
	"""Removes any appModules from the cache whose process has died.
	for deadMod in [mod for mod in runningTable.itervalues() if not mod.isAlive]:
		log.debug("application %s closed"%deadMod.appName)
		del runningTable[deadMod.processID]
		if deadMod in set(o.appModule for o in api.getFocusAncestors()+[api.getFocusObject()] if o and o.appModule):
			if hasattr(deadMod,'event_appLoseFocus'):
		import eventHandler
			log.exception("Error terminating app module %r" % deadMod)
Beispiel #25
	def updateNamespaceSnapshotVars(self):
		"""Update the console namespace with a snapshot of NVDA's current state.
		This creates/updates variables for the current focus, navigator object, etc.
		self._namespaceSnapshotVars = {
			"focus": api.getFocusObject(),
			# Copy the focus ancestor list, as it gets mutated once it is replaced in api.setFocusObject.
			"focusAnc": list(api.getFocusAncestors()),
			"fdl": api.getFocusDifferenceLevel(),
			"fg": api.getForegroundObject(),
			"nav": api.getNavigatorObject(),
			"mouse": api.getMouseObject(),
			"brlRegions": braille.handler.buffer.regions,
Beispiel #26
    def updateNamespaceSnapshotVars(self):
        """Update the console namespace with a snapshot of NVDA's current state.
		This creates/updates variables for the current focus, navigator object, etc.
        self._namespaceSnapshotVars = {
            "focus": api.getFocusObject(),
            # Copy the focus ancestor list, as it gets mutated once it is replaced in api.setFocusObject.
            "focusAnc": list(api.getFocusAncestors()),
            "fdl": api.getFocusDifferenceLevel(),
            "fg": api.getForegroundObject(),
            "nav": api.getNavigatorObject(),
            "review": api.getReviewPosition(),
            "mouse": api.getMouseObject(),
            "brlRegions": braille.handler.buffer.regions,
Beispiel #27
def doPreGainFocus(obj, sleepMode=False):
    oldForeground = api.getForegroundObject()
    oldFocus = api.getFocusObject()
    oldTreeInterceptor = oldFocus.treeInterceptor if oldFocus else None

    if speech.manager._shouldCancelExpiredFocusEvents():
            "executeEvent: Removing cancelled speech commands.")
        # ask speechManager to check if any of it's queued utterances should be cancelled
        # Note: Removing cancelled speech commands should happen after all dependencies for the isValid check
        # have been updated:
        # - lastQueuedFocusObject
        # - api.getFocusAncestors()
        # These are updated:
        # - lastQueuedFocusObject & obj.WAS_GAIN_FOCUS_OBJ_ATTR_NAME
        #   - Set in stack: _trackFocusObject, eventHandler.queueEvent
        #   - Which results in executeEvent being called, then doPreGainFocus
        # - api.getFocusAncestors() via api.setFocusObject() called in doPreGainFocus

