Beispiel #1
class TierRate(_messages.Message):
    r"""The price rate indicating starting usage and its corresponding price.

    startUsageAmount: Usage is priced at this rate only after this amount.
      Example: start_usage_amount of 10 indicates that the usage will be
      priced at the unit_price after the first 10 usage_units.
    unitPrice: The price per unit of usage. Example: unit_price of amount $10
      indicates that each unit will cost $10.

    startUsageAmount = _messages.FloatField(1)
    unitPrice = _messages.MessageField('Money', 2)
Beispiel #2
class ClassificationCategory(_messages.Message):
    r"""Represents a category returned from the text classifier.

    confidence: The classifier's confidence of the category. Number represents
      how certain the classifier is that this category represents the given
    name: The name of the category representing the document, from the
      [predefined taxonomy](/natural-language/docs/categories).

    confidence = _messages.FloatField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
    name = _messages.StringField(2)
class Denoise(_messages.Message):
    r"""Denoise preprocessing configuration.

    strength: Set strength of the denoise. Enter a value between 0 and 1. The
      higher the value, the smoother the image. 0 is no denoising. The default
      is 0.
    tune: Set the denoiser mode. The default is `"standard"`. Supported
      denoiser modes: - 'standard' - 'grain'

    strength = _messages.FloatField(1)
    tune = _messages.StringField(2)
class GoogleCloudDatacatalogV1beta1TagField(_messages.Message):
  r"""Contains the value and supporting information for a field within a Tag.

    boolValue: Holds the value for the tag field with boolean type.
    displayName: Output only. The display name of this field.
    doubleValue: Holds the value for the tag field with double type.
    stringValue: Holds the value for the tag field with string type.

  boolValue = _messages.BooleanField(1)
  displayName = _messages.StringField(2)
  doubleValue = _messages.FloatField(3)
  stringValue = _messages.StringField(4)
class AudioChannelInput(_messages.Message):
  r"""Identifies which input file, track, and channel should be used.

    channel: Required. The zero-based index of the channel in the input file.
    gainDb: Audio volume control in dB. Negative values decrease volume,
      positive values increase. The default is 0.
    key: Required. The `Input.key` that identifies the input file.
    track: Required. The zero-based index of the track in the input file.

  channel = _messages.IntegerField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  gainDb = _messages.FloatField(2)
  key = _messages.StringField(3)
  track = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
Beispiel #6
class MyMessage(messages.Message):
    """Test message containing various types."""
    class Color(messages.Enum):

        RED = 1
        GREEN = 2
        BLUE = 3

    class Nested(messages.Message):

        nested_value = messages.StringField(1)

    a_string = messages.StringField(2)
    an_integer = messages.IntegerField(3)
    a_float = messages.FloatField(4)
    a_boolean = messages.BooleanField(5)
    an_enum = messages.EnumField(Color, 6)
    a_nested = messages.MessageField(Nested, 7)
    a_repeated = messages.IntegerField(8, repeated=True)
    a_repeated_float = messages.FloatField(9, repeated=True)
    a_datetime = message_types.DateTimeField(10)
    a_repeated_datetime = message_types.DateTimeField(11, repeated=True)
    a_custom = CustomField(12)
    a_repeated_custom = CustomField(13, repeated=True)
class JsonValue(messages.Message):
    """Any valid JSON value."""
    # Is this JSON object `null`?
    is_null = messages.BooleanField(1, default=False)

