Beispiel #1
    def post_data(self, item):
        Method to post the data.
            item: item to be sent

        row_id = item.get(
        )  #sqlite row_id used to delete the row once it has been sent
        status = api.session.post_data(item['activity'], item['data'])

        if status == api.Status.MISMATCH:  #a mismatch status indicates that we missed a config update event, so we are doing it now

        #delete from offline store if data was sent; we consider it is sent if api session is connected and is not unauthorized.
        #no need to check for any other status code.
        if api.is_not_connected(
                status) == False and status != api.Status.UNAUTHORIZED:
            )  #if sending failed, we need to mark offline store as available
Beispiel #2
    def handle_response(self, status):
        Method to handle the api session response.
            status: status of the request to be handled
            True if the response is ok, else False

        _log.debug('Handling response status %d' % status)

        if status == api.Status.SUCCESS:  #all good
            return True
        elif api.is_not_connected(status):
  'Failed to establish connection')
        elif status == api.Status.NOT_FOUND:  #uninstall if the agent is not found in the organization
      'Uninstalling agent')
                subprocess.Popen([self.univ.exe_path + '/'],
            except Exception as e:
                _log.error('Failed to open uninstall script; %s' % unicode(e))
        elif status == api.Status.UNAUTHORIZED:
            _log.error('Agent unauthorized to connect')
        elif status == api.Status.BAD_REQUEST:
            _log.error('Server marked the request as bad')
        elif status == api.Status.SESSION_CONFLICT:
            _log.error('Agent session conflict')

        return False
Beispiel #3
    def handle_response(self, status):
        Method to handle the api session response.
            status: status of the request to be handled
            True if the response is ok, else False
        _log.debug('Handling response status %d' % status)
        if status == api.Status.SUCCESS:  #all good
            return True
        elif api.is_not_connected(status):
  'Failed to establish connection')
        elif status == api.Status.NOT_FOUND:  #uninstall if the agent is not found in the organization
      'Uninstalling agent')
                subprocess.Popen([self.univ.exe_path + ''])
            except Exception as e:
                _log.error('Failed to open uninstall script; %s' % unicode(e))
        elif status == api.Status.UNAUTHORIZED:
            _log.error('Agent unauthorized to connect')
        elif status == api.Status.BAD_REQUEST:
            _log.error('Server marked the request as bad')
        elif status == api.Status.SESSION_CONFLICT:
            _log.error('Agent session conflict')

        return False
Beispiel #4
    def post_data(self, item):
        Method to post the data.
            item: item to be sent

        )  #get the data. read get_data doc to know why this is required

        #update the timestamp limit for selecting rows to the last real time data retreived.
        #this will prevent any data sent to offline store due to queue overflow being sent before real time queue clears up
        self.off_store.select_timestamp = item['data']['timestamp']

        status = api.session.post_data(item['activity'], item['data'])

        if status == api.Status.MISMATCH:  #a mismatch status indicates that we missed a config update event, so we are doing it now
        elif api.is_not_connected(
        ) == True or status == api.Status.UNAUTHORIZED:  #save to offline store if the api session is not connected or unauthorized
            self.off_store.put(item['activity'], item['data'],
Beispiel #5
    def connect(self):
        Public method to authenticate the api session.
        The method tries auth for three times before giving it to the background thread in case of connection issues.
            status of auth

        #if the session is not authorized or another thread is performing auth, then we return
        if api.session.auth_status(
        ) != api.AuthStatus.UNAUTHORIZED or not api.session.auth_status(
            return api.Status.UNKNOWN

        status = self.attempt(retry_count=2)  #attempt to auth

        #if api sesssion cannot connect to server and we have the activities available, we can run them offline
        if api.is_not_connected(status) and self.univ.config.agent.get([
                'config', 'activities'
        ]) and self.univ.config.agent.get(['config', 'org']):
            status = api.Status.SUCCESS  #modify the status so that caller can continue