    if globalVars.focusDifferenceLevel <= 1:
        newForeground = api.getDesktopObject().objectInForeground()
        if not newForeground:
                "Can not get real foreground, resorting to focus ancestors")
            ancestors = api.getFocusAncestors()
            if len(ancestors) > 1:
                newForeground = ancestors[1]
                newForeground = obj
        executeEvent('foreground', newForeground)
    if sleepMode: return True
    #Fire focus entered events for all new ancestors of the focus if this is a gainFocus event
    for parent in globalVars.focusAncestors[globalVars.focusDifferenceLevel:]:
        executeEvent("focusEntered", parent)
    if obj.treeInterceptor is not oldTreeInterceptor:
        if hasattr(oldTreeInterceptor, "event_treeInterceptor_loseFocus"):
        if obj.treeInterceptor and obj.treeInterceptor.isReady and hasattr(
                obj.treeInterceptor, "event_treeInterceptor_gainFocus"):
    return True
Beispiel #28
	def prePopup(self):
		"""Prepare for a popup.
		This should be called before any dialog or menu which should pop up for the user.
		L{postPopup} should be called after the dialog or menu has been shown.
		@postcondition: A dialog or menu may be shown.
		focus = api.getFocusObject()
		# Do not set prevFocus if the focus is on a control rendered by NVDA itself, such as the NVDA menu.
		# This allows to refer to the control that had focus before opening the menu while still using NVDA
		# on its own controls.
		# The check for NVDA process ID can be bypassed by setting the optional attribute
		# L{isPrevFocusOnNvdaPopup} to L{True} when a NVDA dialog offers customizable bound gestures,
		# eg. the NVDA Python Console.
		if focus.processID != globalVars.appPid or getattr(focus, "isPrevFocusOnNvdaPopup", False):
			self.prevFocus = focus
			self.prevFocusAncestors = api.getFocusAncestors()
		if winUser.getWindowThreadProcessID(winUser.getForegroundWindow())[0] != globalVars.appPid:
			# This process is not the foreground process, so bring it to the foreground.
Beispiel #29
 def script_virtualWindowReview(self, nextHandler):
     # Find the first focus ansestor that have any display text, according to the display model
     # This must be the root application window, or something close to that.
     text = None
     root = None
     for ancestor in api.getFocusAncestors():
         if ancestor.appModule and ancestor.displayText:
             root = ancestor
     if root:
         text = root.displayText.replace("\0", ' ')
     obj = api.getFocusObject()
     if obj.windowClassName == u'ConsoleWindowClass':
         info = obj.makeTextInfo(textInfos.POSITION_FIRST)
         text = info.clipboardText
     if text:
Beispiel #30
	def script_virtualWindowReview(self, nextHandler):
		# Find the first focus ansestor that have any display text, according to the display model
		# This must be the root application window, or something close to that.
		text = None
		root = None
		for ancestor in api.getFocusAncestors():
			if ancestor.appModule and ancestor.displayText:
				root = ancestor
		if root:
			text = root.displayText.replace("\0", ' ')
		obj = api.getFocusObject()
		if obj.windowClassName == u'ConsoleWindowClass':
			info = obj.makeTextInfo(textInfos.POSITION_FIRST)
			text = info.clipboardText
		if text:
 def script_virtualWindowReview(self, gesture):
     # Find the first focus ancestor that have any display text, according to the display model
     # This must be the root application window, or something close to that.
     # In case of universal apps, traverse child elements.
     text = None
     obj = api.getFocusObject()
     # Because it may take a while to iterate through elements, play abeep to alert users of this fact and the fact it's a UWP screen.
     if obj.windowClassName.startswith("Windows.UI.Core"):
         import tones
         tones.beep(400, 300)
         text = "\n".join(obtainUWPWindowText())
         tones.beep(400, 50)
         root = None
         for ancestor in api.getFocusAncestors():
             if ancestor.appModule and ancestor.displayText:
                 root = ancestor
         if root:
             info = root.makeTextInfo(textInfos.POSITION_FIRST)
             # sys.maxint is gone in Python 3 as integer bit width can grow arbitrarily.
             # Use the static value (0x7fffffff or (2^31)-1) directly.
             info.move(textInfos.UNIT_LINE, 0x7fffffff, endPoint="end")
             text = info.clipboardText.replace("\0", " ")
         if obj.windowClassName == u'ConsoleWindowClass':
             info = obj.makeTextInfo(textInfos.POSITION_FIRST)
             text = info.clipboardText.rstrip()
     if text:
         name = api.getForegroundObject().name
         if name in (None, ""):
             # Translators: The title of the virtual review window when the foreground window has no name, commonly seen when all windows are minimized.
             name = _("No title")
         # Translators: Title of the window shown for reading text on screen via a window.
             title=_("Virtual review: {screenName}").format(
         # Translator: Message shown when no text can be virtualized.
         ui.message(_("No text to display"))
Beispiel #32
def reloadAppModules():
	"""Reloads running appModules.
	especially, it clears the cache of running appModules and deletes them from sys.modules.
	Each appModule will then be reloaded immediately.
	global appModules
	state = []
	for mod in runningTable.itervalues():
		state.append({key: getattr(mod, key) for key in ("processID",
			# #2892: We must save nvdaHelperRemote handles, as we can't reinitialize without a foreground/focus event.
			# Also, if there is an active context handle such as a loaded buffer,
			# nvdaHelperRemote can't reinit until that handle dies.
			"helperLocalBindingHandle", "_inprocRegistrationHandle",
			# #5380: We must save config profile triggers so they can be cleaned up correctly.
			# Otherwise, they'll remain active forever.
		) if hasattr(mod, key)})
		# #2892: Don't disconnect from nvdaHelperRemote during termination.
		mod._helperPreventDisconnect = True
	del appModules
	mods=[k for k,v in sys.modules.iteritems() if k.startswith("appModules") and v is not None]
	for mod in mods:
		del sys.modules[mod]
	import appModules
	for entry in state:
		pid = entry.pop("processID")
		mod = getAppModuleFromProcessID(pid)
	# The appModule property for existing NVDAObjects will now be None, since their AppModule died.
	# Force focus, navigator, etc. objects to re-fetch,
	# since NVDA depends on the appModule property for these.
	for obj in itertools.chain((api.getFocusObject(), api.getNavigatorObject()), api.getFocusAncestors()):
			del obj._appModuleRef
		except AttributeError:
		# Fetch and cache right away; the process could die any time.
def update(processID,helperLocalBindingHandle=None,inprocRegistrationHandle=None):
	"""Removes any appModules from the cache whose process has died, and also tries to load a new appModule for the given process ID if need be.
	@param processID: the ID of the process.
	@type processID: int
	@param helperLocalBindingHandle: an optional RPC binding handle pointing to the RPC server for this process
	@param inprocRegistrationHandle: an optional rpc context handle representing successful registration with the rpc server for this process
	for deadMod in [mod for mod in runningTable.itervalues() if not mod.isAlive]:
		log.debug("application %s closed"%deadMod.appName)
		del runningTable[deadMod.processID]
		if deadMod in set(o.appModule for o in api.getFocusAncestors()+[api.getFocusObject()] if o and o.appModule):
			if hasattr(deadMod,'event_appLoseFocus'):
			log.exception("Error terminating app module %r" % deadMod)
	# This creates a new app module if necessary.
	if helperLocalBindingHandle:
	if inprocRegistrationHandle:
Beispiel #34
def findScript(gesture, searchWebApp=True):
    global activeWebApp
    global useInternalBrowser
    global webAccessEnabled
    global defaultBrowserScripts