    # Exactly one of the following is provided if is_null is False; none
    # should be provided if is_null is True.
    boolean_value = messages.BooleanField(2)
    string_value = messages.StringField(3)
    # We keep two numeric fields to keep int64 round-trips exact.
    double_value = messages.FloatField(4, variant=messages.Variant.DOUBLE)
    integer_value = messages.IntegerField(5, variant=messages.Variant.INT64)
    # Compound types
    object_value = messages.MessageField('JsonObject', 6)
    array_value = messages.MessageField('JsonArray', 7)
class GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1ThresholdRule(_messages.Message):
  r"""ThresholdRule contains the definition of a threshold. Threshold rules
  define the triggering events used to generate a budget notification email.
  When a threshold is crossed (spend exceeds the specified percentages of the
  budget), budget alert emails are sent to the email recipients you specify in
  the [NotificationsRule](#notificationsrule). Threshold rules also affect the
  fields included in the [JSON data
  notifications#notification_format) sent to a Pub/Sub topic. Threshold rules
  are _required_ if using email notifications. Threshold rules are _optional_
  if only setting a [`pubsubTopic` NotificationsRule](#NotificationsRule),
  unless you want your JSON data object to include data about the thresholds
  you set. For more information, see [set budget threshold rules and

    SpendBasisValueValuesEnum: Optional. The type of basis used to determine
      if spend has passed the threshold. Behavior defaults to CURRENT_SPEND if
      not set.

    spendBasis: Optional. The type of basis used to determine if spend has
      passed the threshold. Behavior defaults to CURRENT_SPEND if not set.
    thresholdPercent: Required. Send an alert when this threshold is exceeded.
      This is a 1.0-based percentage, so 0.5 = 50%. Validation: non-negative

  class SpendBasisValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    r"""Optional. The type of basis used to determine if spend has passed the
    threshold. Behavior defaults to CURRENT_SPEND if not set.

      BASIS_UNSPECIFIED: Unspecified threshold basis.
      CURRENT_SPEND: Use current spend as the basis for comparison against the
      FORECASTED_SPEND: Use forecasted spend for the period as the basis for
        comparison against the threshold. FORECASTED_SPEND can only be set
        when the budget's time period is a Filter.calendar_period. It cannot
        be set in combination with Filter.custom_period.

  spendBasis = _messages.EnumField('SpendBasisValueValuesEnum', 1)
  thresholdPercent = _messages.FloatField(2)
class RRSetRoutingPolicyWrrPolicyWrrPolicyItem(_messages.Message):
    r"""A RRSetRoutingPolicyWrrPolicyWrrPolicyItem object.

    kind: Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string
    rrdatas: A string attribute.
    signatureRrdatas: A string attribute.
    weight: A number attribute.

    kind = _messages.StringField(
        1, default='dns#rRSetRoutingPolicyWrrPolicyWrrPolicyItem')
    rrdatas = _messages.StringField(2, repeated=True)
    signatureRrdatas = _messages.StringField(3, repeated=True)
    weight = _messages.FloatField(4)
class GoogleCloudMlV1alpha3ReportMetricRequest(_messages.Message):
    """Request Metric for hyperparameter tuning metric reporting.

    completed: Set to true to mark this run as completed.
    jobName: The job name. Must be unique within the project.
    objectiveValue: Required.  The value of the metric being optimized.
    runId: The run to report metrics for.
    trainingStep: Optional.  What training step this metric is for.

    completed = _messages.BooleanField(1)
    jobName = _messages.StringField(2)
    objectiveValue = _messages.FloatField(3)
    runId = _messages.StringField(4)
    trainingStep = _messages.IntegerField(5)
class SpeechRecognitionAlternative(_messages.Message):
    """Alternative hypotheses (a.k.a. n-best list).

    confidence: *Output-only* The confidence estimate between 0.0 and 1.0. A
      higher number indicates an estimated greater likelihood that the
      recognized words are correct. This field is typically provided only for
      the top hypothesis, and only for `is_final=true` results. Clients should
      not rely on the `confidence` field as it is not guaranteed to be
      accurate, or even set, in any of the results. The default of 0.0 is a
      sentinel value indicating `confidence` was not set.
    transcript: *Output-only* Transcript text representing the words that the
      user spoke.

    confidence = _messages.FloatField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
    transcript = _messages.StringField(2)
Beispiel #12
class Image(_messages.Message):
    r"""Overlaid jpeg image.