        return status
Beispiel #6
    def send_crash_dumps(self):
        Method to send all crash dumps to server.
        This method runs in a seperate thread.
        import api
        univ = Universal()  #get Universal
        #how much time the crash dump sender wait before start sending.
        #this is required not to affect crash loop detection, since crash loop detection is done by checking number crash dumps generated in a span of time
        crash_dump_timeout = (self.crash_loop_count * self.monit_interval) + 10 
        #get the agent version regex to differentiate dumps from any other file
        agent_version_regex = univ.config.agent.schema['agentVersion'].get('regex', '.*')
        agent_version_regex = re.sub('^\^?([^\$]+)\$?$', '\g<1>', agent_version_regex)
        _log.debug('CrashDumpSender waiting for stop event for %d seconds' % crash_dump_timeout)
            for file in os.listdir(self.crash_dump_path):  #loop though files in the crash dump directory
                file_name = self.crash_dump_path + file

                #is this a valid crash dump filename
                if os.path.isfile(file_name) and re.match('^sealion-%s-[0-9]+\.dmp$' % agent_version_regex, file) != None:
                    report = None

                    while 1:
                        if univ.stop_event.is_set():  #do we need to stop now
                            _log.debug('CrashDumpSender received stop event')

                        #read the report from the dump, or retry the report
                        report = report if report != None else self.read_dump(file_name)

                        if report == None or api.is_not_connected(api.unauth_session.send_crash_report(report)) == False:  #send the dump

                        _log.debug('CrashDumpSender waiting for stop event for 10 seconds')
                        univ.stop_event.wait(10)  #on failure, wait for some time
                        os.remove(file_name)  #remove the dump as we sent it
              'Removed dump %s' % file_name)
                    except Exception as e:
                        _log.error('Failed to remove dump %s; %s' % (file_name, unicode(e)))

                if univ.stop_event.is_set():  #do we need to stop now
                    _log.debug('CrashDumpSender received stop event')
Beispiel #7
    def post_data(self, item):
        Method to post the data.
            item: item to be sent
        row_id = item.get('row_id')  #sqlite row_id used to delete the row once it has been sent
        status = api.session.post_data(item['activity'], item['data'])

        if status == api.Status.MISMATCH:  #a mismatch status indicates that we missed a config update event, so we are doing it now
        #delete from offline store if data was sent; we consider it is sent if api session is connected and is not unauthorized.
        #no need to check for any other status code.
        if api.is_not_connected(status) == False and status != api.Status.UNAUTHORIZED:
            Sender.store_available(True)  #if sending failed, we need to mark offline store as available
Beispiel #8
    def post_data(self, item):
        Method to post the data.
            item: item to be sent
        Storage.get_data(item['data'])  #get the data. read get_data doc to know why this is required
        #update the timestamp limit for selecting rows to the last real time data retreived.
        #this will prevent any data sent to offline store due to queue overflow being sent before real time queue clears up
        self.off_store.select_timestamp = item['data']['timestamp']
        status = api.session.post_data(item['activity'], item['data'])

        if status == api.Status.MISMATCH:  #a mismatch status indicates that we missed a config update event, so we are doing it now
        elif api.is_not_connected(status) == True or status == api.Status.UNAUTHORIZED:  #save to offline store if the api session is not connected or unauthorized
            self.off_store.put(item['activity'], item['data'], Sender.store_put_callback)
Beispiel #9
 def connect(self):        
     Public method to authenticate the api session.
     The method tries auth for three times before giving it to the background thread in case of connection issues.
         status of auth
     #if the session is not authorized or another thread is performing auth, then we return
     if api.session.auth_status() != api.AuthStatus.UNAUTHORIZED or not api.session.auth_status(api.AuthStatus.AUTHENTICATING):
         return api.Status.UNKNOWN
     status = self.attempt(retry_count = 2)  #attempt to auth
     #if api sesssion cannot connect to server and we have the activities available, we can run them offline
     if api.is_not_connected(status) and hasattr(self.univ.config.agent, 'activities') and hasattr(self.univ.config.agent, 'org'):
         status = api.Status.SUCCESS  #modify the status so that caller can continue
     return status
#get the exe path, which is the absolute path to the parent directory of the module's direcotry
exe_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
exe_path = exe_path[:-1] if exe_path[len(exe_path) - 1] == '/' else exe_path
exe_path = exe_path[:exe_path.rfind('/') + 1]