    focus = api.getFocusObject()
    if not focus:
        return None

    # Import late to avoid circular import.
    # We need to import this here because this might be the first import of this module
    # and it might be needed by global maps.
    import globalCommands

    globalMapScripts = []
    globalMaps = [
        inputCore.manager.userGestureMap, inputCore.manager.localeGestureMap
    globalMap = braille.handler.display.gestureMap
    if globalMap:
    for globalMap in globalMaps:
        for identifier in gesture.identifiers:

    # Gesture specific scriptable object.
    obj = gesture.scriptableObject
    if obj:
        func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(obj, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func:
            return func

    # Global plugin default scripts.
    for plugin in globalPluginHandler.runningPlugins:
        func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(plugin, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func:
            return func

    # webApp scripts
    webApp = focus.getWebApp()
    if webApp is not None and searchWebApp is True:
        # Search if a place marker uses this shortcut
        if webApp.markerManager:
            func = webApp.markerManager.getMarkerScript(
                gesture, globalMapScripts)
            if func:
                return func
        func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(webApp.widgetManager, gesture,
        if func:
            return func
        activeWidget = getattr(webApp, 'activeWidget', None)
        if activeWidget is not None:
            func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(activeWidget, gesture,
            if func:
                return func

        func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(webApp, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func:
            return func
        ti = webApp.treeInterceptor
        if hasattr(ti, 'nodeManager') and (useInternalBrowser is True
                                           or activeWidget is not None):
            func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(webApp.presenter, gesture,
            if func:
                return func
            func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(ti.nodeManager, gesture,
            if func:
                return func

    # App module default scripts.
    app = focus.appModule
    if app:
        # browsers default scripts.
        if supportWebApp(focus):
            func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(defaultBrowserScripts, gesture,
            if func:
                return func
        func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(app, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func:
            return func

    # Tree interceptor level.
    treeInterceptor = focus.treeInterceptor
    if treeInterceptor and treeInterceptor.isReady:
        func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(treeInterceptor, gesture,
        from browseMode import BrowseModeTreeInterceptor
        if isinstance(treeInterceptor, BrowseModeTreeInterceptor):
            func = treeInterceptor.getAlternativeScript(gesture, func)
            if func and (not treeInterceptor.passThrough or getattr(
                    func, "ignoreTreeInterceptorPassThrough", False)) and (
                        useInternalBrowser is False or
                        getattr(activeWebApp, 'activeWidget', None) is None):
                return func