    alpha: Target image opacity. Valid values: `1.0` (solid, default) to `0.0`
    resolution: Normalized image resolution, based on output video resolution.
      Valid values: `0.0`\u2013`1.0`. To respect the original image aspect
      ratio, set either `x` or `y` to `0.0`. To use the original image
      resolution, set both `x` and `y` to `0.0`.
    uri: Required. URI of the image in Cloud Storage. For example,

    alpha = _messages.FloatField(1)
    resolution = _messages.MessageField('NormalizedCoordinate', 2)
    uri = _messages.StringField(3)
Beispiel #13
class LineStyle(_messages.Message):
  """Represents a LineStyle within a StyleSetting

    strokeColor: Color of the line in #RRGGBB format.
    strokeColorStyler: Column-value, gradient or buckets styler that is used
      to determine the line color and opacity.
    strokeOpacity: Opacity of the line : 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque).
    strokeWeight: Width of the line in pixels.
    strokeWeightStyler: Column-value or bucket styler that is used to
      determine the width of the line.

  strokeColor = _messages.StringField(1)
  strokeColorStyler = _messages.MessageField('StyleFunction', 2)
  strokeOpacity = _messages.FloatField(3)
  strokeWeight = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  strokeWeightStyler = _messages.MessageField('StyleFunction', 5)
class GoogleCloudMlV1alpha3HyperparameterJobResult(_messages.Message):
    """Represents the result of a hyperparameter tuning run from a training job.

    HyperparametersValue: The hyperparameters given to this run.

    bestObjectiveValue: The best objective value seen for this run.
    bestTrainingStep: The training step associated with the best objective
    hyperparameters: The hyperparameters given to this run.
    runId: The run id for these results.
    class HyperparametersValue(_messages.Message):
        """The hyperparameters given to this run.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a HyperparametersValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type HyperparametersValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            """An additional property for a HyperparametersValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    bestObjectiveValue = _messages.FloatField(1)
    bestTrainingStep = _messages.IntegerField(2)
    hyperparameters = _messages.MessageField('HyperparametersValue', 3)
    runId = _messages.StringField(4)
Beispiel #15
class VulnerabilityDetails(_messages.Message):
    """Used by Occurrence to point to where the vulnerability exists and how to
  fix it.

    SeverityValueValuesEnum: The provider assigned Severity of the
      vulnerability. This field can be used as a filter in list requests.

    affectedLocation: The location of the vulnerability.
    cvssScore: The CVSS score of this vulnerability. This field can be used as
      a filter in list requests. @OutputOnly
    fixedLocation: The location of the available fix for vulnerability.
    severity: The provider assigned Severity of the vulnerability. This field
      can be used as a filter in list requests. @OutputOnly
    type: The type of package; whether native or non native(ruby gems, node.js
      packages etc) This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
    class SeverityValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """The provider assigned Severity of the vulnerability. This field can be
    used as a filter in list requests. @OutputOnly

      UNKNOWN: Unknown Impact
      MINIMAL: Minimal Impact
      LOW: Low Impact
      MEDIUM: Medium Impact
      HIGH: High Impact
      CRITICAL: Critical Impact
        UNKNOWN = 0
        MINIMAL = 1
        LOW = 2
        MEDIUM = 3
        HIGH = 4
        CRITICAL = 5

    affectedLocation = _messages.MessageField('VulnerabilityLocation', 1)
    cvssScore = _messages.FloatField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
    fixedLocation = _messages.MessageField('VulnerabilityLocation', 3)
    severity = _messages.EnumField('SeverityValueValuesEnum', 4)
    type = _messages.StringField(5)
class GoogleCloudDatacatalogV1beta1TagField(_messages.Message):
  r"""Contains the value and supporting information for a field within a Tag.

