Beispiel #1
	def __addOrModifyRule(self, priority = None, buildingName = None, roomName = None, authorUuid = None, ruleBody = None, ruleId = None, antecedent = None, consequent = None, enabled = True):
		import time,datetime
		startTimeMilliseconds = long((time.time() + 0.5) * 1000)

		if ruleBody:
				antecedent = ruleBody.split("then")[0].replace("if ", "").strip()
				consequent = ruleBody.split("then")[1].strip()
			except Exception as e:
				raise NotWellFormedRuleError("There is a syntax error in the rule you are trying to save")

		# Detecting rule category (by the rule-consequent)
		from app.backend.controller.actionManager import ActionManager
		actionManager = ActionManager()
		category = actionManager.getAction(consequent).category
		from app.backend.model.user import User
		author = User(uuid = authorUuid)

		if int(str(priority)) < 0 or int(str(priority)) > author.getMaxRoomPriority():
			raise RulePriorityError("You can specify rules for rooms with a priority value between 0 and " + str(author.getMaxRoomPriority()) + ". You inserted " + str(priority))

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		from import Room

		if not ruleId:
			rule = Rule(priority = priority, category = category, buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName, authorUuid = authorUuid, antecedent = antecedent, consequent = consequent, enabled = True)
			rule = Rule(id = ruleId)
			author = rule.getAuthor()

			rule.antecedent = antecedent
			rule.consequent = consequent
			rule.authorUuid = authorUuid
			rule.authorUuid = authorUuid	
			rule.enabled = enabled		

			editor = rule.getAuthor()

			if editor.level < rule.getPriority():
				raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify this rule since it has a too high priority for your user level")

		room = Room(buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName)

		if not ruleId and not rule.checkIfUnique():
			raise DuplicatedRuleError("The submitted rule is already been saved for the considered room.")

		# excludedRuleId is needed to ignore the rule that the user want to edit
		excludedRuleId = ruleId if ruleId else None		

		roomRules = room.getRules(author = False, includeGroupsRules = True, excludedRuleId = excludedRuleId)

		# Checking that a priority is unique over the same category	
		for r in roomRules:
			if str(r.category) == str(category) and int(r.getPriority()) == int(priority):
				raise AlredyAssignedPriorityError("In room " + roomName + " the priority " + str(priority) + " has alredy been assigned to another rule with the same category!")

		temporaryRuleSet = []

		#### OPTMIZATION ########################################################################################
		# Removing rules with a trigger that is different form the one of the rule I'm trying to insert or modify
		from app.backend.controller.triggerManager import TriggerManager
		triggerManager = TriggerManager()
		newRuleTriggers = triggerManager.translateTrigger(rule.antecedent)["triggers"]

		for i in range(0, len(temporaryRuleSet)):

			otherRuleTriggers = triggerManager.translateTrigger(temporaryRuleSet[i].antecedent)["triggers"]

			deleteRule = False

			if rule.category == temporaryRuleSet[i].category:
				for t1 in newRuleTriggers:
					for t2 in otherRuleTriggers:
						if t1 == t2:
							deleteRule = True
					if deleteRule: break;

			if deleteRule:
				del temporaryRuleSet[i]

		#### OPTMIZATION ########################################################################################

		for i in range(0, len(temporaryRuleSet)):
			temporaryRuleSet[i].groupId = None
			temporaryRuleSet[i].roomName = roomName

		from app.backend.controller.rulesetChecker import RulesetChecker
		rulesetChecker = RulesetChecker(temporaryRuleSet)
		ruleCheckErrorList = rulesetChecker.check()

		if len(ruleCheckErrorList) == 0:
			if ruleId: = ruleId

			from app.backend.commons.console import flash
			endTimeMilliseconds = long((time.time() + 0.5) * 1000)
			opTimeMilliseconds = endTimeMilliseconds - startTimeMilliseconds
			flash("RoomRuleVerification [SUCCESS]: roomName = " + str(roomName) +" #rules=" + str(len(temporaryRuleSet)) + " - opTimeMilliseconds:" + str(opTimeMilliseconds))

			return room.addRule(rule).getDict()
			from app.backend.commons.console import flash
			logMessage = "authorUuid =  " + str(authorUuid) + ", "
			logMessage += "buildingName =  " + str(buildingName) + ", "
			logMessage += "roomName =  " + str(roomName) + ", "
			logMessage += "ruleSetDescr =  " + str(temporaryRuleSet) + ", "
			logMessage += "newRule =  " + str(rule)

			flash("RuleValidationError: " + logMessage)

			endTimeMilliseconds = long((time.time() + 0.5) * 1000)
			opTimeMilliseconds = endTimeMilliseconds - startTimeMilliseconds
			flash("RoomRuleVerification [FAILED]: roomName = " + str(roomName) +" #rules=" + str(len(temporaryRuleSet)) + " - opTimeMilliseconds:" + str(opTimeMilliseconds))

			raise RuleValidationError(ruleCheckErrorList)