def show_lc_xz_page(request): context = dict() xm_id = request.POST.get("xm_id") wj_id = request.POST.get("wj_id") status, xm_list, reason = api.project_get(xm_id) # 获取项目信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: xm_name = status, project_list, reason = api.project_switch_to_ready_status( xm_id) # 更改项目状态-就绪状态 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) status, project_list, reason = api.flow_run(xm_id, wj_id) # 执行项目 if status != api.OK: reason = {"错误原因": reason, "项目名": xm_name} context['reason'] = reason return render(request, '12-执行失败提示页面/execution_failure.html', context=context) else: return render(request, '08-流程显示页面/article_show.html', context=context)
def stop_item_successful_page(request): context = dict() xm_id = request.POST.get("xm_id") zzyy = request.POST.get("zzyy") status, xm_list, reason = api.project_get(xm_id) # 获取项目信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: xm_name = #中止:先暂停,后中止 status1, project_list, reason1 = api.project_services_start() # 暂停项目 #status1 = "簇ok" if status1 != api.OK: ID = {"项目名": xm_name, "错误原因": reason1} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/25-中止项目失败页面/stop_project_failed.html', context=context) else: #中止项目 status2, project_list, reason2 = api.project_services_start() # 暂停项目 #status2 = "传ok" if status2 != api.OK: ID = {"项目名": xm_name, "错误原因": reason2} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/25-中止项目失败页面/stop_project_failed.html', context=context) else: ID = {"项目名": xm_name} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/24-中止项目成功页面/stop_item_successful.html', context=context)
def successful_suspension_project_page(request): context = dict() xm_id = request.POST.get("xm_id") ztyy = request.POST.get("ztyy") status, xm_list, reason = api.project_get(xm_id) # 获取项目信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: xm_name = status1, project_list, reason1 = api.project_service_stop() # 暂停项目 #status1 = "是ok" if status1 != api.OK: ID = {"项目名": xm_name, "错误原因": reason1} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/21-暂停项目失败页面/project_suspension_failed.html', context=context) else: ID = {"项目名": xm_name} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/20-暂停项目成功页面/successful_suspension_project.html', context=context)
def dump_all_project(prj_id): """显示项目状态""" status, prj, reason = api.project_get(prj_id) if status != api.OK: print(reason) return print( print("=" * 40) for field in prj._meta.fields: if field.attname == 'id': continue value = str(prj.__getattribute__(field.attname)) if len(value) > 40: print(field.attname, ":") print(" " * 4, value) else: print(field.attname, ":", value) for bind in ProjectWithDevice.objects.filter(project=prj): print(, ':', print("-" * 10) print(" vendor:", bind.device.vendor) print(" model:", bind.device.model) print(" version:", bind.device.version) print(" driver:", bind.device.driver) statement_change_log = ProjectStateLog.objects.filter(project=prj).order_by('-change_datetime') if len(statement_change_log): print("状态更改历史") print('-' * 10) for s in statement_change_log: print(str(s.change_datetime), s.old_status, '===>', s.new_status, s.comment)
def cease_project_cause_page(request, prj_id): context = dict() status, xm_list, reason = api.project_get(prj_id) # 获取项目信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: # 拿到绑定的充放电机设备ID信息 xm_name = ID = {"项目ID": prj_id, "项目名": xm_name} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/11-中止项目确认页面/cease_project_cause.html', context=context)
def execute_confirmation_page(request): context = dict() xm_id = request.POST.get("xm_id") status, wj_list, reason = api.project_list_flow_file(xm_id) # 获取对应项目ID信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: #把项目的上传文件信息带下去 context['wj_list'] = wj_list status, xm_list, reason = api.project_get(xm_id) # 获取项目信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: xm_name = ID = {"项目ID": xm_id, "项目名": xm_name, "进入状态": "修改项目"} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/34-新建执行项目确认页面/execute_confirmation_page.html', context=context)
def upload_project_flow_page(request): context = dict() xm_id = request.POST.get("xm_id") status, xm_list, reason = api.project_get(xm_id) # 获取项目信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: xm_name = status, wj_list, reason = api.project_list_flow_file(xm_id) #读取项目流程文件信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: # 拿到项目中的流程文件信息 context['wj_list'] = wj_list ID = {"项目ID": xm_id, "项目名": xm_name, "进入状态": "修改项目"} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/19-项目流程文件上传页面/upload_project_flow.html', context=context)
def force_update_project_status(prj_id, status, without_confirm): """强制更改项目状态""" prj_status, project, reason = api.project_get(prj_id) if prj_status != api.OK: print(reason) return if status not in profile.PROJECT_STATUS_LIST: print("无法支持的状态:", status) return if status == project.status: return if without_confirm is None: confirm = input("确定强制更改项目状态({}==>{}):(N/y)>".format(project.status, status)).rstrip().lstrip() if confirm.lower() != 'y': return status, _, reason = api.project_modify_status(prj_id, status, "强制手工切换状态!") if status != api.OK: print(reason) return