    boolValue: Holds the value for a tag field with boolean type.
    displayName: Output only. The display name of this field.
    doubleValue: Holds the value for a tag field with double type.
    enumValue: Holds the value for a tag field with enum type. This value must
      be one of the allowed values in the definition of this enum.
    stringValue: Holds the value for a tag field with string type.
    timestampValue: Holds the value for a tag field with timestamp type.

  boolValue = _messages.BooleanField(1)
  displayName = _messages.StringField(2)
  doubleValue = _messages.FloatField(3)
  enumValue = _messages.MessageField('GoogleCloudDatacatalogV1beta1TagFieldEnumValue', 4)
  stringValue = _messages.StringField(5)
  timestampValue = _messages.StringField(6)
Beispiel #17
class VulnerabilityDetails(_messages.Message):
    """Used by Occurrence to point to where the vulnerability exists and how to
  fix it.

    SeverityValueValuesEnum: The provider assigned Severity of the
      vulnerability. @OutputOnly

    affectedLocation: The location of the vulnerability.
    cvssScore: The CVSS score of this vulnerability. @OutputOnly
    fixedLocation: The location of the available fix for vulnerability.
    packageIssue: The set of affected locations and their fixes (if available)
      within the associated resource.
    severity: The provider assigned Severity of the vulnerability. @OutputOnly
    type: The type of package; whether native or non native(ruby gems, node.js
      packages etc)
    class SeverityValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """The provider assigned Severity of the vulnerability. @OutputOnly

      UNKNOWN: Unknown Impact
      MINIMAL: Minimal Impact
      LOW: Low Impact
      MEDIUM: Medium Impact
      HIGH: High Impact
      CRITICAL: Critical Impact
        UNKNOWN = 0
        MINIMAL = 1
        LOW = 2
        MEDIUM = 3
        HIGH = 4
        CRITICAL = 5

    affectedLocation = _messages.MessageField('VulnerabilityLocation', 1)
    cvssScore = _messages.FloatField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
    fixedLocation = _messages.MessageField('VulnerabilityLocation', 3)
    packageIssue = _messages.MessageField('PackageIssue', 4, repeated=True)
    severity = _messages.EnumField('SeverityValueValuesEnum', 5)
    type = _messages.StringField(6)
Beispiel #18
class GoogleCloudVideointelligenceV1p1beta1SpeechRecognitionAlternative(
    r"""Alternative hypotheses (a.k.a. n-best list).

    confidence: The confidence estimate between 0.0 and 1.0. A higher number
      indicates an estimated greater likelihood that the recognized words are
      correct. This field is typically provided only for the top hypothesis,
      and only for `is_final=true` results. Clients should not rely on the
      `confidence` field as it is not guaranteed to be accurate or consistent.
      The default of 0.0 is a sentinel value indicating `confidence` was not
    transcript: Transcript text representing the words that the user spoke.
    words: A list of word-specific information for each recognized word.

    confidence = _messages.FloatField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
    transcript = _messages.StringField(2)
    words = _messages.MessageField(
        'GoogleCloudVideointelligenceV1p1beta1WordInfo', 3, repeated=True)
Beispiel #19
class Audio(_messages.Message):
    r"""Audio preprocessing configuration.

    highBoost: Enable boosting high frequency components. The default is
    lowBoost: Enable boosting low frequency components. The default is
    lufs: Specify audio loudness normalization in loudness units relative to
      full scale (LUFS). Enter a value between -24 and 0, where -24 is the
      Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC A/85), -23 is the EU R128
      broadcast standard, -19 is the prior standard for online mono audio, -18
      is the ReplayGain standard, -16 is the prior standard for stereo audio,
      -14 is the new online audio standard recommended by Spotify, as well as
      Amazon Echo, and 0 disables normalization. The default is 0.

    highBoost = _messages.BooleanField(1)
    lowBoost = _messages.BooleanField(2)
    lufs = _messages.FloatField(3)
class SpeechRecognitionAlternative(_messages.Message):
  """Alternative hypotheses (a.k.a. n-best list).