#add module lookup paths to sys.path so that import can find them
#we are inserting at the begining of sys.path so that we can be sure that we are importing the right module
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib/websocket_client')
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'src')
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib')

#to avoid the bug reported at we use a stable httplib version available with CPython 2.7.3 and 3.2.3
#since httplib has been renamed to http, we have to add that also in the path so that import can find it
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib/httplib')

import exit_status

try:  #it is possible that the agent was removed from the UI, in that case it already had removed config files. so import api can raise an exception
    import api
             )  #any exception should be considered as success
)  #required to set the post event, as the post event is set only after auth
status = api.session.unregister()  #unregister the agent
sys.exit(exit_status.AGENT_ERR_SUCCESS if api.is_not_connected(status) ==
         False else exit_status.AGENT_ERR_FAILED_CONNECT)
Beispiel #11
    def send_crash_dumps(self):
        Method to send all crash dumps to server.
        This method runs in a seperate thread.

        import api
        univ = universal.Universal()  #get Universal

        #how much time the crash dump sender wait before start sending.
        #this is required not to affect crash loop detection, since crash loop detection is done by checking number crash dumps generated in a span of time
        crash_dump_timeout = (self.crash_loop_count *
                              self.crash_loop_timeout) + 10

        _log.debug('CrashDumpSender waiting for stop event for %d seconds' %

            for file in os.listdir(
            ):  #loop though files in the crash dump directory
                file_name = self.crash_dump_path + file

                #is this a valid crash dump filename
                if os.path.isfile(file_name) and re.match(
                        self.crash_dump_pattern % self.agent_version_regex,
                        file) != None:
                    report = None

                    while 1:
                        if univ.stop_event.is_set():  #do we need to stop now
                            _log.debug('CrashDumpSender received stop event')

                        #read the report from the dump, or retry the report
                        report = report if report != None else self.read_dump(

                        if report == None or api.is_not_connected(
                                    report)) == False:  #send the dump

                            'CrashDumpSender waiting for stop event for 10 seconds'
                            10)  #on failure, wait for some time

                        os.remove(file_name)  #remove the dump as we sent it
              'Removed dump %s' % file_name)
                    except Exception as e:
                        _log.error('Failed to remove dump %s; %s' %
                                   (file_name, unicode(e)))

                if univ.stop_event.is_set():  #do we need to stop now
                    _log.debug('CrashDumpSender received stop event')
Beispiel #12
import sys

#get the exe path, which is the absolute path to the parent directory of the module's direcotry
exe_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
exe_path = exe_path[:-1] if exe_path[len(exe_path) - 1] == '/' else exe_path
exe_path = exe_path[:exe_path.rfind('/') + 1]

#add module lookup paths to sys.path so that import can find them
#we are inserting at the begining of sys.path so that we can be sure that we are importing the right module
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib/websocket_client') 
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'src')
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib')

#to avoid the bug reported at we use a stable httplib version available with CPython 2.7.3 and 3.2.3
#since httplib has been renamed to http, we have to add that also in the path so that import can find it
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib/httplib')

import exit_status

try:  #it is possible that the agent was removed from the UI, in that case it already had removed config files. so import api can raise an exception
    import api
    sys.exit(exit_status.AGENT_ERR_SUCCESS)  #any exception should be considered as success  #required to set the post event, as the post event is set only after auth
status = api.session.unregister()  #unregister the agent
sys.exit(exit_status.AGENT_ERR_SUCCESS if api.is_not_connected(status) == False else exit_status.AGENT_ERR_FAILED_CONNECT)