def execute_item_successful_page(request): context = dict() xm_id = request.POST.get("xm_id") status, xm_list, reason = api.project_get(xm_id) # 获取项目信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: xm_name = #执行项目 status1, project_list, reason1 = api.project_services_start() # 暂停项目 #status1 = "NOok" if status1 != api.OK: ID = {"项目名": xm_name, "错误原因": reason1} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/27-执行项目失败页面/execute_project_failed.html', context=context) else: ID = {"项目名": xm_name} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/26-执行项目成功页面/execute_item_successful.html', context=context)
def bms_parameter_issue_failure_page(request): xm_id = request.POST.get("xm_id") bms_id = request.POST.get("bms_id") cm_id = request.POST.get("cm_id") ec_id = request.POST.get("ec_id") cd_id = request.POST.get("cd_id") #bz_name = request.POST.get("bz_name") context = dict() if len(xm_id) < 7: if len(bms_id) < 7 and len(bms_id) > 0: status, project_list, reason = api.project_register_device( xm_id, bms_id) # 下发BMS参数 #status, project_list, reason = api.project_list() # 下发BMS参数 if status != api.OK: ID = {"项目ID": xm_id} context['ID'] = ID reason = {"错误原因": reason.subscript} context['reason'] = reason return render( request, '10-项目页面/29-BMS参数下发失败页面/bms_parameter_issue_failure.html', context=context) if len(cm_id) < 7 and len(cm_id) > 0: status, project_list, reason = api.project_register_device( xm_id, cm_id) # 下发水冷机参数 #status, project_list, reason = api.project_list() # 下发BMS参数 context = dict() if status != api.OK: ID = {"项目ID": xm_id} context['ID'] = ID reason = {"错误原因": reason.subscript} context['reason'] = reason return render( request, '10-项目页面/29-BMS参数下发失败页面/bms_parameter_issue_failure.html', context=context) if len(ec_id) < 7 and len(ec_id) > 0: status, project_list, reason = api.project_register_device( xm_id, ec_id) # 下发环境箱参数 #status, project_list, reason = api.project_list() # 下发BMS参数 context = dict() if status != api.OK: ID = {"项目ID": xm_id} context['ID'] = ID reason = {"错误原因": reason.subscript} context['reason'] = reason return render( request, '10-项目页面/29-BMS参数下发失败页面/bms_parameter_issue_failure.html', context=context) if len(cd_id) < 7 and len(cd_id) > 0: status, project_list, reason = api.project_register_device( xm_id, cd_id) # 下发充放电机参数 #status, project_list, reason = api.project_list() # 下发BMS参数 context = dict() if status != api.OK: ID = {"项目ID": xm_id} context['ID'] = ID reason = {"错误原因": reason.subscript} context['reason'] = reason return render( request, '10-项目页面/29-BMS参数下发失败页面/bms_parameter_issue_failure.html', context=context) else: reason = {"错误原因": "项目ID不对"} context['reason'] = reason return render( request, '10-项目页面/29-BMS参数下发失败页面/bms_parameter_issue_failure.html', context=context) status, xm_list, reason = api.project_get(xm_id) # 获取项目信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: xm_name = #读取项目流程文件信息 status, wj_list, reason = api.project_list_flow_file(xm_id) if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: # 拿到绑定的设备ID信息 context['wj_list'] = wj_list ID = {"项目ID": xm_id, "项目名": xm_name, "进入状态": "新建项目"} context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '10-项目页面/19-项目流程文件上传页面/upload_project_flow.html', context=context)
def show_begin_index_page(request): #从项目页面进入,把项目名下发,成功进入BMS参数设置,失败报错 context = dict() xm_id = request.POST.get("xm_id") status, bms_list, reason = api.device_get_list_by_type( "bms") # 获取注册BMS设备列表 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: context['bms_list'] = bms_list status, cm_list, reason = api.device_get_list_by_type("cm") # 获取注册水冷机设备列表 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: context['cm_list'] = cm_list status, ec_list, reason = api.device_get_list_by_type("ec") # 获取注册环境箱设备列表 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: context['ec_list'] = ec_list status, cd_list, reason = api.device_get_list_by_type("cd") # 获取注册充放电机设备列表 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: context['cd_list'] = cd_list status, bd_bms_list, reason = api.project_get_device_by_type( xm_id, "bms") # 获取项目绑定BMS设备信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: #拿到绑定的BMS设备ID信息 bd_bms_id = status, bd_cm_list, reason = api.project_get_device_by_type( xm_id, "cm") # 获取项目绑定水冷机设备信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: # 拿到绑定的水冷机设备ID信息 bd_cm_id = status, bd_ec_list, reason = api.project_get_device_by_type( xm_id, "ec") # 获取项目绑定环境箱设备信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: # 拿到绑定的环境箱设备ID信息 bd_ec_id = status, bd_cd_list, reason = api.project_get_device_by_type( xm_id, "cd") # 获取项目绑定充放电机设备信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: # 拿到绑定的充放电机设备ID信息 bd_cd_id = status, xm_list, reason = api.project_get(xm_id) # 获取项目信息 if status != api.OK: context['reason'] = reason return render(request, "07-告警提示页面/alarm_prompt.html", context=context) else: # 拿到绑定的充放电机设备ID信息 xm_name = ID = { "BMS_id": bd_bms_id, "cm_id": bd_cm_id, "ec_id": bd_ec_id, "cd_id": bd_cd_id, "zt": "xg", "项目ID": xm_id, "项目名": xm_name } context['ID'] = ID return render(request, '06-BMS参数设置页面/aisle_choose.html', context=context)