    confidence: Output only. The confidence estimate between 0.0 and 1.0. A
      higher number indicates an estimated greater likelihood that the
      recognized words are correct. This field is set only for the top
      alternative of a non-streaming result or, of a streaming result where
      `is_final=true`. This field is not guaranteed to be accurate and users
      should not rely on it to be always provided. The default of 0.0 is a
      sentinel value indicating `confidence` was not set.
    transcript: Output only. Transcript text representing the words that the
      user spoke.
    words: Output only. A list of word-specific information for each
      recognized word.

  confidence = _messages.FloatField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
  transcript = _messages.StringField(2)
  words = _messages.MessageField('WordInfo', 3, repeated=True)
class AutoscalingModule(_messages.Message):
    """A AutoscalingModule object.

    coolDownPeriodSec: A integer attribute.
    description: A string attribute.
    maxNumReplicas: A integer attribute.
    minNumReplicas: A integer attribute.
    signalType: A string attribute.
    targetModule: A string attribute.
    targetUtilization: target_utilization should be in range [0,1].

    coolDownPeriodSec = _messages.IntegerField(1,
    description = _messages.StringField(2)
    maxNumReplicas = _messages.IntegerField(3, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    minNumReplicas = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    signalType = _messages.StringField(5)
    targetModule = _messages.StringField(6)
    targetUtilization = _messages.FloatField(7)
Beispiel #22
class PricingInfo(_messages.Message):
  """Represents the pricing information for a SKU at a single point of time.

    aggregationInfo: Aggregation Info. This can be left unspecified if the
      pricing expression doesn't require aggregation.
    currencyConversionRate: Conversion rate for currency conversion, from USD
      to the currency specified in the request. If the currency is not
      specified this defaults to 1.0. Example: USD * currency_conversion_rate
      = JPY
    effectiveTime: The timestamp from which this pricing was effective.
    pricingExpression: Expresses the pricing formula. See `PricingExpression`
      for an example.
    summary: An optional human readable summary of the pricing information,
      has a maximum length of 256 characters.

  aggregationInfo = _messages.MessageField('AggregationInfo', 1)
  currencyConversionRate = _messages.FloatField(2)
  effectiveTime = _messages.StringField(3)
  pricingExpression = _messages.MessageField('PricingExpression', 4)
  summary = _messages.StringField(5)
Beispiel #23
class GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1alpha1ThresholdRule(_messages.Message):
  r"""ThresholdRule contains a definition of a threshold which triggers an
  alert (a notification of a threshold being crossed) to be sent when spend
  goes above the specified amount. Alerts are automatically e-mailed to the
  billing users who have access to the billing account. The thresholds here
  have no effect on notifications sent to anything configured under

    SpendBasisValueValuesEnum: Optional. The type of basis used to determine
      if spend has passed the threshold. Behavior defaults to CURRENT_SPEND if
      not set.

    spendBasis: Optional. The type of basis used to determine if spend has
      passed the threshold. Behavior defaults to CURRENT_SPEND if not set.
    thresholdPercent: Required. Send an alert when this threshold is exceeded.
      This is a 1.0-based percentage, so 0.5 = 50%. Validation: non-negative

  class SpendBasisValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    r"""Optional. The type of basis used to determine if spend has passed the
    threshold. Behavior defaults to CURRENT_SPEND if not set.

      BASIS_UNSPECIFIED: Unspecified threshold basis.
      CURRENT_SPEND: Use current spend as the basis for comparison against the
      FORECASTED_SPEND: Use forecasted spend for the period as the basis for
        comparison against the threshold.

  spendBasis = _messages.EnumField('SpendBasisValueValuesEnum', 1)
  thresholdPercent = _messages.FloatField(2)
Beispiel #24
class VulnerabilityType(_messages.Message):
    """VulnerabilityType provides metadata about a security vulnerability.

