Beispiel #1
def get_plugin_sids_package(system_id, md5):
        Check the :system_id: system if its alienvault-plugin-sids
        package has md5 sum of :md5:. Download the package from remote system.
        check if not reconfig / update is running. Install package
    # First, check remote md5
    rt = False
    emsg = ''
        result, info = get_plugin_package_info_from_system_id(system_id)
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't obtain alienvault-plugin-sid info for system %s : %s" % (system_id, str(info)))
        if info['md5'] != md5:
            raise Exception("md5 provided doesn't match with stored md5")
        # Use ansible to download file to temp directory
        result, ipremote = get_system_ip_from_system_id(system_id)
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't obtain remote system ip")
        result, iplocal = get_system_ip_from_local()
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't obtain local system ip")
        result, idlocal = get_system_id_from_local()
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't obtain local system id")
            # Create a temp file
        temp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        tempname =
        plugin_package = "alienvault-plugin-sids_" + info['version'] + "_all.deb"
        remote_path = "/var/cache/apt/archives"
        result, emsg = fetch_if_changed(ipremote,
                                        os.path.join(remote_path, plugin_package),
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't copy remote from %s file name %s Error: %s" % (ipremote, os.path.join(remote_path, plugin_package), emsg))
        shutil.copy(tempname, remote_path)
        # Atomic rename
        os.rename(os.path.join(remote_path, os.path.basename(tempname)),
                  os.path.join(remote_path, plugin_package))
        # Check if we're not updaing / configuring
        result, status = check_update_and_reconfig_status(idlocal)
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't check current status reconfig / update")
        if status['alienvault-update']['job_status'] == 'running':
            raise Exception("alienvault-update running")
        if status['alienvault-reconfig']['job_status'] == 'running':
            raise Exception("alienvault-reconfig running")
        if status['ossim-reconfig']['job_status'] == 'running':
            raise Exception("ossim-reconfig running")
        # Okey, install package
        result, status = install_debian_package([iplocal], os.path.join(remote_path, plugin_package))
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't install %s" % os.path.join(remote_path, plugin_package))
        rt = True
        emsg = ''
    except Exception as excep:
        emsg = str(excep)
        rt = False
    return (rt, emsg)
Beispiel #2
def get_plugin_sids_package(system_id, md5):
        Check the :system_id: system if its alienvault-plugin-sids
        package has md5 sum of :md5:. Download the package from remote system.
        check if not reconfig / update is running. Install package
    # First, check remote md5
    rt = False
    emsg = ''
        result, info = get_plugin_package_info_from_system_id(system_id)
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't obtain alienvault-plugin-sid info for system %s : %s" % (system_id, str(info)))
        if info['md5'] != md5:
            raise Exception("md5 provided doesn't match with stored md5")
        # Use ansible to download file to temp directory
        result, ipremote = get_system_ip_from_system_id(system_id)
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't obtain remote system ip")
        result, iplocal = get_system_ip_from_local()
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't obtain local system ip")
        result, idlocal = get_system_id_from_local()
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't obtain local system id")
            # Create a temp file
        temp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        tempname =
        plugin_package = "alienvault-plugin-sids_" + info['version'] + "_all.deb"
        remote_path = "/var/cache/apt/archives"
        result, emsg = fetch_if_changed(ipremote,
                                        os.path.join(remote_path, plugin_package),
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't copy remote from %s file name %s Error: %s" % (ipremote, os.path.join(remote_path, plugin_package), emsg))
        shutil.copy(tempname, remote_path)
        # Atomic rename
        os.rename(os.path.join(remote_path, os.path.basename(tempname)),
                  os.path.join(remote_path, plugin_package))
        # Check if we're not updaing / configuring
        result, status = check_update_and_reconfig_status(idlocal)
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't check current status reconfig / update")
        if status['alienvault-update']['job_status'] == 'running':
            raise Exception("alienvault-update running")
        if status['alienvault-reconfig']['job_status'] == 'running':
            raise Exception("alienvault-reconfig running")
        if status['ossim-reconfig']['job_status'] == 'running':
            raise Exception("ossim-reconfig running")
        # Okey, install package
        result, status = install_debian_package([iplocal], os.path.join(remote_path, plugin_package))
        if not result:
            raise Exception("Can't install %s" % os.path.join(remote_path, plugin_package))
        rt = True
        emsg = ''
    except Exception as excep:
        emsg = str(excep)
        rt = False
    return (rt, emsg)
def get_tasks(system_id):
    Blueprint to get the status of system tasks

        system_id (UUID): system to update

        data: JSON with status and job ID or error message
            success example:
              "data": {
                  "alienvault-update" : {"job_id": "XXXXXXXXX",    "job_status": "<job_status>"},
                  "alienvault-reconfig" : {"job_id": "XXXXXXXXX",    "job_status": "<job_status>"}
              "status": "success"
            error example:
              "message": "Cannot retrieve tasks for system 564D9762-9196-99CD-46E6-3D941F32AA6. Please verify that the system is reachable.",
              "status": "error",
              "status_code": 500,
              "status_long_message": "Server got itself in trouble",
              "status_short_message": "Internal Server Error"

    success, tasks = check_update_and_reconfig_status(system_id)
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve task status for system %s. " % system_id
        error_msg = error_msg + "Please verify that the system is reachable."
        return make_error(error_msg, 500)

    return make_ok(tasks=tasks)
Beispiel #4
def get_tasks(system_id):
    Blueprint to get the status of system tasks

        system_id (UUID): system to update

        data: JSON with status and job ID or error message
            success example:
              "data": {
                  "alienvault-update" : {"job_id": "XXXXXXXXX",    "job_status": "<job_status>"},
                  "alienvault-reconfig" : {"job_id": "XXXXXXXXX",    "job_status": "<job_status>"}
              "status": "success"
            error example:
              "message": "Cannot retrieve tasks for system 564D9762-9196-99CD-46E6-3D941F32AA6.
                          Please verify that the system is reachable.",
              "status": "error",
              "status_code": 500,
              "status_long_message": "Server got itself in trouble",
              "status_short_message": "Internal Server Error"

    success, tasks = check_update_and_reconfig_status(system_id)
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve task status for system %s. Please verify that the system is reachable." % system_id
        return make_error(error_msg, 500)

    return make_ok(tasks=tasks)