Beispiel #1
def perform_accept(act, overlapped):
    act.conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    act.cbuff = create_string_buffer((sizeof(sockaddr_in) + 16) * 2)
    nbytes = c_ulong()

    prot_info = WSAPROTOCOL_INFO()
    prot_info_len = c_int(sizeof(prot_info))
    getsockopt(act.sock.fileno(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_PROTOCOL_INFOA, cast(byref(prot_info), c_char_p), byref(prot_info_len))

    # BOOL
    return AcceptEx(
        act.sock._fd.fileno(), # SOCKET sListenSocket
        act.conn.fileno(), # SOCKET sAcceptSocket
        cast(act.cbuff, c_void_p), # PVOID lpOutputBuffer
        0, # DWORD dwReceiveDataLength
        prot_info.iMaxSockAddr + 16, # DWORD dwLocalAddressLength
        prot_info.iMaxSockAddr + 16, # DWORD dwRemoteAddressLength
        nbytes, # LPDWORD lpdwBytesReceived
        overlapped # LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
    ), 0
Beispiel #2
    #~ )
    act.conn = act.sock.__class__(_sock=act.conn)
    return act

def perform_connect(act, overlapped):
    # ConnectEx requires that the socket be bound beforehand
        # just in case we get a already-bound socket
        act.sock.bind(('', 0))
    except socket.error, exc:
        if exc[0] not in (errno.EINVAL, errno.WSAEINVAL):
    fileno = act.sock._fd.fileno()

    prot_info = WSAPROTOCOL_INFO()
    prot_info_len = c_int(sizeof(prot_info))
    getsockopt(fileno, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PROTOCOL_INFOA, cast(byref(prot_info), c_char_p), byref(prot_info_len))

    hints = addrinfo()
    hints.ai_family = prot_info.iAddressFamily
    hints.ai_socktype = prot_info.iSocketType
    hints.ai_protocol = prot_info.iProtocol

    result = addrinfo_p()
    getaddrinfo(act.addr[0], str(act.addr[1]), byref(hints), byref(result));

    act.flags = result

    #~ act.sock.bind(('', 0))
    return ConnectEx(
        fileno, # SOCKET s