    SeverityValueValuesEnum: Provider assigned impact of the vulnerability
      This field can be used as a filter in list requests.

    cvssScore: The CVSS score for this Vulnerability. This field can be used
      as a filter in list requests.
    details: All information about the package to specifically identify this
      vulnerability. One entry per (version range and cpe_uri) the package
      vulnerability has manifested in.
    severity: Provider assigned impact of the vulnerability This field can be
      used as a filter in list requests.
    class SeverityValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Provider assigned impact of the vulnerability This field can be used as
    a filter in list requests.

      UNKNOWN: Unknown Impact
      MINIMAL: Minimal Impact
      LOW: Low Impact
      MEDIUM: Medium Impact
      HIGH: High Impact
      CRITICAL: Critical Impact
        UNKNOWN = 0
        MINIMAL = 1
        LOW = 2
        MEDIUM = 3
        HIGH = 4
        CRITICAL = 5

    cvssScore = _messages.FloatField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
    details = _messages.MessageField('Detail', 2, repeated=True)
    severity = _messages.EnumField('SeverityValueValuesEnum', 3)
Beispiel #25
class GoogleCloudRecaptchaenterpriseV1RiskAnalysis(_messages.Message):
    r"""Risk analysis result for an event.


    reasons: Reasons contributing to the risk analysis verdict.
    score: Legitimate event score from 0.0 to 1.0. (1.0 means very likely
      legitimate traffic while 0.0 means very likely non-legitimate traffic).
    class ReasonsValueListEntryValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""ReasonsValueListEntryValuesEnum enum type.

      CLASSIFICATION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED: Default unspecified type.
      AUTOMATION: Interactions matched the behavior of an automated agent.
      UNEXPECTED_ENVIRONMENT: The event originated from an illegitimate
      TOO_MUCH_TRAFFIC: Traffic volume from the event source is higher than
      UNEXPECTED_USAGE_PATTERNS: Interactions with the site were significantly
        different than expected patterns.
      LOW_CONFIDENCE_SCORE: Too little traffic has been received from this
        site thus far to generate quality risk analysis.
        AUTOMATION = 1
        TOO_MUCH_TRAFFIC = 3

    reasons = _messages.EnumField('ReasonsValueListEntryValuesEnum',
    score = _messages.FloatField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
Beispiel #26
class GoogleCloudRecaptchaenterpriseV1TestingOptions(_messages.Message):
    r"""Options for user acceptance testing.

    TestingChallengeValueValuesEnum: For challenge-based keys only (CHECKBOX,
      INVISIBLE), all challenge requests for this site will return nocaptcha
      if NOCAPTCHA, or an unsolvable challenge if CHALLENGE.

    testingChallenge: For challenge-based keys only (CHECKBOX, INVISIBLE), all
      challenge requests for this site will return nocaptcha if NOCAPTCHA, or
      an unsolvable challenge if CHALLENGE.
    testingScore: All assessments for this Key will return this score. Must be
      between 0 (likely not legitimate) and 1 (likely legitimate) inclusive.
    class TestingChallengeValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""For challenge-based keys only (CHECKBOX, INVISIBLE), all challenge
    requests for this site will return nocaptcha if NOCAPTCHA, or an
    unsolvable challenge if CHALLENGE.

      TESTING_CHALLENGE_UNSPECIFIED: Perform the normal risk analysis and
        return either nocaptcha or a challenge depending on risk and trust
      NOCAPTCHA: Challenge requests for this key will always return a
        nocaptcha, which does not require a solution.
      CHALLENGE: Challenge requests for this key will always return an
        unsolvable challenge.
        NOCAPTCHA = 1
        CHALLENGE = 2

    testingChallenge = _messages.EnumField('TestingChallengeValueValuesEnum',
    testingScore = _messages.FloatField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
Beispiel #27
class GoogleCloudVideointelligenceV1beta1LabelLocation(_messages.Message):
    """Label location.

