def create_app(env): app = Flask(__name__) # app.config.from_object(envs.get(env)) init_ext(app) init_blue(app) init_api(app) return app
def create_app(): app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(environments.get('develop')) init_ext(app) init_views(app) init_api(app) return app
def create_app(profile="default"): app = Flask(__name__, template_folder="templates/") app.config.from_object(config[profile]) config[profile].init_app(app) app.config.from_envvar("AUTH_SETTINGS", silent=True) app.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: logfile = os.path.join(app.config["LOGPATH"], "anmeldesystem.log") loghandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logfile, maxBytes=10**4, backupCount=4) loghandler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) app.logger.addHandler(loghandler) except: pass from app.db import db db.init_app(app) = app app.db = db mail = Mail(app) app.mail = mail # Set up sanity checks. from . import sanity app.sanity_check_modules = [sanity] from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap Bootstrap(app) from app.user import user_blueprint, init_app as init_user app.register_blueprint(user_blueprint) init_user(app) from app.oauth2 import oauth2_blueprint, init_app as init_oauth2 app.register_blueprint(oauth2_blueprint) init_oauth2(app) from app.api import api_blueprint, init_app as init_api app.register_blueprint(api_blueprint) init_api(app) from app.registration import registration_blueprint, init_app as init_reg app.register_blueprint(registration_blueprint) init_reg(app) return app
def create_app(current_config): app = Flask(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=current_config.LOG_LEVEL) # 日志"current_config: {current_config.__name__}") app.config.from_object(current_config) # 允许 /api/ 下的 api 跨域访问 cors.init_app( app, resources={ r"/api/*": { "origins": "*", "max_age": timedelta(days=1), "supports_credentials": True, # 允许跨域使用 cookie } }) # 将各 flask 插件注册到 app db.init_app(app) migrate.init_app(app, db) login_manager.init_app(app) mail.init_app(app) sockets.init_app(app) api_rest.init_app(app) # ip 访问频率限制 # 1. 如果 flask 跑在 proxy server 后面(比如 nginx),就需要用 ProxyFix # app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, num_proxies=1) limiter.init_app(app) for handler in app.logger.handlers: # 为 limiter 添加日志处理器 limiter.logger.addHandler(handler) # TODO elasticsearch 模糊搜索 # app.elasticsearch = Elasticsearch([app.config['ELASTICSEARCH_URL']]) \ # if app.config['ELASTICSEARCH_URL'] else None redis.init_app(app, config_prefix="REDIS0") # 使用 REDIS0_URL # TODO 使用 rq 实现异步任务 rq.init_app(app) # 注册 rest api 模块, from app import api as api_v1 api_v1.init_api(api_rest) # 注意是使用已经在 app 上注册了的 app_rest # Import Sockets events so that they are registered with Flask-Sockets from . import events events.init_websockets(sockets)'拆小鹤后台系统开始启动~ hhh') return app
def create_app(): app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) init_api(app) # shell context for flask cli @app.shell_context_processor def ctx(): return {'app': app, 'db': db} return app
def create_app(config_file, async_mode): app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(config_file) from app.models import db db.init_app(app) from app.sio import socketIO, init_sockets init_sockets() socketIO.init_app(app, async_mode=async_mode) from app.api import init_api init_api(app) run_backend_thread(app, socketIO) return app
def create_app(config: object): """ Flask application를 초기화 하고 그 인스턴스를 리턴한다. :param config: :return: Flask application instance """ logger.debug("=== Flask application start ===") flask_app = Flask(__name__) __init_config(flask_app, config) __init_request_log_handler(flask_app) __init_error_handler(flask_app) api = init_api() flask_app.register_blueprint(api, url_prefix='/api') return flask_app
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import request from app import create_app from app.api import init_api app = create_app() init_api(app) @app.after_request def update_response(response): response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = request.environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN') response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true' response.headers[ 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Content-Type, Authorization, Accept, Range, Origin, X-Requested-With' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store' return response if __name__ == '__main__':