    # NVDAObject level.
    func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(focus, gesture, globalMapScripts)
    if func:
        return func
    for obj in reversed(api.getFocusAncestors()):
        func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(obj, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func and getattr(func, 'canPropagate', False):
            return func

    # Global commands.
    func = scriptHandler._getObjScript(globalCommands.commands, gesture,
    if func:
        return func
    return None
Beispiel #35
def findScript(gesture):
    focus = api.getFocusObject()
    if not focus:
        return None

    # Import late to avoid circular import.
    # We need to import this here because this might be the first import of this module
    # and it might be needed by global maps.
    import globalCommands

    globalMapScripts = []
    globalMaps = [
        inputCore.manager.userGestureMap, inputCore.manager.localeGestureMap
    globalMap = braille.handler.display.gestureMap
    if globalMap:
    for globalMap in globalMaps:
        for identifier in gesture.normalizedIdentifiers:

    # Gesture specific scriptable object.
    obj = gesture.scriptableObject
    if obj:
        func = _getObjScript(obj, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func:
            return func

    # Global plugin level.
    for plugin in globalPluginHandler.runningPlugins:
        func = _getObjScript(plugin, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func:
            return func

    # App module level.
    app = focus.appModule
    if app:
        func = _getObjScript(app, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func:
            return func

    # Braille display level
    if isinstance(braille.handler.display, baseObject.ScriptableObject):
        func = _getObjScript(braille.handler.display, gesture,
        if func:
            return func

    # Vision enhancement provider level
    for provider in vision.handler.getActiveProviderInstances():
        if isinstance(provider, baseObject.ScriptableObject):
            func = _getObjScript(provider, gesture, globalMapScripts)
            if func:
                return func

    # Tree interceptor level.
    treeInterceptor = focus.treeInterceptor
    if treeInterceptor and treeInterceptor.isReady:
        func = _getObjScript(treeInterceptor, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        from browseMode import BrowseModeTreeInterceptor
        if isinstance(treeInterceptor, BrowseModeTreeInterceptor):
            func = treeInterceptor.getAlternativeScript(gesture, func)
        if func and (not treeInterceptor.passThrough or getattr(
                func, "ignoreTreeInterceptorPassThrough", False)):
            return func

    # NVDAObject level.
    func = _getObjScript(focus, gesture, globalMapScripts)
    if func:
        return func
    for obj in reversed(api.getFocusAncestors()):
        func = _getObjScript(obj, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func and getattr(func, 'canPropagate', False):
            return func

    # Configuration profile activation scripts
    func = _getObjScript(globalCommands.configProfileActivationCommands,
                         gesture, globalMapScripts)
    if func:
        return func

    # Global commands.
    func = _getObjScript(globalCommands.commands, gesture, globalMapScripts)
    if func:
        return func

    return None
Beispiel #36
 def getAllGestureMappings(self, obj=None, ancestors=None):
     if not obj:
         obj = api.getFocusObject()
         ancestors = api.getFocusAncestors()
     return _AllGestureMappingsRetriever(obj, ancestors).results
Beispiel #37
	def getAllGestureMappings(self, obj=None, ancestors=None):
		if not obj:
			obj = api.getFocusObject()
			ancestors = api.getFocusAncestors()
		return _AllGestureMappingsRetriever(obj, ancestors).results
def doPreDocumentLoadComplete(obj):
	if (not obj.treeInterceptor or not obj.treeInterceptor.isAlive or obj.treeInterceptor.shouldPrepare) and (obj==focusObject or obj in api.getFocusAncestors()):
		if ti:
			#Focus may be in this new treeInterceptor, so force focus to look up its treeInterceptor
	return True
from colors import RGB
import config
from controlTypes import roleLabels
from controlTypes import stateLabels
import globalPluginHandler
import ui
from virtualBuffers import VirtualBuffer