    LevelValueValuesEnum: Label level.

    confidence: Confidence that the label is accurate. Range: [0, 1].
    level: Label level.
    segment: Video segment. Set to [-1, -1] for video-level labels. Set to
      [timestamp, timestamp] for frame-level labels. Otherwise, corresponds to
      one of `AnnotateSpec.segments` (if specified) or to shot boundaries (if
    class LevelValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Label level.

      VIDEO_LEVEL: Video-level. Corresponds to the whole video.
      SEGMENT_LEVEL: Segment-level. Corresponds to one of
      SHOT_LEVEL: Shot-level. Corresponds to a single shot (i.e. a series of
        frames without a major camera position or background change).
      FRAME_LEVEL: Frame-level. Corresponds to a single video frame.
        VIDEO_LEVEL = 1
        SEGMENT_LEVEL = 2
        SHOT_LEVEL = 3
        FRAME_LEVEL = 4

    confidence = _messages.FloatField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
    level = _messages.EnumField('LevelValueValuesEnum', 2)
    segment = _messages.MessageField(
        'GoogleCloudVideointelligenceV1beta1VideoSegment', 3)
class Entity(_messages.Message):
  r"""Represents a phrase in the text that is a known entity, such as a
  person, an organization, or location. The API associates information, such
  as salience and mentions, with entities.

    TypeValueValuesEnum: The entity type.

    MetadataValue: Metadata associated with the entity.  Currently, Wikipedia
      URLs and Knowledge Graph MIDs are provided, if available. The associated
      keys are "wikipedia_url" and "mid", respectively.

    mentions: The mentions of this entity in the input document. The API
      currently supports proper noun mentions.
    metadata: Metadata associated with the entity.  Currently, Wikipedia URLs
      and Knowledge Graph MIDs are provided, if available. The associated keys
      are "wikipedia_url" and "mid", respectively.
    name: The representative name for the entity.
    salience: The salience score associated with the entity in the [0, 1.0]
      range.  The salience score for an entity provides information about the
      importance or centrality of that entity to the entire document text.
      Scores closer to 0 are less salient, while scores closer to 1.0 are
      highly salient.
    sentiment: For calls to AnalyzeEntitySentiment or if
      AnnotateTextRequest.Features.extract_entity_sentiment is set to true,
      this field will contain the aggregate sentiment expressed for this
      entity in the provided document.
    type: The entity type.

  class TypeValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    r"""The entity type.

      UNKNOWN: Unknown
      PERSON: Person
      LOCATION: Location
      ORGANIZATION: Organization
      EVENT: Event
      WORK_OF_ART: Work of art
      CONSUMER_GOOD: Consumer goods
      OTHER: Other types
    UNKNOWN = 0
    PERSON = 1
    LOCATION = 2
    EVENT = 4
    WORK_OF_ART = 5
    OTHER = 7

  class MetadataValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""Metadata associated with the entity.  Currently, Wikipedia URLs and
    Knowledge Graph MIDs are provided, if available. The associated keys are
    "wikipedia_url" and "mid", respectively.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type MetadataValue

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  mentions = _messages.MessageField('EntityMention', 1, repeated=True)
  metadata = _messages.MessageField('MetadataValue', 2)
  name = _messages.StringField(3)
  salience = _messages.FloatField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.FLOAT)
  sentiment = _messages.MessageField('Sentiment', 5)
  type = _messages.EnumField('TypeValueValuesEnum', 6)
Beispiel #29
class JSONSchemaProps(_messages.Message):
    r"""JSONSchemaProps is a JSON-Schema following Specification Draft 4

    DefinitionsValue: A DefinitionsValue object.
    DependenciesValue: A DependenciesValue object.
    PatternPropertiesValue: A PatternPropertiesValue object.
    PropertiesValue: A PropertiesValue object.