isWebElement = lambda theObject: isinstance(theObject.treeInterceptor,
developerToolkitIsEnabled = lambda: config.conf["developertoolkit"]["isEnabled"
isDetailedMessages = lambda: config.conf["developertoolkit"][
hasLocation = lambda theObject: hasattr(theObject, 'location')
isFocusAncestor = lambda a: a in api.getFocusAncestors()
colorAsRGB = lambda: config.conf["developertoolkit"]["displayColorFormat"] == 0
colorAsHex = lambda: config.conf["developertoolkit"]["displayColorFormat"] == 1
colorAsName = lambda: config.conf["developertoolkit"]["displayColorFormat"
                                                      ] == 2
isColor = lambda x: isinstance(x, RGB)
isBool = lambda x: isinstance(x, bool)

def getSizeAndPosition(descendant, ancestor):
    # The relative parent isn't an ancestor of the descendant.
    if descendant and not isFocusAncestor(ancestor) and hasLocation(
        dtk = list(
                lambda p: isinstance(
def findScript(gesture):
	focus = api.getFocusObject()
	if not focus:
		return None

	# Import late to avoid circular import.
	# We need to import this here because this might be the first import of this module
	# and it might be needed by global maps.
	import globalCommands

	globalMapScripts = []
	globalMaps = [inputCore.manager.userGestureMap, inputCore.manager.localeGestureMap]
	globalMap = braille.handler.display.gestureMap
	if globalMap:
	for globalMap in globalMaps:
		for identifier in gesture.identifiers:

	# Gesture specific scriptable object.
	obj = gesture.scriptableObject
	if obj:
		func = _getObjScript(obj, gesture, globalMapScripts)
		if func:
			return func

	# Global plugin level.
	for plugin in globalPluginHandler.runningPlugins:
		func = _getObjScript(plugin, gesture, globalMapScripts)
		if func:
			return func

	# App module level.
	app = focus.appModule
	if app:
		func = _getObjScript(app, gesture, globalMapScripts)
		if func:
			return func

	# Tree interceptor level.
	treeInterceptor = focus.treeInterceptor
	if treeInterceptor and treeInterceptor.isReady:
		func = _getObjScript(treeInterceptor, gesture, globalMapScripts)
		if func and (not treeInterceptor.passThrough or getattr(func,"ignoreTreeInterceptorPassThrough",False)):
			return func

	# NVDAObject level.
	func = _getObjScript(focus, gesture, globalMapScripts)
	if func:
		return func
	for obj in reversed(api.getFocusAncestors()):
		func = _getObjScript(obj, gesture, globalMapScripts)
		if func and getattr(func, 'canPropagate', False): 
			return func

	# Global commands.
	func = _getObjScript(globalCommands.commands, gesture, globalMapScripts)
	if func:
		return func

	return None
Beispiel #41
 def isAncestorOfCurrentFocus():
     return obj in api.getFocusAncestors()
Beispiel #42
def findScript(gesture):
    focus = api.getFocusObject()
    if not focus:
        return None

    # Import late to avoid circular import.
    # We need to import this here because this might be the first import of this module
    # and it might be needed by global maps.
    import globalCommands

    globalMapScripts = []
    globalMaps = [
        inputCore.manager.userGestureMap, inputCore.manager.localeGestureMap
    globalMap = braille.handler.display.gestureMap
    if globalMap:
    for globalMap in globalMaps:
        for identifier in gesture.identifiers:

    # Gesture specific scriptable object.
    obj = gesture.scriptableObject
    if obj:
        func = _getObjScript(obj, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func:
            return func

    # Global plugin level.
    for plugin in globalPluginHandler.runningPlugins:
        func = _getObjScript(plugin, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func:
            return func

    # App module level.
    app = focus.appModule
    if app:
        func = _getObjScript(app, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func:
            return func

    # Tree interceptor level.
    treeInterceptor = focus.treeInterceptor
    if treeInterceptor and treeInterceptor.isReady:
        func = _getObjScript(treeInterceptor, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func and (not treeInterceptor.passThrough or getattr(
                func, "ignoreTreeInterceptorPassThrough", False)):
            return func

    # NVDAObject level.
    func = _getObjScript(focus, gesture, globalMapScripts)
    if func:
        return func
    for obj in reversed(api.getFocusAncestors()):
        func = _getObjScript(obj, gesture, globalMapScripts)
        if func and getattr(func, 'canPropagate', False):
            return func

    # Global commands.
    func = _getObjScript(globalCommands.commands, gesture, globalMapScripts)
    if func:
        return func

    return None
Beispiel #43
 def isAncestorOfCurrentFocus(self):
     return self._obj in api.getFocusAncestors()