    additionalItems: A JSONSchemaPropsOrBool attribute.
    additionalProperties: A JSONSchemaPropsOrBool attribute.
    allOf: A JSONSchemaProps attribute.
    anyOf: A JSONSchemaProps attribute.
    default: A JSON attribute.
    definitions: A DefinitionsValue attribute.
    dependencies: A DependenciesValue attribute.
    description: A string attribute.
    enum: A string attribute.
    example: A JSON attribute.
    exclusiveMaximum: A boolean attribute.
    exclusiveMinimum: A boolean attribute.
    externalDocs: A ExternalDocumentation attribute.
    format: A string attribute.
    id: A string attribute.
    items: A JSONSchemaPropsOrArray attribute.
    maxItems: A string attribute.
    maxLength: A string attribute.
    maxProperties: A string attribute.
    maximum: A number attribute.
    minItems: A string attribute.
    minLength: A string attribute.
    minProperties: A string attribute.
    minimum: A number attribute.
    multipleOf: A number attribute.
    not_: A JSONSchemaProps attribute.
    oneOf: A JSONSchemaProps attribute.
    pattern: A string attribute.
    patternProperties: A PatternPropertiesValue attribute.
    properties: A PropertiesValue attribute.
    ref: A string attribute.
    required: A string attribute.
    schema: A string attribute.
    title: A string attribute.
    type: A string attribute.
    uniqueItems: A boolean attribute.
    class DefinitionsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""A DefinitionsValue object.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a DefinitionsValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type DefinitionsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a DefinitionsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A JSONSchemaProps attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaProps', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class DependenciesValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""A DependenciesValue object.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a DependenciesValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type DependenciesValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a DependenciesValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A JSONSchemaPropsOrStringArray attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaPropsOrStringArray', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class PatternPropertiesValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""A PatternPropertiesValue object.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a PatternPropertiesValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a PatternPropertiesValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A JSONSchemaProps attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaProps', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class PropertiesValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""A PropertiesValue object.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a PropertiesValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type PropertiesValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a PropertiesValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A JSONSchemaProps attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaProps', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    additionalItems = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaPropsOrBool', 1)
    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaPropsOrBool', 2)
    allOf = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaProps', 3, repeated=True)
    anyOf = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaProps', 4, repeated=True)
    default = _messages.MessageField('JSON', 5)
    definitions = _messages.MessageField('DefinitionsValue', 6)
    dependencies = _messages.MessageField('DependenciesValue', 7)
    description = _messages.StringField(8)
    enum = _messages.StringField(9, repeated=True)
    example = _messages.MessageField('JSON', 10)
    exclusiveMaximum = _messages.BooleanField(11)
    exclusiveMinimum = _messages.BooleanField(12)
    externalDocs = _messages.MessageField('ExternalDocumentation', 13)
    format = _messages.StringField(14)
    id = _messages.StringField(15)
    items = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaPropsOrArray', 16)
    maxItems = _messages.IntegerField(17)
    maxLength = _messages.IntegerField(18)
    maxProperties = _messages.IntegerField(19)
    maximum = _messages.FloatField(20)
    minItems = _messages.IntegerField(21)
    minLength = _messages.IntegerField(22)
    minProperties = _messages.IntegerField(23)
    minimum = _messages.FloatField(24)
    multipleOf = _messages.FloatField(25)
    not_ = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaProps', 26)
    oneOf = _messages.MessageField('JSONSchemaProps', 27, repeated=True)
    pattern = _messages.StringField(28)
    patternProperties = _messages.MessageField('PatternPropertiesValue', 29)
    properties = _messages.MessageField('PropertiesValue', 30)
    ref = _messages.StringField(31)
    required = _messages.StringField(32, repeated=True)
    schema = _messages.StringField(33)
    title = _messages.StringField(34)
    type = _messages.StringField(35)
    uniqueItems = _messages.BooleanField(36)
class CredentialInfoResponse(messages.Message):
  user_email = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
  project_id = messages.StringField(2)
  access_token = messages.StringField(3)
  expires_in = messages.FloatField(4)
  id_token = messages.StringField(5)